Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune telling node _ fortune telling point

Fortune telling node _ fortune telling point

Parents should help their children grasp the nodes of life.

Since ancient times, many people all over the world have been exploring why people's fates are different, thus forming an industry that is conducive to predicting the fate of others or enterprises. Those who predict people's fate through divination and numerology are now called "magicians".

There are as many as 16 kinds of statistics in China, all of which are based on Zhouyi. People know that there are geomantic omen, horoscopes, fortune telling, divination, fortune telling, etc., even if they have not asked anyone to calculate their lives.

There is a book in fortune telling called The Book of Destiny, which is said to have been written by Yuan Tiangang, a metaphysician and astronomer in the late Sui and early Tang Dynasties. The Book of Destiny stipulates that the year, month, day and hour of a person's birth are different weights. Add up the different weights of the four times and compare the corresponding numerology to predict a person's fate.

If you call a person's fate according to the book of destiny, people born on the same day in the same year should have the same fate, but people born at the same time have different fate, even twins or multiple births. Moreover, according to statistics, more than 50,000 people are born every day in China, with an average birth rate of less than 2 seconds 1 person, with 38 births per minute and 2,273 births per hour. These people born at the same time have different fates, which actually puzzles many people.

There was a man who majored in philosophy in college. After work, he devoted himself to the study of Zhouyi. Later, he resigned from a job that outsiders thought was good, specializing in predicting the fate of enterprises and individuals. Outsiders call him a "master". One of his friends once discussed with him with the above questions. They have the following conversation.

Friend: "Master, why are so many people born on the same day in ancient times, and only one is an emperor?" ? There are many people born at the same time now. Their fate should be the same, but they are very different? "

Master: "This reason is very complicated and there are many problems. First, it depends on the direction in which this person was born, because there are also Jin Mu fire and water in the direction, and the fate of people born in different directions is not exactly the same; Second, it depends on whether this person is male or female, and there are differences between men and women; Third, it depends on the age of this person's parents, brothers and sisters. Different ages have different fates. Fourth, it depends on the age of this person's spouse, and the age of the spouse will also affect this person's fate; Fifth, it depends on the age of this person's children, and the age of the children also affects him; Sixth, it depends on the feng shui of ancestral graves and their houses, which is also one of the factors that affect their fate; Seventh, it depends on the living environment and family conditions of this person. This factor is quite important. "

Friend: "If these factors you mentioned are basically the same, will their fate be the same?"

Master: "if the seven factors mentioned above are basically the same, it depends on one's efforts." For example, a person's life contains the information sign of studying for a doctorate. If this person is unwilling to study or doesn't study hard, even if he can't get into college, where will he have the opportunity to study for a doctorate? " Therefore, even if a person's innate factors are good, he needs to work hard the day after tomorrow to achieve the expected goal. "

My friend has never learned the Book of Changes. Although he can understand the seven questions answered by the "master", he seems to understand it, but he only understands the supplementary questions answered by the "master", which means that no matter how good the innate factors are, there will be no good fate without hard work, which means that fate can be changed.

Therefore, when raising his own children, this friend will reflect on the problems and puzzles he encountered during his growth, and try his best to solve the problems and puzzles that children may encounter in the bud.

Although we don't evaluate whether the answer given by the "master" is correct, the question that parents should ponder deeply is that it is the key to let children find the right path under the same conditions as other children.

People often compare life to a long road. On the road of life, there are avenues and paths. There may be countless paths, but there is only one avenue. People who can integrate into social public life generally walk on the avenue. Because of this, the vast majority of people's life path, from the general direction is no problem. The difference between people is that some people take detours and some people go astray.

As we all know, parents basically hope that their children's life will be less detours, not astray, and life will be smooth sailing. If a child can live a wonderful life or achieve brilliant achievements, it will be icing on the cake.

If children want to walk smoothly on the road of life, take fewer detours and go astray, they must be helped to find the right path and grasp the nodes of life.

Node is a physical term that refers to a point in a circuit that connects three or more branches.

Although the node is a physical term, it is actually very appropriate to use the word node to describe the key points on the road of life, because the node of life is also a connection point, from which it can be distributed in different directions, and different directions will lead to different roads. This thinking can also explain why people born on the same day in the same year have different fates.

To this end, parents should clearly realize that helping children grasp the nodes of life is to guide children in the process of socialization, at a critical period or moment.

In fact, in the process of children's growth, many parents may feel that they need to remind or guide their children at a certain period or stage. However, due to parents' lack of understanding of life nodes or unclear understanding, when reminding or guiding children, they may be more random and less systematic, resulting in many nodes in children's growth that are not consciously guided by parents.

Therefore, parents should pay attention to the following questions when helping their children grasp the life node.

1. What are the life nodes?

If parents sort out their growth process, they can find that there are many nodes in life. From birth to public life, a person usually goes through infancy, preschool, primary school, junior high school, senior high school and professional education (including vocational education, junior college, undergraduate course, master's degree and doctor's degree, etc.). ), employment, marriage, career, middle age, old age and other stages, all have nodes in life.

Second, grasp the start and end time of nodes.

Helping children grasp the node of life is the time from the birth of children to the time when children can live independently. Children should be allowed to grasp the life node after living independently. For a child who has lived independently, if parents still point and point, there will be contradictions between the two sides.

Third, the nodes are directional.

To help children grasp the nodes of life, parents should predict what problems their children will encounter or may encounter in their development direction at a certain period of socialization or from birth to independent life. Based on this, they can guide their children correctly. Therefore, don't take it for granted that the life node is a problem to be grasped at a certain point in time. Life node is a directional problem that children need to be guided or helped to grasp at different stages of growth.

Fourth, be a coach, not a teacher.

Parents should have the right methods to help children grasp the nodes of life. They should not think that children are too young to ignore the correctness of the method. Therefore, parents should regard themselves as their children's navigators and coaches, not teachers. Otherwise, they may confront their children because of improper methods. Once confrontation is formed, children will resist guidance and lose the opportunity to help children grasp the nodes of life.

Fifth, grasp the nodes and highlight the key points.

Helping children grasp the nodes of life is to help children solve major problems they encounter or may encounter, or to help them solve principled problems, not to interfere with their legitimate activities, but to hand over non-principled problems they encounter in life to children. Therefore, parents' guidance should focus on the key points, regardless of others, so as to prevent children from being at a loss about their words and deeds because of too much guidance, which may eventually make children become people without opinions.

Therefore, only by predicting the problems that children will encounter or may encounter can parents really help children grasp the nodes of life.