Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - How was the court struggle during Kublai Khan's reign?

How was the court struggle during Kublai Khan's reign?

For the yellow robe, brothers and uncles fought to the death, and the inheritance created by ancestors gradually rotted and collapsed in this internal friction.

Scare the prince to death

Kublai Khan intended to pass the throne to Prince Jin Jin, but Jin Jin died before him, and Jin Jin's death was also related to Kublai Khan. Jin Jin always disliked Kublai Khan's cronies, such as Ahema, who was supported by a group of Confucian ministers, but was passive towards Kublai Khan and never dared to cross the line. The power of state affairs has always been in Kublai Khan's hands.

After Ahmar's death, the remaining party was unwilling to wait for an opportunity to frame the Crown Prince. At this time, a minister wrote: "The emperor is old, so he should meditate at the crown prince's place, and the queen should not interfere." Kublai Khan was so hungry for power that he would never hand over his regime before he died. The minister's request for the emperor's abdication is undoubtedly a tiger's mouth pulling a tooth, which is harmful and useless to the prince. Jin Jin was deeply frightened when he learned about it. Yushitai also understood the stakes, so he secretly suppressed the throne of ministers.

Others in the Ahma Party found out about it and decided to expose it to the ancestors. Antong, the right-hand prime minister who supported the prince, knew that it could not be concealed, and simply stated the whole story to Kublai Khan first, pointing out that Ama's remaining party wanted to take the opportunity to frame the prince. When Kublai Khan heard that he was asked to give way to the prince in advance, he flew into a rage and asked sharply, "Aren't you guilty?" Antong took the lead in pleading guilty, but at the same time pointed out to the emperor that the purpose of Ahma's henchmen was to harm the prince and confuse people. After persuasion, Kublai Khan was slightly relieved. Although Ahma's puppet regime failed and was severely punished, Prince Zhenjin was very afraid. He fell ill and died soon at the age of 43.

Cultivate offspring

When Jin died, Kublai Khan was over the age of ancient times, and his successor could only choose among Jin's sons. Jin Jin * * * and his wife Kokejin gave birth to three sons, the eldest son Wang Jingan was stabbed, the second son took Ma Ma, and the third son timur. Kokejin was partial to his youngest son and urged the minister to persuade the emperor to make timur the crown prince. In order to let timur accumulate the ruling capital, he was sent out of the north of the city in advance to win a military victory, and he was appointed as the etiquette decree timur to assist him.

Timur Yuxi is the grandson of Bolshevi, one of the four outstanding figures of Genghis Khan. He repeatedly made meritorious military service and was highly valued by Kublai Khan. When he was appointed, he advised Kublai Khan to give timur the old seal of real gold, so as to be the first king in the future.

Kokejin got a jade seal from the Qin Dynasty, engraved with the words "Be ordered by heaven and live forever", and gave it to timur as a "symbol of being ordered".

An emperor with a sword.

In A.D. 1294, Kublai Khan died, and all the imperial clan kings gathered in Shangdu (now Zhenglan Banner in Inner Mongolia) to discuss the establishment of a new monarch. Wang Zong Chen Da discussed it for more than three months, but it was still difficult to make a decision.

At that time, the only one who could compete with timur was his eldest brother Wang Jin Gama. Ganma thorn once went out of the north of the town, commanded Genghis Khan's four palaces and the northern army, and governed Mongolia with considerable power. King Zong, who supported Gambia, took it for granted that the eldest son should inherit the throne. However, the timur faction insisted that the last words of the first emperor could not be changed, and timur had the symbol of destiny in his hand. Most importantly, timur has the support of Bo Yan and Yuxi Timur.

In order to refuse the opposition of the kings, at the meeting of ministers, Bo Yan stood on the steps of the temple with a sword in his hand, read out the ancestral teachings loudly, and stated the reasons for making timur emperor. Bo Yan's words were full of color, and the kings trembled with fear and knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly. Timur of Yuxi put pressure on Ganma thorn, saying, "It has been more than three months since the first emperor died. The artifact can't be empty for a long time, the ancestral industry can't be inherited by no one, and the country can't have no owner for a day." Timur has both the first emperor's last words and instructions. As the leader of Zongmeng, how can you not say a word? "In desperation, Gan Ma poked herself and said helplessly," Once the emperor ascended the throne. I naturally work in the north. So, under the persuasion of ministers, Timur finally became the emperor of Yuan Chengzong.

Hang down your robe and rule with one hand holding the other-rule without too much interference.

Cheng Zong inherited the huge family business created by his ancestors, and the history books say that he "ruled the country with a bow and was good at defending it". In fact, it is sitting on the legacy of predecessors, playing around and doing nothing. Chengzong ascended the throne for five years, and he still doesn't know who the six officials are. After the reign of Emperor Chengzong, the government agencies were numerous and complicated, and corrupt officials were rampant.

Chengzong was ill in his later years, regardless of national politics. The Queen, Lu Han and the prime minister of Zhongshu Right, Haci Hassan, each formed a clique. Chengzong once made his son Deshou the Crown Prince, but Deshou died before Chengzong.

In A.D. 1307, Emperor Chengzong died, and the struggle for the throne occurred again in Dayuan. Emperor Chengzong was ill in his later years, and most of his political affairs were decided by the empress Bruhan. Bruhan was so jealous of his second brother Ansai Ji that he expelled her from Beijing, but he didn't expect that he would eventually be planted in the hands of his two sons Haishan and Li Ba Da of Ba Li, Ai Yu.

Start a power struggle

Haishan 19 years old led troops to war, guarding Mobei and holding the military power. After the death of Emperor Chengzong, Queen Bruhan tried to listen to politics and influence national affairs. She was afraid that Haishan would come back to seize the throne, so she didn't inform Haishan of the death of Chengzong, and planned to elect Kublai Khan's grandson Ananda as emperor. The reason is that Ananda is a close uncle and brother of Chengzong, and the country is important, so it is appropriate to establish a long monarch.

But the right prime minister Haqiha Sun Jian always disagreed. As soon as the emperor died, he collected all the official seals of the capital, sealed the national treasury, then pretended to be ill and turned and left the imperial palace. At this time, it happened that Haishan sent Li Kang Tuotuo to Dadu (now Beijing) to discuss. Hazi Hassan told him to run away and inform Haishan about Dadu. Haishan was furious when he heard the news, and immediately sent his troops south, but it was a long way and it was difficult to reach Dadu for a while.

Meet the seamount

At the same time, Haz Hassan sent messengers to inform Taji and his mother. Li Bada of Ai Yu got the tip-off, and he was busy discussing with his subordinates. Counselor Li Meng advised: "Take your mother and go to metropolis in the name of mourning, and defeat your opponent's treachery as soon as possible." In February of A.D. 1307, Li Ba University in Ba Li, Ai Yu sent his mother concubine to Beijing, and Haci Hassan sent a secret letter overnight saying, "Haishan Road is too far away to arrive in time, so Dajue should send it in advance." Asha, the counselor, didn't spend any money, but also advised Li Xian to start: "The first to enter wins, and the last to enter loses. Once the queen listens to politics, our generation will become her prisoner sooner or later. "

Empress Bruhan and Ananda are preparing to start work on the third day of March, and Ai Yu Ba Li Barrida beat them to finish the task. The next day, they led the guards into the palace and wiped out the ministers of Ananda and Brukhan.

At this time, the kings suggested that Ai Yu, Ba Li and Li Ba should take advantage of the situation to reign, but he was afraid that his eldest brother Haishan was armed to the teeth and dared not rashly proclaim himself emperor. He just claimed to be the country's supervisor, took Li Meng as his political adviser, and sent a special envoy to meet Haishan.

Answering lucky is caused by "fortune telling"

Aji saw that the overall situation had been decided, so she asked Yin and Yang to tell her two sons' fortune. As a result, the seamounts are "devastated" and their luck is not long. Aji sent a message to Haishan: "You two brothers are my own flesh and blood. I have nothing to be partial to, but the words of Yin and Yang have to be considered."

Hearing this, Haishan's face fell silent. He went to Conrad and said, "I have been guarding the border for more than ten years, and I have worked hard and have no credit." Besides, I am the boss and deserve to sit on the throne. Now the queen mother actually believes the fortune teller's nonsense. The sky is boundless, who can predict? If I follow the policy of heaven and the people's heart after I become emperor, even if I am only emperor for one day, I will be famous for thousands of years. How can you violate the rules of your ancestors because of a few words from the Yin and Yang family? It must be that the powerful people in the DPRK bully the weak and fear the hard at ordinary times and act recklessly, fearing that I will settle accounts with them in the future, deliberately spreading rumors and trying to stop me from coming to power. Tuotuo, go to Kyoto to see my mother first, observe the movement, and report the situation quickly. I will follow the whole army. "

Ji was surprised to hear that Haishan Third Road was advancing southward, and quickly explained, "These words were said by the Yin and Yang family, so forget it. I only think of them out of love. The enemy has been cleared, and Wang Zong Chen Da decided to let Haishan succeed to the throne. What does the prince have to hesitate about? Tell him to come to Beijing early. "

She retreated again and said to Tuotuo privately, "Haishan is a filial child, and it is the will of the people that he becomes emperor. This time, you must have listened to the provocation of others. You should hurry back and make up for my mistake, so that there will be no misunderstanding between our flesh and blood, we will live in harmony, and you will make great contributions. "

Tuotuo said, "Grandma, don't worry too much. I have been with Haishan for many years, and I have a lot of trust. I'll go back and explain to him right away. As long as I can trust each other and can't afford to fight each other, this is my greatest wish. "

Things have come to an end

In order to dispel the suspicion of Haishan, Taji first sent a minister, Asha Buhua, to see Haishan. Ashabuhua reported the whole process of the palace coup to Haishan, and assured him with her life: "Your brother became a prison country to prevent accidents, and he is waiting for you to go back to be emperor." Peter said, said the answer Ji meaning, seamount was reassured.

1May 307, Haishan led the troops to the ferry. Love and Education, Ba Li Ba Li Babada, came to meet her mother. The kings of Mongolia gathered in Shangdu, decided to abolish Bruhan, sent her to other places to give her death, punished Ananda and her cronies, and unanimously elected Haishan as emperor. Haishan acceded to the throne for Wu Zong. Of course, Wu Zong can't treat his younger brother badly, so in June of the same year, he appointed his younger brother as the Crown Prince, making him the legal heir to the throne. The two brothers agreed that after the death of Ai Yu Ba Li Libada, Haishan's son would inherit his throne. A battle for the throne finally settled.