Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The first chapter is general psychology, the research objects and methods of psychology.

The first chapter is general psychology, the research objects and methods of psychology.

Instructor: Dr. Tian Hongjie? associate professor

Because of the late registration, I have finished reading general psychology, so I read it back. Tian teacher's lectures are lively and cordial. Before the course began, he brought several examples to guide everyone to understand what psychology is, its function and its research methods. He also told us that psychology is different from pseudoscience such as palm reading, fortune telling and astrology. Psychology is not to understand other people's knowledge and ideas, not to lead us to find a happy world, but to let us see the real world.

Example 1: A child crosses a broken bridge in outward bound training.

Story: A child challenges a five-meter-high broken bridge. The gap of broken bridge is 1 m. The child is afraid to step. Both students and teachers encouraged him to refuel. Ten minutes later, he still didn't cross the bridge and got off it.

Mom: It's okay, son. Mom thinks you're great. Come and cheer next time.

Child: I feel humiliated and unhappy.

Tian teacher (as a psychological guidance in hospital): I saw that you were a little nervous standing on it (the child answered "Yes"), but the teacher especially appreciated your bravery (the child opened his eyes wide)? ! ",especially surprised). I see your legs tremble as soon as you stand up. Do you want to turn around and run back at once (the child said "yes"), but you have been standing there so scared. Did you cheer yourself up and encourage yourself to jump in these ten minutes (the child said "yes")? ) So I think you are brave, so scared but still encouraging yourself. Maybe you'll skip it next time. (The child turns from cloudy to sunny)

Teacher's conclusion: Love children first, then comfort them. Not to say that jumping at once is brave, but not jumping is timid. Moving forward is just the result. Before the results come out, children will have setbacks and psychological processes. Between bravery and cowardice, there are caution, caution and resilience. The brave little flame in the child's heart is obviously extinguished, so it must be lit up.

Personal understanding: * * Love is not simply saying "I understand you", but putting yourself in the other person's position to think and analyze, infer the efforts that children may make in ten minutes on the bridge, communicate their feelings with children, and then encourage guidance. General coping comfort can't really make children trust you and cooperate with your guidance. (Introspection: Make out with your child as much as possible and get to know his true thoughts)

Ex. 2: Do you believe your eyes?

Block the dividing line between the upper and lower frames with fingers or opaque things. What did you find?

Example 3: Rorschach Ink Test

Different people will see different pictures, thus projecting different psychological activities and trajectories.

Example 4: oh card (subconscious image card)

The principle is the same as the Rorschach ink card above.

My psychology: These two pictures remind me of my father and childhood. In the first painting, I saw my father, a lean father, sowing autumn in the field alone, while watching the distant ridge and the harvest scene nearby. He should be full of joy. The second picture reminds me of playing with my brothers and sisters, playing with water, playing with mud and playing with stones when I was a child. My brothers tied strong vines to the willows by the river, sat on the swing and swung right above the middle of the river. I was scared the first time I swung. ...

Example 5: Barnum Effect 2020-06-27-

The same is true for the description of constellations.

Lead to questions:

This lesson mainly explains the first chapter of general psychology: the research objects and methods of psychology;

The first part: the research object and content of psychology.

? The nature of human psychology in the second quarter

Section 3 Research Methods of Psychology

? Past lives of psychology?

Definition: The science that studies the occurrence, development and activity law of psychological phenomena.

The goal of psychology:

1. Description (accurate observation, behavior data, appropriate level of analysis)

2. Explain (individual factors, environmental factors, and explain causality. A behavior can be explained by multiple factors, or one factor can explain multiple behaviors)

3. Forecast (scientific and accurate statement that can be tested or denied)

4. Control (control the result by controlling the cause)

Basic psychology: the most basic discipline of psychology, which takes the psychological phenomenon of normal adults as the research object and summarizes the most common and general laws of psychological activities.

Example: children's self-control and inattention;

The problem of parents' anxiety is global, and there are two main factors at work, one is the level of economic differences, and the other is the input-output ratio of education. The anxiety level of German parents is low, because the income gap in Germany is relatively small, and the income of craftsmen without high education is relatively high.

Basic psychology (general psychology): studying the general laws of psychological phenomena.

Experimental psychology: the science of studying the laws of psychology and behavior by experimental methods.

Comparative psychology: the science that studies the comparison between animal psychology and human psychology in order to explore the evolution of human psychology.

Developmental psychology: a science that studies the law of individual psychological development.

Physiological psychology, educational psychology, management psychology? Judicial psychology? Abnormal psychology

Psychology is the function of the brain? Psychology is a reflection of objective reality.

? Feeling (annelids)-? Perception (vertebrate)-Germination (primate)-Thinking (human)

Annelida began to have a psychological phenomenon-feeling (the symbol of psychological activity), vertebrates had a psychological phenomenon of perception, primates had the bud of thinking, recognized the external connection of things, human beings had thinking, consciousness and spirit, and recognized the essential connection of things.

(Bee colony: After the worker bees feed the bees, the queen bee is familiar with the smell and health status of the worker bees through contact, thus ensuring the unity and health of the whole hive)

When orangutans find termites in the stick, they will put it into the termite hole and take it out to eat.

Psychology is the result of the activities of the nervous system (especially the brain), and the nervous system is an organ engaged in psychological activities.

? Psychology is the result of the interaction between human brain and objective reality.

1. People's reaction to reality is positive and dynamic.

2. Psychology is the subjective image of the human brain to reality, which is immaterial.

3. Psychology dominates people's actions and shows it through actions.

4. Psychology is the combination of nature (physiology) and society.

Psychology studies psychological phenomena, which should be an intermediate science combining natural science and social science, and belongs to intermediate science or marginal science.

An example of love at first sight: it is easier to fall in love at first sight on a trembling suspension bridge. Love at first sight may be the product of natural physiology (liking) and social factors (tense and dangerous situations), so it belongs to the category of psychology)

Recommended reading: 40 psychological studies of change

1. Different people's attitudes towards half a glass of water? 2. Smart Hansma (not how smart Hans is, but Hans captures the subtle emotional changes of his master) 3. Are coffee drinkers smarter than non-coffee drinkers?

(A) observation observation method

Also known as natural observation, under natural conditions, a systematic, purposeful and planned observation of individual behavior activities is carried out to find out the research methods of the law of the emergence and development of psychological phenomena. (For example, Ghoder observed chimpanzees in Tanzania from 1960 and wrote "Chimpanzees Calling")

(Example: 1. Culture, climate and life rhythm; 2. Feminine charm in different environments: in bars and libraries; 3. When the red light is green, the first car won't go, and after a long time, the car starts to honk; )

(II) Test methods and measurement methods

A method of measuring a certain psychological quality with a set of standardized questions (scales).

According to the content: intelligence test, achievement test, attitude test and personality test.

According to the form: text test and non-text test.

According to the scale of the test: individual test and group test.

Two basic requirements: reliability-reliability of testing.

? Validity-the degree to which the test can effectively measure the required psychological quality.

(3) experimental methods

There are two ways to observe a psychological phenomenon under controlled conditions: laboratory experiment and natural experiment (field experiment). Related nouns: independent variable (independent variable) and dependent variable (dependent variable)

(4) Relevant laws

The degree or intensity of correlation between two things (phenomena) can be expressed by the correlation coefficient, which is a value between-1 and 1: the coefficient is 0, and there is little or no relationship between them; Greater than 0: positive correlation; Less than o: negative correlation.

Correlation itself cannot provide causal information.

(E) Case teaching method

Case law requires in-depth observation and study of a person in order to find out the reasons that affect certain behavior and psychological phenomena. This is an ancient method, developed from the consultation method in medical practice.

Case method is not a running account, but a scientific and systematic record of key speech materials and important shots.

Phulel, the originator of western child development psychology, systematically observed his children: three times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, from birth to three years old, and wrote a book "Child Psychology".

Advantages of case law: intuitive, concrete and clear.

Possible misunderstanding of case law: individuals may be atypical and not universal and representative.

First, the establishment of scientific psychology? Second, school disputes? Third, the main orientation of contemporary psychological research

"Psychology has a long history, but only a short history." -German psychologist Ebbinghaus

? Hippocrates: Ancient Greek philosopher and doctor, known as the father of medicine. People are divided into four categories: choleric, sanguine, mucinous and depressive.

Roman doctor Galen (C) put forward the concept of temperament.

/kloc-before the 0/9th century, psychology always belonged to the category of philosophy.

./kloc-In the mid-9th century, experimental methods were introduced, which became empirical science and differentiated from philosophy.

. 1840, German psychologist Weber, the limit of differential sense.

. 1860, German psychologist Fechner, psychophysics.

1879, William Feng T. founded the world's first influential psychology laboratory in Leipzig University, marking the birth and independence of psychological science.

The germination of China's psychology: Since ancient times, people have paid attention to people's psychology, such as some opinions on human nature and individual differences caused by the influence of congenital inheritance and acquired environment.

Confucius: Sex is similar, but learning is far away.

Mencius: Human nature is good.

Xunzi: Human nature is evil.

Shi Shuo: There are good and evil in human nature.

Confession: There is no good or evil in human nature.

(1) Constructivism (2) Functionalism (3) Behaviorism? (4) Gestalt Psychology (5) Psychoanalysis

(A) Constructivism (Structuralism)

Established: 1879

Founder: Feng Te; ?

Famous representative: Tie Qinna (E.B.Titchener, 1867- 1927)

Advocacy: Psychology should study people's consciousness, that is, people's consciousness of direct experience. Human experience is divided into three elements: feeling, image and feeling. The purpose of psychology is to understand the structure of various elements under different stimuli and analyze the structure of psychology.

Disadvantages: 1 Simplified theory: human experience is reduced to simple feelings.

? 2. Elemental theory: linking components with elements without directly studying the whole.

3. Idealism: only study conscious oral reports, ignoring individuals who can't describe their introspective experiences, including animals, children or mental disorders.

Functionalism (functionalism)

Date of establishment and representative:

Founder: john dewey (1896) and James angel (1859- 1952), influenced by Darwinian evolution theory and James pragmatism.

Advocacy: opposing the decomposition of consciousness into feelings and emotions, advocating that consciousness is a continuum, and emphasizing the adaptive function of psychology; Oppose taking psychology as a pure science and attach importance to its practical application. It is called functional psychology because it emphasizes that psychology should study the dynamic role in adapting to the environment.

Functionalist psychology does not study emotions and elements, but mainly studies the role of emotions in adapting to the environment. For example:

(C) behaviorism (behaviorism)

Founded in the early 20th century.

Founder: American John Watson (1878- 1958) published Psychology in the eyes of a behaviorist in 19 13, announcing the birth of behaviorism.

Advocacy: 1. Oppose the study of consciousness, and advocate that psychology should study observable explicit behavior, regardless of consciousness, as long as the reaction activities under stimulation are investigated, consciousness is composed of these reaction activities; 2. Oppose introspection, and advocate finding out the regular relationship between stimulus and response by experiment, so as to predict behavior through stimulus and shape people's psychology and behavior by controlling environment; 3. Environmental determinism: Researcher: Guo Zhenhua ("Super Watson"); Research: Cats catch mice (Experiment 1: Cats born for one month are raised with mice; Experiment 2: The experimental group watched movies, while the control group didn't watch movies. Viewpoint: Human development is determined by the acquired environment.

Example:? Skinner's operant conditioning experiment? Watson's fear formation experiment

Reinforcement: Linking behavior with income (benefit), that is, the "tick-tock" mechanism. If a behavior is linked with interests, there will be interests every time it appears, and the frequency of such behavior will increase. This is reinforcement, that is, establishing connection-repeating connection-retaining.

All behaviors, whether good or bad, as long as they are beneficial, will appear many times and even exist all the time.

If the behavior is useful, stay, and if it is useless, it will fade away.

(D) gestalt psychology (Gestalt Psychology)

Date of establishment: 19 12.

Representative figures: wertheimer (1880- 1943), Koehler (1887- 1967), Kaufka (1886-6557).

Advocacy: emphasize the whole.

(Application in life: 1. How can I wear it to be slim? ? 2. How to leave a good impression on others? )

Example: Zeigannik effect

(e) psychoanalysis

Founded in the 20th century.

Founder: Freud of Austria (Fred, 1856- 1939)

Advocacy: All individual and social behaviors of human beings are rooted in the desire or motivation in the depths of the soul, especially the impulse of sexual desire. Desire dominates people in the form of unconsciousness, which is manifested in people's normal and abnormal behaviors.

? 1.? Personality motivation

? Human instinct, impulse (libido)?

Human instinctive impulse: sexual instinct

(1). Biological instinct: food, sex and love (2). Death instinct: conflict, attack and death.

2. Personality structure theory

Id: The lowest personality organization, including people's various physiological needs, seeks direct satisfaction and follows the principle of happiness. primitive man

Ego: the middle layer of personality structure is gradually developed in the environmental conflict between the id and the realization of the id, which plays a regulatory role between the id and the superego and follows the principle of reality. Realistic person

Superego: the highest level of personality structure is internalized by social norms, ethics and values, which is the result of individual socialization. Follow moral principles. Moral man? The time when the superego begins to develop: one thinks that it begins to form at the age of 6, and the other thinks that it begins to form around 10.

Icebergs, with behaviors above, emotions in the middle and needs below, are not easy to be detected, and may be reflected in some slips of the tongue and dreams. Everyone will have some holes in their hearts. Learning psychology is not to fill these loopholes, but to let us better understand the real loopholes and perceive the real needs. )

There must be a reason behind an action, such as a husband and wife quarrel, which is the demand under the iceberg. Perhaps the behavior (quarrel) is wrong, but the demand under the iceberg is normal, but the previous experience, psychological age and other issues can not meet this demand with good behavior. I suddenly remembered my usual behavior towards my family. The demand under the iceberg was right, but the behavior I took was somewhat biased or radical.

3. Consciousness and unconsciousness

Consciousness: the feeling and experience that an individual perceives at any moment.

Pre-consciousness: Memories about time and experience can be extracted through proper efforts or attention. (outlook on life)

Unconscious (subconscious): memories and emotions that pose a threat to consciousness and must be pushed away. Simple attention cannot be detected. They may be revealed in dreams, slips of the tongue and humor, or discovered through psychoanalysis and other techniques.

4. Personality development stage

(1) physiological psychology? (B) Cognitive Psychology (C) Humanistic Psychology (D) Evolutionary View

(A) physiological psychology

Pay attention to how the body and brain produce various sensory experiences such as emotions and memories.

Example: How is information transmitted in the body? What is the relationship between chemicals in blood and mood and motivation? What does our body secrete when we are angry and stressed?

Experiment: Happy Center of Hypothalamus

Cognitive psychology (cognitive psychology)

Pay attention to how people encode, process, store and retrieve information.

For example, how do people use information in remembering, thinking and solving problems?

(C) Humanistic psychology: the third force of psychology

Pay attention to humanity and value

Representative: abraham maslow (908-1970); Carl rogers (C. Ranson Rogers 1902- 1987)

Advocacy: Advocating the development of human value and potential. They believe that human nature is good, people have the need for self-realization and have great psychological potential. As long as there is a proper environment and education, people will improve themselves, give full play to their creative potential and achieve some positive social goals.

They believe that psychology should change the study of ordinary people or morbid people and become a way to study the psychology of "healthy" people, reveal their creative motives and develop their potential.

Evolutionary point of view

Pay attention to how natural selection of traits makes genes last forever.

For example: how does evolution affect behavioral tendencies?
