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Since I'm here to eat, I'm sure it's Toona sinensis.

Chinese toon

Chinese toon

Toona sinensis is a tall tree in Qiao Ben, native to China. People have long been used to eating Toona sinensis, and Toona sinensis spread all over the country in the Han Dynasty. In the ancient farmers' market, Toona sinensis was called Toona sinensis and Ailanthus altissima was called Toona sinensis.

Toona sinensis is a deciduous tree of Meliaceae, dioecious, with odd pinnate compound leaves, panicles, white bisexual flowers, oval capsules, winged seeds and reproductive seeds. The height of the tree is not only edible for Toona sinensis buds, but also the first choice for landscaping.

This family belongs to the buds and leaves of Toona sinensis of Meliaceae, which grows in spring.

Don't be famous for Toona sinensis, Tiger Eye Tree, Tiger Eye Tree and Big Eye Tree.

Toona sinensis is a perennial deciduous tree with a height of 10 m. The leaves are alternate, with even-numbered pinnate compound leaves, 6- 10 pairs of leaflets, large leaf scars, 40 cm long and 24 cm wide, oblong and pointed leaflets, 10- 12 cm long and 4 cm wide, with purplish red young leaves, green leaves, reddish brown back and slight wax. Panicle terminal, pendulous, bisexual, white, fragrant, small, bell-shaped, ovary conical, 5-loculed, with 3 ovules per locule. Style shorter than ovary, new fruit, narrowly elliptic or nearly elliptic, about 2 cm long, reddish brown, leathery and bell-shaped when mature. It blooms in June, and the fruit matures from 10 to 165438+ 10. Oval shape, long wooden wings, small seeds, low germination rate, high oil content and edible.

Toona sinensis likes temperature, which is suitable for cultivation in areas with average temperature of 8- 10℃, and its cold resistance increases with seedling age. One-year-old seedlings planted directly may be frozen at about-65438 00℃. Toona sinensis likes light and is more resistant to moisture. It is suitable for growing in fertile and moist soil around rivers and houses, and sandy loam is generally better. The suitable soil pH value is pH 5.5-8.0.

There are many varieties of Toona sinensis in China, which can be basically divided into purple Toona sinensis and green Toona sinensis according to the different colors of buds and cotyledons. Purple Toona sinensis includes black Toona sinensis, red Toona sinensis, Jiaozuo Toona sinensis and Ximou Toona sinensis. Green Toona sinensis includes green Toona sinensis and pholiota adiposa. Different varieties of Toona sinensis have different characteristics. The crown of Toona sinensis is generally open, the bark is grayish brown, the spores are purplish brown, the first buds are purplish red, shiny and fragrant, with less fiber and more oil; Toona sinensis, erect crown, blue or greenish brown bark, slightly fragrant and less oily.

Key points of cultivation

(1) culture mode:

① Common cultivation. The propagation of Toona sinensis can be divided into two types: sowing and seedling raising and ramet propagation (also called root tillering propagation).

Because the germination rate of Toona sinensis seeds is low, the seeds should be soaked in warm water at 30-35℃ for 24 hours before sowing, and then placed at 25℃ to accelerate germination. Seeding when radicle comes into contact with rice grains (the lowest ground temperature during sowing is about 5℃). Generally, Shanghai is in the first half of March. After emergence, there are 2-3 true leaf seedlings and 4-5 true leaf seedlings, and the row spacing is 25x 15cm.

For propagation by dividing plants, the root seedlings of adult plants can be dug out in early spring and planted in Miao Di, and then planted when the seedlings grow to about 2 meters in the next year. You can also use the method of cutting roots and tillering. In late winter and early spring, dig a 60-cm-deep annular ditch around the adult trees, cut off some lateral roots, and then fill the ditch. Because the roots of Toona sinensis are easy to produce adventitious roots, new seedlings germinate at the top of the cut roots and can be transplanted the next year.

After Toona sinensis seedlings are bred, they are all planted before germination in early spring. Planting Toona sinensis forest in a large area, with row spacing of 7x5m. The plants planted behind the canal and the house are all in a single row, with a spacing of about 5 meters. Water for 2-3 times after planting to improve the survival rate.

② Dwarfing and close planting. This is a cultivation method developed in recent years. Its seedling raising method is the same as that of common cutting, but it is different in planting density and tree pruning. Generally, about 6000 plants are planted every 666.7 square meters. Tree types are divided into two types: multi-layer type, when the seedling height is 2m, the top is removed, and lateral buds germinate to form three layers of backbone branches, 1 layer is 70cm away from the ground, 2 layers are 60cm away from 1 layer, and 3 layers are 40cm away from 2 layers. There are many such multi-layer trunks.

High, completely lignified and stable yield. Cluster type is to remove the top tip when the seedling height is about 1 m, and Liu Xinfa only picks the tender leaves without picking the top buds, and then wipes his head when the branches grow to 20-30 cm. It is characterized by short trunk and many main branches.

③ Protected cultivation. It can also be divided into two types: one is to close the dwarf Toona sinensis planted in greenhouse (or pipe shed) until mid-June165438+1October (referring to the southern part of North China). The other is to plant 23-year-old seedlings that have passed dormancy in greenhouse (or pipe shed). Indoor (shed) temperature shall be kept at 18-24℃ during the day and not lower than 12℃ at night. After 40-45 days, the young leaves can be eaten.

(2) Management: Although the field management of Toona sinensis is extensive, in order to make it grow fast and yield high, we should also pay attention to fertilization and pest control. If the weather is dry, water it in time; Tilling and loosening the soil every year, it is best to interplant green manure between rows, and turn it into the soil or water human and animal manure in May.

Insect pests include Toona sinensis caterpillar, Anoplophora maculata, grasshopper, etc. Can be controlled by pesticides such as Bacillus borealis; Diseases include leaf rust and powdery mildew. It can be controlled by Bordeaux liquid and sulfur liquid.

(3) Picking: Toona sinensis is cultivated by common cultivation and dwarf close planting, which generally germinates before Tomb-Sweeping Day, and the terminal buds can be picked before and after Grain Rain. This first picking, called the first sprout of Toona sinensis, is not only fat and tender, but also rich in flavor and high in quality. After that, according to the growth situation, pick it for the second time every 15-20 days. The new species of Toona sinensis can be harvested at most twice, and after 3 years, it can be harvested 2-3 times a year, and the output will increase accordingly. As for protected cultivation, it can also be picked by heating in winter. If it is not heated, tree buds can be supplied in advance in early spring.

Nutrition and Edible Toona sinensis head contains extremely rich nutrition. According to the analysis, every 100g of Toona sinensis head contains 9.8g of protein, 0.43mg of calcium and 0.5mg of vitamin, which are among the best in vegetables. In addition, it also contains phosphorus 135 mg, carotene 1.36 mg, and nutrients such as iron and B vitamins.

Cold and bitter in nature; Enter lung, stomach and large intestine meridian.

Functions: clearing away heat and toxic materials, invigorating stomach and regulating qi, moistening skin and improving eyesight, and killing insects. Indications: sore poison, alopecia, red eyes, cough due to lung heat, etc.

food therapy

1. Improve the body's immune function and moisturize the skin. Toona sinensis is rich in vitamin C, carotene and other substances, which helps to enhance human immune function and has a good lubricating effect on the skin. It is a good food for health care and beauty.

2. astringent blood to stop dysentery, stop collapse Toona sinensis can dry dampness and clear heat, and can be used for chronic diarrhea, intestinal hemorrhoids and bloody stool, metrorrhagia and leukorrhagia.

3. Toona sinensis has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and insecticidal effects, and can be used to treat diseases such as ascariasis, tinea sores and scabies.

Healthy diet

1. Toona sinensis scrambled eggs 250g, 5 eggs. Wash Toona sinensis, blanch in boiling water, remove and chop; Beat the eggs into a bowl and stir well; Heat the oil pan, pour in the eggs and stir-fry into pieces, add the Chinese toon and stir-fry, add the refined salt, stir-fry until the eggs are cooked and tasty, and take off the pan. The food has the effects of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, caring skin and keeping fit. Suitable for hematemesis, red eyes, malnutrition, baldness and other diseases. Ordinary people eat it, which can enhance the human body's disease resistance and prevent diseases.

2. Toona sinensis shoots are 200 grams of fresh bamboo shoots and 500 grams of tender Toona sinensis heads. Slice bamboo shoots; Clean the tender Toona sinensis head, cut it into fine powder, marinate it with refined salt for a while, take it out and drain it for later use; Heat the wok and drain the oil. Stir-fry bamboo shoots, then add chopped Toona sinensis, refined salt, fresh soup, juice from strong fire, flavor with monosodium glutamate, thicken with wet starch, and sprinkle with sesame oil. This dish has the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, promoting diuresis and resolving phlegm. It is suitable for cough caused by lung heat, noisy stomach heat, red and white dysentery caused by damp-heat of spleen and stomach, short, red and astringent urine and other symptoms.

3. Tofu Tofu mixed with tofu 50g and tender Toona sinensis 50g. Cut tofu into pieces, put it in a pot and add water to boil.

Drain water, dice and put into a plate; Wash Toona sinensis, blanch it, cut into pieces, put it in a bowl, add salt, monosodium glutamate and sesame oil and mix well, then pour it on tofu and mix well with chopsticks when eating. The food has the effects of moistening skin, improving eyesight, invigorating qi, regulating middle energizer, promoting fluid production and moistening dryness. Suitable for upset and thirsty, abdominal distension, red eyes and sores on the mouth and tongue.

4. 250g of tender Toona sinensis. Wash old terrier Toona sinensis, blanch it thoroughly in boiling water pot, take it out and wash it, drain and chop it up, put it in a plate, add refined salt, pour sesame oil on it and mix well. This dish has the effects of clearing away damp heat and relaxing bowels. It is suitable for yellow urine, constipation, cough with excessive phlegm, abdominal distension and dry stool.

5. 500 grams of fried Toona cake flour, 250 grams of pickled Toona head, 3 eggs, and appropriate amount of chopped green onion. Cut Toona sinensis into small pieces, add water to flour to make paste, add eggs, chopped green onion, cooking wine and cut Toona sinensis and mix well; Heat the pan with oil, scoop in a tablespoon of batter and dilute. When one side turns brown, turn the other side over and fry both sides until brown. The food has the effects of invigorating stomach, regulating qi, nourishing yin, moistening dryness, moistening skin and building body. Suitable for physical weakness, poor hair quality, limb weakness, poor stool and other diseases.

Matters needing attention According to "Dietotherapy Materia Medica", "Toona sinensis buds eat more wind and smoke the ten meridians and five internal organs, which makes people sleepy. Often eat pork and hot noodles together, then cover the meridians. " Therefore, you shouldn't eat too much.

Selected document

Materia Medica for Dietotherapy: "Women suffer from postpartum hemorrhage due to bloody collapse, and they have many monthly letters. Stop taking it and treat infantile dysentery."

Daming Materia Medica: "Stop women's bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, leucorrhea, intestinal wind diarrhea, intestinal slippery diarrhea, and reduce stool."

Compendium of Materia Medica: "Bald hair is not born, take the heart of Toona sinensis, peach and catalpa, and often pound it."

"Compendium of Medical Forest": "Spreading lung, drying spleen and promoting diuresis, and removing blood dampness and heat. Treat diarrhea, intestinal wind, collapse, leukorrhagia and red urine. "

Planting techniques of Toona sinensis

In the planting of Toona sinensis, special attention should be paid to the following scientific and technological management.

First, adjust the temperature, humidity and light. 1, temperature adjustment. It is observed that the temperature in the greenhouse is about 25℃, and the buds can grow 3-4 cm within 24 hours. At 15℃, it is only 1 cm long; When the greenhouse temperature exceeds 35℃, it will affect the coloring and quality of Toona sinensis buds. The slow seedling stage is 10- 15 days after film mulching, and efforts should be made to raise the temperature, and the greenhouse temperature can be around 30℃ during the day. After more than 1 month of natural light temperature accumulation, the temperature should be controlled at 25-30℃ during the day, 13- 17℃ at night, and 18-25℃ during bud picking. According to the situation, cover with grass and paper to increase the temperature or keep warm. 2. Temperature adjustment. The root system of seedlings planted in greenhouse has poor water absorption capacity, so it is advisable to maintain high soil humidity and air humidity at the initial stage, water them after planting, and then water them as appropriate. Keep the relative humidity of the air above 85%, and spray water on the seedlings in sunny days to prevent dehydration and drying. After germination, the relative humidity of the air should be 70%. If the humidity is too high, not only will the germination be slow, but the fragrance will be greatly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to release air and expel moisture in time. 3. Lighting adjustment. Toona sinensis likes light, so we should try to use drip-free film, uncover the grass film and paper quilt in time during the day, and often clean up the debris on the film to increase the light. If the light is too strong, we can properly cover the grass for shading.

Second, topping promotes branching. When picking the second crop of Toona sinensis, remove the top and fix it (from 40 cm above the ground). After drying, spraying 200-500 ppm 15% paclobutrazol solution to control the apical dominance, promote the rapid growth of branches, and achieve dwarfing culture. After that, according to the development of tree type, topping and branching should be done in time to ensure that the crown is multi-branched and more Toona sinensis buds are produced, so as to achieve high yield and high quality.

Third, water and fertilizer management. Toona sinensis is a fast-growing woody vegetable, and its water demand is not great. Potash fertilizer is in great demand. Every 300 square meters of greenhouse, the base fertilizer needs to be fully decomposed and high-quality farm manure of about 2,500 kg, plant ash 75- 150 kg or potassium dihydrogen phosphate 3-6 kg and diammonium carbonate 3-6 kg. After each picking, according to the soil fertility, growth and leaf color of Toona sinensis, appropriate amount of topdressing and watering.

Fourth, cover the light-shielding film bag. When the ground temperature in Grain Rain is above 18℃, the plastic film can be removed and the seedlings will grow naturally. Since then, although the seedlings have developed rapidly, they are easy to age, so it is necessary to prepare black and red 2-layer and 2-color polyethylene film bags as soon as possible. When the buds of Toona sinensis grow to 5 cm, we can put on a light-shielding film bag. This can not only improve the yield, but also ensure that the buds of Toona sinensis do not age. When the buds of Toona sinensis grow to 15 cm, they are collected in bags and then sold in bags. This kind of film bag can be used many times.

5. Picking buds and packaging. 40-60 days after the film is buckled, when the buds of Toona sinensis grow to 15 cm and the color is good, the buds can be picked. Bud picking should be done in the morning and evening. The first bud (that is, the bud planted at the top of the branch) is of good quality and good color, which is the top grade and should be harvested at 12- 15 cm. When the second crop bud grows to 20 cm, it should be harvested and topped in time to promote its side buds and hidden buds and improve yield. Generally, you can harvest 1 time every 10 day. After harvesting, topdressing and watering should be done as appropriate to promote the growth of Toona sinensis buds.

Toona sinensis buds listed before and after the Spring Festival should be classified and bundled, generally every 50-1 00g1bundle, packed in plastic bags and sealed to prevent water loss.

Cultural appreciation Wu. "Spring Cuisine": "Just like my Shu is rich in winter vegetables, with frosty leaves and cold buds. Historical legend: As early as the Han Dynasty, our ancestors ate Toona sinensis. Toona sinensis, together with Li, was once the two great tributes of the North and the South, and was deeply loved by emperors and court nobles. Song praised: "Toona sinensis is solid and its leaves are fragrant." "

Oh, oh, oh, oh ~ ~ ~

Toona sinensis, also known as Toona sinensis and Toona sinensis buds, belongs to Meliaceae and contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Ken has the effects of tonifying deficiency, strengthening yang, consolidating essence and tonifying kidney, promoting hair growth, diminishing inflammation, stopping bleeding and relieving pain, promoting circulation of qi, regulating blood and invigorating stomach.

Anyone with kidney-yang deficiency, cold pain in the waist and knees, nocturnal emission, impotence and alopecia should eat it.

If it is a fall, you can also cut the leek or root and cook it with yellow wine, then drink it while it is hot.

If the lacquer sore itches, mash it with leek leaves.

"Rihuazi Materia Medica" pointed out that Toona sinensis can "stop semen and urine, warm waist paint, remove heart odor, cold in the chest, anorexia and abdominal pain, and make people fat and white. Stroke aphonia juice research suit; My heart and spleen are very painful, so I was born with a research suit. Snakes and dogs bite bad sores and apply them. "


Spring and March are the seasons for eating Toona sinensis. Many experts have mentioned that Toona sinensis is not only unique in flavor and attractive in appetite, but also high in nutritional value, rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium, and the content of vitamin B group is also among the best in vegetables. Other studies have also found that Toona sinensis helps prevent chronic diseases. It contains ingredients that inhibit a variety of pathogenic bacteria, contribute to anti-tumor, reduce blood fat and blood sugar, and is also rich in polyphenols antioxidant components.

However, many people have pointed out that Toona sinensis contains nitrate and nitrite, which is much higher than ordinary vegetables. However, the protein content of Toona sinensis is higher than that of ordinary vegetables, so there is a risk of nitrosamines, and there is a safety hazard in eating Toona sinensis. So, how can we eat safe and nutritious Toona sinensis? May wish to follow the following principles:

First, choose the most tender Toona sinensis bud.

It was found that the contents of nitrate and nitrite in Toona sinensis in different regions, varieties and growth periods were different. The most important thing is that the nitrate content of Toona sinensis is low in the initial stage of germination, and the nitrate content is also rising with the continuous growth of Toona sinensis buds. After mid-April, the nitrate content in Toona sinensis buds in most areas exceeded the standards of the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. That is to say, the more tender the Toona sinensis buds are, the less nitrate will be produced, and the less nitrite will be produced during storage in the future.

Second, choose the freshest Toona sinensis bud.

The determination also showed that the nitrate content in Toona sinensis buds increased after mid-April, but the nitrite content was still low. Therefore, if you eat fresh Toona sinensis buds, it will not cause nitrite poisoning. However, after harvesting, during storage at room temperature, a large amount of nitrate will be converted into nitrite, which will bring security risks. The so-called high nitrite content in Toona sinensis buds is precisely this reason.

That is to say, fresh Toona sinensis buds picked from trees are safe to eat directly, while the content of nitrite in Toona sinensis buds bought from the market will increase greatly because of the transportation process. If the leaves fall off as soon as they touch, a lot of nitrite will inevitably be produced.

Third, blanching removes nitrate and nitrite.

If the Toona sinensis buds are not fresh enough, but the fragrance is still there, it is a pity to throw them away. It is better to blanch them. Blanching with boiling water for about 1 min can remove more than two thirds of nitrite and nitrate, and can also preserve the green color of Toona sinensis. Whether it's cold, stir-fried or fried Toona sinensis fish, you might as well blanch it first, which can greatly improve the safety of eating Toona sinensis. Because the aroma components of Toona sinensis mainly come from essential oil, which is insoluble in water, blanching will not obviously affect the flavor of dishes.

Fourth, blanch it before quick freezing.

Toona sinensis is a seasonal vegetable. Many people like to freeze it and eat it all year round. But Toona sinensis should be blanched before quick freezing. The research data show that blanching for 50 seconds before cryopreservation not only greatly improves the safety, but also preserves vitamin C better. After freezing for 2 months, the content of vitamin C in scalded Toona sinensis is equivalent to 765,438+0% of fresh Toona sinensis, while that in scalded Toona sinensis is only 35%. At the same time, whether it is color or flavor, it is more ideal to blanch first and then freeze. After blanching, put it in a sealed plastic bag and put it in the quick-freezing room of the refrigerator, which can be stored for more than 1 month and keep its light green and fragrant characteristics.

Fifth, the curing time of Toona sinensis buds is longer.

Many people like to marinate Toona sinensis in salt for two or three days before eating, which is a very unsafe habit. Because the content of nitrite will rise rapidly after curing, reaching the peak after three or four days (salt content 10%~20%), and the content far exceeds the allowable standard. Pickling after blanching can greatly reduce the nitrate content and reduce the risk of pickling Toona sinensis, but the safest way is to pickle Toona sinensis after blanching for a week, and then eat it after the nitrite content is reduced. Adding vitamin C, tea and other ingredients can reduce the content of nitrite in curing.

Finally, eat Toona sinensis with foods rich in vitamin C. The content of vitamin C in Toona sinensis is higher than that of ordinary vegetables and fruits. If you can eat fresh Toona sinensis, vitamin C can help block the formation of nitrosamines, a carcinogen. If Toona sinensis is not fresh enough, it may be eaten with other fresh vegetables and fruits to avoid the hidden dangers caused by nitrite. Studies have proved that when the molar ratio of vitamin C to nitrite is 2: 1, the synthesis of nitrosamine carcinogens can be well blocked.

In a word, the safety of Toona sinensis can be ensured by budding, fresh eating, blanching and slow pickling.

Toona sinensis seed

Alias: Toona sinensis, Toona sinensis, Toona sinensis.

Chinese name: Toona sinensis fruit

Latin scientific name: Toona sinensis. [Toona sinensis]

Source: Toona sinensis fruit. Meliaceae.

Efficacy classification: wind-dispelling drugs

Sexual taste and orientation: pungent; Bitter; Temperature; Liver; Lung meridian

Efficacy: expelling wind; Eliminating cold; Relieve pain

Indications: exogenous wind and cold; Rheumatalgia; Stomach pain; Hernia pain; dysentery

Various exhibitions

1. Collection of Common Folk Herbs: Sweating and Treating Stomach Pain.

2. Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine: in addition to wind-cold, treat bone wind-cold and rheumatic joint pain.

Party selection

① Treatment of exogenous cold: Toona sinensis and Pyrola. Decoct water. ("Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine") 2 Treatment of chest pain: Toona sinensis and keel. Grinding, pouring boiling water into clothes. (Hunan Medical Journal) ③ Treatment of rheumatic joint pain: Toona sinensis stewed pork or mutton. ("Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine") 4 Treatment of hernia pain: Toona sinensis is five yuan. Decoct with water. ("Hunan Medical Records") 5 Treatment of hemorrhoids and leakage: Toona sinensis seeds and maltose. Steam clothes. (Guizhou traditional Chinese medicine prescription)

Usage and dosage:

Oral administration: decoction, 6-15g; Or not.

Source: Chinese materia medica