Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Some people say that lawyers have long fallen in love with Lao Bai. Why do you say that?

Some people say that lawyers have long fallen in love with Lao Bai. Why do you say that?

(Guo Juxia questioned everyone for his daughter)

(Sitting on the lawyer's bench, Guo sitting on the judge's bench, scholars sitting on the dock, others sitting on the witness stand. )

Guo Juxia: As we all know, Mr. Guo and Mr. Lu are inextricably linked. They all call it love. What I want to prove today is this so-called love, which is essentially impulsive. (Everyone is talking)

Guo: (knocking on the counter) Quiet, quiet, counsel for the prosecution, if you can't prove this proposition.

Guo Juxia: This proves that you two really love each other. I'm not against your business anymore. Under what circumstances did a witness go to the shopkeeper, the defendant and the parties, and they met?

Shopkeeper: Er ~ In my shop, they often work together, chat, ramble, get acquainted, get acquainted, hehe, come together.

Guo Juxia: Oh, that is to say, love will grow with time.

Shopkeeper: It's just that love grows with time.

Guo Juxia: How long has it been since they first met and lived together?

Shopkeeper: At least four months.

Guo Juxia: In four months, I decided the fate of the rest of my life after forty or fifty years.

Shopkeeper: Oh, I didn't mean that.

Guo Juxia: That's what I'm asking. The second witness will go (the shopkeeper will sit back and Beckham will sit forward). Mo Xiaobei, what's your relationship with clients?

Well, I am Xiao Guo's best friend.

Guo Juxia: Which of them fell in love with whom first?

Beckham: er ~ it should be the scholar who fell in love with Xiao Guo's sister first.

Guo Juxia: What is the reason?

Beckham: It's because of the fortune teller.

Guo Juxia: Huh? (Everyone slaps Beckham)

Beckham: er ~ sorry, I made a mistake. There is no fortune teller at all (see Guo)

Guo: no, no.

Guo Juxia: Is it true that lying will reduce my love for you? Oh, is it true?

Scholar: Yes, the fortune teller said that Fu Mei and I were made for each other.

Guo Juxia: So you reached out to her and used all kinds of despicable means to win her heart and achieve your ulterior motives, right?

Scholar: I did it for Fu Mei's sake.

Guo Juxia: That is to say, you did something to her.

Scholar: I ...

Guo Juxia: The answer is both yes and no.

Scholar: Yes, but ...

Guo Juxia: No buts, three witnesses.

Guo: Er ~ Wait, the judge is a little hungry. Let's eat first, then finish the court and adjourn (call everyone to the backyard).

(Camera turns to backyard)

Guo: (to Beckham) Silly, silly. Come on, how can you let him go with the topic?

Beckham: I didn't mean to. Besides, I have no experience in the first lawsuit.

Scholar: Pay attention next time.

Guo: And you, you have to say yes if you don't admit it.

Scholar: What can I do? He said lying would lower your goodwill.

Guo: I ... (want to shoot a scholar)

Shopkeeper: Do you think her father will have a good impression on you?

Scholar: it should be ... no.

Laobai: It doesn't matter. Goodwill has been zero. How is it possible to go down again?

Scholar: Oh, I didn't expect the old thing to have two brushes.

Guo: Hello ~

Scholar: Nickname, which means kindness, hehe ~

K: OK, then make it more exquisite. Everyone will send me snacks at the next court session. My father has never done anything else in his life. He is best at extorting confessions and arresting people. Before you speak next time, be sure to think clearly about whether there are any traps.

Mouth: But we don't understand this.

Laobai: Hmm ~ I don't understand.

Guo: Then watch me blink. If I nod, say yes. What if I shake my head? Just say no. Nod yes, shake your head and say no, okay?

Mouth: No problem.

Guo: Alas, Dad came prepared this time. Judging from what he knows about us, there must be a mole between us.

Everyone: Huh? A mole?

(Everyone returns to the lobby, and Xiao Liu is unparalleled. )

Xiaoliu: Meet Guo Juxia ~

Guo Juxia: Captain Yan, I've heard about you since Beijing. Pinggu Xiaohong and Gongsun Wulong were arrested, and you were involved. You are young and promising.

Liu: Guo Juxia Yingming, come to our house for a while after solving the case. My seventh uncle wants to see you.

Small fruit: (knocking on the box) It is forbidden to cover the court with porcelain.

Guo Juxia: OK, first question, did Miss Guo like you before?

Liu: Hmm. ...

Guo: Counsel for the prosecution, don't talk nonsense without evidence, or I will convict you of libel.

Guo Juxia: Hehe ~ Five witnesses.

Small six: (standing in front of Guo Juxia) Come up (Guo Juxia beckons small six to return to the witness box) Come to our house for a while after the case is judged (the mouth keeps shaking and the shopkeeper kicks).

Guo Juxia: Can you answer my question about whether customers like to use swallows as titles?

Mouth: (looking at Xiao Guo, Xiao Guo shakes his head) No.

Guo Juxia: No, why not?

Mouth: er ~ this ...

Guo Juxia: I don't know or don't want to answer this question.

Mouth: er ~ this ...

Guo Juxia: OK, let me ask you another question. Did Mr. Lu know that Mr. Guo liked to scratch his head with swallows?

Big mouth: (looking at Xiao Guo, Xiao Guo shakes his head) I don't know.

Guo Juxia: I don't know. In other words, Miss Guo really likes to scratch her head with swallows.

Mouth: Actually, it doesn't. At best, I just like it I changed my scholar in two days (Xiao Guo was helpless)

Guo Juxia: You can go down now. Now I want to ask the defendant (get up) why Mr. Guo suddenly turned his attention to you when he liked to scratch his head with swallows?

Scholar: (nervously) This means that Fu Mei is not really in love with Xiao Liu.

Guo Juxia: What makes you think she really loves you? In other words, she pays attention to you today and turns her attention to others tomorrow. There is a saying that what grass is there in the end of the world?

Guo: There are many flowers in the sea.

Guo Juxia: Yes, so are you sure she won't abandon you in the future?

Scholar: I ... I'm sure.

Guo Juxia: It's very ... good ~ I appreciate your confidence, even though you believe just for the sake of believing.

Scholar: What do you mean?

Guo Juxia: It's boring. If you were really sure, you wouldn't stutter. Six witnesses continue (sit back).

Everybody: six, six, six, six ~ ~ (Little six rushes in from the outside)

Small six: Six is coming.

Shopkeeper: Not you (Shopkeeper La Wu Shuang sits down).

Laobai: Six.

Guo Juxia: Six witnesses, what's your relationship with the defendant?

Wu Shuang: (hesitantly) Me ... Ah ... Me and him. ..

Guo: (knocking on the case) Er ~ Wait, the judge is thirsty and wants to go to the toilet. We adjourn (welcome everyone to the backyard).

(The camera turns to the backyard again)

Guo: (keeps poking him in the mouth) Li Dazui ~ I'll let you do what I want, and at most I'll leave you a good impression. What do you mean by a mess (break your mouth and arms and everyone will pull away)

Laobai: OK, OK.

Shopkeeper: (comforting mouth) Well, let's think about how to deal with your dad first.

Beckham: That's a devil.

Guo: Shut up.

Laobai: No, give him some antiperspirant.

Guo: Go to hell, it's enough trouble now. In the first scene, he proved that Hou Ge had ulterior motives for me. In the second scene, I proved to Hou Ge that I am a water flower. Then we should get down to business and prove that we were impulsive.

Scholar: What should I do?

Guo: Oh ~ If I am not mistaken, what he is going to say now is unparalleled, unparalleled.

Wu Shuang: Ah ~

Guo: Excuse me.

Wu Shuang: Eh ~ Does it seem too guilty?

Guo: Oh, I don't care so much. Get through this first and then talk about the future. How's it going?

Everyone: One like you has disappeared.

(camera returns to the hall)

Guo Juxia: Please call six witnesses to the court.

Guo: Erliu is not feeling well and can't go to court for the time being.

Guo Juxia: Seven, eight. ...

Laobai: No, no, don't read. Here comes the seventh. I've been waiting for half a day.

Guo Juxia: As the brother of Liu Hao witness, you must know her life very well.

Laobai: Not bad. Anyway, we have known each other since childhood.

Guo Juxia: Ah, that means childhood friends.

Laobai: Hey, right, right, right.

Guo Juxia: Then why aren't you two together?

Laobai: Childhood friends don't have to be together (turning to look at the shopkeeper). I already have someone in my heart (the shopkeeper leans forward and points to himself proudly)

Guo Juxia: So the defendant has someone else in mind. Why is he still with her?

Laobai: No, this is misunderstood, mainly because ...

Guo Juxia: It's only been more than a month since the client went home, and the defendant came with six witnesses.

Old white; Oh, who said that?

Guo Juxia: You can only answer yes or no.

Laobai: No (Xiaoguo points to Laobai)

Guo Juxia: (beckoning Lao Bai to come over and whisper) I have the right to confiscate the gold medal of exemption (Lao Bai falls). I'll ask again, yes or no?

Laobai (jumps up from the ground and raises his voice) Yes! ! Hero, but think of it this way.

Guo Juxia: Forget it. You can go down now.

Laobai: (to Xiao Guo) Your father won't let me think (sit back).

Guo Juxia: Having said that, I just want to ask Miss Guo that there are only 30 days in a month, and the defendant will be replaced by someone else.

Guo: That's because I'm not here. If I were here, I would never allow this to happen.

Guo Juxia: That is to say, you must stay with him for the next few decades. It's ugly. You don't even go back to your mother's house. Are you sure this is the love you want?

Guo: I'm sure.

Guo Juxia: Oh, can I understand that you still lack the most basic sense of security for each other?

Guo: I ...

Guo Juxia: Do you just say yes or no

Guo: That's right. ...

Scholar: Fu Mei

Guo Juxia: Before closing the case, I have one last question. Please think it over before you answer. When you are together, do you have any practical long-term plans? Just answer yes or no (Guo Xiucai silently looks at each other). I'll make a closing statement. To tell the truth, I have never doubted the feelings of two people, because I am also young. What's that name in young people's minds?

Big mouth: commotion

Laobai: Impulse

Beckham: Er ~ Activities.

Shopkeeper: transportation movement

Scholar: throbbing throbbing.

Guo Juxia: Yes, what do you mean?

Scholar: It makes people ignore everything, even life.

Guo Juxia: People are still dying for this?

Mouth: That's called double suicide. I've always had this idea about orchids

Laobai: I didn't.

Shopkeeper: Huh?

Laobai: That's impossible.

Guo Juxia: They call it love, but I don't agree. what is love ?

Beckham: Responsibility is motivation.

Guo Juxia: Yes, the courage to walk through life hand in hand. Unfortunately, I don't think you have the courage.

Scholar: I object.

Guo Juxia: It's no use.

Scholar: I object again.

Guo Juxia: It's useless again.

Scholar: But I am sincere to Mei, and she is sincere to me.

Guo Juxia: OK, after you got together, did you ever think about each other and just answer yes or no (shaking your head). All in all, their combination was just an impulse. Do you have any questions (knocking on the box)? Case closed ~(26 points 18 seconds)


(Wushuang defends scholar Guo)

(Guo He is ready to leave the inn, and Uniquely comes in from the outside)

Wu Shuang: Wait a minute. I wasn't here just now. I still have something to say about this.

Guo Juxia: Oh, I'm sorry, this case has been closed.

Wu Shuang: Life can't be decided by arguments. Just now, you said that the two of them got married on impulse. I quite agree with that.

Laobai: Don't talk nonsense? You don't think this place is messy enough. Stay away.

Wu Shuang: Let me finish. Not only the two of them, in fact, the beginning of every sincere love is due to a temporary impulse.

Laobai: What are you talking about?

Guo Juxia: Never mind, let her talk.

Guo: Dad.

Unparalleled: this impulse is a mixture of tenderness and a feeling beyond reason. If there is no impulse in my heart, there will be no desire to be together and no future life. Guo Juxia, you are famous in the Jianghu, and you are a great warrior we admire. But with all due respect, your proposition is wrong from the beginning, and it is a false proposition.

Guo Juxia: Hehe, interesting. Go ahead.

Wu Shuang: When they decided to be together, they were firm and confident, as you can see. There are countless possibilities for future life. Do we have to think about everything from the beginning and then carry out the construction according to the drawings? Did you foresee your present life when you were young? If you can't do it, why let them do it? But after your trial today, I believe they may think for themselves in the future.

Guo Juxia: There is only one problem. If you think so clearly, why did you give up in the first place?

Wu Shuang: Because of love, it is a one-way street (38 minutes 19 seconds).