Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Palmprint Fortune Telling Lyrics _ Palmprint Fortune Telling Lyrics Su Jianxin

Palmprint Fortune Telling Lyrics _ Palmprint Fortune Telling Lyrics Su Jianxin

Palmprint fortune telling lyrics

Fate and Palmprint (Poetry)


I don't know when a tree was born in my palm.

What sticks out from that branch is fate.

Or love or career or health.

This is sacred, solemn and important.

I think in the corner of my soul.

As long as your fingers are closed, your fate is in your hands.

So, this golden autumn

I am proud of my success.

Harvest golden breasts.

Laugh into a brilliant chrysanthemum

Yes, the fortune teller said.

Fate is a stubborn birthmark, indelible.

The four seasons of grass are fate.

It is fate that the wind wanders around the world.

Rivers belong to the sea, which is fate.

However, since that golden autumn.

I planted it and stuck to it like steel.

Destiny is in your own hands.

As long as your fingers are hard enough

I put away all the gray past.

As a firm and wise gardener.

Carefully designed, carefully described

Pray for it devoutly—

Show smart leaves

Bloom gorgeous flowers.

Harvest brilliant fruits

From then on, I was like a tenacious cockroach.

Dragging a life of struggle

Crawling hard on the body of years

I forged in fire and soaked in blood.

Even put that poor self-esteem

Throw it on the ground and step hard.

Still suffering great pain.

With the knife of will

Cut off branches cruelly.

Is in the orbit of fate

Dig a road to an ideal country

Now, the torrent of time has washed away my life.

Degenerate into a fish with worn teeth.

Sink into the bottom of the sea and slap your thoughts on the cheek.

Take a deep breath and filter the past life.

I solemnly spread out my palm.

Facing the tangled branches of this tree

Carefully dissect coldly.

However, I saw it.

That tree, or that tree

Stretching, disorder, fracture.

Nothing has changed.

Let life go by, time go by.

It is, and it has always been.

This conclusion shocked me.

Seriously cut by this sharp conclusion.

Hurt badly.

The backbone of the soul is broken.

The shell of will is broken.

In such pain, I finally had an epiphany-

What fate lies in choice?

What is the fate of following the trend?

What fate lies in persistence?

These are all lies woven with illusions.

I completely gave in.

Surrender and the arrogance and strength of fate

Before the tragic surrender and rebellion

I want to be a martyr.

Carve a bloody message on the prison wall.

Show future generations-

What is fate?

Fate is a bitch.

She will never be loyal to you.

Even if you pay more money.