Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What did the Taoist priest in Laoshan probably say?

What did the Taoist priest in Laoshan probably say?

There is a Laoshan Mountain by the sea. There lived a fairy, who was called the Taoist of Laoshan Mountain. Taoist priests know many spells that mortals can't. In the county town hundreds of miles away from Laoshan, there was a man named Wang Qi. Wang Qi admired magic very much since he was a child. He heard that Taoist priests in Laoshan knew a lot of magic, so he bid farewell to his family and went to Laoshan to find immortals. Wang Qi came to Laoshan and met a Taoist priest. During the conversation, Wang Qi felt that the Taoist priest was very capable, so he begged him to be an apprentice. The Taoist priest looked at him and said, "Look at you being spoiled, I'm afraid you can't stand it." Wang Qi made repeated requests, and the Taoist agreed to accept him as an apprentice.

In the evening, I feel indescribable joy at the thought of learning Tao soon. The next morning, Wang Qi went to see Master, hoping that Master would start teaching him Taoism. Unexpectedly, I gave him an axe and told him to go up the mountain with his brothers to cut wood. Wang Qi was very unhappy and had to obey orders. The mountain was covered with thorns and rocks. Before sunset, Wang Qi's hands and feet were blistered.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed, and Wang Qi's hands and feet gradually got calluses. He can't stand the fatigue of chopping wood and mowing grass all day and can't help but want to go home. In the evening, Wang Qi and his brothers returned to the Taoist Temple and saw Master and two guests drinking and having fun. It was already dark, and there was no light in the room. Master picked up a piece of white paper, cut it into a round mirror and stuck it on the wall. In an instant, the paper shone like the moon, making the room bright. At this time, a guest said, "Everyone should enjoy such a beautiful night and such a happy banquet." The Taoist priest picked up a pot of wine and handed it to his disciples, telling them to drink it to their heart's content. Wang Qi thought to himself, How can I drink this small pot of wine with so many people? Everyone will pick up the hip flask in disbelief and pour the wine into the bowl. It is strange that the hip flask is always full when it is turned upside down. Wang Qi was very surprised. After a while, another guest said to the Taoist, "Although there is a bright moon, it's no fun just to drink. If only someone would dance with you. " The Taoist smiled and picked up a chopstick, aiming at the blank paper, and suddenly saw a foot-long woman in the moonlight. As soon as she landed, she was as tall as ordinary people, with a slender waist, fair skin, fluttering clothes and loud singing. At the end of the song, the woman jumped into the air and jumped on the table. Just when everyone panicked, she became a chopstick. Seeing all this, Wang Qi was dumbfounded. Then a guest said, "I'm so happy, but I have to go back." So the Taoist priest and two guests moved the banquet out and moved into the moon. As the moon gradually darkened, the disciples lit candles and saw Master sitting alone. The guest disappeared, leaving only wine and leftovers on the table.

Another month passed, and Master still didn't teach any magic. Wang Qi couldn't stand it any longer, so he went to see Master. When meeting Master, Wang Qi said, I have come a long way. Even if I can't learn the magic of immortality, it's a comfort for you to teach me some other magic. "Wang Qi saw the master just laughed and was very anxious. He gesticulated and said, "Now, I go out early and come back late every day, chopping wood and mowing grass. How can my apprentice stand such suffering at home? " The master smiled and said, "I have long concluded that you can't bear hardships, and now it is." Go home early tomorrow morning. "Wang Qi pleaded," I'm still asking the master to teach me some skills, so I didn't come in vain. The master asked, "What magic do you want to learn?" "Wang Qi said," disciples often see the master walking, and the wall can't stop him. Just learn this. " The host smiled and agreed, and asked Wang Qi to go with him. When they came to a wall, the master told Wang Qi the mantra of walking through the wall and asked him to read it himself. As soon as Wang Qi finished reading, Master pointed his hand and shouted "Go inside the wall". Wang Qi faced the wall, his legs trembled and he dared not move forward. Master shouted again, "Try it and walk in." Master said unhappily, "Keep your head down and rush forward." Wang Qi crustily skin of head ran forward, unconsciously, he came to the other side of the wall. Wang Qi was very happy. Master said to him, "Be diligent when you go home. Otherwise, the spell won't work. "

When Wang Qi came home, he boasted to his wife, "I met a fairy and learned magic. Even the wall can't stop me. " The wife doesn't believe that there is such a thing in the world. So the king said a spell and ran to the wall. Only heard a sound, Wang Qi's head hit the wall and fell to the ground. His wife quickly lifted him up and saw a big pimple on his forehead. Wang Qi hung his head like a deflated ball. The wife is angry and funny: "There are spells in the world, and you can't learn them in two or three months." Wang Qi remembered that he had clearly climbed over the wall that night, so he suspected that the Taoist priest was playing tricks on himself and could not help cursing the Taoist priest in Laoshan for a while.