Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - In ancient Greek mythology, human life was divided into five periods?

In ancient Greek mythology, human life was divided into five periods?

In ancient Greek mythology, the relationship between man and god is divided into five stages, that is, the first century of the five centuries-known as the "golden age". In this century, human beings live a carefree and happy life in the world created by God. They don't know what labor is and what sadness is. God gave them endless food and happiness. In this century, human beings have strong physique and godlike strength, so they don't have to worry about illness and death. They obeyed the will of God. When a person lives for a long time, his soul will become an elf and surround the earth. But this time lasted for a hundred years and soon ended. The second century-known as the "Silver Age". Humans in this century are no longer as happy as they were in the first century. Although they have strength, they lack reason. They no longer obey the will of God. Zeus was angered by this and decided to punish mankind. He sank the land where human beings lived into the dark underground palace, where human beings had no feelings of joys and sorrows, that is, they didn't know what sadness was and what happiness was. The third century-known as the "Bronze Age". In this century, mankind is arrogant. They don't know how to farm, but they love war. Zeus gave them strong and tall bodies, but also gave them cruel hearts. They killed each other and soon sank into hades' hell. The fourth century-without a clear title, it is usually called "the age of heroes". People living in this century are braver and fairer than in previous times. They have the strength and wisdom to approach God. Therefore, they are called "heroes". In the end, these heroes were involved in brutal wars (including the Trojan War) and died one after another. Zeus resurrected them and placed them on an island on the edge of the world. There, they can enjoy a happy and stable life, carefree and well-fed. The fifth century-known as the "Black Iron Age", in this century, God punished people for hard work day and night, and people's personalities became more complicated. Although they are mixed with kindness, they are more evil. Humans try to rule everything, children no longer trust their parents, friends no longer trust each other, hosts no longer entertain guests warmly, people in marriage no longer love each other, and vows are regarded as dust by them. Kindness and justice are no longer regarded as the code of conduct by them, but only violence. In the end, God lost hope for mankind, and the just and kind God left mankind forever. And mankind can only live a life of hunger and pain, and can no longer be protected by God.