Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Is to show you how cool love is-twelve nights.

Is to show you how cool love is-twelve nights.

Before, when there was no internet, I could only watch dramas, Deep Rain and Huanai on TV episode by episode, teasing, then losing, falling in love, and finally returning and releasing. From the beginning to the end, we have seen a love from the beginning, full of desire for understanding, to the destruction, and then to the dull process.

I have never been patient, and I can't bear to watch the so-called love change. From the beginning, I wanted to savor each other's words carefully, and then I disagreed with each other and began to stab each other angrily. This process is like watching a delicate flower dying, or watching a steaming cup of water in winter, the warm white smoke slowly fades away, and when I touch it, it is already cold. "Watch him rise from a tall building, watch him entertain guests, and watch his building collapse." If I had known that I was finally white, what would I have done?

But some movies let you see how love gets cold, such as Twelve Nights.

Twelve Nights is the work of Hong Kong director Oi Wah Lam, who is also a screenwriter. The structure of the whole story is very elaborate. As a female screenwriter, you have a softer grasp of emotions, or you can always find yourself in love. For example, in the opening long shot, I followed Ajie (Nicholas Tse) in a daze, ironing clothes, blowing my hair on my forehead, drinking water in boredom, and scrambling to answer the phone when I heard it ring-only to find that it was the phone on TV, and the lovers in love had been waiting for each other's pay.

The disappearance of love is generally interfered by external factors, such as the intervention of new people and the obstruction of reality (distance, career, etc. ), internal factors, or internal mismatch between the two (such as personality disagreement and three views disagreement), or the growth speed of both sides is inconsistent. These three situations can cover almost all love movies. The name Twelve Nights sounds a bit strange. Every night actually symbolizes the node of a relationship. Although love is also a process of qualitative change caused by quantitative change, the screenwriter accurately captures a very representative psychological display, so that different people can see some of their own shadows in it.

The first stage: temptation and sweetness

Only people in love will think that their meeting is not accidental.

It is worth pondering that the story of the whole movie begins with the breakup of a relationship. However, apart from the first love, which relationship didn't start from the end of the last one? Jeannie's love ended reasonably-a good friend claimed to have seen her boyfriend cheat, and Tarot fortune-telling showed that there was an affair between them, and even Jonny, the woman's birthday boyfriend, did not show up.

However, a woman's next love affair started unexpectedly-even quite naive. As his girlfriend Claire invited her home, Allen and Jenny sat together in the back seat of a dim taxi. In the rearview mirror, women feel as if ... they look perfect for each other. So the idea came, why not let him pretend to be his boyfriend. "The feeling of love" is as simple as that, and just "it looks like a good match" is enough to be the reason for impulse.

When you are young, you should strive for victory or defeat in love. When calculating tarot cards, I am stubborn about who cheated who, and when breaking up, I am stubborn about who has the upper hand. "It's really lucky that he didn't change his mind, but whoever said it first will change his mind anyway." Finally, Jeannie couldn't help crying after all, which made Alan feel sorry for the girl.

Perhaps Allen was moved by Jenny, who burst into tears, or more importantly, it was just the last straw between him and his girlfriend Claire. Too many quarrels have erased love, and Jeannie is used as an excuse to end this relationship full of lice as soon as possible. Claire was angry and annoyed, but her angry words were accurate. "You two don't match. She's just a little girl." However, Allen's response is "Maybe I just like a little girl like her, at least I won't be like a log with her".

People who love each other, especially women in love, always feel that everything is predestined, while rational people will comment that it is just a random event. Before deciding the outcome, they were all Schrodinger's cats. Without Allen, there would be Elan.

Beware of people in love, because they are all crazy.

After being together, one person's world becomes two people's world, one is happy, two is curious, and three is impulsive. Allen, who fell in love, began to giggle, and all the staff members were thinking about Jenny when they worked overtime. After the meeting, I will drive to see you at three in the morning. I drove on the road with great interest, singing opera arias (Eason Chan is so apt). Because of disturbing the people, I was stopped by the traffic police, and then my car broke down. I called the insurance company to repair it. I finally went to Jenny's house at dawn and had a hot breakfast. When you love someone, even hardships and burdens are sweet.

As sweet as honey

People in love always like to talk nonsense, because it is so sweet that even if they seem to dislike each other, it is actually another way of sweet talk. Allen throws a question, "Do you think you will still like a person when you know him completely?" Have cavities? A harmless little problem. What about hepatitis? Huh? Is there a recurrence? -so the relationship between the two people appeared a faint crisis for the first time. Jenny is worried, and Allen is a little frustrated.

The second stage: small awkwardness is seasoning.

Men's dignity is placed on women and other men.

"Why do you have to travel during the holidays?" "Why do you have to sleep at home on holiday? Like a log, "You didn't say that when you first met me", a taboo in love-"You weren't like this when you were with me just now, why have you changed now?" As soon as this problem came out, the crisis began to worsen, the differences between the two people began to enlarge gradually, and the unhappiness also increased. If accompanied by an old acquaintance of one side, it will inevitably grow into a fierce quarrel. However, although it is a quarrel, it is tired of possessiveness.

A woman's dignity is in her face.

Compared with men, women are more sensitive to their appearance, but when they hear their boyfriends' negative comments on their appearance or clothes, they will start to care. "Like a circus performer", "Like a nightclub girl", "You don't look good in a short skirt, and your legs are thick"-so "Then change your girlfriend", and the discussion about clothing escalated to another question, "What do you like about me? If I were not like this, would you still be with me? " After the sweet period, lovers begin to care who likes whom better.

But at this stage, the lover's occasional embarrassment, jealousy and other emotions also add spice to love to a certain extent. After all, at this stage, the freshness in the hearts of lovers has not faded, and it is worthwhile to be angry. I am willing to bow my head and apologize first, in exchange for the sunny day when the other party smiles.

The third stage: the presentation of deep contradictions.

Do you know me?

Once the dispute begins, one party is trapped in constant insecurity, eager to find traces and proof of being loved, and constantly asks the other party "Do you love me", "Do you miss me" and "Let's get married"-"Love", "Thinking", "Good" and "Busy". The more courtship one party has, the more exhausted the other party is. I was so tired that I habitually refused. I obviously went to Jeannie's door with breakfast, but when Alan got a call from Jeannie again, he was habitually bored and finally pretended to have gone home on the phone without knocking.

At this stage, one party always wants to be alone. It seems that when two people are together, the other party can't understand themselves at all, but they still have to use sweet words to prove their intentions. In the long run, their hearts are full of deep fatigue. It's not that I don't love it, but that I don't like it that much.

You are happy, so I am happy?

The biggest tragedy in love is that you pay in your own way, and the other party doesn't need these payments at all. After a long time, the giver feels tired, and the love you ask for can't be returned. The other party also feels tired, because they need to apologize for quarreling and have been wasting their emotional strength. So, "how come I'm the only one in your world and your personality is gone?" This became the original sin.

After breaking up, the "jilted party" couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, so he made up a hundred possibilities in his mind, and the other party missed himself. Did he not call because he couldn't get through? Will he want to find me, too Often at this time, as a friend of an outsider, the freshest thing is to break you. "He's not upset because he doesn't like you anymore."

"Why doesn't he like you? Do you think you are useless? Many people like you. " However, for people who have just broken up and still can't get out, a forest is not as good as owning that small tree.

The fourth stage: rational examination

I miss you!

After a painful period after breaking up, maybe three months, maybe half a year, I finally let go, so I want to say goodbye formally. Appoint a time and place, dress up carefully, and finally sit down and chat calmly like an adult, then formally say hello, "How are you?" "You have lost weight", and then I began to analyze my life after separation. My previous mistakes, my naivety and immaturity were shared bit by bit, trying to show that I am mature and sensible, and I am no longer that naive self, but after so many experiences, I found that I still like you. After analyzing my emotions, I found that the other person had fallen asleep.

When I grow up, I find the cruelest fact is that no one in this world can fully understand you. The so-called empathy is the biggest lie. In such a big city, many men drive home, always willing to smoke a cigarette in the parking lot later, fully enjoy their own time, and escape from home for a short time. And how many women are awakened by their children in the middle of the night, changing diapers over and over with their eyes half open, and when their husbands snore like thunder, they can't wait to start all over again and choose to live alone.

Continue or give up?

In Twelve Nights, Jeannie is obsessed with accelerating her growth, becoming a better self and getting back together after breaking up, but after getting back together, she finds that she doesn't like each other so much, just like she comments on every relationship. "I don't know why I was with him in the first place." If it is because of my anger and anger at my derailed ex-boyfriend, and now I suddenly find that everything is a misunderstanding, and my ex-boyfriend didn't cheat at all, is the so-called fate also a mistake? The handling of the film is very clever. A love that started because of misunderstanding finally ended unilaterally.

Stage 5: Start the next stage.

End, reincarnation?

? This love is bustling and finally over. Eventually you will meet new people and start the next relationship. No matter how painful it is, it will get better, just like the last night of love in the movie is like a serious illness. It will be fine after that.

? At first, I thought Jeanni and Alan would never make it to the end, because they were totally different people. As Claire commented, "She is a little girl", Ginny loves to play and is obsessed with her boyfriend. Allen pays more attention to his career and hopes to have his own space. However, when Jenny worked hard to grow up during the breakup and her position and social life matured rapidly, the distance between them gradually narrowed. However, the timing was wrong, and Ginny finally found out that she didn't love him that much. The so-called immersion is just unwilling to accept that you have been abandoned.

We often say that these two people have no fate. The word "fate" is too mysterious and covers too many meanings. If you use an English word to describe it, it is opportunity. Two people meet at the most suitable age, and the three views are congenial. They are willing to walk together in love. Maybe this is the opportunity.