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What does Wutai Mountain mean?

What does Wutai Mountain mean?

Interpretation of Wutai Mountain:

One of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. In the northeast of Wutai County, Shanxi Province. The five peaks are towering, and the summit is like a earthen platform, so it is called five. The north platform of the main peak is 3058 meters above sea level. This mountain has no heat, also known as Liang Qingshan. During the Yongping period of the Han Dynasty, temples were built, and they were added and repaired in successive dynasties, which became a grand view, hence the name Manjusri Dojo. Referred to as "Wutai". Yuan Sadula's poem "Send Smeller at Five Stations": "Danyang has just finished washing dishes and went to five stops for a tour."

What does Wutai Mountain mean?

Wutai Mountain, also known as Liang Qing, is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. In Wutai County, Shanxi Province, it is said to be the Dojo of Manjusri Bodhisattva.

What do these two sentences of Wutai Mountain mean?

Can I still see the Buddha when I know it's wrong?

Whoever does not do evil will be safe!

Knowing mistakes: knowing what you see, knowing it as consciousness, seeing it as eye knowledge, that is, knowing things and judging difficulties. A yogi should establish good right knowledge and right view. If what they know and see is incorrect, it is not conducive to practice. You won't see the Buddha.

Many evils: the most heinous people always want to seek peace by burning incense and worshipping Buddha. Who will protect his safety?

The general idea of couplets:

Tell the world through rhetorical questions that if you want to see Buddha, you need to know and see it correctly; It is futile for heinous people to seek peace. . .

What does Wutai Mountain mean in Chinese charades?

It is said that Wu Ye of Wutai Mountain is the fifth son of the Dragon King and another incarnation of Manjusri Bodhisattva. In the eyes of our local people, Wu Ye is a responsive person. He goes to Wu Ye on the first and fifteenth mornings of every month. Many people who feel blessed by Wu Ye come from Taiyuan and Peking to visit Wu Ye. If you have time to go to Wutai Mountain, you must visit the Wanfo Pavilion (Wu Ye Temple). However, it is still sincere and spiritual.

The origin of Wutai Mountain?

Wutai is said to be the earliest site of Taoism. In Taoist classics, Wutai Mountain is called Zifu Mountain, and there was once a Zifu Mountain. According to the records in Liangshan, Liang Qing, when Manjusri Bodhisattva of Buddhism first came to China, she lived in a cave with a stone basin in the metaphysical view of Taoism, indicating that Wutai Mountain was occupied by Taoism at that time.

People who have been to Wutai Mountain generally only go to the large-scale temples and temples with a long history centered on Taihuai Town, Wutai County. Wutai Mountain in the true sense actually refers to five interconnected beautiful peaks in Wutai County. They are: Wanghaishan in Dongtai, GuaYue Feng in West Taiwan Province, Jinxiu Peak in South Taiwan Province, Coconut Peak in North Taiwan Province and Cuiyan Peak in Central Taiwan Province. Since the five peaks are all over 3000 meters above sea level, few people can reach the five peaks except some devout Buddhists who can climb to the top of the five peaks to worship Manjusri Bodhisattva. It is precisely because the temples and temples in Taihuai Town are distributed between the five peaks that people usually regard being in Taihuai Town as having been to Wutai Mountain.

Wutai Mountain was originally not called Wutai Mountain, but Zifu Mountain, also called Wufeng Mountain Dojo. This used to be a place where Taoist priests practiced. In Yongping 1 1 year of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 68), Kaya Tongmo and Zhu Falan, the eminent monks of Tianzhu (now India), came to Wufeng Mountain from Baima Temple in Luoyang, thinking that this was the Dojo where Manjusri Bodhisattva preached, so they wanted to build a temple here to worship Manjusri Bodhisattva. However, the monks here disagree. Finally, Emperor Han Ming hosted a contest between Taoist and two eminent monks in Baima Temple in Luoyang, and the two eminent monks won. Since then, the Buddhist community has obtained the right to build Buddhist temples around Taihuai Town, and the first temple built is now Xiantong Temple. Since then, after the construction and expansion of various dynasties, the number of temples centered on Taihuai Town has reached more than 360 at most, and more than 100 are still preserved. Therefore, Wutai Mountain has become the first of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China with its long history and huge Buddhist temples.

As for the renaming of Wufeng Mountain to Wutai Mountain, there is a little-known story. According to legend, the climate around Wufeng Mountain in ancient times was extremely bad, and the local people suffered all the year round. When Manjusri Bodhisattva lectured there, she expressed deep sympathy for the sufferings of the people of Li, so she made a big wish to save the people from their sufferings. Manjusri Bodhisattva dressed as a almsgiving monk went to Wan Li to ask the East Sea Dragon King for help. He found a huge bluestone that could send out a cool breeze at the entrance of the Dragon Palace, so he brought it back. When he put the big bluestone (the dragon stone of the Dragon King in the East China Sea) in a valley of Wufeng Mountain, in a flash, it suddenly became a natural grassland with abundant grass and beautiful water. Since then, this valley has also been named Liang Qinggu. People built a temple in the valley and surrounded the yard with cool stones. For this reason, Wufeng Mountain is also called Liang Qing.

Later, when Emperor Wendi of Sui heard about this incident, he wrote a letter to build a temple at the top of the five peaks to worship Manjusri Bodhisattva. That is, the intellectual manjusri of Dongtai, the lion's roar manjusri of Xitai, the intellectual manjusri of Nantai, the spotless manjusri of Beitai and the children's manjusri of Zhongtai. You can watch the sunrise on the top of Dongtai, the bright moon on the top of Xitai, the mountain flowers on the top of Nantai and the snow on the top of Beitai. This is the origin of Wutai Mountain.

What does it mean that Wutai Mountain is regarded as gold in Buddhism?

There used to be four famous Buddhist mountains: Jinwutai, Yinemei, Tongputuo and Tiejiuhua. In fact, the four famous Buddhist mountains and the four bodhisattvas are all equal and belong to the golden world!

Why is Wutai Mountain named "Wutai"

It is said that Wutai Mountain is the earliest site of Taoism. In Tao Jing, Wutai Mountain is called Zifu Mountain, where there is a Zifu Temple. Records in Liangshan, Liang Qing claimed that Manjusri Bodhisattva lived in Shipandong when she first came to Sinian (ancient Indians called China Sinian). Shipandong in the metaphysical view of Taoism shows that Wutai Mountain is occupied by Taoism.

Wutai Mountain replaced Taoism with Buddhism, and eventually became a famous Buddhist mountain in China, which originated from the explicit expression of Buddhism and the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. According to the tripitaka of Manjusri Bodhisattva, Buddha Sakyamuni said to Vajrayana tantric Bodhisattva, "After my death, there is a country named' Dazhenna' in the northeast of Divination Island. There are mountains in the country, nicknamed' Five Tops'. Manjusri is a boy, * * * lives here, and for all beings, China has something to say. " The "Five Mountains" mentioned here refers to Wutai Mountain today. Buddhism was introduced into Wutai Mountain in the 11th year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 68). Two Indian monks, Kaya Morton and Zhu Falan, brought by Emperor Han Ming came to Wutai Mountain (then called Liang Qing) from Luoyang. Because Ashoka's stupa has been in the mountains for a long time, Wutai Mountain is also the place where Manjusri Bodhisattva lives in the legend, so they came up with the idea of building a temple here. However, since Wutai Mountain was the site of Taoism at that time, Taoism would not easily allow foreign sects to build temples here. One should be built and the other should not be built, which needs the help of a third party to decide. According to "Old News of National History", "On the fifteenth day of the first month of the fourteenth year of Yongping, Ming Di called a Taoist priest in Baima Temple to let Morten compete with Zhu Falan." Under the auspices of Ming Di, the two sides reached a "competition law" agreement, that is, the book was burned on the agreed date to identify the authenticity (it is said that the book was burned in Luoyang today). As a result, all the Taoist scriptures were burned, but the Buddhist scriptures were "not burned". It can be seen that foreign monks can not only recite scriptures, but also their scriptures can withstand "tempering". As a result, two eminent monks in India obtained the right to build a temple in Wutai Mountain. The next step is to choose the location of the temple. According to the Liang Qing, "On the left side of the Great Buddha Pagoda, there are footprints left by Sakyamuni Buddha, which are one foot six inches long and six inches wide, with thousands of auxiliary wheels and ten fingers." According to legend, they not only found this footprint, but also found a "relic". In addition, the mountains here are majestic and the weather is extraordinary, which is similar to the Indian spiritual jiusan (the practice place of Sakyamuni), so they decided to build a temple here and named it Lingjiu Temple. In order to express his belief in Buddhism, Ming Di ordered "building Griffin Temple in Dafu". "Dafu" means Hong Xin. "Dafu Lingjiu Temple" is the predecessor of Xiantong Temple. Since then, Buddhism has been deeply rooted in Wutai Mountain and started to become the center of Buddhism in China.

I visited Wutai this year, which coincided with the midsummer season. I left Taiyuan and passed Xinzhou and journey to the south, which made my headquarters very angry. Because there is no air conditioning on the bus, people in the same trade are sweating like a pig. But when I arrived at Wutai Mountain, I felt cool and pleasant, and it was really a cool world for summer. But it is said that Wutai Mountain was not like this a long time ago. At that time, it was called Wufeng Mountain and the climate was very bad. It's either snowing or hot. The local people were miserable, so they turned to Manjusri Bodhisattva who was lecturing here for help. Manjusri Bodhisattva was merciful and used her magical powers to ask the East Sea Dragon King for a "cool stone" and put it behind a ravine in the northeast of Wachang Village on the central border of Taiwan Province, making Wufeng Mountain a "cool Buddha country" with a pleasant climate. This valley was also named "Cool Valley" and a temple named "Liang Qing Temple" was built here. "Wufeng Mountain" was renamed "Liang Qingshan".

The "cool stone" was originally the resting stone of Qinglong. When Qinglong learned that Manjusri Bodhisattva had moved it to Wufeng Mountain, he flew into a rage and chased it to Wufeng Mountain. He swept five peaks into a platform with a dragon's tail and scratched the rocks at the top with his claws. According to the tour guide, these stones are still all over the mountain, and they are called "dragon turning stones". The original Wufeng Mountain was renamed Wutai Mountain.

"Cool Stone" and "Dragon Turning Stone" have been circulated in Wutai Mountain for thousands of years with people's legends. Today, although the Liangqing Temple has been ruined, the Liangqing Stone Monument still stands there. This stone is five meters long, two and a half meters wide, two meters thick and fifteen meters in circumference. The stone surface is blue and moire. It is said that people feel great sitting on it. Unfortunately, I didn't go to Liang Qinggu on this trip to Wutai Mountain, so I didn't have the honor to see the "Liang Qingshi" who brought aura to Wutai Mountain. When I arrived in Nantai, I paid close attention to the "Dragon Turning Stone" that still exists. I picked up a few pieces with my fellow traveler Xiao Ye and put them in my travel bag, which was a wish of mine.

In many history books, there are many records about Wutai Mountain. According to Liang Qing, Wutai Mountain was originally named Liang Qing, but it was renamed Wutai Mountain because of its five towering peaks. "Dafang Guangfo Hua Yan Shu Jing Shu" said: "The Qing Liangshan is Wutai Mountain in Yanmen, Daizhou. Years of hard ice, summer. ......

My husband and I are very angry. What does he mean by going to Wutai Mountain?

To have a peaceful heart. Becoming a monk is not an easy task. As the saying goes, everything goes well at home, and it is normal for couples to quarrel. I hope you can make up as soon as possible!

Introduction to Wutai Mountain 50 words

Wutai Mountain is located in Wutai County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, ranking first among the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Wutai Mountain is located in the northeast of Shanxi Province, belonging to Wutai County of Xinzhou City, 230 kilometers southwest of Taiyuan, the provincial capital. Together with Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang, Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui, Emei Mountain in Sichuan and * * *, it is also called "Four Famous Buddhist Mountains in China".

Wutai Mountain is the key area of geological research in China, with complete and rich strata, especially the typical and peculiar Precambrian strata. Most of the strata in Wutai Mountain are named after the mountains, waters and villages in this area, which occupies an important position in the field of geology.

Wutai Mountain's unique and complete geological structure, stratigraphic profile, paleontological fossil remains, Cenozoic planation and periglacial landforms completely record the geological evolution history of the earth from the late Neoarchean to the Paleoproterozoic, which has the significance and comparative value of worldwide geological structure and chronostratigraphic division. It is the best record for the global geological science community to study the early evolution of the earth and the early plate collision orogeny process, and it is a typical example of the comparative study of global crustal evolution, paleoenvironment and biological evolution. Therefore, Wutai Mountain is well-deserved as "geological museum of China".

What does it mean to meet the host and show me around Wu Ye Temple in Wutai Mountain?

Bless you and take refuge from disasters.