Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune-telling novels of Jiang Ziya's descendants

Fortune-telling novels of Jiang Ziya's descendants

Romance of the Gods is the favorite novel of most people in China. No one. Without the childhood of Nezha, Yang Jian and Jiang Ziya, it would not be a complete childhood.

In this novel, Jiang Ziya and Jiang Taigong, as the protagonists in the book, are really legendary, and Jiang Ziya is regarded as a fairy.

But aren't we talking about sealing today? God? Jiang Ziya is a real existence in history, and Jiang Ziya laid the foundation for Zhou Wenwang.

As the earliest politician and strategist in ancient China, Jiang Ziya made great contributions to the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty.

After the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Wenwang was enfeoffed, and Jiang Ziya, as a hero, was enfeoffed to Qi as a monarch.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, all the kings of Qi were descendants of Jiang Ziya.

However, Jiang Ziya made great contributions to the establishment of Zhou Wenwang. Why did his descendant Qi Ai Association, the fifth national army of Qi State, be boiled to death by Zhou Wang in a cruel way?

What kind of person was Ji Xie, the ninth emperor of the Zhou Dynasty?

After the establishment of Zhou Dynasty, compared with the original ruling mode of Shang Dynasty, the royal family of Zhou Dynasty was reformed. The Shang dynasty ruled by feudal superstition, while the Zhou dynasty established the patriarchal clan system with the eldest son inheritance system as the core.

The greatest advantage of this system is to ensure the stability of the succession to the throne. Who is older, who is younger and who is the son of heaven has been decided from birth, so there is no need for everyone to argue.

Because of this advantage, the eldest son inheritance system was popular in China for thousands of years, especially in the Zhou Dynasty.

Of course, you can't walk to the river without wet shoes. Zhou Yiwang, the seventh national army of Zhou Dynasty, died, and it should be his son, Prince Ji Xie, who succeeded to the throne. As a result, his powerful uncle seized the throne for Zhou.

Sometimes, his uncle is embarrassed when such a thing happens, but it is even more humiliating for Ji Xie.

Fortunately, Zhou didn't kill them all, and promised Ji Xie that I would pass on the throne to you when I died.

It is estimated that young Xie lived in the shadow of Zhou until his death. In order to save the king, the princes rebuilt Prince Xie Yi. ?

Under the strict system of the eldest son's inheritance, being borrowed as the eldest son to play the throne will naturally lead to some bad feelings in his heart, which may also lead to his complicated personality.

This laid the groundwork for the later cooking of Qi Aigong. If Qi Aihong had not experienced this extreme experience, she might not have come to such a miserable end.

Why does Zhou Yiwang insist on establishing the status of co-owner in the world?

After several generations of monarchs, the prestige of the Zhou royal family was not as good as before, and the status of the princess in the world was also threatened. The biggest advantage of the enfeoffment system is that it can stabilize the political environment in the early stage, and the biggest disadvantage is that with the recommendation of time, the blood relationship will fade and the enfeoffment system will inevitably collapse.

After the mid-Zhou Dynasty, with the rise of the vassal states, every king of Zhou Dynasty's life belief was to re-establish the co-ownership status of the Zhou royal family. Zhou had the idea that when his ambition failed, he ascended the throne again, which made him feel a little inferior. Naturally, he wants to make some achievements to prove himself.

However, it is difficult to rebuild the prestige of the Zhou royal family. At that time, many governors no longer came to the Zhou Dynasty to see Zhou Tianzi, and even met frequently.

Among them, Chu did not listen to the royal family of Zhou dynasty, and the vassal States were also divided during the Zhou dynasty? Male, Hou, Bo, Zi, Male? Governors like Ji are generally dukes, while the heroes of Qi are Marquis, and some kings of the opposite sex are. At that time, the scope of Chu was very large, but the title was viscount, so he was very dissatisfied with the Zhou royal family and often had conflicts with the Zhou Dynasty for this title. However, the Zhou royal family simply ignored Chu.

When Chu gets angry, I simply won't listen to your letter. I not only made myself king of Chu, but also made my own son king, following the example of Zhou Tianxia. With the precedent set by Chu, vassal States naturally followed suit.

In addition to the king of Chu's trespass, during this period, there was also Taiyuan Jun who repeatedly committed Tianwei. Finally, Zhou Yiwang had to send troops to attack.

On the other hand, Zhou Yiwang can inherit the throne again, or acceded to the throne with the support of governors. After the accession to the throne, it is necessary to promote the princes who have made achievements. However, in this upbringing, what happened to Zhou Yiwang? See the prince in the next class? He abolished the etiquette of the Zhou Dynasty, which shows how difficult it was in Zhou Yiwang at that time.

It is urgent to re-establish the status of Zhou royal princess.

Why did Zhou Yiwang capture Qi Aigong alive? Make an example of it!

At that time, in order to revive the authority of the Zhou royal family, a sick drama was first written and performed to test the governors' awe of the Zhou royal family. When the news that Zhou Yiwang was seriously ill came out, according to the etiquette of the Zhou Dynasty, the governors should go to Wang Du to offer their condolences.

At that time, most governors went to Wang Du to pay their respects, which made Zhou Yiwang very happy and even reached a state of recovery from illness. However, to Zhou Yiwang's displeasure, Qi Guo Jun and Qi Aigong didn't come to see him.

As mentioned earlier, Qi is a marquis, which is relatively high in the hierarchy of vassal states.

At that time, Qi developed well and was very influential among the vassal states. Qi didn't visit, which naturally made the effect of the play not obvious enough.

Zhou Yiwang immediately sent someone to investigate Qi, and the national army of Qi began to tell Zhou Yiwang that Qi Aigong didn't take the Zhou royal family seriously, which made Zhou Yiwang very angry.

Why didn't Aigong Qi want to see the Emperor of Zhou? Since Jiang Ziya and Zhou Wenwang's generation, Qi Aigong's qualifications are a little bigger than Zhou Yiwang's, so it is natural to put on airs. Qi Aigong's desire to put on airs was related to Qi's national strength at that time. Qi is close to the sea, rich in resources, powerful in national strength and crazy in capital.

From Qi Aigong's heart, he looked down on Zhou Yiwang, because Zhou Yiwang was a ruined prince and the throne was robbed. What are you doing? Especially when Zhou Yiwang acceded to the throne? Meet the prince of the next class? Behavior is also a sign of losing face. In a word, you can vomit, but I can't afford to.

Soon after, Zhou Yiwang recruited Qi Ai to Haojiang, the capital of Qi Weiwang. Qi Aigong probably didn't want to go, but Qi didn't have the strength to openly challenge the authority of the Zhou royal family, so he had to go to Haojing first.

As a result, Qi Aigong had a good time, and Zhou Yiwang sent someone to set up a big tripod to cook Qi Aigong.

To sum up, Zhou Yiwang is familiar with Qi Ai Gong because Zhou Yiwang is sensitive and particularly afraid of being despised.

Qi Aihong defied the authority of the Zhou royal family, which touched the psychological bottom line. Of course, if the chicken is going to be killed, the monkey will also be seen. With such extreme means, it is also said to the princes of the world that even if the Zhou royal family falls, it is also a world. If you don't look for the north and lose my face, I won't let you feel better.