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Free fortune telling to see past lives _ free fortune telling to see past lives

Test who you were in your last life.

I want to test my old life. Who is it? Those online tests are all lies and entertainment. Do you really believe them? !

It is no stranger to everyone to measure who you were in your previous life. This word is found in movies and TV plays. However, for us, it seems a little close to the dream. No matter dream or reality, there is no smoke without fire. Since God created the word past life, there is a certain basis. It's just, is it really that amazing? I said, yes, I don't believe it. Let's test it and uncover it together. Add up your date of birth, for example: 1985.07.08, 1+9+8+5+7+8=38. 3+8= 1 1、 1+ 1=2。 So, your lucky number is 2. The person whose destiny number is 1: He was a royal family in the palace in his previous life. The man with destiny number 2: He was a knight in the Jianghu in his previous life. People with destiny number 3: they were wealthy businessmen in their previous lives. A person with a destiny of 4: a scholar in his last life. Destiny number 5: I was a foreign scholar in my previous life. The person whose destiny number is 6: He was a court official in his previous life. People with destiny number 7: they were all ordinary people in previous lives. People with destiny number 8: non-human in previous lives. Destiny 9: I was a monk in my previous life.

Be a past life person: test who was in the past life. This test is just for entertainment, not a professional test. Because only people with destiny can know people's past lives, and according to their different abilities, they will see different things. Only the Buddha can fully understand the past lives of all beings. Add up your date of birth in the solar calendar. For example,1the person born on February 20th, 975 is1+9+7+5+0+2+0 = 26. If the number is more than one digit, add it up (if it is still more than one digit, add it again until it becomes a single digit). For example, the first one is 26, which means 2+6=8. By comparing the numbers in the table below, you can know what your last life was like. 1 means you were rich in your last life, 2 means you were a scholar in your last life, 3 means you were a military commander in your last life, 4 means you were a royal aristocrat in your last life, and 5 means you were right or wrong in your last life (special habits will be different from those around you). 6 means you were not human in your last life. 7 means that you were a poor household in the third grade in your last life. 8 means excellent in previous life (features: rich body movements and talented acting skills). 9 means you were a monk in your last life. Recommended reading: Wei girl's name Daquan Aquarius and Taurus 20 12 pairing.

What was the name of Jia's previous life? Test what your past life was.

Count your names and compare them with the table below.

My name is Li Changzheng's thirty-one paintings. That past life was the Jade Emperor. Nicknamed Li Shaohan's thirty-one paintings. I was the Jade Emperor in my previous life. Ha ha.

1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1。 . . jade emperor

12,22,32,42,52。 . . the Empress Dowager

13,23,33,43,53。 . . emperor

14,24,34,44,54。 . . queen

15,25,35,45,55。 . . princess

16,26,36,46,56。 . . The emperor's son-in-law

17,27,37,47,57。 . . grasp

18,28,38,48,58。 . . evil spirit

19,29,39,49,59。 . . civilian

10,20,30,40,50。 . . tool

Remember to tell me your answer.

Measuring who you were in your last life 2 represents the right or wrong of your last life * * * (special habits will be different from those around you) View the original post >>

How to test who you were in your last life? Five points. Who can say for sure? But Baidu can find such a test, so try it.

How to predict who you were in your last life? return

What was your last life's name? My name is Shen, and I am very delicate. I didn't expect my last name was Shen, but now my name is Wang. The difference is too big.

Find out what kind of person you were in your last life, then I'll say what kind of person you were in your last life. Anyway, there's no way to investigate. Buddha said: knowing the karma of past lives is the recipient of the present. What you are experiencing now is what you got in your last life, so you should know what your last life was like. On the other hand, the fortune teller's Palm Classics III says: Buddha, Tao, Heaven, Humanism, Humanism, Zombie and Hungry Ghost, so we can also calculate what the past life was from Palm Classics.

What was the reincarnation test like in the last life? Can you believe it?

Besides, it doesn't make any sense

Have you ever been unknown in your last life?

Something purely entertaining.