Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Excerpts and Sources of Lin Qingxuan's Prose Poems

Excerpts and Sources of Lin Qingxuan's Prose Poems

Excerpts from Lin Qingxuan's Prose Collection.

1. Every time I travel, I always bring a bottle of soil and water from my hometown. Sometimes when I take it out of the hotel in the guest area, I feel that the gray-black soil and water are beautiful and full of strength. The soil and water in our hometown nourish us and make us grow into indomitable men. Even if you are wandering in Wan Li, you can be full of tenderness and deep affection on a lonely foreign night. That bottle of water and soil, not only has the love of my hometown, but also my mother's blessing, has been taking care of me for a long time.

The sound of wind chimes is beautiful and long. I don't sound like a bell at all, but music. Wind chimes are the music of the wind, which makes us feel cool in summer and warm in winter. The wind has no image, no color and no sound, but the wind chimes make the wind have an image, a color and a sound. For the wind, wind chimes are perception, observation and touching. Every time, listen to the wind chimes and feel the existence of the wind. At this time, I feel that our life flows like the wind, which is almost difficult to master. Therefore, we need the wind chimes in our hearts to perceive the flow of life, to observe the content of life, and to be moved by the accidental encounter between life and life. With wind chimes, although the wind has blown, it still leaves a wonderful sound. With the wind chime of the heart, even if life has passed, it will leave a touching trace. Every time the wind blows, every step of the years will be so real.

3. "Writing your troubles on the beach" is the most important key for meditators, that is, "letting go". Our troubles come from persistence. In fact, persistence is like writing in the sand. When the sea washes away, it is the reality of everything. If you can see this layer, it is not difficult to let go.

4, although impermanence, but also let us understand the heart of nature, know that impermanence has its beauty, think about it, why do most people in this world like real flowers, do not love plastic flowers? Because real flowers will wither and make people feel kind. On the coast of life and death, we said goodbye, but we couldn't help saying goodbye. This is the biggest dilemma for people. However, life is time, and neither can be reversed. Instead of stumbling and hating stones, it is better to walk carefully from today. It is better to return to the present than to be tortured by yesterday.

5. The disappearance of karma does not necessarily make people cry, but the reluctance, persistence and greed for karma will inevitably make people cry like the sea. Impermanence is an inevitable process of time and space, which forces us to lose our young, precious and halo years. It is a feeling of regret and helplessness. However, if impermanence leaves a painful lesson because of human negligence, it can be hated and disgusted.

6. We came to this world with tears in our eyes, played all kinds of roles, played all kinds of fake scripts, and finally left this world with tears in our eyes. Every evening when I am going home for a walk, I will fondly touch the hair of the sunset and say some words of praise and gratitude. Appreciate the lack of this world, let us be alert not to fall. Thanks to the pollution in this city, we have the wisdom to pursue cleanliness. Thanks to those seemingly ignorant flower trees, let us know ourselves deeply. Even if living conditions can only be like animals, people should not be as impersonal, calm, gentle and dignified as animals. In the suffering of China, the reason why China people have not lost their essence really comes from this simple idea: "People should live like individuals!"

7. When it rains, I often pray like this:

I hope the tears in the world will not fall like rain in the sky.

I hope the rain in the sky will not be as dirty as the tears on the earth.

I hope everyone can have a sunshade to resist the wind and rain of life.

I hope everyone can become a clean person because of the rain cleaning.

The fragrance of men with blooming wisdom will pervade the whole world, regardless of the seasonal range. A person who cultivates the qualities of prudence, decisiveness and wisdom from within can exude the fragrance of personality even in adversity!

8. A sunny window, when facing the changes of time and space, flies into the spring flowers, and there are spring flowers; Fireflies float in, there are fireflies; Introduce autumn sounds, autumn sounds come; If you invade the winter cold, there will be winter cold. Love comes in and there is love, and sorrow comes in and there is sorrow. Anything that comes out of our sunshine window can make us experience the profound taste of life more truly.

9. I believe in numerology, but I don't believe that nailing four copper coins at the foot of the bed can guarantee a happy marriage and grow old together. I believe in geomantic omen, but I don't believe that hanging a wind chime and putting a fish tank can make people prosperous in wealth and career. I believe that there is some mysterious correspondence between people and the environment, but I don't believe that a person can make a thing succeed or fail by taking his left foot or his right foot first when walking. I believe that there are countless sentient beings living with us in this world besides people, but I don't believe that burning incense and worshiping Buddha every year will lead to peace and happiness. I believe that there is incredible karma between people, but I don't believe that good karma can mature without any effort. I believe that reincarnation, karma and karma can make a person rise or fall, but I don't believe that we can rise or fall with the help of a stranger's fortune telling.

10, and the capital is the treasure of the town hall, the size can only be grasped, the beauty lies in jade, gentle and implicit; Beauty lies in ingenious thinking and meticulous spirit. "There are so many sufferings in the world, and the only compensation is a little joy and suspense in life." Isaac singer said.

1 1. When the lemon flowers are in full bloom, I walk through the lemon garden, and the rich fragrance of flowers always fascinates me. Among all the flowers, lemon flower is the sweetest, with thick honey; But among all fruits, lemon fruit is the most sour, and its acidity is better than vinegar.

This vague feeling makes me obsessed with lemon flowers. Looking at the pure white of five leaves and one flower, the light yellow was born, and some even drew thin purple piping to let the sweetness of flowers flow into my chest and abdomen.

12, occasionally open your eyes and look at the world of mortals. My poor body is a person in my eyes. How to say the beauty of epiphyllum? There are no flowers like Aaron. She spit out a beautiful net and stumbled, making us unwilling to move for a second. Her fragrance, if compared with other fragrances, is an insult to Epiphyllum. The 20-square-meter-long garden is all over the garden, and the fragrance is still flowing out.