Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Qufu fortune teller

Qufu fortune teller

Duke Zhou, formerly known as Ji Dan, is the fourth son of King Ji Chang of Zhou Wen, the younger brother of King Ji Fa of Zhou Wuwang and the uncle of Zhou Chengwang.

Duke Zhou is impeccable in both military and governance, so what achievements did he make?

First, Shunde seeks things. Zhou Wuwang is a wise king. After he succeeded to the throne, Duke Zhou was appointed as the assistant minister. Regardless of military and political issues or thorny issues, Zhou Wuwang asked his advice. On the issue of attacking Shang Zhouwang dynasty, Duke Zhou advocated "Shunde seeks affairs". On the one hand, ruling the country by virtue can make the economy and military develop rapidly; On the other hand, we should win the support of various vassal States with excellent virtue.

In addition, Duke Zhou also suggested that Corporal Lixian treat foreign tribal talents and business talents who came to take refuge with courtesy. Sure enough, it not only made Zhou prosperous, but also won the support of various vassal States because of its fairness and decency. Sages and people with lofty ideals also heard about Zhou Wuwang's reputation and came to vote in succession. At that time, Zhou Wuwang was surrounded by talented people.

Second, ruin the business week. In the second year of his succession, Duke Zhou assisted him in holding a meeting exercise to understand Zhou's international appeal and military strength. At that time, more than 800 governors responded positively, and many governors constantly persuaded Zhou Wuwang to attack the ruthless Shang Zhouwang. However, seeing that the big princes were late, the Duke of Zhou thought that the time was not yet ripe, so he decisively suggested that Zhou Wuwang move troops back to the DPRK. The following year, Shang Zhouwang became more cruel and autocratic, which attracted the world. So the Duke of Zhou thought the time was ripe, so he sent troops to attack the capital of Shang and Zhou with Zhou Wuwang and sang, forcing Zhou Wang to set himself on fire and die. The Shang Dynasty was thus replaced by the Zhou Dynasty.

Third, assist in becoming a king. In the second year of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Wuwang died of illness. Zhou Chengwang was young, but the Zhou Dynasty was unstable. Fearing that someone would rebel, the Duke of Zhou firmly held Wang Cheng in his arms and acted as an agent of state affairs. At that time, Duke Zhou's younger brothers, Guan Shu and Cai Shu, both wanted to get their hands on the throne, so they spread rumors everywhere that Duke Zhou was going to seize power, which was not conducive to becoming a king. In order to prove his innocence, Duke Zhou took the initiative to find Zhao Gong and Jiang Taigong, who ranked third, to explain their difficulties and gain their understanding. Guan Shu and Cai Shu failed to make a plan. They colluded with businessmen to launch a rebellion. The Duke of Zhou led his troops to war, which not only put down the rebellion, but also put down the eastern countries, further consolidating the rule of the Zhou Dynasty.

Fourth, the founding of the country. After putting down the rebellion, Jiang Taigong suggested killing all captured diehards in Shangzhou. However, the Duke of Zhou believed that people should be convinced by virtue. So he moved the stubborn Shang and Zhou people to Luoyi and sent troops there to supervise these prisoners. After the beginning of the world, due to the large increase in land area, in order to facilitate management, the Duke of Zhou also implemented the policy of sealing the country, enfeoffed the descendants of Ji surname and founding minister as princes, and gave them the national seal, so that they could establish their homes in the national seal and achieve the goal of co-ownership in the world.

Fifth, organizational setup. As early as the Shang Zhouwang dynasty, the succession of the throne can be passed down from generation to generation, and also from brother to brother. However, this inheritance system also has disadvantages, because whether it is passed on to children or younger brothers, it will cause dissatisfaction among others, leading to royal disputes and weak national strength. In view of all kinds of disadvantages, Duke Zhou formulated the eldest son inheritance system, which made other brothers have no excuse to compete for the throne.

Sixth, improve the rites and music. In order to consolidate the kingship for a long time, Duke Zhou also formulated a series of laws and regulations and moral norms to further define the identity of people, and at the same time established norms such as respect and inferiority, and strictly bound the princes and the people according to the hierarchy. If someone is impolite in dress, room and manners, it is equivalent to trespassing and can be accused. People at different levels also pay attention to and appreciate dance music at different levels. At the same time, there are also requirements for the number of bands. Anyone whose number of bands does not match his status will be punished.

Seven, return to the king. Duke Zhou replaced Zhou Chengwang as regent for six years. Thanks to his efforts, the Zhou Dynasty slowly turned from the unstable situation at the beginning of construction to safety and stepped on the right track. Seeing that Zhou Chengwang had grown up, the Duke of Zhou returned the throne to Zhou Chengwang without hesitation. Because the Duke of Zhou devoted himself to the public, he always publicized the rule of virtue, and when Zhou Chengwang was still in office, he didn't prevaricate at all, so he was affirmed by later generations. Among them, Confucius admired the benevolence of the Duke of Zhou most. Because he often studied the literature of Duke Zhou, Duke Zhou appeared in his dreams many times. Confucius once lamented that "I am too weak to dream of Duke Zhou for a long time".

Later generations wrote books such as Duke Zhou under the guise of Duke Zhou. In fact, Confucius said that he dreamed of Duke Zhou, which showed that he and Duke Zhou were spiritually connected. His theory and Duke Zhou's ideas came down in one continuous line, and it was also a great affirmation of Duke Zhou's administration. Later generations did not understand, and regarded Duke Zhou as a "prophet" and relied on him to predict the future. Speaking of it, it is also quite ridiculous. However, although absurd, it was widely circulated by Confucius because of Zhou Gong's great achievements and kindness. That's why future generations are so superstitious about him. (Refer to historical materials: Historical Records of Zhou Benji and The Analects of Confucius)