Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What does fortune-telling white wolf mean?

What does fortune-telling white wolf mean?

Fukexiang-what do you think of Fukexiang-refers to the fortune-telling of fans.

Foucault incense-what is Foucault incense like? -refers to a fan fortune telling.

Foucault's image means that a woman's appearance means that her five senses have a negative influence on her husband. For example, after her marriage, her husband's career, wealth, health and other aspects became worse and worse, and even died early, so she was widely regarded as a husband among the people. In fact, Foucault doesn't mean that a woman doesn't want a happy marriage, a harmonious family and a prosperous husband's career, but because she has Foucault's appearance, and in the process of getting along with her husband and her husband's family, it invisibly affects her husband's family and other aspects of fortune, making her husband's career unsatisfactory, family disharmony, bad fortune and so on. After thousands of years of continuous practice, the ancients summed up the facial features of women with such husbands. Share with you the standards of husband and wife, and what are the characteristics of married women. To analyze these can be from the ears, hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, roots, nose, cheekbones, people, mouth, chin and so on.


Ear, a photo album is well said: a woman with a thin ear will always work hard, while a woman with a sharp ear will always worry, which means that if a woman with a thin ear, her happiness will be thin, for example, it is difficult to get the love and care of her parents-in-law, and it is difficult to get the ancestral legacy, but with a sharp ear, she will be more considerate, especially wicked, and always haggle over every ounce, so she will talk more every day and naturally worry more all her life. A woman with a narrow ear door, a narrow auditory system and a narrow ear door can't hear advice when she needs it most, and she is stubborn and willful. In addition, she can't get along with her parents-in-law at home, and her rebellious mentality is serious and her personality is repeated. After marriage, it is easy to cause family discord and marital discord, which is one of Foucault's performance characteristics.


Hair, disheveled, thick and hard, too little and too red, here refers to the red, of course, does not mean deliberately dyed hair, but a natural reddish, careful observation of life can be found, because hair is the master of liver qi, is the performance of soothing the liver and regulating qi. Hair is too thick and hard, liver qi is too strong, natural temper is bad, and personality is strong. It is not easy to get along with her husband after marriage, and her hair is too little, too red and too tender. This is Foucault's second performance feature.


Forehead, also called heaven, represents a person's aura and shows wisdom. A woman's forehead cannot be too high or too low. As the book says, a woman with a high forehead is not strong after three marriages. The book thinks that a woman's forehead is too high, not only her husband, but also her father. Too low is stupid. Not too bright and not too dark. People who are too bright are commonly called looking in the mirror. For example, you can see that the forehead will reflect light, which is too bright. Too dark will be unlucky, and my husband will be dragged down by bad luck. They have horizontal lines on their foreheads, also known as hard lines. Your own efforts will affect your husband invisibly, which is Foucault's third characteristic.


Eyebrows, brown eyebrows, messy, broken, too thick, and two eyebrows together is not good, because women with brown eyebrows are more anxious and irritable. A messy person is unprincipled, echoing others, and easily deceived. Broken people are heartless, lonely and withdrawn, too dense people are too enterprising, want a career instead of a family, and people with two eyebrows are narrow-minded and easy to haggle over a small matter for a long time. This is Foucault's fourth characteristic.


Eyes, eyes are the window of a person's soul, which is called the window of the soul and the place where ghosts come out. It can reflect a person's cognition, knowledge and heartfelt views on the outside world. Women's eyes are too convex, radical, irritable, black and white, black is less and white is more, upper three whites or lower three whites, commonly known as white eyes, derogatory term is also called baiwenhang. Women with such eyes are insidious and vicious, and are good at scheming, especially when there is a conflict of interest. With dim eyes, this kind of woman is not self-motivated, black and white, and good and evil are unknown. She also lacks good luck, which hinders her life. There is also a peach eye. This kind of woman has long eyes, a slightly curved tail and is often watery. Her eyes are similar to the shape of peaches, like sleepy eyes, which will emit charming light. She is sociable and has a poor sense of chastity. This is Foucault's fifth characteristic.


The mountain root is located under Tang Yin between the eyebrows, above the bridge of the nose, that is, in the middle of the eyes. "The Collection of Eastern Medicine" Volume I: "Under Tang Yin, the root of the mountain is called it, that is, between the eyes." See the nose? Because it is located under the pavilion, it is also called Xiaji. Mountain roots represent the lungs and respiratory system of the human body. The female mountain root is too low, heartless, easy-going, open and has great physiological needs. In addition, there are horizontal stripes, which are Foucault's six characteristics.


The nose, representing a person's wealth, is also the position of the husband star for women. The most taboo is too high or too low, the bridge of the nose is knotted, the bridge of the nose is twisted, the tip of the nose is small and fleshless, and the nostrils are facing the sky. A woman with a high nose is self-centered and oppresses her husband. If it is too low, she can't help her husband, with a middle-aged nose tube and a knotted nose. Her bad luck will definitely drag down her husband, but her nose is not. The nose is small and fleshless, and it is bitter. Plus the nostrils are facing the sky, there is no overnight dish. This is Foucault's seven characteristics.


The zygomatic bone is located in the front of the middle part of the face, below the orbit, in a diamond shape, forming a bony process on the cheek. It is well said in the photo album: a woman has high cheekbones and does not need to kill her husband with a knife, indicating that her cheekbones are high and prominent, and there is no woman wrapped in meat. Because this kind of woman has a strong personality, she likes to fight for power and profit both outside and at home. This is Foucault's eighth characteristic.


Among people, Shoutang, also known as Shoutang in physiognomy, is located at the midpoint of nasolabial sulcus and the junction of the upper third and the lower half of the upper labial sulcus, representing women's health, fertility and career fortune. There are no women, that is, those who look flat and have no gaps and have low fertility. People who are tolerant and narrow are timid, timid, anticlimactic in everything they do, too narrow-minded, lacking long-term consideration and planning, and poor in communication skills. Those short-sighted people, Shou Yuan, are short-sighted and emotional in everything they do. This is Foucault's ninth characteristic.


Mouth, mouth is a place to eat, women with thick lips are stupid, women with thin lips are heartless, women who are too old love to tell lies, women who are too young are too closed-minded, and women with black lips are vicious, with crooked mouths, pointed mouths and prominent teeth. They don't hide secrets, love gossip, reverse black and white, and their personalities are too straightforward. This is Foucault's tenth characteristic.

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Chin, also called cabinet in physiognomy, represents a person's fortune in his later years. A woman's chin should be small or have no chin. Small chin represents loneliness in old age, unfilial children and so on. People who have no chin generally have no children, and some have sent others away or died in their early years. Indirectly, this is also Foucault's performance, which is Foucault's eleventh characteristic.

Matters needing attention

In physiognomy, whether a woman is a husband needs to be comprehensively analyzed with the whole face. Physiognomy means that the most important thing that fans emphasize in fortune telling is integrity, that is, the five senses are balanced and coordinated from the ear to the chin, and a certain part cannot be too thick, too thin, too high or too low. For example, although the nose is a wealth star, if a woman's nose is thick, towering, big and fleshy, it is a good nose, but if her face is small, her forehead is narrow and her chin is narrow, it is inevitable that you are still alone. In order to make it easier for everyone to understand this "whole", let's make an image analogy. If a person's face is compared to a car, if the five senses are unified, it is like a car with well-matched and complete parts, which naturally runs smoothly. If the five senses are not uniform enough, a certain part is broken, too big or too small, just like a good car. Although many parts are very good and famous, some places are flawed. In ancient feudal society, women had no status and career, so they had to educate their husbands and children at home. Compared with the modern society where men and women are equal, many facial features have been virtually replaced by occupations, so we should be cautious. Emphasize in person: one is expensive and nine is cheap, and one is cheap and nine is expensive. You can't judge from one part unilaterally.