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Detailed explanation of divination methods in Zhouyi

"Zhouyi" and "Biography with Feeling" say divination methods like this:

"Heaven and earth two, three or four days, five or six days, seven or eight days; Nine days and ten places. "

"The number of big swallows is fifty, and its use is nine out of forty. Divide into two like two, hang one like three, hang one like four like four, return to the stranger like a leap, leap again at the age of five, and so on. Five days, five digits, five combinations. Twenty has five days and thirty places. There are five places where the number of heaven and earth is fifty, which makes it possible for changes and ghosts to walk. There are six strategies for doing things, four strategies for Kun, and sixty strategies for 300 days. There are 1,520 policies in two chapters, and the number of things is also. So the Fourth Battalion became Yi, and nine times out of ten it became a divination. Gossip has become a small success, and it has continued for a long time. "

What does the phrase "one day, one place and two places" mean, and what does heaven and earth mean? The notes and many books are not clear. Zhu's "Yi" is explained by He Tu and Luo Shu, which is of course even more wrong. In fact, heaven and earth are not mysterious. Heaven and earth are yin and yang, that is to say, natural numbers are divided into two categories. The odd number is called Tianhe Yang, the even number represents the odd number, and the ground represents the even number. 13579 is an odd number, called day. 24680 is an even number, called the ground number. Days and places, odd numbers and even numbers, and different names are actually the same thing, and they all mean unity of opposites.

Here, from one to ten, ten is a very important number. According to ethnology, humans only knew two in the early days, then three, five and finally ten. Knowing every number is a difficult progress, not an easy thing. The Outline of Primitive Cultural History written by Soviet scholar Kersven said: "In the language of backward tribes, two only means half of all", and it is not easy to develop to ten. Our ancestors thought that ten was an abundant number. The quantity has increased to 10, which seems to be full. The ancients regarded ten thousand as abundant numbers. "Zuo Zhuan" Zhuang Gong sixteen years: "You can't make the uncle have nothing to do with Zheng, so you can enter in October. Said: "If the moon is sunny, why is it abundant?" ".Think of ten as a good number, an abundant number. Du Zhu said, "Count to ten. The Book of Confucius said: "The number of days in the Book of Changes is more than ten, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. ""Zuo Zhuan "Min said in A.D." Prophecy: After 10,000 yuan is completed, it will be great and profitable. "The ancients thought that number to ten was full and ten thousand was the largest, so ten was called a small surplus and ten thousand was called a big surplus. The "ten thousand" of "everything" is the most meaningful. In Zuo Zhuan, Confucius said, "Ten is a small achievement. "Because the ancients paid special attention to the number of small profits of ten, when talking about the divination method in Cohesion Biography, they all started with the number of days within ten.

"The number of days is five, the number of digits is five, and the five are integrated." The number of days is 13579. "Five on the ground" is the number of 24685. That is, five odd numbers and five even numbers within ten. Five phases, one and two, three and four, five and six, seven and eight, nine and ten. "Each has its own combination" means that five days add up to 25, five places add up to 30, and 25 plus 30 add up to 55. This is "the number of heaven and earth is five out of fifty." The ever-changing and mysterious Zhouyi is caused by the changes of five days, five places and five places. The change of "50: 50" produced 78,964 numbers. The hexagrams are composed of hexagrams, which were produced by the changes in 7896. The so-called "changing ghosts and gods" refers to this.

Divination in Zhouyi begins with the number of heaven and earth. The so-called large number face is the sum of ten worlds from one to ten. Cohesion Biography says that "the swallow counts fifty", but it should actually be "fifty has five". We should know this exactly. The word "Youwu" has been removed from ancient books. Later generations did not observe it and made various explanations. The explanations in the notes to the Thirteen Classics are all strange and wrong. Zhu's explanation is also wrong. In short, it has been interpreted as "50". In fact, Yiganwei Chishui of the Han Dynasty also said "fifty has five", not "fifty". I emphasized this problem in the book Yitong written in 1939. Comrade Gao Feng later agreed and adopted my opinion.

The number of big swallows is five out of fifty, and it is nine out of forty. When mowing the grass, use 49 yarrow instead of 55. Why is this? In the past, Jing Fang, Ma Rong, Xun Shuang, Zheng Xuan, Yao Xin, Dong Yu and Wang Bi all made mistakes on this issue. Zhu said: "This is all due to the rational nature, not the gains and losses of non-human intelligence", which is also wrong. There is no secret in replacing 55 with 49. The number of Dayan is five out of fifty, which is a natural number, and the method of divination is artificial. Use forty-nine yarrow, because you can get seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-six with forty-nine, and seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-six can form hexagrams. You don't need 55 Arrows, because you can't get 7896 from 55, and you can't form hexagrams without 7896.

49 of them are yarrow. Yarrow is just a chip. Planning, planning, planning is one thing. It's not mysterious This is a calculation tool. Use matchsticks and chopsticks instead of yarrow.

Divide into two, like two. The first step of divination is "splitting in two". Divide forty-nine yarrow trees into two parts. Finally, it is up to this letter hand to find out which of these 78964 numbers is. In other words, the letter has been handed down and it has been decided whether it is yin or yang. "Taking the image as two" is not divided into the first 49, but a whole, a whole. It's like Tai Yi, Tai Chi. Some people in ancient times said that fifty MINUS forty-nine equals one, just like Taiyi and Taiji. This is not right. It is wrong to say fifty; The number of Dayan is fifty-five, not fifty; It is even more wrong to say that if you subtract 49 from 50, you will get even more wrong images like Taiyi and Taiji. Because the usage of (49) is like, and the usage of (6, not 1) is not like. No need to study. Using forty-nine, forty-nine is like, we learn forty-nine

I ching uses images to express ideas. Divination has an image, and divination has an image. This is a basic feature of Zhouyi. The ancients thought that the first step of the law of divination had certain significance and represented certain things, which could not be done by accident or casually. Actually, it's not like this. All links in the law are aimed at reaching the conclusion of 7896. If you don't follow those steps, you won't get 7896, 7896 or divination. Why did the ancients have to say what a certain link of divination method looked like? It is to emphasize the mystery of divination and make people believe that it is effective. This is of course unscientific. We can ignore this because we don't want to calculate divination. What we want to study is the thought reflected by the "image" mentioned in it.

It talks about the development and change of the universe from the first, from the first and from Tai Chi, and never mentions before Tai Chi, which is just the opposite of Laozi's view of "Tao gives birth to one" and is a materialistic worldview. "Divided into two is like two", and the second is two instruments, one pair is divided into two. This is dialectics.

"Hang one like three". Take one from the yarrow that has been divided into two parts and put it aside, thus forming three parts. The ancients thought that these three parts were also meaningful, such as heaven, earth and people. The first two parts of yarrow are like two musical instruments of heaven and earth. Pull out one, that is, life is between heaven and earth. Man is between heaven and earth, and man can ascend to heaven. This is very important, the ancients have fully understood the role of people at this time. Man is as important as heaven and earth, and so is he. When the ancients said heaven and earth, they meant nature, and people meant human society.

"Take four as four times" means counting. "Four" means four places. Previously, a total of 49 yarrow were divided into two parts, one in each hand. "Hang one", one part takes one, and there are 48 left in the two parts. In four places, there may be more than one hand, so there must be more than three other hands; If one hand has more than two, the other hand will have more than two. If one hand can count, so can the other hand. One surplus is considered as four surpluses. In short, the remainder of each hand is nothing more than one, two, three and four. However, there are only four and eight cases where the rest of the hands are combined. The four seasons of "Elephant Seasons" are four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Four places and four can lead to 7896, which has nothing to do with the four seasons. The ancients must contact the four seasons to show that every link of the law has an objective basis and is not decided by people at will. But the ancients said that the "four seasons" reflect the changes of the four seasons throughout the year, which is not simple. It shows that the ancients had an exact concept of the changes of the four seasons in nature at that time. The concept of leap month mentioned below shows that there was a calendar at that time. Calendars are related to divination. Without a calendar, divination would not occur. People's understanding of the law that heaven is nature begins with the calendar. The Book of Books Yao Dian says, "If you respect heaven, it looks like the sun, the moon and the stars." It's about the calendar. Calendar is counting, the stars are 28 stars in the sky, and Chen is the meeting of the sun and the moon. When it comes to Yao in the classics, people know that Taoism is like timing. The calendar before Yao was the fire calendar. Fire is a big fire, that is, antares, which later developed into the solar calendar. In the past, people didn't have the concept of heaven, but in Yao's time, heaven didn't exist. People first learn to "calendar like the sun, moon and stars, respect people", and then begin to understand the sky, that is, nature. This is where the ancients' understanding of heaven began. Divination in Zhouyi refers to the four seasons and the leap month, indicating that there was a calendar at that time. More importantly, it shows that Zhouyi understands nature through nature itself and regards nature as an object independent of human subjective world. Zhouyi's world outlook is materialistic.

"It's strange to leap. If I leap at the age of five, I'll die again." "Leap again at the age of five", there are two leap months in five years. "You" means remainder. Take a part of yarrow in each hand, there must be a remainder after four counts, and there are two remainders in each hand, so the cloud "retches". Take two remainders and put them together. "Hang them later". The transaction is declared and ready for the next transaction.

There are four steps in this book of changes, namely, crossing the second, hanging the first, lifting the fourth and returning to the strange, which is called the four camps. "Four camps become easy", and after four steps, one is easy to complete. One change is one change, and three becomes one; There are six hexagrams in one hexagram, so eighteen changes can complete one hexagram.

When the first one is easy to complete, the remainder of "continuation" is either four or eight. The remainder is called a counted number, and the number other than the remainder is a number. If you subtract four from forty-eight yarrow trees, the number is forty-four. After the third change, if the remainder of "continuation" is eight, then this number will be reduced to thirty-six. After the third change, if the remainder of "continuation" is eight, then this number will be reduced to twenty-eight. Twenty-eight is the remaining number after the three changes. Twenty-eight divided by four equals seven. Seven is an odd number, Yang. Because the total number of yarrow is 48, the remainder of each change is either four or eight, so there are only four situations left after the three changes. One, twenty-eight, forty-eight MINUS two, eight, one, four; Two, thirty-two, forty-eight MINUS twenty-four plus eighteen; Three, thirty-six, forty-eight MINUS three or four; Four, twenty-four, forty-eight MINUS three eights. Twenty-eight, thirty-two, thirty-six and twenty-four, divided by four respectively, give the number of seven, eight, nine and sixty-four. Odd numbers are positive and even numbers are negative.

Or get seven, or get eight, or get nine, or get six, so the first idea is the next idea. Do the same thing for five times, and you will get two, three, four, five and five hexagrams, and this hexagrams will be completed. Four battalions become one, three become one, and eight out of ten become one.

"Two hundred and ten policies, four policies of Kun, three hundred policies and sixty policies are the date of the current period. The two articles have a total of 1,520 policies, and the number of things is also. "

Yarrow or bamboo pole is a kind of chip. Chip is strategy. The policy is also embarrassing. There are six yang Yao, 36 policies per Yao, a total of 2 16 policies; There are six Yin hexagrams in Kungua, and each Yin hexagram has 24 strategies, with a total of 144 strategies. There are 360 strategies in Gankun divination. There are 384 hexagrams in the upper and lower chapters, yin 192 hexagrams and yang 192 hexagrams. 192 times 36, you get 69 12 strategies. 192 times 24, you get 4608 strategies. These two figures add up to eleven thousand five hundred and twenty. 360 policy symbolizes the number of days of the first anniversary. Eleven thousand five hundred and twenty policies symbolize the number of all things. It also embodies Yi's materialism. His knowledge object is mainly everything. In his view, "everything between heaven and earth is everything."

These are the methods of divination. Divination is as important as divination. To learn Zhouyi, we must first learn the method of divination. The study of divination is not for divination, but to understand the ideas contained in it. In divination, all the links are represented by numbers. The number of ten heavens and the earth, the number of big Yan, is divided into two, hanging one, four, returning to the odd and seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, and there are even two hundred and sixteen dry strategies, four for Kunce, one hundred and forty for two, and so on, all of which are numbers. The essential feature of divination is numbers.