Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Bubu fortune-telling _ Bubu fortune-telling network

Bubu fortune-telling _ Bubu fortune-telling network

Bubu fortune-telling

Throughout the ages, many people have a deep "infatuation" and belief in fortune telling and residential feng shui, and naturally they highly admire some Feng Shui masters. But can feng shui master really help us calculate our fate? Have they calculated their own destiny?

There was a lady Zhang, who was gifted and observant since she was a child. She helps people with fortune telling, divination and geomantic omen. Just like "Sister Zhang", everyone respects her as "Master Zhang". For example, she can break people's money according to photos. Because of these special abilities, "Master Zhang" is regarded as a "master of divinity" in the local area. People rushed to send her a lot of money, hoping to predict their future and avoid misfortune!

In just a few years, "Master Zhang" not only earned a lot of money by his own specialty, but also took shares in several enterprises, with incomparable scenery. However, who expected that such an expert who was admired by thousands of people "overturned" and smashed his own signboard.

Once, Master Zhang visited a factory, but a safety accident happened. The machine screwed into her sleeve and one hand was "scrapped", which caused her to scream on the spot and collapsed to the ground. It can be said: "good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles." After this incident, the fans of "Master Zhang" also heard a little and thought a little, and they couldn't help but have some doubts about her kneading and calculating ability. Why did "Zhang Shensuan" do thousands of calculations for others, but miscalculated his own disaster?

In fact, fortune telling and calculating fate are fixed, just talking nonsense. What happened to Master Zhang has shown that she can't get rid of her own bad karma, so how can she ward off evil spirits for others?

The fate that people talk about is not fixed. It is totally fatalism to think clearly about what you are now and what your life will be like. Because everything will change because of cause and effect. All sentient beings, including people, are in the causal network. Because cause and effect circulate with each other, planting good causes will naturally produce good results. As the saying goes, good is rewarded by good, evil by evil, and karma follows, and there can be no mistake. This is the true meaning!

Moreover, fortune-telling is equal to metaphysics, which violates causal science. It not only does not help and guide our lives, but it is easy to lead people astray.

If the fortune teller calculates that a poor man will definitely become a rich man in the future, but this person has no inheritance to inherit and is unwilling to make progress. But with the mentality of "I want to be rich anyway", I am lazy all day and even do evil. Can he become a rich man? That's impossible! To get rich, we must be diligent in work, management, doing evil, doing good and creating good deeds.

And if the fortune teller calculates that someone has a big disaster on a certain day, will this person be as predicted? I'm afraid not. If this person clearly believes in cause and effect, repents of all sins and widely practices good deeds, he can naturally delay the maturity of bad consequences. When karma changes, the result will change. It's like a farmer who planted a forest of thorns and produced thorns, but he cut down the thorns and planted flowers. Over time, he will naturally harvest fragrant flowers. Therefore, to think that fate cannot be changed is to deny science and violate causal reality.

Then, in the face of all kinds of difficulties in life, what should people do if they want to change?

We should study Buddhism devoutly and practice "all evil should be avoided and all good should be pursued" according to the teachings of Buddha and Bodhisattva. In the process of practicing Buddhism, it is natural to eliminate disasters, prolong life, increase happiness, increase wisdom, and even get rid of the pain of reincarnation and reach the other side of happiness. Only when the result is good and absurd can we get real happiness.

When we get rid of those superstitious and biased ideas and understand the importance and urgency of cause and effect, we naturally embark on the smooth road of practicing Buddhism.

We are getting luckier and luckier. Nowadays, under the unique situation that Nanwu's ancestor reported to the Buddha, we should think deeply about the rarity of personal life and the fleeting opportunity, seize the opportunity of learning Buddhism, realize liberation as soon as possible, and then look at the bubble of this dream!

Author: Kui Xin

Editor: Dongshan/Yue Se