Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Characteristics of areas with deep-rooted traditional ideas

Characteristics of areas with deep-rooted traditional ideas

1. Confucianism in traditional culture has established a standard gentleman image, which is of course very beneficial to the development of social etiquette.

There is a saying that "cultivate one's morality, govern the country and level the world", and there is also a saying that "learning to be excellent is to be an official", so the bottom people have seen this route that can not only get rid of poverty but also realize political ideals.

Confucian culture allows people to pursue career development and gain both fame and fortune. Influenced by Confucianism, scholars are eager to connect their personal ideals with politics and power in order to realize their self-worth.

Meng Jiao, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, took the exam three times in a row until he was 46 years old. However, some people were admitted at the age of 70 or 80. What's more, they didn't pass the exam all their lives and died on the way to catch the exam.

The ancients paid attention to how to better handle social relations, how to better realize political ideals and how to become better people. Instead of focusing on natural science research.

Confucianism was listed as orthodoxy in the Han Dynasty, and at this time a set of theories of the Three Cardinal Principles and the Five Permanent Principles appeared, which made scholars only obey the rules and could not go beyond the scope of this set of rules.

There are a lot of dross in it, which limits the freedom of thought of scholars and can only think and reason in circles. What big breakthrough can this method make in natural science?

2. Emphasize theory and experience; Light logic, light practice.

Ancient students studied and made good use of theory, but lacked practice.

Referring to the words of the ancients, there is no doubt. They are bound by a set of etiquette, and often they listen to their predecessors, believe their own words, respect their predecessors' words, and dare not have other objections.

Teacher Yi Zhongtian has some views on "being a teacher by example, so preaching and teaching to solve doubts".

"Preaching, preaching is the first Wang Zhidao, ethical way. Not in a scientific way, but in a philosophical way. Teaching, how to make a living. In solving puzzles, students can't understand the wisdom of the late king, and the teacher helps students answer the questions. It's not that there is anything wrong with the late king himself, but there is no doubt. Our cultural tradition does not advocate doubt, criticism, analysis and argumentation. "

3. I used to stick to the rules and stand still; Lack of reform, lack of

Seeking truth spirit.

The ancient reform must pay a heavy price. Shang Yang died because he advocated political reform, making people afraid to have the idea of political reform easily.

Ye was an imperial envoy specializing in foreign affairs in 1852, and was then the governor of Guangzhou. 1854, Britain, France and the United States requested to amend the treaty signed during the Opium War.

Ye Qincha didn't want to deal with westerners, or he did it in a hurry and only answered a few words. Or not reply at all.

When the British minister asked to meet, Ye Qincha said, Let's meet in the warehouse by the river. In his view at that time, it was more important to humiliate each other spiritually than to defend national sovereignty and interests.

The British have been shelling Guangzhou City and the Governor's Office because they can't get a formal and satisfactory answer from the Qing Dynasty.

On the other hand, the leaves have never moved. "Ye Xiangshou sat in danger with a book and laughed it off." What supported him was his thought of "preventing Xia Yi". He despised barbarians and stood still, comforting the people in the attacked city with fortune telling.

He was finally captured by the British and imprisoned in Calcutta, India. When the food he brought was finished, he started a hunger strike and eventually died. When he died, he still insisted on the dispute between Yi and Xia.

In the face of right and wrong, one's position and proposition cannot be changed. However, when they saw that there was a better country, most people in the Qing Dynasty did not look at their own advantages and disadvantages critically.

Confucius' The Analects of Confucius also recorded that "it is easier said than done to see wonders." Ancient intellectuals who are very familiar with Confucian culture should be familiar with these principles, but they don't want to be able to apply them to real life.

Only by objectively analyzing the advantages and disadvantages can we fully understand a thing and a human individual.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties in the feudal era, the concept of "China is the only country in the world" was deeply rooted in the minds of the ruling class, intellectuals and people at dawn.

Zheng He's voyage to the Western Seas was first to publicize the national prestige of the Ming Dynasty, and wanted all nationalities from all corners of the country to submit to worship. In the era of Kanggan, when agriculture developed well, it stood still, and the idea of "one family in the world, one family in China" came into being.

In the atmosphere of the Four Books and Five Classics, this kind of thinking is easy to brainwash people. No wonder Mr. Hu Shi advocates the attitude of "total westernization".

Because only in this way can those who indulge in the circle that China is superior to foreigners be pulled out.