Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Were there any talented people with strong personal strength in ancient times?

Were there any talented people with strong personal strength in ancient times?

China has a written record of more than 3,000 years of history. There are countless literati, and even a handful of them can be called both civil and military. However, if the subject says there are only two, then I will name two people who I personally think are the most representative.

As we all know, Jiang Shang is Jiang Ziya in The Book of Gods. Of course, the real Jiang Shang is not the one who can fly in the sky and hide on the ground. He has a group of gods to help him. In real history, he was a teacher of the Western Zhou Dynasty. He helped Zhou Wuwang establish the Zhou Dynasty to replace the Shang Dynasty. When Zhou Wuwang was made a vassal, Jiang Shang was made a marquis, and the land was given to Yingqiu to establish Qi.

It can be said that Zhou Wuwang was able to successfully establish the Zhou Dynasty on behalf of the Shang Dynasty, and Jiang Shang's contribution was absolutely indispensable. Internally, he helped the people under the rule of Zhou Dynasty to manage the country well, vigorously develop agriculture and train soldiers. Externally, with the efforts of Jiang Shang, two-thirds of the princes in the world began to obey the command of the Zhou Dynasty. The battle of Makino was also something that Jiang Shang personally led a few elite soldiers to delay the Zhou Wang army for a moment, so that Zhou Wuwang and the vassal army had more time to prepare for the attack. With the sudden joining of Zhou Wuwang's army, Shang Zhouwang's army was completely in chaos, Shang Zhouwang finally defeated and committed suicide, and the Shang Dynasty also perished. The Zhou Dynasty began to rule the world instead of the Shang Dynasty.

After the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Shang suppressed many rebellions in the Zhou Dynasty, such as those of Guan Shu, Cai Shu and Huo Shu? Three prison riots? With Huai Yi and Xu Yi? Yindong Wuhou Rebellion? Jiang Shang helped pacify the Zhou Dynasty. Moreover, the martial arts is also recognized by the world. When the Tang Dynasty established the martial arts temple, it was called? What about Wu? Become like Confucius? Wang Wenxuan? As one of the two civil and military saints, you can see how strong his martial arts are. At the same time, it can be said that China's military theory, art of war, art of war, strategy and tactics for nearly a thousand years came from Jiang Shang, so he is also known as Wu Zu of China. His Six Towers is a must-read military work in all dynasties, and military figures such as Sun Wu, Gui Guzi, Huang Shigong and Zhuge Liang are deeply influenced by Six Towers.

So what about Jiang Shang's article? The answer is of course top-notch. Jiang Shang is regarded as a family figure by Confucianism, France, the military and hundreds of other schools. A hundred masters? We can see that hundreds of people can be called grandfathers at the same time. You say how strong he is, but he has Confucianism! If even Jiang, who is regarded as the ancestor of Confucianism, can't do it, then I don't think anyone in China can!

Wang Yangming is called? China's last saint? , is a great scholar who keeps pace with Confucius, Mencius and Zhu in the world, and is also a master of psychology. His theory of mind and nature was put forward as far away as Japan, the Korean Peninsula and Southeast Asia? Unity of knowledge and action? It is highly respected by generations of scholars. It can be said that Wang Yangming's writing is definitely one of the few opponents in the world based on this achievement alone. After all, he is called a saint, and his achievements can be said to be great.

And Wang Yangming is also a man of both civil and military skills, and his martial arts are equally powerful. 15 18, Wang Yangming was appointed as the suggestion and governor of Zuo Shu, Duchayuan, Nan 'an, Ganzhou, Tingzhou and Zhangzhou. At that time, these places were thieves and the people were poor. Thief leaders Xie, Chen Yueneng, Gao Kuaima and Gong Fuquan have harmed the enemy for decades. Because there have always been some officials here, but after Wang Yangming took office, he started the great cause of suppressing bandits with great efficiency. He first unplugged the eyes and ears of the thieves in the house, and then used these eyes and ears of the original thieves to spy on the thief's camp. Then he led the elite to break 120 battalions and killed more than 10,000 people. From then on, the thief disaster in Jiangxi for decades was completely quelled by Wang Yangming in less than a year.

15 18, Wang Ning launched a rebellion in Jiangxi. At that time, Wang Yangming didn't have many soldiers, but Wang Ning's troops were very strong. At this time, Wang Yangming did not flinch and fear. However, due to his weak strength, he chose not to confront Wang Ning, but to be confused. First, he issued a letter saying that the court had known that Wang Ning had rebelled before and sent 80,000 troops to suppress the rebellion. Later, he said that armies from all over the country had joined forces, adding up to160,000 troops, who were already on their way here, and used double spies. First of all, they deliberately wrote to Wang Ning's subordinates, asking them to suggest that Wang Ning attack Nanking. Then the contents of this letter were leaked to Wang Ning, so Wang Ning began to suspect his family. Immediately, when Wang Ning's family proposed to attack Nanjing, Wang Ning began to doubt and postponed the decision to attack Nanjing. In this way, when Wang Ning was indecisive, Wang Yangming began to secretly assemble 80,000 troops and began to March into Nanchang, the stronghold of Wang Ning. Finally, Wang Yangming and Wang Ning fought a decisive battle in Panyang Lake. After three days of fierce fighting, Wang Ning was defeated and captured. Wang Ning's rebellion lasted for 36 days and was finally put down by Wang Yangming alone.

Of course, due to the limited space, I only list these two outstanding figures in history, one is the warrior Jiang Shang and the other is Wang Wensheng Yangming. Of course, in the history of China, there are many people who are both civil and military, such as Yue Fei, who can write "Man Jiang Hong" and kill people by force. Not as good as Xin Qiji, can Wen be called? Dragon in the word? , Wu Ke juvenile anti-gold. In short, this combination of civil and military has existed in the history of China.