Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Why are people so superstitious? Are there really those so-called ghosts and gods in the world?

Why are people so superstitious? Are there really those so-called ghosts and gods in the world?

Ghosts exist after death. What is a ghost? In fact, the relationship between ghost and body is like the relationship between electromagnetic wave and walkie-talkie. A ghost is also a magnetic field, a magnetic field with memory. The relationship between the ghost and the body is like this: man is divided into two parts: the body serves the ghost and the ghost depends on the body. The existence of organs is reserved for the health of the body, so that ghosts will not disappear.

The formation of ghosts-when the fetus is in the mother's body, it is weak or even non-existent in the first three months. Its source depends on brain activity and the flow of body fluids (mainly blood, which is full of ions). For all animals, there are ghosts after death, that is, as long as there are electric ions flowing, biological individuals will form current, and if there is current, there will be a magnetic field. Three months after the fetus, the brain gradually develops, and the blood flowing to the mother increases, gradually forming a ghost. Newborn babies are close to primitive people, so many children (under 6 years old) will see ghosts. They are not looking with their eyes, but communicating with their ghosts (children under 3 years old have a close visual range). At this time, the combination of the child's body and the ghost is not very harmonious, and it is easy to be frightened and separated, which is what the saying goes.

The growth and maturity of ghosts: With the growth of human body, ghosts are gradually closely integrated with the body. All human memories are stored by ghosts, and the brain acts as a medium, just like the relationship between information on the disk and magnetic powder on the disk, but it is not exactly the same. Ghosts don't depend entirely on the brain. They have their own magnetic field memory method. Just as the information on the disk is sent in the form of electromagnetic waves, they can be received and displayed by the brain at any time. It should be noted that magnetic field memory depends on the structure of the brain (the position and arrangement of magnetic powder on the disk), and if it is not suitable, it will produce idiots. If memory only works like "brain folds" as some scientists say, it is reported that idiots have fewer brain folds than normal people. Some scientists have experimented that the energy that people should produce by eating food every day is far greater than the energy that people consume by heating every day. So where is the energy difference? It is emitted by the brain in the form of electromagnetic waves. Some people may ask, why didn't I receive electromagnetic waves? With this question, please read on.

Ghosts leave the body-when human organs are damaged or the body is weak and aging, ghosts will be separated from the body. To be exact, the ghost will leave the body first, not after the ghost leaves the body. Ghosts will continue to exist after leaving the body and may be accepted by individuals with the same attributes as the original body. This is what people call ghost possession, so these possessed people will know many secrets of their original bodies. Some people worry that ghosts will not leave their possession, which is unnecessary. Although it is temporarily attached, the attached body is not exactly the same as the original body, so it will not provide energy to continue. After attachment, it will disappear and the energy will be exhausted. Some people will wonder, since ancient times, there should be many ghosts in the world, right? Are they everywhere? The answer is "no". Ghost is a kind of magnetic field, which will be broken when hit by other powerful magnetic fields, such as the powerful magnetic field generated by lightning. So many ghosts have been wiped out. This is why people can get their souls back if they don't encounter lightning weather after losing them.

The world is made up of matter, including time and ghosts. Time and ghost are just a new material form that we haven't fully understood.

Ghosts are also physical. They are a field similar to a magnetic field. I will call it "ghost field", just like there is a magnetic field between two magnets. Once this kind of field is recognized and utilized by us human beings, it will produce great changes in history.

Ghosts have their own activities. When our bodies rest, sometimes they wander around endlessly and are stored vaguely, but without the help of our bodies, they are fuzzy. I don't know if you have this feeling: one day when you go somewhere or something happens, you will be surprised: hey! I seem to have experienced this place!

People are divided into ghosts, slaves, like ghosts, ghosts and thieves, and slaves. "-"Shuo Wen Jie Zi "

Ghost, a mythical but ubiquitous spiritual monster, is immortal. Many people talk about ghosts, talk about ghosts, talk about ghosts, write about ghosts, believe in ghosts, fear ghosts, sacrifice ghosts, curse ghosts, exorcise ghosts, fight ghosts, cut ghosts, descend ghosts, pretend to be ghosts and use ghosts, thus forming a unique ghost culture in China. This paper will make a superficial discussion on Chinese ghost culture from the aspects of ghost source, social attribute and status, especially ghost books.

In fact, the source of ghosts is multiple and complicated. First of all, ghosts are associated with souls, and souls are closely related to dreams. Engels pointed out in the book "ludwig feuerbach and the End of German Classical Philosophy": "In ancient times, people didn't know the structure of their own bodies at all, and were influenced by the scenes in their dreams, so they had an idea that their thoughts and feelings were not the activities of the body, but the unique activities of the soul who lived in this body and left it when people died. Since then, people have to think about the relationship between this soul and the outside world. Since the soul leaves the body and continues to live when people die, there is no reason to imagine that it will die itself; In this way, the concept of immortality of the soul appeared. " In this way, ancient people came to the conclusion that man is composed of "body" and "soul". The body can die, but the soul will never die. When a person dies, his soul leaves his body and becomes a ghost. Just to explain the causes of ghosts and people.

There is also a kind of natural ghosts and gods, because people in the past can't understand natural phenomena such as lightning, earthquakes and lewd rain, and think that some ghosts and gods are manipulating these natural phenomena, and every natural phenomenon is a prank of ghosts and gods. Marx said: "Nature is originally opposed to human beings, and it is a completely alien, infinitely powerful and uncontrollable force. The relationship between man and it is completely like an animal, and people obey its rights like livestock. "

With the development of society, ghosts have gradually acquired social attributes. In class society, people don't understand the root of suffering under class oppression and class exploitation, and mistakenly think that ghosts and gods are dominating the rich and poor in the world, deifying social forces that they can't control, giving them the reputation of "divine right" and exploiting and oppressing the working class. All kinds of pure primitive religions can't resist this social force, and many religions have evolved into the unity of politics and religion and become the tools of the ruling class.

What we call ghosts and gods is nothing more than people's ignorance of themselves, of complex natural phenomena and of religions with social and political attributes.

Since the concept of ghost appeared in human ideology, it has greatly influenced the development of psychology, ethics, values, customs, lifestyle, political struggle, economic construction and artistic creation of the public.

In China, there is another special phenomenon that has to be noticed. Usually, people in China tend to believe in ghosts rather than gods when choosing ghosts. When encountering disasters, grievances, framing and other things, they often turn to ghosts (mainly ancestors) for help.

This fact is the result of China's special cultural accumulation.

First of all, there are too many political ruling gods in China. Slavery and feudalism in China lasted for a very long time, so according to theocracy, all emperors and princes are gods. There are so many emperors and so many gods, and many gods have no gods. The gods offset each other in the dispute and went up in smoke.

Secondly, China has a vast territory and many ethnic groups. Every nation has its own special situation, and many nations have produced many totem gods, which is the inevitable result of the formation of each nation. Diversity means no monism, randomness means no specificity, and multi-spirituality means no God.

Thirdly, China has been a multi-religious country for more than two thousand years. All religions have their own gods. Confucianism believes in Confucius, Buddhism believes in Sakyamuni, Taoism believes in Laozi and Christianity believes in God. Many religions are juxtaposed with many gods, and no god can dominate Kyushu.

The gods of China fought for power and attacked each other, but each lost power, so the status of ghosts was improved accordingly.

Especially among many ghosts and gods, one kind of ghost is special, and this is the ancestor ghost. Generally speaking, people's memory and reverence for ancestors' ghosts are far better than other ghosts and gods.

This situation, in addition to the strong blood complex factors, also has its complicated political, social and human conditions. Ancestor ghost worship first obeys the political needs of feudal rulers' ultra-stable rule, secondly the needs of inheriting property and rights to maintain their lives, and thirdly the complex psychological needs of meeting and adapting to these needs.

This kind of "god chasing ancestors" is manifested in the emphasis on ancestor worship. Confucius said, "Sacrifice as if you were near, and sacrifice to God as if you were near." This is the point of offering sacrifices to ghosts. Sacrificing ancestors is actually to show their existence and the authority of this existence.

In the final analysis, under the banner of "rectifying the name" and patriarchal clan system, the group always shows its unique position under the complex social background of lack of etiquette, violation of law and discipline, democracy without people and absence of God.

Although man created ghosts, ghosts do not obey people, but are enemies and harm people. For thousands of years, the struggle between man and ghost has never stopped. And people's attitudes towards ghosts are at different levels. Generally speaking, it can be divided into four levels: offering ghosts, exorcising ghosts, fighting ghosts and using ghosts. Sacrificing ghosts is the domination of ghosts; Exorcising ghosts is a self-defense instinct of human beings; Fighting ghosts embodies human strength and initiative; Using laurel is all about controlling ghosts and serving people.

Moreover, everyone's understanding of ghost stories is lifted from the oral tradition, mainly relying on ghost books.

Ghost stories are also called "Qi Xie" stories or "Yi Jian" stories. "Qi Xie" and "Yi Jian" express "Zhuangzi's carefree tour" and "Liezi Tang Wen" respectively. It can be said that people who write ghosts have a long history in China.

As a special ghost book, there are many in China in past dynasties. Below, the author will introduce you to the list of some books collected, among which there are several points to be explained; First, some works may not exist now, as long as they have appeared in history; Second, the author and dynasty may be disguised by later generations, but the author still follows his own notes and does not do other research; Third, not all works are ghost books, and some belong to a collection of works containing a large number of indistinguishable ghost stories or monster stories.