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Bitter word! How to solve it?

1. Like bile or coptis chinensis, as opposed to "sweet": sweet ~. ~ brave. ~ melon. 2. Feeling uncomfortable: ~ environment. ~ sea (originally a Buddhist term, later it refers to a very bitter environment). ~ boring. Containing xinru ~. Eat hard. ~ annoying. Suffer a little: ~ rain. ~ drought. ~ summer. ~ Yu (a) feels bitter about a certain situation; B: It means more bitter. 4. be patient and try your best: ~ persuade. ~ mouth and heart. My heart is lonely. 5. Make you miserable: it will kill you! Detailed meaning < name > 1. From the old voice. Original meaning: bitter vegetables) 2. The original meaning is the same, that is, "[bitter edible plants]" is bitter, so is Ku Ling. -"Shuowen" is bitter and sweet, in the first sunshine. -"Poetry and Tang Style Picking Ling" tells us that dolphins are full of hardships. -"The Book of Rites" The son of heaven suffered. -"Mu Biography" 3. Another example: chicory (wild chicory. Also known as tea); Bitter tea (bitter vegetable); Bitter vegetables Disease; [sick; Disease] live at sea, away from suffering. -"Lu Chunqiu Club". Attention; "It hurts." It's all bitter -"Lushi Spring and Autumn Nobles". Note: "It is also sick." Broken family. -"Huainanzi Spirit". Note: "Sick also." 5. Another example is carsickness. Feel dizzy and vomiting when riding); Seasick. Feel dizzy and want to vomit by boat) 1. Bitter taste, as opposed to "sweet" and "sweet". It was called "bitterness" in ancient times. Who is bitter for tea? -"Poetry, Wind and Gu Feng" Everything is bitter and bitter. -"Guangya" nourishes the spirit with bitterness. -"Zhou Li chooses a doctor". Note: "The smell of fire is also." Bitter is better than bitter. -"Su Wen's Five Movement Theory" is a bitter rain. What's more, people who suffer losses are hated by others. So suffering is the beauty and evil of things, and it is also the love and evil of people. -"The Book of Rites and the Moon Order" cannot be content with suffering. -Liu Mingxi's "Biography of Bitter House" 2. It tastes bitter. Bitter pills may have a healthy effect. Li is bitter. 3. Another example is bitter gourd. Metaphor refers to people who suffer); Bitter and colorful (with strong bitterness); Asceticism (pure people who work in temples, that is, people who have not become monks); Bitter teacher (referring to tea); Bitter tea (bitter tea, bitter tea. That's tea. Pain; Suffer [suffer]; Bitter] toxic, bitter. -"Poetry Xiaoya Xiaoming" Why do women cry? -Tang Du Fu's "Stone Trench" is unbearable. —— Fang Qing Bao's "Prison Miscellaneous Notes" often suffers from many diseases. -History "Teaching to Fight and Defend" 5. Another example: suffering (suffering; Bad luck); Victims (families of murder victims); Bitter brain (life is hard; Poor; People with bad karma; Poor man); Bitter drops (describing people as suffering); Suffer from flooding (bitter and tired, bitter and tired). Describe very painful and tragic); Hard work (pain and sadness) 6. Hard work is caused by hard work. -Bai Juyi's Nine Books with Yuan. Another example: study hard 7. Work hard; Work hard [assiduously]; Mother's hard work. -"Poetry Qi Feng Kaifeng" distinguishes its merits and demerits. -"Pipe, Small Basket". Note: "It means to abuse evil." Distinguish between good and bad. -"Zhou Li points blessing" is also a diligent and studious teacher. -"Lv Chunqiu False Disciple" does not suffer from this. -"Everything is done" 8. Another example is: bitter festival (arduous moral integrity); Struggle hard (having fun in pain, patchwork) 9. Poverty [poverty] is bitter and poor. -Guangya 10. Another example: bitter haha (very poor people); Bitter gangsters (poor people); Bitter fetus (a disparaging term for the poor); Share weal and woe (the bitter days are over and the good days are coming); Hard days < move > 1. Trouble; Humiliation [confusion; Puzzle] has a long history and doesn't want to suffer. -"Appreciation of Shi Shuo Xin Yu" 2. Another example: risks (tactics used in desperate situations); Bitterness (distress); Suffer (describe physical and mental pain) 3. Put sb. in trouble. Suffering] People without suffering. -"The Warring States Policy and the Qin Policy". Note: "Lao Ye." It's hard to be loyal. -"Han Shu Gu Yong Chuan". Note: "Lao Ye." Why not be rough (suffer from digging mountains and being rough) Liezi Tang Wen Ku Jin's world is bitter. -"Historical Records Chen She Family" If you don't have hardship and poverty. -Cui Mingyan "Zhong Wang Su Gong Ao Three Things" 4. Another example: bitter heat (suffering from heat; Extremely hot); Hunger (trapped by hunger; Hungry) 5. Hate [hate] people are not satisfied with their own suffering. -The Biography of Cen Peng in the Later Han Dynasty 6. Another example is: bitter bamboo mourns silk (that is, suffering is caused by orchestral strings); Bitter (hate) 1. Do your best; Make every effort [effort]; Full of energy; Hard] Yang Lang refuses to accept. -"Shi Shuo Xin Yu Jian Peijun" Why think hard. -History "Teaching to Fight and Defend" 2. Another example is: bitter death (desperately, vigorously); Worry (brood); Bitter (bitter) 3. Very, very much. To express this degree, the emperor asked Woods to blame him. -"Shi Shuo Xin Yu Founder" 4. Another example: loved one (passion); Fortunately, fortunately [fortunatellily; [Lucy] This mengzhou city is a small place, and that Tucheng is not very bitter. -The phrase commonly used in Water Margin is 1. The dried leaves and flower heads of absinthe were once used as bitter tonic and stomach tonic. 2. endure K. O. endure pain [days]. 3.kǔbujρr [a little bitter] is a little bitter. This dish is not bitter, but it is not bad. 4. For kǔchāi, this is a hard work [hard and useless work]. A job that doesn't get much benefit. 5. K ǔ ch ā ishi who works hard [hard work; Hard work with low wages; Hard and annoying work, carefully revised. Although it is a chore, it gives the author the greatest comfort. 6. suffer kǔchǔ[ pain; Suffering; Distress; Suffered a lot. 7. Suffer kǔchu[ pain; Suffering; You don't know what I suffered when I was a child bride. 8. Great hatred. K ǔ dà-chó ush ē n [suffered a lot in the old society and had deep class hatred] was extremely bitter. Hatred is deep. Bitter Kǔ d ǔ n [gallbladder] The common name of gallbladder is 10. The name of bitter kǔdǔ[ D ǔ grass. Bitterness, bitterness -Ming and Liu Ji's Regret for the Past 1 1. Transliteration of King Ba Di ? ? [coup] "coup" 12. Work hard and do your best; Hard work and skilled work 13. Bitter root kǔgēn [the cause of poverty] is the root of poverty 14. Hard labor kǔgōng( 1)[ hard labor; Hard work]: hard and heavy physical labor forced to do hard work ② [hard worker; Toiler]: It also means that people who do coolies are coolies who move wood. Practice hard K ǔ g 33ng [painting skills] Hard Kung Fu language can't be learned casually, it needs to be worked hard. Bitter gourd kǔguā millet has yellow flowers and round fruits. With two sharp points and many tumor-like protrusions on the surface, it tastes bitter and can be used as food. Bitter fruit kǔguǒ [bad consequences] is a metaphor for painful results, and the connection between production and sales is not good. K ǔ h ǐ i [the abyss of suffering; The sea of suffering] Buddhism is a metaphor for the world of suffering and trouble, and it is also a metaphor for getting rid of the plight of the sea of suffering 19. Bitter cold is extremely cold. It's 20 cold Work hard, work hard, kǔhuó,kǔhuór[ low-paying jobs; Hard work] hard work, hard work, 2 1. Hard work is sweet. τ j n-gā nlá i [When the pain ends, the sweetness begins] Sweetness: sweetness. The metaphor is that the bitter days have passed and the good days have come. 22. K ǔ j ō ng's plight refers to a very difficult environment, and we must not forget the plight of people living below the extreme poverty line. 23. Bitter K ǔ k ǒ u (1) [seriously; Seriously]: Repeatedly and seriously talk about bitter advice (2) [Bitter to taste]: Bitter medicine that causes bitterness is good for the disease. 24. The well-meaning advice is k ǔ k ǒ u-pó x ρ n [Give advice with sincere words and good intentions; Patience to persuade 】 describe like a patient and kind old woman, repeatedly comfort with kindness. 25. Hard K ǔ k ǔ (1) [Try your best]: try your best; Puzzle (2) [Puzzle; Hard]: pain; After my father died, my mother took us for eighteen years. 26. Begging for kǔkǔ-āiqiú[ pitifully pleading] Repeatedly begging for knocking at the door in a low and sad voice, begging for permission ... Come in 27. Suffering situation kǔ kudang [predicament; Tragic situation] A difficult situation tells one's own hardships. 28. kǔláo [toil] thinks that although he has no credit, he also has hard work. 29. coolie k ǔ li (1) [coolie; Hard work]: hard work to pay coolies (2)[ coolies; A disparaging term for manual workers in the old society. The name of neem tree is kǔliàn[ neem tree]. Also known as Melia azedarach, the fruit is called Jin Lingzi, which tastes bitter and can be used as medicine. -Ming and Liu Ji's "Regret for the Past" 3 1. Depressed kǔmèn[ depression; He felt painfully depressed. 32. Bad karma K ǔ mi ng [bad karma lot] is unfortunate; Suffering life 33. Suffer kǔnàn[ pain; Suffering; The flood made hundreds of homeless people suffer. 34. distressed k ǔ n ǔ o (1) [distressed; Annoyed; Worry]: He is worried about failure (2) [Pity] [Fang] is also worried about poverty. A sick baby means that I must be careful with slang. -"Biography of Flowers on the Sea" 35. Bitter k qíng( 1) [hardship]: suffering or situation to express suffering (2) [suffering]: misery; She died a terrible death. 36. bitter k ǔ q [the taste of distress] makes people feel distressed. Bitter plan Kǔ rò ujì [Russia that wins the trust of the enemy by its own infiltration] A plan to deliberately harm one's body to cheat the trust of the enemy. Bitter [bitter]: bitter (2) painful ":bitter expression of inner pain 39. Kushen kǔshēn[ Kushen] grass name. Also known as white stems, bones, etc. The rhizome is bitter, which can be used as the medicinal material of Sophora flavescens hook. -Liu Ming Yuan "The Story of bad karma" 40. Kǔshì [drudgery] refers to heavy and laborious things 4 1 Bitter water K ǔ Shu ǐ (1) [Bitter water]: The water in this lake is bitter water because it contains minerals such as sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate. She soaked in bitter water (3)[ the secret of the stomach, etc. Rise to the mouth]: Bitter liquid spit out from her mouth due to some disease, usually a mixture of digestive juice and food. 42. Think about it. Rack one's brains Think hard about k ǔ s ě-mí ngxi ǔ ng [rack one's brains (come up with an idea)] Think hard. Suffer from kǔ tê ng [pain; Suffering. Suffering kǔtóu (1) [suffering; Suffering]: pain; Suffering; It's a pity that he suffered a lot in the enemy's prison (2) [Bitter]: Bitter, slightly bitter The water in this well has a bitter taste. Bitter] Bitter 47. Wry smile kǔ xiao [forced smile] A smile you barely made in your heart. painting pains kǔxěn( 1)【painting efforts; Pain; Take pains] ∴: painstaking thoughts or energy (2) [take pains]: take pains. 49. painstaking efforts k ǔ x ě n-g ū y [making extraordinary painful efforts] are well-intentioned and far-reaching. Used to praise those who study hard and create achievements that others can't. 50. painstaking management [painstaking management of enterprises, etc.]. ], painstakingly planned, carefully arranged and arranged G incarnation.

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