Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Are you really a monk?

Are you really a monk?

Hello, Amitabha.

I am not a monk. I don't know what setbacks my sister encountered, so I began to doubt life.

First, there is such a thing as fate!

Have you ever thought about it carefully: in this world, why are some people born in rich families and others born in poor families? Some babies are cute at birth, while others are ugly. Why are some people born chubby, while others are thin and sick? ..... Why is this? As the saying goes, "Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix." If heredity can explain these problems, why do some mediocre parents give birth to smart and lovely babies, while some intellectuals give birth to stupid children instead? If nutrition can solve health problems, why are there many rich people who are skinny and sick all their lives? Haven't they eaten nutrition?

If hard work will definitely make you rich, then why do some people work hard all their lives, but they are still poor and rent a house from others? However, those children born in wealthy families are born in privileged positions, and they cannot enjoy all the property for life. If we discuss the above problems in depth, we can easily find that there is a mysterious and incredible factor. For example, why can't you choose your birthplace, family, parents and brothers freely? This irresistible factor and force is generally called "fate". Buddhists call it "past karma"-meaning the influence of our past actions on body, language and mind. Confucius once said, "If you don't know your destiny, you don't think you are a gentleman." The word "fate" actually refers to "cause and effect" or "karma". Because you don't know the cause and effect of three, you can't understand the origin of fate, and you can't change or create it. If you don't understand the origin of fate, you will blame others, you can't be happy with it, and you will see wealth as a cloud. If you can't change your destiny, what's the use of more knowledge and insight?

Second, Chinese and foreign philosophers' affirmation of fate

The birth of fate is actually a causal phenomenon of three generations. Those who truly understand fate must believe in the existence of three causes and three effects. Philosophers with great wisdom have affirmed the existence of fate, because the transformation of fate is based on affirming fate. Only by knowing fate and what it is can we further transform fate. Now, let's quote some famous sentences as follows: "Man proposes, God disposes." ("The Analects of Confucius" "Life and death have a life, and wealth is in the sky." (The Analects of Confucius) "Some people are born with wealth, some people earn it by their own efforts, and some people are forced to get rich." (Shakespeare's Twelfth Night) "Even when we are not paying attention, fate still dominates us ..." (Nietzsche) "Everything has a time, and everything in the world has a time. There is a time to live, a time to die, a time to plant, a time to pull out, a time to kill, a time to make up, a time to tear down, a time to build ... "(Ecclesiastes, Chapter III)" The differences between the rich and the poor, the rich and the poor, and the beauty and ugliness at birth are all caused by past actions. " (the first bhikkhu sutra)

Third, is fortune telling reliable?

Ordinary people's wealth, poverty, beauty and ugliness, early death, life and death are all fixed, which is actually the result of their past thoughts, languages and behaviors. The quieter the mind, the higher the wisdom. The higher the wisdom, the more you can understand fate and karma. The ability to understand past lives is called "fatalism" in Buddhist scriptures. There are two ways to get the incarnation of fate. Some people have done very good things in their last lives, and there is a natural fate in this life. This is called "reporting". Some people's fate comes from meditation in this life, which is called "meditation". It is recorded in the ten parts of Hua Yan Jing that the third generation of bodhisattvas can understand the past one, two and three generations ... eternal life, thousand generations ... infinite thousand generations. For example: the formation and destruction of the world, one's own name, family, diet, life span, emotions, figure, appearance, where one was born and where one died … can all be remembered. It is also recorded in the Buddhist scriptures that a saint who is troubled can know things within the past 84 thousand robberies.

The perfect Buddha can know the endless past, future and present. In other words, he can thoroughly understand infinite time and space. Understanding the infinite past is the potential of each of us. But the troubles in our hearts, such as greed, hatred, meanness and jealousy, have blocked this great potential. Therefore, in this world, in order to understand the past world, in addition to diligent practice, we must rely on the classics about fate left by ancient philosophers. A reliable fortune-telling method is much like an accurate instrument. Because sophisticated scientific instruments can measure the amount of oil under the land, and fortune-telling methods can measure all kinds of potentials and phenomena in a person's mind. A fortune teller is like an experienced farmer. Can the old farmer tell the seeds of Chinese cabbage or spinach at a glance? When will this seed germinate? When will it bloom? When will there be results? How long, how high and how thick can it be? What about color and appearance ... he knows it like the back of his hand. So is a real fortune teller. He can know when all kinds of seeds and past karma in a person's heart will take effect. When will the results be reported? Whether fortune telling works or not depends entirely on the spiritual accomplishment of the fortune teller and the reliability of the fortune telling classics he relies on. The more reliable and accurate the classics it is based on, the smarter and more reliable it will be. For example, following the orthodox methods such as Zhuge Liang, Li, Yuan Tiangang, Liu Bowen, etc. is certainly more reliable than the books written by ordinary people. At present, there are many fortune tellers with half a bucket of water who want to invent another method without knowing the ancient method, but of course the accuracy is much worse. I advise you to read more ancient classics, not books written or translated by modern people, because modern books are mostly written for fame and fortune, and it is difficult to write excellent things. If you want to know your own destiny, you should study more classics such as karma, karma and karma. Of course, its quality is first-class, and its accuracy is 100%. There is nothing to say, which is of great help to inspire wisdom and cultivate virtue.

Thought, behavior, habit, personality:

Fate, to some extent, people are really like computers. For example, computers can store all the "data", and people's hearts can store all the seeds of "good and evil". Computers work by "equations". We produce behavior patterns according to "habits". After understanding this truth, we should be especially cautious in thought, language and behavior. For example, be very careful when choosing books, because once you read bad books, you may sow bad seeds in your heart. Watch TV carefully, because if you watch a boring series, you will not only waste time and energy, but also have nightmares. We always observe our own thoughts to prevent evil thoughts (anything that hurts others' selfishness is called evil thoughts). Because repeated thoughts will lead to behavior, repeated behavior will lead to habits, and habits will be deeply rooted and become character, and what kind of character will lead to what kind of fate. Therefore, the scripture says: "If the mind is not pure and unclear" (confusion) will lead to "man-made good and evil behavior" (karma). The influence of good and evil behavior will produce bitter and auspicious results (results) Therefore, the book "karma difference classics" says: "All sentient beings are pulled by karma and turn with their good and evil deeds. Because of this, there are various differences from top to bottom. "

The second volume of the original wish for merits and demerits by the Tibetan Bodhisattva also said: "Never underestimate any small evil, thinking that if you do a little bad thing, you will not be punished. No matter how small the crime is, there will be retribution after death, and it will not be spared at all, and it will not be rewarded by others. "

"Song of Heart and Life" said very well: "A kind heart and a beautiful life will make you rich until you are old. Life is not smooth, and happiness becomes an ominous sign. A good heart and a bad life turn disasters into blessings. If you have a bad heart and a bad life, you will be miserable and poor. The heart can grasp life, and it is best to be kind. Life is made by the heart, and good or bad luck is only called by people. If you believe in your life and don't cultivate your heart, yin and yang may be empty and positive. As long as you give the order, heaven and earth will protect themselves. "

The unfortunate reason:

1. Honest people endure humiliation. 2. The poor are greedy. People with high status come respectfully. 4. People who feel inferior are arrogant and slow. 5. Deaf people are slandered. 6. Neither the blind nor the deaf believe it. 7. Those who live long are merciful. 8. Short-lived people are born after being killed. 9. Those who have no roots quit. 10. Those who take root should observe the precepts. (Pay attention to culpable of punishment)

△ Confucianism's "five virtues" (benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith) are similar to Buddhism's "five commandments" (no killing, no stealing, no whoring, no lying and no drinking), so if you can't do it, you will break the precepts.

Ten reasons for poverty:

1. Stealing other people's property in person. 2. Teach others to steal. 3. praise others for stealing. I'm glad to see others stealing. 5. Infringe on or deprive the sages of their livelihood. 6. Reduce or withdraw the life-sustaining items of parents. 7. Seeing the benefits of others makes me unhappy. 8. hinder others from obtaining benefits, or leave behind future troubles. 9. Seeing others give alms does not bring happiness. 10. Seeing famine will not produce pity, but gloat.

△ When encountering an energy crisis, it is also a mistake not to feel pity, but to think that it is beneficial to your own industry.

△ Heaven is the most true reincarnation, and whoever is often rich is often poor. People who are hungry today were half misers at that time.

Ten reasons for short life:

1. Kill animals by yourself. 2. persuade others to kill animals. 3. Praise others for their skills in killing animals. I am very happy to see others killing animals. I hope the people we hate will die soon. 6. I am glad to see that the person I hate is dead. 7. Destroy the animal's nest. 8. Teach others to destroy animal nests. 9. Donate money to build a temple, and then kill animals for sacrifice. 10. Love to fight and teach others to kill each other.

Ten reasons for illness:

1. For example, beating people and cruelty to animals. △ If a teacher or parent punishes a student or a child with love in order to get better, it is not only innocent but also meritorious, but if he beats a student with anger, he will be sick in the future.

2. Persuade others to abuse and beat animals. Praise others for cruelty to animals. I am glad to see others beating and scolding animals. 5. Disturbing parents makes them feel sad. 6. Disturb saints or sages. 7. I'm glad to see someone I hate sick. I am very unhappy to see that my enemy has recovered. 9. The person you dislike is seriously ill, but you send him fake drugs or drugs unrelated to treatment. 10. Eat what you ate last time and then digest it. △ The malignant sores in this life are caused by whipping all beings in previous lives. △ I am too timid in this life, because I often used fear to scare people in previous lives. △ Because I kept animals in cages in my last life, I often went to unjust prison in my life.

Ten reasons for poor popularity (low prestige):

1. Jealous of all beings. I get angry when I see others benefit. I am glad to see others lose interest. 4. When you see others' good reputation, you will be jealous and disgusted. I'm glad to see other people's reputations degraded. 6. retreat from the heart and destroy the Buddha. 7. Don't serve your parents and sages wholeheartedly. 8. Persuade others to do unpopular things. 9. Things that prevent others from doing good deeds. 10. Despise or laugh at people with poor popularity or reputation.