Title: 2021 Feng Shui Prediction: The Arrival and Departure of Summer Heat

Title: 2021 Feng Shui Prediction: The Arrival and Departure of Summer HeatMobile version content

In 2021, the arrival and departure of summer heat, known as "入伏" (Rù fú) and "出伏" (Chū fú) respectively in Chinese tradition, carry significant implications for various aspects of life. Let's delve into the predictions using the ancient art of Six Yao, and interpret how these dates may influence different aspects of life.

Arrival and Departure Dates:

入伏 (Rù fú) - Arrival of Summer Heat: Usually falls around July 7th according to the lunar calendar, marking the onset of the hottest period of the year.

出伏 (Chū fú) - Departure of Summer Heat: Typically occurs around July 23rd, signaling the conclusion of the intense heat and the gradual transition to cooler weather.


The arrival and departure of summer heat in 2021 may impact friendships in various ways. During the period leading up to 入伏 (Rù fú), individuals may find themselves drawn to social gatherings and connecting with friends more frequently. The heightened energy of summer can encourage bonding experiences and strengthen friendships.

Conversely, as the heat intensifies post-入伏 (Rù fú), tensions may arise within friendships. The sweltering weather might exacerbate irritability and lead to misunderstandings or conflicts. It's essential for friends to practice patience and understanding during this period to maintain harmony in their relationships.

As 入伏 (Rù fú) gives way to 出伏 (Chū fú), friendships may experience a cooling-off period. This time offers an opportunity for reflection and reconciliation. Individuals may find themselves seeking solitude or engaging in introspective activities, allowing for personal growth and healing within friendships.


In terms of prosperity, the period around 入伏 (Rù fú) signifies a time of heightened activity and potential growth. Business endeavors initiated during this time may experience rapid expansion, fueled by the vibrant energy of summer. However, it's crucial to remain cautious and avoid impulsive decisions that could lead to financial setbacks.

As the heat peaks post-入伏 (Rù fú), financial matters may become more challenging to navigate. Economic conditions could become volatile, requiring careful planning and risk management. It's advisable to exercise prudence and maintain a conservative approach to investments and expenditures during this period.

With the arrival of 出伏 (Chū fú), a sense of stability and balance returns to financial matters. Opportunities for long-term growth may present themselves, and strategic investments made during this time could yield significant returns in the future. It's a favorable period for consolidating wealth and laying the groundwork for financial security.


During the lead-up to 入伏 (Rù fú), individuals may experience a surge in vitality and energy. Outdoor activities and physical exercise are especially beneficial during this time, contributing to overall health and well-being. However, it's essential to stay hydrated and protect oneself from the sun's intense rays to prevent heat-related illnesses.

As the summer heat peaks post-入伏 (Rù fú), health concerns may arise due to the extreme temperatures. Heatstroke and dehydration become more prevalent risks, emphasizing the importance of staying cool and hydrated. It's advisable to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and take frequent breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas.

With the onset of 出伏 (Chū fú), relief from the oppressive heat brings a renewed focus on health and self-care. This period is ideal for implementing lifestyle changes and wellness routines that promote longevity and vitality. Restorative activities such as yoga, meditation, and nutritious eating can help replenish the body's energy stores and support overall health.


The arrival and departure of summer heat in 2021 may influence romantic relationships in significant ways. Leading up to 入伏 (Rù fú), the passionate energy of summer can ignite sparks of romance and deepen emotional connections between partners. It's a favorable time for romantic gestures and heartfelt expressions of love.

However, as the heat intensifies post-入伏 (Rù fú), relationships may encounter challenges stemming from heightened emotions and tempers. Communication breakdowns and disagreements may arise more easily, requiring couples to practice patience and empathy to navigate turbulent waters.

As 出伏 (Chū fú) arrives, relationships undergo a period of cooling and reflection. Couples may find themselves reassessing their priorities and resolving lingering conflicts. It's an opportune time for open and honest communication, laying the foundation for greater understanding and intimacy moving forward.

In conclusion, the arrival and departure of summer heat in 2021 hold diverse implications for various aspects of life, including friendship, prosperity, health, and relationships. By understanding these predictions and adapting accordingly, individuals can harness the energies of the season to foster growth, harmony, and well-being in their lives.