Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Son-in-law Fortune Telling _ Son-in-law Fortune Telling Free Reading

Son-in-law Fortune Telling _ Son-in-law Fortune Telling Free Reading

Names of fables related to dragons (5)

1, the Emperor of Heaven kills dragons.

On his way to the northern state of Qi, Mozi met a fortune-teller Mr. Yin and Yang. Master Yin and Yang said to Mozi, "Emperor Tian just killed the black dragon in the north today. Mr. Yin has dark skin, so don't go to the north."

Mozi refused to listen to the teacher of Yin and Yang and resolutely continued to move north. However, after arriving at the south bank of Zishui, Shandong Province, it happened that the river surged and it was impossible to ferry, so we had to go back the same way.

Master Yin and Yang saw Mozi again and proudly boasted, "Sir, I told you not to go to the North." Now it turns out that my prediction is correct. "

Mozi did not agree with this. He retorted that southerners can't go to the north now, and northern Renye Fang can't come to the south. In fact, their skin colors are different, some are black and some are white. Why can't they get what they want? This is only because of the barrier caused by the surge of water.

Besides, according to your theory, the Emperor of Heaven slaughtered Qinglong in the east, Red Dragon in the south, White Dragon in the west and Black Dragon in the north every day.

In this way, people all over the world can't travel long distances. Doing so will not only go against people's wishes, but also make the world empty and accomplish nothing. So, your lies are really unacceptable!

2. Carp yue longmen

Legend has it that a long time ago, many carp lived in the sea. One day, an old carp said that there is a dragon gate at the end of the sea. It is said that if you can surpass it, you can become a dragon. The leading golden carp told everyone that I was going to find Longmen. After many hardships, I jumped over the Longmen and became a dragon.

Driven by the little red carp, more and more carp jumped over the Longmen and became real dragons. But except for a few who jumped into dragons, most of them couldn't get through. Anyone who can't jump over and fall from the air will have a black scar on his forehead.

3. The curse of the dragon

A dragon asked the village to sacrifice a woman every year. Every year in this village, a young hero fights dragons, but no one lives. Another hero was quietly followed when he set out.

Longdong is full of gold and silver treasures. The hero stabbed the dragon to death with a sword, then sat on the corpse and looked at the flashing jewels, slowly growing scales, tails and tentacles, and finally became a dragon.

In fact, what ultimately turns the hero into a dragon may not be desire and greed, but overconfidence and self-persistence. After killing the dragon, the hero worried that more bad guys would covet the treasure in the cave, so he decided to defend the treasure himself.

But he felt that his limbs were too weak and his body was too thin to resist too many greedy bad people and ignorant people in the world, so he volunteered to put scales on his body and grow claws.

He felt that this made him stronger and more capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of defending the treasure, but he didn't realize that while he became stronger and stronger, he eventually became the dragon he killed himself!

4. The sea dragon king has no worries

Deep in the rough sea, there is a crystal palace, where the sea dragon king lives. He has been living a life of food and clothing.

However, one morning, the sea lion came in a hurry and said in horror, "Dragon King, an abandoned rocket has fallen into our sea and is still smoking ..."

"Nothing. Didn't a ship sink into our sea the other day? Isn't it calm after the panic? " The sea dragon king stroked his long beard and was carefree.

"The sea dragon king, today is a ship, tomorrow is a rocket or even an airplane ... earth-shattering waves, oil pollution that cannot be eliminated, piles of scrap iron ..." The sea lion is very worried.

"Don't you worry that garbage will fill our ocean? Our sea is very big, don't worry, it can hold it. "

After that, the sea dragon king shook his swivel chair and enjoyed the music played by the waves. ...

A few days later, the nosy sea lion came again. This time, it was out of breath:

"Sea Dragon King, bad, bad!"

"What's the matter? Speak slowly and don't make a fuss. " The sea dragon king raised his eyelids and was a little unhappy.

"There is an exploration ship that has drilled a long hole in our sea; Here it is. Listen, that whirring sound makes us so scared! I am really worried that the residents of the Ocean Kingdom will never live a peaceful life. " Sea lions are full of melancholy.

"I know, nothing!" The sea dragon king said slowly, "As far as I know, going to heaven is easier than going to earth."

"Sea Dragon King, how do you say this?" Sea lions are even more puzzled.

"Humans flew 380,000 kilometers in a spaceship and landed on the moon. However, humans drilled holes on the earth only to a depth of 10000 meters. " The sea dragon king smiled proudly.

The moon rises and falls, the tide rises and falls, and another year has passed in an instant. The sea lion ran to the sea dragon king in panic again:

"Sea Dragon King, this is really troublesome ..." The sea lion was too scared to speak.

"What's the trouble? This is really worrying. "The sea dragon king has not seen sea lions so frightened for a long time.

"Humans invented the submersible and actually sneaked into our ocean ... At first I thought it was a big fish, but after a closer look, I recognized it as a submersible with no nose and no eyes!" The sea lion said in fear, "What if you sneak into the Crystal Palace?"

"Sneak into the Crystal Palace? Is it possible? " The sea dragon king shook his head and said, "You know, there are developed countries on the earth called Japan and the United States, and the submersible invented only dives to a depth of 6500 meters."

"Ocean dragon king, you don't know. This time, the submersible made in China dive to a depth of 7,000 meters, and 97% of the world's oceans can dive. " The sea lion said very seriously.

"It's okay, it's okay, there are 3%. What are you afraid of! " The sea dragon king waved indifferently.

The sea is not calm and the sea dragon king is not carefree. With the development of science and technology, human steps have slowly moved towards the deep sea. ...

5. Ye Gong Long Hao

Gao likes dragons very much. Carve dragons on clothes hooks and wine vessels, and carve dragons inside and outside the house. He likes dragons very much. When the real dragon in the sky knew about it, he descended from the sky and came to Ye Gong's residence. The dragon's tail reached the hall with a faucet on the windowsill.

When Ye Gong saw that it was a real dragon, he turned and ran, scared as if he had lost his soul, terrified and at a loss. From this point of view, Ye Gong doesn't really like dragons. He just likes things that look like dragons but are not dragons.