Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Young master pretends to tell fortune.

Young master pretends to tell fortune.

Qin An often dreamed of a Taoist who told fortune when he was a child recently.

The Taoist priest is chubby and his robe is tattered, but his fortune-telling is famous. General Qin is famous for telling the fortune of his only son.

The son of a military commander wanted to be a general when he was young and dreamed of becoming a hero in the world. But the fat Taoist just squinted and slowly jumped out: "Isn't it good to be an ordinary person?" You little doll, don't try to be a hero all day. "

Children are naturally unwilling and have not fully understood the sufferings of the world. They just think that this fat Taoist priest has no ambition, and he can't hide others' good qualities by muddling along. The young man spoke his mind before Fu Qin could apologize. But I saw the Taoist priest laugh without anger. "It's a pity that you are too cruel to be a hero."

Qin An is eighteen years old and has been with General Qin for three years. He is a five-level Huaiyuan general, and he will definitely come back to by going up one flight of stairs on this expedition. Not to mention this bright future, this little general is more than half of the aristocratic men in Chang' an just by looking at his appearance. If you ask a girl in Chang 'an who is her sweetheart, six out of ten will blush and say Qin Lang.

But few people know that this little general Qin liked a girl since he was a child.

At the age of fourteen, Qin An followed a group of classmates to visit the temple fair. He saw that the elderly people had already prepared folding fans, put on gold-painted shirts and grinned all the way. At that time, I only thought that these people just wanted to be rich and gentle, and later it was even worse.

Qin 'an was dispersed and reached the moat, just as the lamp in the little girl's hand took off. Qin An thinks this girl is very beautiful, as if all the light melted between her eyes. When the girl passed by him, the golden sparrow hairpin on her head slipped into Qin An's arms. For an instant, he seemed to see all the stars in the sky sliding into the girl's eyes. Looking into those eyes, he heard the world of mortals whispering the word emotion in his ear.

Qin An returned home still in a trance, and then suddenly regretted not wearing that dark blue robe embroidered with cirrus clouds. The golden hairpin in her arms was covered with warmth. When Qin An closes her eyes, it is a girl's skirt. As for her face, Qin An didn't dare to look.

The next day, I visited the eldest son of the Taifu family and asked to see Qin An by name. Qin An realized that he had met Yu Yunqing, the daughter of a teacher's family. Then every time I look around at the banquet, I grin like a fool every time I see that slender figure. On the side where he can't see, the girl is also shy.

In the long run, the two families also know the child's mind, and they are well versed in this, and they can only wait until Qin An becomes famous before getting married. Due to the dispute between the DPRK and China, the relationship between Qin and the two families is little known.

When Qin An first went out to war, Yu Yunqing wore a sky-blue skirt.

Qin An promised: "When I become a hero, I will come back to marry you."

Yu Yunqing looked at him, as if looking at the teenager in the light through time. "I'd rather you just played with horses and looked at the flowers."

Qin an only thinks that girls are worried about themselves, but how can they do great things without danger since ancient times? He turned and walked forward, holding Jin Chai in his arms and never looking back.

Qin An has been gone for two years, and when he came back, he was a general, General Huaiyuan, who was appointed by your majesty.

The young man is as long as a willow, and his back is always straight. Only when he sees the girl in Yoga Yu, he becomes a boy of fourteen again.

The little girl who put the Kongming lantern cage by the river has grown up, and the matchmaker who comes to the door has almost set foot on the threshold of home, but I don't like any of them.

General Qin Xiao heard that Yu Jia girl was a beauty, while Yu Jia girl heard that General Qin Xiao was a hero. General Qin Xiao also heard that Gudingyang, the son of Guggenheim, likes girls at home and has a good relationship with his eldest brother at home, so he goes to work in the house when he is free. Yu's girl also heard that General Qin Xiao met a female general from a neighboring country on the battlefield. The female general was a princess and fell in love with Qin Gongzi at first sight.

General Qin Xiao and Yu's girl finally met again, when everything was restored. The little general doesn't ask if Gu Gongzi is handsome, and Jade Girl doesn't ask if the princess is beautiful.

Qin An gave Yu Yunqing Yu Pei of the frontier fortress, and the word Chang 'an was engraved on Yu Pei, which was obviously his handwriting.

Yu Yunqing is still wearing a sky-blue skirt, and the other is a green Hosta. Standing under the willow tree, the whole person is faint, so light that Qin An feels that this person seems to have disappeared.

"In a few months, I will go to Saibei. The Holy Father said that if I could drive away the Huns, I would be promoted to the rank of General Zhengsi. At that time, I will propose to the government. "

"Very good."

When Qin An turned to go, the wind blew. He hurried back and saw Yu Yunqing smiling at him. "What are you looking back for?"

"I am afraid that the wind will blow away my happiness." Qin An blurted out, and his face burned at once. This joy refers to his heart or standing in front of him, which is really misleading.

Yu Yunqing's eyebrows are curved. "Let's go."

Qin An walked twenty or thirty paces and heard Yu Yunqing shout to him, "Qin An, do you feel like a hero now?"

Qin An looked back and saw his girl standing under the willow tree, her hands were trumpet-shaped, her body was slightly arched, and her hair was blown by the wind, as if blowing into Qin An's heart.

"I think I am. What about you?" He followed the example of Yu Yunqing and shouted at her.

Instead of answering, his girl shouted in a louder voice, "I'm waiting for you to come back and marry me."

"Well, I'll come back and marry you."

Qin An finally set off at the time of Yangliu. The situation in Saibei is worse than expected. Huns harassed during spring planting, which led to a sharp drop in autumn harvest. At this time, the Huns were divided into small groups to seize the city, and the people were miserable.

Qin 'an and Fu Qin were guarding the city in March, and almost all the food and grass were eaten up. The weather was getting colder, but none of the trench was shipped out. The local people's harvest is pitiful, and they are harassed by Xiongnu all the year round, and it is even more impossible to have surplus food. Soldiers save clothes and food, and also save some food from their mouths to help the people. An urgent passbook was taken away by the fast horse, and there was no reply.

"In this case, if the Huns come to sneak attack, it will be difficult." Sadness and sandstorms in northern Xinjiang made Qin's father old.

"What do Koreans think? How can we fight without food and grass? " Qin An was indignant.

"In previous years, the Huns only came to grab so many times when there was no food in winter, and they came so many times this spring. Our people have no food, and the Huns naturally can't grab much food. What's in it for them? "

"If they have been planning for a long time, shouldn't they rob the people of food at this time? How come there are only a few small stocks, which seems to be perfunctory. " Qin An is puzzled.

Fu Qin looked tired and didn't answer him again.

The Huns' sneak attack was expected. I didn't expect a team of only 100 people to enter Liang Jun Camp like nobody's business, and the generals' tents and granaries were burned to the ground.

That night, no one slept well.

What breaks the darkness is the blood that cannot be waved away. Mars in the ruins is colder than the stars in the sky. Old General Qin died almost overnight.

Since joining the army, Qin An has experienced all kinds of ammunition and food. He was attacked on all sides and ambushed on all sides, but he had never seen his father who had been fighting for decades collapse like this. He didn't understand until he saw the dead bodies in the army.

Xiongnu's iron smelting technology is not as good as that of girder, so the wounds cut by Xiongnu's knife are big and deep, and the wounds are generally bloody. The weapon of the girder cuts a smaller wound, and the wound is almost invisible except blood.

It was obviously Han Chinese who came to sneak attack this time.

I'm familiar with the layout of the camp, and I haven't paid attention to it. And so brazenly pretending to be a Hun sneak attack. There can be no one but the person sitting in the golden palace.

Qin An suddenly felt cold all over.

He has always understood the situation in North Korea. The one who wants to weaken or even get rid of the aristocratic family has been promoting the children of poor families in recent years, otherwise Yu Yunqing's father will not be a teacher. The powerful family threatened the imperial power, and that man had a point. We can start from the loyal Qin family, at the expense of the lives of 30 thousand soldiers in the North Camp, let the people in northern Xinjiang pave the way and hand over the five cities and three customs. That's really generous.

Some people cling to the last line of defense in the cold wind of the border, but they want to save food and distribute it to the city people; Some people are worshipped by thousands of people in Canato, but they want to destroy their Great Wall and abandon their own people in Wan Li. I have been using my disgusting mind to guess how terrible the human heart can be.

On December 2nd of the 11th year of Jingyuan, Qin An took thousands of people to borrow grain from the west.

1February 14, the Xiongnu army attacked the city, and General Qin ordered it to hold its ground, and the court was surging.

1on February 30th, the city was broken, General Qin was killed and his body was gone. Only 5,000 of the 29,000 soldiers fled to the Western Heaven, and the Feng family in Gusu was killed for treason.

On January 1st, the 12th year of Jingyuan, Yu Yunqing had a secret talk with his brother and father all night. Five thousand soldiers met Qin 'an who had returned, and the borrowed food was only enough for them to eat for a month.

On the tenth day of the first month, Gu Yang asked the woman he had loved for a long time, "Where is Qin An? You want me to marry you. What about Qin An? " The woman smiled softly. "Look up at the sun, but I can't see Chang 'an. "Qin An was helpless to the princess next door who stood in front of her and talked to herself." Come back and be my husband. " She only felt that the gold hairpin in her arms stung her chest.

On the fifteenth day of the first month, Gu's son and Yu's daughter hit it off and will get married in mid-February. Qin An and his party caught the mountain bandits and settled down temporarily. The Huns were ready to act, and the princess was also ready to act.

On the 20th day of the first month, the emperor's action to clear the aristocratic families was stopped, and fifty thousand troops were ordered to go to the border with letters, and Qin 'an was named Fu, which made the court jittery for a while.

On February 1 day, Yu Yunqing tried on the wedding dress sent by Gu Jia, but she felt as red as blood. Qin An and the princess went deep into the grassland to kill Khan. Qin An was seriously injured and unconscious, and his black robe was wet with blood.

On February 15th, Gu Yang got married in Yunqing, and the girl Qin An liked since childhood became Mrs. Gu, without waiting for her to get married.

On February 20th, Qin An woke up from his injury, and fifty thousand troops came in a hurry, and there was a letter from Yu Yunqing. When Qin An opened it, there was only one sentence, "Happy to each other". In the evening, she prepared a dinner for the army. Qin An was as drunk as a fiddler and kept saying, "Why didn't you wait for me?" The princess finally returned to China.

In March, Qin An led an army to attack the Huns.

In May, the Huns were driven out of the border town and returned to the grassland, Qin 'an moved troops back to the DPRK, and the willows were reluctant.

In June, Chang 'an.

Qin An didn't dare to go any further, and finally realized what it was like to be afraid of being close to home when I was a child.

I always have to go to town. People in the city heard that Qin An was still in court today, so they waited in the street early. Big girls and little wives are all blushing and throwing flowers at Qin An. Some women touch the heads of their dolls. "Be such a big hero if you want to do it."

Fu Qin is as cold and cheerless as ever. He has no mother, no brothers and his only father will never come back. The old servant at home handed me many stickers, one of which was untimely and dazzling red.

"It was sent by Yufu in February, and Miss Yujia married Gu Jia." The old servant doesn't know his relationship with Yu's family.

Qin An didn't react at the moment. "Miss Yufu, which Miss Yufu?"

The old servant smiled. "Master, there is only one young lady in the room. Which one do you think? "

"So, who did Miss Yu marry?"

"The old slave is not to say that married to the Lord, the Lord is like this. I heard that this young master Gu and Miss Yu were childhood friends, and this marriage has long been decided. "

What did the old servant say? Qin An couldn't hear a word. All he can think about is Master Gu and Miss Yu's childhood friends. "You and his childhood friends are very congenial. What about me? What am I? "

Since the death of General Qin Lao, Qin An only cares about Yu Yunqing. When hiding in the firewood and watching the glistening knife cut, he thought of Yu Yunqing; Khan was shot by an arrow on his way to escape, thinking of Yu Yunqing. Before the coma, when the princess called you not to die, she was thinking of Yu Yunqing. But he thought about it, but he just wanted to say that he was very happy.

Qin An wondered if Yu Yunqing felt that she had kept her waiting too long. I didn't expect to be congenial to others. The words "each in his place" and Chai Jin are still in his arms, but she is married.

Before entering the palace, Qin An chose a water blue robe: Yu Yunqing said that he was best suited to water blue. But on second thought, what's the use of dressing up? People still don't want you.

The banquet was very luxurious. After all, no matter how dirty the lining is, you still have to save face. The people above laugh generously, sound like a childless tiger and have a bright future. Push a cup on the table for a change, but it's different.

This is the stability that my father and millions of soldiers bought with their lives. Qin An felt that he couldn't stay any longer.

The night wind in summer is very comfortable, and the whole body's alcohol has dissipated. Then Qin An saw Yu Yunqing. She looks like a woman with a princess veil and high hair.

"Very clear." Qin An's voice is sour and strange.

"Fu." Yu Yunqing saluted Qin An politely.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Qin An even felt a fishy sweetness in his throat.

Yu Yunqing seemed to hear something funny. "Fu, you can't believe what young people say."

"So, so, Gu Yang, is Gu Yang good to you?"

"Whether he treats me well or not has nothing to do with you." Yu Yunqing's eyes have something Qin An has never seen before, reflecting the stars all over the sky, which makes people want to drown in it.

After the palace banquet, Qin An never saw Tai Qingyun again. At the end of the year, he resigned from Fu and asked him to be his own Huaiyuan general. Years later, he went to the southwest to pacify bandits.

Everything came back to life when he left, but there was no girl waiting for him to marry under the willow tree. He heard that the girl was pregnant and both husband and wife were full.

The bandit disaster in the south is not so serious, so Qin An is idle. I started dreaming about the fat Taoist priest when I was a child.

Qin An didn't expect such a long time ago that he could still remember it. It doesn't matter if you think about it The person you liked at such a young age still likes it.

One day, Qin An met a Taoist in the street. The Taoist priest is still chubby and ragged, and time seems to have forgotten him.

Taoist seems to remember him. "Do you still want to be a hero in the world?"

Qin An had to smile bitterly and asked, "When I was a child, you said I killed too many people to be a hero. But I was just a child at that time, where did I get the murderous look? "

"Your mother pregnant with you, your father went out to play the conference semifinals, conference semifinals occupied our city. Your father captured 3,000 Hu Bing. In order to disturb the morale of the conference semifinals, your father demanded that 3,000 prisoners be exchanged for food. Generally, prisoners are either dead or disabled, and the conference semifinals naturally refuse to change. So your father tied 3,000 Hu people to the gate and starved to death. There are indeed contradictions within Hu Jun. Girder won a great victory in World War I. Soon after, your mother left you in childbirth and left you. The grievances of these 3,000 people are all on you. How did you become a hero in the world? "

Qin An wants to tell him that I don't want to be a hero, I just want to be a girl's husband. But he moved his lips and said nothing.

Later, it was reported that the owner and Mrs. Gu were assassinated when they went to pray, and Mrs. Gu blocked an arrow for the owner and killed the jade. There is a secret method to carve the pattern of Wang Langya's family on the arrow.

Since then, Gu Jia and Wang Jia have been fighting.

On the day of getting the news, Qin's gold hairpin was broken. Attendants only know that the owner cherishes it and will take it to repair it.

"What's the use of people leaving?"

Up to now, Qin An finally understood. Why did Yu Yunqing marry Gu Yang and reinforcements came at once? Why Yu Yunqing must die.

Yu Taifu is a representative of poor families. He married Gu, the oldest family member, and made it clear that he was hitting the emperor in the face, and the emperor could not help them. General Qin is absent, and there is no one to protect him. The emperor had to keep Qin's life and check and balance with them.

Only when Yu Yunqing died, Jia and her in-laws were separated, so she could not have children, and the pregnant lady would arouse the contradiction between Gu Wang and Gu Wang. Despite the battle between the king and the king, the Yu family was neatly picked out and remained the emperor's right-hand man. At this time, the Qin family with the strongest force was extremely important. In this way, the road after Qin' an will be smoother.

Qin An finally knew what was in Yu Yunqing's eyes that day. This is a kind of deformed love that is severely suppressed.

In May of the 14th year of Jingyuan, Qin An, the general of Liang Dynasty, was killed in the siege of mountain thieves. The mountain is steep, leaving no bones.

In June of the fourteenth year of Jingyuan, there was a swordsman in Jiangnan.

Swordsmen like flattery, willows, drinking, buying gold hairpin, wearing blue robe and girls.

The swordsman knows where the willows are the most, what kind of wine is the strongest, how to choose gold hairpin and how to wear blue robe, but he doesn't know how to marry a girl who can't come back.

I met a swordsman in an inn called Sunset Red in the south of the Yangtze River. All the other swordsmen wear white, and he only wears blue, saying that the girl he likes likes likes him to wear blue.

That day, he was drunk and told me his story with a jar in his arms. Finally, he smiled, with a good smile, but his eyes were full of sadness. "They all say I'm a hero, maybe. I am the hero of the girder and the people, but not hers. "

I think the wine in this inn is brewed in loneliness, otherwise the drinkers are very sad.

1. Background Referring to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were many myths and the Party was cautious.

(2). "Look up and see Sun, but not Chang 'an. "From" Shi Shuo Xin Yu ",there are many meanings and opinions vary.