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Five common psychological phenomena in daily life

Five common psychological phenomena in daily life

Introduction: Psychology is a science that studies human psychological phenomena and their psychological functions and behavioral activities under their influence, giving attention to both theory and application. The following are five common psychological phenomena in daily life. Welcome to read!

Five common psychological phenomena in daily life 1 1, placebo effect

The so-called placebo refers to a drug-like preparation composed of neutral substances that have neither curative effect nor toxic and side effects. Placebo is mostly composed of inert substances such as glucose and starch, and has no pharmacological effect. Placebo can have a good positive response to those patients who are eager for treatment and have full trust in medical staff, and have the expected efficacy. This reaction is called the placebo effect. People who are prone to corresponding psychological and physiological reactions when using placebos are called "placebos responders". This kind of person is characterized by sociability, strong dependence, susceptibility to suggestion, lack of self-confidence, and constant attention to various physiological changes and discomfort, hypochondriasis and nervousness.

2. Barnum effect (suggestive effect)

My friend once asked me, what is the most difficult thing in the world? I said it was the hardest to make money, and he shook his head. Goldbach conjecture? He shook his head again. I say I give up, you tell me. He said mysteriously that he knew himself. Indeed, those thoughtful philosophers also say so. Who am I, where am I from and where am I going? People began to ask themselves these questions from ancient Greece, but they didn't get satisfactory results. However, even so, people never stop pursuing themselves. Because of this, people often lose themselves and are easily hinted by the information around them, and take other people's words and deeds as a reference for their actions. Conformity psychology is a typical proof. In fact, people are influenced and hinted by others all the time in their lives. For example, on the bus, you will find this phenomenon: a person yawns with his mouth wide open, and several people around him can't help yawning. Some people don't yawn because there is no suggestion. Who are easily influenced? This can be checked by a simple test. Let people reach out their hands horizontally, palms up and close their eyes. Tell him that now he has a hydrogen balloon tied to his left hand, which has been floating upwards; He tied a big stone to his right hand and fell down. Three minutes later, look at the gap between his hands. The greater the distance, the stronger the hint.

Knowing oneself, psychologically called self-perception, is a process in which individuals know themselves. In this process, people are more likely to be hinted by external information, which leads to the deviation of self-perception.

In daily life, it is impossible for people to reflect on themselves all the time, and it is impossible to observe themselves as outsiders all the time. Because of this, individuals use external information to know themselves. Individuals are easily hinted by external information when they know themselves, so they often can't perceive themselves correctly. Psychological research reveals that it is easy for people to believe that a general and general personality description is particularly suitable for them. Even though this description is empty, he still thinks it reflects his personality. There was once a psychologist who used a common sentence that was suitable for almost anyone to let college students judge whether it was suitable for them. Results Most college students think that this sentence describes themselves in detail and accurately. The following paragraph is the material of psychologists. Do you think it suits you too?

You really need others to like and respect you. You tend to criticize yourself. You have many abilities that can be your strengths, but you also have some shortcomings, but you can usually overcome them. You have some difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. Although you look calm on the outside, you are really anxious on the inside. You sometimes doubt whether the decision you made or the thing you did was correct. You like some changes in your life and hate being limited. You are proud of being able to think independently, and you won't accept other people's suggestions without sufficient evidence. You think it unwise to expose yourself too much in front of others. Sometimes you are outgoing, kind and sociable, and sometimes you are introverted, cautious and silent. Some of your ambitions are often unrealistic.

This is actually a hat suitable for anyone.

A famous technician named Shoman barnum commented on his performance, saying that he was very popular, because the program contained ingredients that everyone liked, so he made "people get cheated every minute". People often think that a generalization and general description of personality reveals their own characteristics very accurately, which is called "Barnum effect" in psychology.

After giving a group of people the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Questionnaire (MMPI), a psychologist showed the participants two results and asked them to decide which one was their own. In fact, one is the result of the participants themselves and the other is the average result of most people's answers. Participants actually thought that the latter expressed their personality characteristics more accurately.

Barnum effect is very common in life. Take fortune telling as an example. After consulting fortune tellers, many people think that what fortune tellers say is "very accurate". In fact, those who turn to fortune tellers are easily influenced. When people are depressed, they lose control of their lives, so their sense of security is also affected. An insecure person's psychological dependence is also greatly enhanced, and the suggestibility is stronger than usual. In addition, fortune tellers are good at trying to figure out people's inner feelings and can understand the feelings of help seekers a little, and help seekers will immediately feel a kind of spiritual comfort. The fortune teller's next general and harmless words can convince the helper.

4. Herd effect

There is an idiom that three people make a tiger, which means that three people lied that there is a tiger in the city, and the listener believed it. The psychological tendency of people to accept the opinions or behaviors that most people agree with without analysis in social groups is called conformity effect. The enlightenment of this effect is: class teachers should be good at playing the positive role of conformity effect, first of all, they should consciously publicize it in a big way through class meetings, blackboard newspapers and other public opinion positions; Secondly, do a good job in building grassroots teams such as class cadres and activists to form a strong fortress. It is necessary to find out the bad tendencies in the class in time, prescribe the right medicine, curb them in the bud and prevent the negative influence of conformity effect. Conformity effect refers to the phenomenon that when the individual's views and behaviors are inconsistent with those of the majority in group activities, the individual gives up his own views and behaviors and shows the same views and behaviors as the majority in the group. Conformity is what we call "following the crowd" every day. There are many factors that promote a person's conformity behavior in cooperation. Generally speaking, there are: students with advantages in the group; Personality traits such as mental retardation, timidity, worry, weak will, poor self-confidence, too much attention to others and dependence on others. Group size and other factors. Undoubtedly, conformity is conducive to the formation of a unified group opinion, and a reasonable group environment can promote or subtly make backward group members form correct thoughts and behaviors. At the same time, it should be pointed out that in the unreasonable group environment, due to the herd effect, the learning conclusions tend to be consistent, but not necessarily correct; Some students tend to agree with the views and thinking methods of confident or excellent team members, while ignoring whether their own views and thinking methods are correct. The result of group cooperation may be that the false majority forms the wrong group conclusion. It can be seen that the conformity effect is easy to suppress the formation of correct ideas and stifle the original spirit of team members; Cooperative learning sometimes tends to weaken independent thinking, and individuals tend to lose self-control and sexiness in groups, which makes people "follow the trend". What we need is a positive conformity effect, and what we oppose is a negative and blind conformity effect. First of all, set up cooperative learning groups reasonably; Secondly, we should adhere to democratic centralism, relieve the pressure of small groups, establish rules and encourage all members to express different opinions freely. Thirdly, teachers must pay attention to cultivate students' habit of independent thinking, create situations for students to think about problems, pay attention to the diversity of answers, expand students' thinking space and improve students' critical ability.

5. Stereotype effect

Examples can often be seen in life: young people often think that old people stick to the rules; While the elderly often think that young people are frivolous. Professors are always white-haired and gentle, while workers are strong and generous. The psychological phenomenon of a certain kind of people's fixed impression in people's minds is called stereotype effect. Although this effect is common in group psychology, it also exists in the minds of many class teachers. There was once a student who didn't study well at ordinary times. He studied very hard at one stage and did very well in the final exam. After knowing the exam results, a class teacher said, "Did you cheat?" Because the head teacher usually has a stereotyped impression on the students, judging them according to the original standards after their progress is easy to cause prejudice and prejudice, which not only hurts the self-esteem of the students, but also affects the image of the head teacher.

Five common psychological phenomena in daily life 2 psychological secrets

Everyone has his own little secret, and he may have a lot of little tricks around you. But these seemingly ordinary things can reveal a person's psychological secrets! Do you know his mental state now? Knowing these magical psychological secrets may help you uncover the puzzles in your life.

1, jealous men have rough skin and are jealous, which is women's nature, while jealous men have high levels of "impulsive hormones", which not only make people sensitive, but also make their skin rough and wrinkles come early.

If your man's skin condition is not good recently, think about whether he is dissatisfied with some of your practices.

2. Beware of "bad emotional contagion"

A psychological study of Yale University found that 50% of the bad mood in the office comes from mutual infection among colleagues.

Like a cold, common negative workplace emotions such as anger, sadness and anxiety can spread rapidly through interpersonal telepathy. The higher the temperature, the faster it spreads, which is why there are often "nameless fires" in summer. Therefore, it is best to stay away from colleagues who are in a bad mood.

3. Adult molars may be caused by psychological pressure. Psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States have found that bruxism is a physiological phenomenon caused by refusing to express anger and hatred or being unable to express lust. The pessimism of bruxism patients is usually more serious. If your man suddenly has the habit of grinding his teeth at night, you should take good care of him.

4, turning the eyeball left and right can effectively improve memory. Chris king, a British psychological research expert, pointed out that turning the eyeball left and right can effectively improve memory. If you want to recall something quickly, just roll your eyes left and right for 30 seconds. Chris said that the horizontal rotation of the eyeball can make the left and right hemispheres of the brain communicate with each other and rekindle hidden memories.

Tall young women are more likely to be promoted. American workplace psychology found that for young women entering the workplace, taller people are more likely to get the first promotion opportunity in the workplace, which stems from the sense of compulsion and authority brought by the body. However, among the middle and senior managers in the company, tall women do not occupy obvious advantages. In other words, being tall can only be used as a stepping stone when you are young, and your future promotion and salary increase depends on your work performance and personal performance.

6. Men who adopt trunk sleeping position have more leadership ability. About 5% of men sleep in the trunk position, that is, when sleeping, the body leans to one side, and the arms extend downward and cling to the body. Most people who adopt this sleeping position are cheerful, love to communicate with others and have strong leadership and appeal.

7. It is easy to feel lonely when you exercise alone. Dutch sports psychologists point out that people are most likely to be lonely when they are tired. If you exercise alone often, you are prone to mild depression. Therefore, experts suggest that it is a better choice to go to the gym or exercise with your girlfriends.

Interesting psychological phenomenon

First, the Romeo and Juliet effect.

Romeo and Juliet is a play written by Shakespeare. When two people who love each other encounter obstacles and have to break up, people will have a feeling of "disharmony" (unhappiness). At this time, the psychological effect of eliminating this "disharmony" began to play a role. Because people's psychology can't change the present situation of external obstacles, we should deepen our feelings to overcome them. In addition, people will have the illusion that the power to overcome difficulties is mistaken for the power of love, and the sense of accomplishment to overcome obstacles will be transformed into the emotion of love. But often, the love stimulated by external resistance can't stand the postgraduate entrance examination and is prone to cracks.

Second, dreams. Psychoanalyst Freud believed that people would bury their wishes in their hearts. When awake, consciousness suppresses desire. When people fall asleep, the control of consciousness is relaxed, and the deep desire will be visualized, thus forming a dream. There is an Oscar classic film "Dr. Edward" (also called "Madman in Love"), which has a wonderful dream interpretation reasoning. Falling dreams: representing anxiety and fear. Dreams of illness or injury: the difficulty of reminding potential diseases.

The dream of death: it is not unlucky, but a signal of "rebirth", and a new life is about to begin.

Third, why do people get angry? In life, people will make certain predictions about behavior and results. People will feel "uneasy" and "afraid" if the situation is out of control and beyond their own expectations. The defensive response to this emotion is expressed in the form of "anger". People also have an emotion called "self-esteem", which is the feeling of thinking that they are valuable. People with high self-esteem and feelings can tolerate insults from others. People with low self-esteem and feelings will get angry as long as they get a little inappropriate evaluation. People with low self-esteem can't respect themselves and need to gain self-esteem indirectly from the respect of others. Therefore, once others deny themselves, they can't respect themselves, so they get angry. Therefore, if we can look at ourselves calmly, find out what we deserve to respect, and improve our self-esteem and feelings, we will not be angry about trifles. Let me see, I am a person with low self-esteem and feelings; It's easy to get irritated by boyfriends.

Fourth, tears. Angry tears, with relatively less water content and more sodium content, are salty; And sad tears have more water and lighter taste.

Fifth, the band car effect and the loser effect. For things that directly concern you, there will be a band car effect: always stand on the winner's side. For things that have nothing to do with yourself, there will be a loser effect: that is, supporting the weak or laggards.

Psychology is an interesting course.
