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What are the tips for seeing through other people's psychology?

1. Observe typical features

Some bad personalities have many typical characteristics. For example, when others are jealous of you, they often have the following characteristics: imitating you, praising you falsely on the surface, spreading rumors behind your back, belittling your success, gloating over your mistakes, criticizing everything you do, isolating you and people close to you, and so on.

Who has dangerous personality, who has superficial high self-esteem and invisible low self-esteem and so on. As mentioned in the previous article. If you don't know, you can go there.

2. Observe their living habits.

Living habits are formed by a person's personality, family environment, social environment and other factors, which are often difficult to disguise and more likely to reflect a person's conduct.

Being able to use time compactly shows that he is good at planning, purposeful and ambitious; Punctuality shows that he is highly self-disciplined; Often brush Weibo's circle of friends, indicating that there is plenty of time, little pressure and boring life; Dignity and courtesy usually indicate that his family education is good; Wait a minute.

3. Observe their speaking level

What's in your head, what's in your mouth. People who choose words carefully know the truth of "be cautious in words and deeds" and "disaster comes from the mouth" and are generally experienced; Speak logically and often have a high IQ; Speaking is very infectious, good at encouraging others, and often good at seeing through people's hearts.

When talking, people who always mention the past glory, prominent background and bullish relatives often feel inferior in their hearts. The more they lack, the more they want to show it.

People who always speak ill of others and gossip often cannot keep close friends. Shallow and profound people should also pay attention to this situation. Either the other party has just entered the society, or the other party is testing you.

Observe their circle of friends

A person's level is usually the average of the ten people closest to TA. People whose identities, personalities and ideals are too far apart, even if they used to be good friends, will gradually move away because of different views. People with common ideals, common interests and common conduct can often become good friends. Only people with similar status can form a circle.

Most of the people around Niu X are great gods, and most of the rich circles are rich. Genius will not communicate with fools, and warriors will not dance with cowards.

5. Observe his family.

Parents are people's first imitations. Under what circumstances, contact and long-term edification will directly determine people's manners, personality characteristics, ways of thinking, values and other key characteristics. And this feature is often not easy to change.

Undeniably, children with grumpy parents often have wild animals in their hearts, children from single-parent families often feel insecure, and abused children often like to abuse animals. The shadow of parents is often engraved in the depths of children's souls.

6. Observe how to treat the people closest to you.

People are often unprepared in front of the closest people, especially parents and children.

7. Observe their state when their emotions are out of control.

Emotional loss of control reflects a person's lower limit. A person with low limits is not suitable for being friends. They are all potential dangers, which may hurt others.

In a relationship between men and women, if the other person hits you for the first time, no matter how the other person apologizes afterwards, please stay away. Apologizing is useful. Why do you need the law? There will be 1 and there will be 10.

A person's lower limit can be tested by stress test. For example, discuss controversial topics, because controversial topics often have positions, prejudices and emotions. It's easy to let the other person get out of control and reveal his true nature.

8. Observe its state when facing the weak.

People often have a sense of superiority when facing the weak. At this time, their inner sense of security is greatly enhanced, and their control over emotions will decline. At this time, it is easiest to expose their hearts.

After all, the tide rises and falls, and everyone will have a low point in life. If you associate with bullies, your trough will be miserable.