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Five psychological influences in life

Five psychological influences in life

The human heart is also the farthest recently, and sincerity is the middle channel. Try gold with fire, women with gold, men with women? I often can't stand that kind of attempt.

One: Barnum effect

People often lose themselves, are easily hinted by the information around them, and take other people's words and deeds as a reference for their actions. Conformity psychology is a typical proof.

In fact, people are influenced and hinted by others all the time in their lives. For example, on the bus, you will find this phenomenon: a person yawns with his mouth wide open, and several people around him can't help yawning. Some people don't yawn because there is no suggestion. Who are easily influenced? This can be checked by a simple test.

Let people reach out their hands horizontally, palms up and close their eyes. Tell him that now he has a hydrogen balloon tied to his left hand, which has been floating upwards; He tied a big stone to his right hand and fell down. Three minutes later, look at the gap between his hands. The greater the distance, the stronger the hint.

Knowing oneself, psychologically called self-perception, is a process in which individuals know themselves. In this process, people are more likely to be hinted by external information, which leads to the deviation of self-perception.

In daily life, it is impossible for people to reflect on themselves all the time, and it is impossible to observe themselves as outsiders all the time. Because of this, individuals use external information to know themselves. Individuals are easily hinted by external information when they know themselves, so they often can't perceive themselves correctly.

Psychological research reveals that it is easy for people to believe that a general and general personality description is particularly suitable for them. Even though this description is empty, he still thinks it reflects his personality. There was once a psychologist who used a common sentence that was suitable for almost anyone to let college students judge whether it was suitable for them. Results Most college students think that this sentence describes themselves in detail and accurately. The following paragraph is the material of psychologists. Do you think it suits you too?

You really need others to like and respect you. You tend to criticize yourself. You have many abilities that can be your strengths, but you also have some shortcomings, but you can usually overcome them. You have some difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. Although you look calm on the outside, you are really anxious on the inside. You sometimes doubt whether the decision you made or the thing you did was correct. You like some changes in your life and hate being limited. You are proud of being able to think independently, and you won't accept other people's suggestions without sufficient evidence. You think it unwise to expose yourself too much in front of others. Sometimes you are outgoing, kind and sociable, and sometimes you are introverted, cautious and silent. Some of your ambitions are often unrealistic.

This is actually a hat suitable for anyone's head.

One is called Xiao Man&; Dot; Barnum's famous technician with a mixed brand commented on his performance, saying that he was very popular because the program contained elements that everyone liked, so he made "people get cheated every minute". People often think that a general and general description of personality reveals their own characteristics very accurately, which is called "Barnum effect" in psychology.

A psychologist completed the Minneapolis Multiphasic Personality Questionnaire (MMPI) for a group of people, and presented two results for participants to judge which one was their own. In fact, one is the result of the participants themselves and the other is the average result of most people's answers. Participants actually thought that the latter expressed their personality characteristics more accurately.

Barnum effect is very common in life. Take fortune telling as an example. After consulting fortune tellers, many people think that what fortune tellers say is "accurate". In fact, people who seek help from fortune tellers themselves have the characteristics of being easily hinted. When people are depressed, they lose control of their lives, so their sense of security is also affected. An insecure person's psychological dependence is also greatly enhanced, and the suggestibility is stronger than usual. In addition, fortune tellers are good at trying to figure out people's inner feelings and can understand the feelings of help seekers a little, and help seekers will immediately feel a kind of spiritual comfort. The fortune teller's next general and harmless words can convince the helper.

Second: the micro-duration of butterfly effect and prevention.

Psychological changes are subtle and subtle. The slightest unhappiness may lead to a whole day of unhappiness, perhaps a lot of troubles, or even a series of bad luck.

Let's first look at a true story: On May 23, 2004, a man named Ding in Tiexi District of Shenyang was very angry because he was reprimanded by the leader at work, and he went home and lost his temper with his wife. My wife was scolded for no reason, so she was very angry and slammed the door and left. Walking in the street, a pet dog stopped the way and rushed at her? Wang Wang? Shouting loudly, the wife became even more angry, so she kicked it. The puppy was kicked away and jumped in front of an old lady, scaring the old man. It happened that the old man had a heart attack and was frightened by the puppy that suddenly rushed out. He had a heart attack on the spot and died.

It seems impossible to say that an old man was killed because he was in a bad mood, but it is an indisputable fact in real life.

1960, Lorenz, a professor at MIT, is reading? Long-term weather forecast had a problem at that time: she used a set of simplified data to simulate the evolution of the weather on the computer, originally trying to improve the accuracy of the weather forecast by using the high-speed operation of the computer. However, contrary to expectations, many calculations show that small differences in initial conditions will lead to big differences in calculation results, and ignoring small differences will lead to wrong conclusions. Lorenz found a huge reaction caused by small differences, and she expressed this discovery with an image metaphor: a small butterfly flapped its wings over Brazil. The vortex that it fanned and merged with other air currents may cause a storm in Texas in a month? This is the famous? Butterfly effect? .

? Butterfly effect? Warning us: We should pay attention to slight negative emotions and maintain a high level of negative emotions? Sensitive? Adjust your mentality in time, otherwise it may lead to great adverse consequences.

Of course. Butterfly effect? It can also have a positive impact on mood. There is a story in ancient Egypt: a young man heard that someone had spoken ill of him, so he was indignant and went to find someone to fight. When he was thirsty on the road, he asked the owner of the roadside hut for a glass of water to drink. The host is very hospitable. Seeing him sweating profusely, he handed me a towel besides water. He thanked him and walked out of the house. The owner chased him out and gave him an umbrella to shade him. After going out, the young man's mind was suddenly enlightened, and he turned around and went home after only a few steps. Why? Because he was full of gratitude for the hospitality of the owner of the cabin, the resentful thoughts that filled his heart were diluted, and he didn't want to work hard for a small thing.

Maybe even the owner of the cabin didn't think of it. A small parasol? A seemingly insignificant act of kindness actually avoided a possible fight.

Third: look at the effect.

In the eyes of many people, it is our nature to like the new and hate the old. Is that really the case?

In the 1960s, psychologist Chalongzi did an experiment: first, show the subjects some photos, some of which appeared more than 20 times, some of which appeared 10 times, and some of which only appeared once or twice, and then let the subjects evaluate their love for photos. The results show that the subjects prefer to see familiar photos many times, rather than fresh photos only a few times, that is, the number of times they have seen increases their liking.

What is the psychological name of this phenomenon that the more familiar you are, the more you like it See more effects? . In interpersonal communication, if you look closely, you will find that those who are very popular tend to? See more effects? Give full play: they are good at creating opportunities for contact between the two sides to improve their familiarity, and then have a stronger attraction to each other.

Is interpersonal attraction really that simple? There is a social psychology experiment to prove it: in a university's female dormitory, psychologists randomly found several dorms, gave them different flavors of drinks, and then let the girls in these dorms walk around each other on the grounds of tasting drinks, but they were not allowed to talk when they met. After a period of time, psychologists evaluated their familiarity and liking, and found that the more times they met, the more they liked each other. Less or no meeting, low mutual affection.

It can be seen that in order to enhance interpersonal attraction, we should pay attention to improving familiarity with others. Therefore, a self-enclosed person, or a person who evades retreat in front of others, is puzzling, because it is not easy to get close to people and is not likable.

Of course. See more effects? The premise of playing a role is that the first cause effect is good. If the first impression is bad, the more you meet, the more annoying you are. See more effects? On the contrary, it has side effects.

Fourth: herd mentality

Have you ever seen such a cartoon: a blind boy sitting on a park bench with a pair of binoculars in his hand? Do you see it? Sky. Visitors in the park saw the children and thought there was something rare in the sky, so they bought binoculars to look at the sky. People outside the park saw that people in the park were looking at the sky, so they searched for the psychology of human resources on WeChat official account, thinking that something new must have happened in the sky, and quickly went to buy binoculars to look at the sky. It was not until the little boy stood up from the stool and groped his way forward that people knew that nothing had happened in the sky.

After reading this cartoon, many people may be heartless and think that so many people are blind children? Cheating? Yes In fact, it is not blind children who deceive people, but people's conformity psychology.

Many times, when the individual's ideas and behaviors are guided or pressured by the group behavior, the individual's ideas and behaviors will change in the same direction as most people in the group.

For example, in a business seminar, if a person's point of view is different from everyone's, he is likely to give up his original idea and follow everyone's point of view.

In addition, the appearance of conformity psychology is also related to the lack of relevant knowledge of behavior, so the behavior of others can easily become the reference of their own behavior.

For example, we see many people shopping in a store, so we choose our shopping place as the store. Actually, we don't know much about this store. Many businesses have mastered people's herd mentality, so they recruit a lot? Childcare? Conduct improper sales promotion.

Fifth: the one-third effect

Use a story to illustrate the problem:

One day, the closing ceremony of the College Student Film Festival will be held. There must be many stars at the party, and everyone wants to see their style. However, there are only two tickets in each class, so there are many people and few tickets, so we have to draw lots. The monitor lined up the signs for everyone to draw lots. To be fair, she asked her classmates to draw lots first, and left herself a Zhang Cai. Everyone took the labels one by one, and they were all blank. In the end, there are only the first and the last one left. Have you written both? what's up Monitor, die-hard fan, the penultimate classmate got the ticket as he wished. The monitor didn't cheat on purpose, but used a small psychological tactic. Although everyone was quite dissatisfied afterwards, they all studied psychology. There is nothing to say when I see that the monitor can learn and use so flexibly.

What is the psychological tactics used by the squad leader? One third effect. Take the lottery as an example, although everyone thinks that every sign? Did you win the lottery? It's almost the same, but I will have a little conflict with the first ticket and the last ticket. I always thought it was impossible to be so coincidental, so two tickets were behind the last one and the first one! So in the absence of special tips, most people think they will choose one from the middle? Winning percentage? It is relatively large, and everyone's psychology is just used by the monitor.

In fact, in life, the one-third effect has many useful places. The most typical is the customer's choice of the store. Imagine that in a commercial street, there is a row of shops with almost the same service quality. Guess which store has better business? Maybe you will think it is the first one, because it can stop customers. In fact, when customers walk into a commercial street, it is usually impossible to make a deal at the first store. He always thinks there is something more suitable ahead. Could it be the last one? Usually not, because once there are no shops to choose from in front, customers will have a kind of regret and feel that what they see in front seems better. If you can see the end of this street at a glance, in general, the shops located at the two ends of the street are more likely to be selected.
