Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The child is three years old, can't talk, can only babble, and can only call mom and dad. Is it autism?

The child is three years old, can't talk, can only babble, and can only call mom and dad. Is it autism?

I don't think being unable to speak at the age of three is necessarily autism, but it is very likely! Why? Because language development disorder is one of the main manifestations of autistic children, and the lack of language ability directly affects children's all-round development and growth. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether the child is autistic in the end. The most important thing is to help children speak this language quickly.

Please see my previous Q&A article on the understanding and identification of autism. Here is just a brief overview, please pay attention to the reference of parents:

First of all, most parents are about 2-3 years old, and only when they find that their children's language ability lags far behind other children will they have doubts and anxiety. This is also the time when autistic children and other children began to quickly open the gap. We say that as long as a child is two and a half years old, he has not spontaneously used a language with more than two words, which means language development is retarded. If you can't even name an object, it's developmental disorder. Be sure to seek medical attention in time to screen and diagnose autism.

Secondly, some parents think that children just talk late, and they are smart and can't see anything unusual. We say that children are mainly taken care of by adults before the age of three, and their social needs are still relatively small, so the social barriers of autism are not so obvious. However, it is easy to recognize. Did you look yourself in the eye when you spoke? Tell him to look back at you? Do you make eye contact? Will I show off my behavior or things to you?

Thirdly, it is also a very important problem that many autistic children develop their big and fine movements later than ordinary people. For example, many children can't jump with their feet when they are two and a half years old. This action is very representative. If the child can't finish it by this time, it is a sign of brain retardation. The same is true of fine movements. Can children hold things with their middle finger and forefinger? If not, it is also an obstacle. At the same time, it is also important for children to eat, dress and go to the toilet by themselves.

Finally, I still emphasize and emphasize my point of view. As long as parents find that their children feel a little different from ordinary people, they must go to the hospital for autism screening. Don't report your luck, let alone hesitate. The best intervention time for children is 2.5 to 3 years old, and the effect is the best. It's basically meaningless when you're over six.

In short, parents should not be obsessed with children, but should understand that children are indeed later than others, which shows that children have encountered difficulties in their own growth and need outside help to continue their development. What we have to do is to seize the time to help children make progress.

Welcome to leave a message to express your views and pay attention to the contest, dad said, I will accompany you on the way to parenting!

Hello, I'm Ma Le?

The child is three years old, can't talk, can only babble, and can only call mom and dad. Is it autism? Therefore, if you are afraid of your child's autism, you'd better take your child to the hospital.

Ma Le has a cousin whose child has autism, which was discovered when she was 1 years old.

Children will call their parents and grandparents for several months, but the more they grow up, the less they call. They don't like talking or playing with others. People should not call him. They just entertain themselves and immerse themselves in their own world.

Besides, his personality is particularly irritable. Yell if you don't like it. There are no rules.

Go to Xiangya later to see if the child is autistic.

Moreover, their family members, whether parents or grandparents, like to play mobile phones. They often lie on the sofa and play with their mobile phones. Nobody cares about the children. If the child is noisy, give the child a pacifier or buy a toy for the child to play with.

However, because the father of the child has relatively close relatives and families, this case does not rule out genetic or acquired environmental influences.

However, the child found it early and has been attending classes in that special school since it was discovered. Now they can ask people to talk, but they still don't like to play with other children and don't like to talk unless adults ask them to talk.

However, it is still much better than before. Now I'm over 4 years old and I'm still studying in this special school.

So to determine whether it is autism, you need to go to the hospital.

Ma Le used to be very afraid of her child's autism. First of all, there are cases around her, and the child can't talk when he is over 2 years old. He is still babbling, but he is particularly worried about his child's autism and took him to the hospital for examination. However, although the child can't talk, he is quite cheerful and likes to play with children. As soon as the doctor saw the child so lively, he said that the child was not autistic, and neither were the parents.

At that time, because it was Ma Le Le's father who took care of the children, I was a somewhat serious person. I don't talk much and I don't tease children very much.

Therefore, children's language development is delayed.

Later, in order to let the children talk well, they were sent to the early education center. First, having more children can stimulate children to talk.

Second, it may be better to have a special person to teach than parents.

When the child sent it in the first month, watching the video sent by the teacher, he couldn't speak at all, kept pointing to what he wanted, and then he couldn't understand what the child said.

In the third month, the child's language broke out completely, and suddenly he spoke a lot and spoke very clearly.

After half a year's early education, I was sent to kindergarten. I can completely adapt to life and speak well.

Now I'm five years old, like a gossip.

So the child can't talk at the age of 3, not necessarily autism, but language delay!

Let's just say that there is a possibility of autism.

But children will call their parents, others will not, and the big probability is that language development is slow. Every child's language development is not fixed sooner or later, so it cannot be generalized. By my side, boys usually talk later than girls, but I don't know that this is not universal.

My adopted son can only call his mother before he is 3 years old, but he can't even call his father. Whenever he needs something, he signals with his hand. His father is also worried. Later, I was sent to kindergarten, and now I am almost 5 years old. His mother is tired of saying that he is boring and always chatters.

Another friend's son, too, is now 3 years old and can only call his parents and some simple nouns. His parents are also worried. There was no problem when he went to the pediatric examination, but his language development was late.

Spend more time with children, interact with them and guide them to talk. Although the mother can understand what the child wants to say, don't think that it is not important for the child to speak or not. Some children are naturally active and often too lazy to talk. If the mother knows the child too well, it will make the child have no motivation to speak. Mother can understand what I want anyway.

Don't worry too much. There are many such examples around. It is normal for children to develop language late. If you are not at ease, you can go to the hospital for investigation.

A child who can't talk at the age of three is not necessarily autistic, but it is possible and cannot be ruled out.

The average child can say complete sentences to express his thoughts at the age of three. If you can't speak at this time, then the language is obviously behind the average child.

If you are autistic, there are not only language barriers, but also many manifestations. You can test whether you have serious social obstacles, such as no attachment to family, no response to parents' departure and arrival, and lack of interest in interaction and communication with other children. Obsessed with the same object for a long time, repeatedly operating the same action and so on. If a child has social barriers to stereotyped behavior, there is a possibility of autism. If not, the chances will be much smaller.

If the child just can't talk, we still have to screen the child. You can focus on checking your child's hearing, intelligence, brain development, language development, etc. It's best to take the child to the hospital for examination.

Some parents may ignore their children's hearing and intelligence and think that their children are just stunted. But if you have mental retardation and hearing problems, it will also affect your child's language development, so you can't be careless.

Some children have dysarthria, which is manifested as vague speech and other symptoms, because speech is formed by the interaction of lips, jaws and other organs. In this case, it is necessary to cooperate with the hospital to correct the child.

In addition to screening, we should also think about the environment at home and whether to give children corresponding language stimulation and encouragement, such as dialogue between family members and interaction with children. If this aspect is missing, it will also lead to children's language development retardation.

How old is the child? Every child's speaking ability is different, so first of all, it is necessary to understand the child's language development period, so that the child's speaking ability can be better exercised.

Just because a baby speaks late doesn't mean that there must be something wrong with his intelligence. According to the famous Einstein, he couldn't speak at the age of four, so that everyone thought he was dumb and laughed at him. But after reading his later works, we know that his intelligence is not bad.

We often hear old people say that "distinguished people speak late". A baby who speaks late may not speak until he is three or four years old, and his language will reach normal at the age of six. But if you find that your baby is late, please take your baby to check his intelligence first, so as not to miss the treatment.

Why do children talk late? The child is three years old, can't talk, can only babble, and can only call mom and dad. Is it autism? The first thing to do is to take the children to have a check-up to see if there are any mental problems. If there is no problem, don't worry. Children just talk late, no problem.

Whether a child is autistic or not can not be judged just by talking. I don't know about your child's other situation. As for whether your child has autism, it needs a doctor to judge through a series of tests. As for speaking late, there are many reasons. My children have had a similar situation, I hope I can help you:

First, don't believe that "distinguished people speak late". I believe that many parents have heard of the saying "the nobles speak late". Has this mother ever been comforted like this? Remind you here that you need to pay attention. So why is it not credible that "the nobles speak late"?

1, where does "late talk" come from:

The phrase "distinguished people speak late" comes from The Analects of Confucius. The original sentence is "A noble person speaks late, but he works fast, but he doesn't speak slowly. Mount Tai collapsed in front of it, and its color remained unchanged. Elk thrives on the left, but his eyes are not instantaneous. "

Ancient Chinese probably means that people who have ideas and connotations don't talk much and will grab words. Since then, after people's misinformation, there is no scientific basis to explain the statement that "children who talk late are smart".

2. Is it related to IQ that children speak sooner or later?

There are many reasons why children speak late, which has nothing to do with IQ, and it is a good wish of adults.

Second, what is the baby's general speaking rule: 1, from birth to 3 months:

At this stage, children basically only cry or laugh.

2, 3-6 months:

Express different emotions with various voices, but also observe the mouth shape of adults, and subconsciously begin to imitate speaking habits.

3, 6-9 months:

The original meaning of imitation began to strengthen, and slowly began to try to talk to adults. At first, it may make adults feel that the cow's head is not right.

4, 9- 12 months:

I can call out my parents, be interested in new sounds and new word pronunciations, take the initiative to imitate, and even have simple communication.

As can be seen from the above introduction, children can basically have simple communication or have the desire to imitate adults when they are around 1 year old. At most, your children will call their parents, which needs to be highly valued.

Third, why do children speak late: 1, sign language translation:

When your child reaches the age of three, you can only call it mom and dad. Is it because you usually translate children's gestures too fast? Let children get what they want without talking.

2. Parents like to compare:

"Other people's children" has become the object of comparison for generations, and this generation of fathers is no exception. They always like to compare their children with other people's children, especially their shortcomings, which lead to their lack of self-confidence and reticence.

3. Less encouragement

Did you encourage the baby when he tried to talk? No matter whether the child speaks clearly or not, you should encourage him more and give him the motivation to speak ~

4. Insufficient exercise

Exercise can not only enhance physical fitness, but also get through the baby's whole body language and pronunciation organs. Don't ignore it ~

Of course, there are many reasons why children talk late. All of the above are common in family life, and may also be caused by diseases. Of course, this requires a doctor's professional diagnosis, and parents should not judge blindly. I suggest you go to the hospital for diagnosis. In addition, if children want to talk more, it is also necessary for parents to accompany them, especially to read more stories and talk to children, instead of just letting children watch TV and computers. This is not very helpful for children's language development.

As for whether the child you are asking is autistic, you can't just judge from the time when the child speaks, such as the child's mental state and how to interact with people. Because you said that the child has few other conditions, I suggest you go to the hospital for examination. Don't lose heart until the doctor makes a professional diagnosis. Every child is a treasure given to us by God.

I wonder if my answer can solve your problem. If you have any questions, please leave a message and your message will be answered.

Hello, you said that your child could not speak at the age of three, but only babbled and called his parents. Want to know if the child is autistic?

Because your question is too general to be used as a basis for evaluating whether a child is autistic or not, and because language retardation may also present such a situation, I will try my best to answer both cases.

Autism has a behavioral diagnosis index:

Children before one year old:

1, lack of social smile.

2. Lack of proper facial expressions.

3. Don't reach for things or fingers.

I didn't respond to my name.

5. Looks deaf.

6. There is no phenomenon of babbling.

One and a half to two years old:

1, eyes don't look at people.

2. Not interested in other children.

3. There is no expected action when others hug.

4, will not seek comfort and so on.

If there are two or three kinds of children, parents should pay attention to them and go to the hospital for diagnosis as soon as possible.

If you can't speak at the age of three, it can at least show that your child's language development is slow.

Language retardation refers to the fact that children's oral expression ability or language understanding ability obviously lags behind the normal development level of children of the same age due to various reasons.

There are many reasons for children's language retardation, among which mental retardation, hearing impairment, speech organ diseases, central nervous system diseases and bad language environment are common reasons.

I have also received counseling and training from several children suspected of autism. I don't think so, but there is too little interaction between parents and children after the child is born. Almost all children sleep with their children, their mothers play with their mobile phones, and their children don't cry or make trouble. Their mothers never tease or touch their children. This situation belongs to a bad relationship between mother and child.

I wonder if the above answer will help you? In any case, take the child to the hospital for diagnosis, intervene as early as possible, and strive for better results.

It doesn't have to be autism, so do some children with oral muscles or swallowing problems. It is recommended to go to the children's rehabilitation department or children's neurology department of the hospital in time for examination.

Autistic children are usually accompanied by obvious language development disorders, which are diverse and multi-level, not just pronunciation problems. They can develop many basic language skills, which gives parents an illusion that children can talk and seem to know everything, but the logic of expression is poor and they can't communicate on one channel.

In addition, autistic children's language performance is rather rigid and clumsy, and they can't acquire autonomous learning ability with language as a tool.

So you can't judge whether you are autistic or not just because you can't talk. Some children with idiopathic language retardation have no obvious neurological abnormalities, hearing impairment, visual impairment, oral organ dysfunction, brain injury and so on. They know everything, can follow some instructions, have their own preferences and personalities, and can speak a few words when expressing their basic needs, but their language ability is far behind their peers. This performance seems to be similar to the subject.

Characteristics of Language Disorder in Autistic Children

(1) Babies don't use grunting as an attempt to express themselves. Even if there is such a stage in infancy, it gradually degenerates in their growth.

(2) There are obvious abnormalities in speech, such as volume, speech speed, rhythm and tone.

(3) Abnormal speech forms, the biggest feature is parrot-like language, repeating what others have said, repeating other people's questions, and rigidly answering questions.

(4) Personal pronouns are mixed. The most obvious thing is to confuse the concepts of "I" and "you".

(5) the words are confusing. The biggest feature is that it has nothing to do with the situation at that time.

(6) Confuse topics when talking with people. Jumping big, often unexpected. For example, parents ask their children what they like to eat, and suddenly the children talk about other topics.

(7) Although he can speak a lot, his ability to communicate or have a dialogue with others is obviously hindered. For example, talking to yourself for a long time about a topic, or stubbornly asking others to talk about a topic with themselves, regardless of other people's reactions or opinions.

Seeing a special language development clinic requires a professional examination by a professional doctor to give you a conclusion.