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Need the details of Jack althorp urgently.

Jack althorp

Henry, who was laughing and laughing, died, leaving hundreds of thousands, which is probably far less than another legacy he left to people. ...

It was a very happy funeral and a great success. Even the sun that day was shining brightly for the late Henry. Lying in the coffin, he may be happy, too. Once again, and for the last time in this world, he became the focus of attention. Yes, it's a very pleasant thing. & lt note1> People are laughing and telling jokes to each other. Relatives who haven't spoken for years smiled at each other and promised to keep in touch. Of course, everyone has a favorite story about Henry.

Do you remember that time when he dressed as a gypsy and told fortune from door to door? & lt note 2> "He actually earned 6 pounds in one afternoon!"

I once had dinner with him in a luxury restaurant. When the waiter brought the wine, he poured a drop into Henry's glass and waited with a condescending expression on his face, as if to say, "Taste it, you farmer. It is obvious that you know nothing about wine. " So Henry did not taste like any normal person, but dipped his thumb and forefinger into the wine. Then he put his hand on his ear, and his forefinger and thumb rolled together, as if listening to the quality of the wine! Then he nodded gravely to the waiter, as if to say, "Yes, very good. You can serve it. " You should have seen the bartender's face! How Henry managed to keep a straight face, I will never know! & lt note 3>

Have you ever heard of the practical joke he played with road builders when he was a student? Note 4>? Some workers are digging holes in the road. First, Henry called the police and told them that some students were digging holes in the road. He thought it was not interesting. Then he went to the workers and told them that some students dressed as policemen to tell them to stop digging holes! Well, you can imagine what happened! "complete chaos!"

Yes, old Henry likes playing tricks on people. & lt Note 5> Once, when he was invited to visit an exhibition of the latest works of an abstract modern painter, he managed to go in the day before and turn all the paintings upside down. The exhibition lasted for four days before anyone noticed it!

His father, the poor man, will never understand why Henry did such a crazy thing.

"It's hard to believe that Henry is a mortal when you think about how different he is from his brothers."

Yes, it's hard to believe that he is a ground. He was born in an unimportant but wealthy middle family. He is the youngest of five sons. These people are all handsome: blue eyes, blond hair, smart and ambitious. All four big boys have succeeded. They married a beautiful and plump woman. Note 6> A girl from a good family produces fair, handsome and intelligent children. The boss became a priest; The second one finally became the principal of a famous public school; The third business, become extremely rich; The fourth followed in his father's footsteps and became a lawyer. & lt Note 7> This is why when the youngest ground, Henry, turned out to be a lazy nothing, everyone was surprised.

Unlike his brother, he has brown eyes and black hair, but he is as handsome and charming, which makes him a pretty girl killer. Although Henry Grande has never been married, there is no doubt that he loves women. He also likes eating, drinking, laughing, talking and other 1000 kinds of activities that don't make money or improve the human condition.

One of his favorite pastimes is doing nothing. In his mind, a sunny and energetic afternoon is sitting in the shade of a tree with a beautiful companion, talking about this and that all the time in this world, counting grass leaves and learning the songs of bees buzzing around him.

What a loser! It was whispered that his real father was not the respected Mr. Grande at all, but a wild gypsy. One day he came to this house and fascinated Mrs. Grande. Note 8> With dancing black eyes and evil country ways. This is a good story, interesting and romantic, but it is definitely not true. One thing is certain: you can't help liking Henry Grande and his talent for making you laugh. Above all, Henry Grande is a joker.

Anyway, even when the coffin was put in the grave, the story continued. People cover their eyes with handkerchiefs, but their tears are tears of laughter, not tears of sadness. Later, there was a funeral breakfast, only invited. Twelve of Henry's closest friends attended the party. Henry Grande asked his brother Colin to read his will at the funeral breakfast. Everyone is curious about Henry Grande's will. Henry was heavily in debt all his life, wasn't he? What can he leave in his will?

Colin cleared his throat. Ahem! If you are ready, ladies and gentlemen. Everyone settled down with great expectation. Colin opened the will and began to read it in a monotonous voice. & lt note 9>

I, Henry Grande, have a sound mind ... My last will ... is hereby bequeathed ...< note10 >

The legal terminology is endless, and the audience is impatient to get into the important part. It came quickly. Everyone gasped when Colin announced that Henry Grande's investment was very wise despite his reputation as a loser, and in fact it was worth at least 750 thousand pounds. But who will get it? My eyes narrowed and my throat was dry.

"You are all my good friends," Colin went on, reciting Henry Grande's words in a monotonous voice, which would make everyone fall asleep in other cases. "I can't decide which one of you to leave my money to." Colin paused. In the silence, you can hear a needle drop to the ground. He continued. So, dear friends, I have arranged a little competition for you. Each of you must tell the funniest jokes he or she can think of in turn, and the person who laughs the most will inherit my property. Colin will be the sole judge of the best jokes.

"So, ladies and gentlemen," Colin said, putting the will on the table, "it's up to you now." . Who will go first? "May I suggest that you group your names alphabetically?"

The first man stood up and told a very funny joke about an Englishman who fell in love with his umbrella. When he finished, he laughed till his eyes were full of tears, because he was always amused by his own jokes. Others in the company & lt note11>; Keep absolute silence. You can see from their red faces and twisted eyes that they find the joke very interesting. Note12 > But no one is ready to laugh and give him a chance to win the game. The second part tells the story of a three-legged pig, which is so wonderful that a few years later, MGM made it into a cartoon. & lt note13 > When she sat down, others covered their faces with handkerchiefs, coughed, pretended to sneeze, and threw pencils under the table to cover up their laughter. It goes on like this, one wonderful joke after another, the kind that makes your back ache. No one dares to laugh!

You know what it's like when you want to laugh but you can't. This often happens in the classroom. Someone started to giggle & lt note14 > And then try to stop. Three or four people will want to laugh soon. The desire to laugh spread like an infectious disease, and soon the whole class was suffocated, and the teacher looked around in confusion and wanted to know what all the nasal sounds were. & lt note15 >

Well, by the time the last joke was finished, twelve people were sitting still, trying to hold back their laughter. Their suppressed laughter forms a kind of pressure: like a volcano about to erupt.

Silence. A painful silence.

Suddenly, Colin sneezed. A very common sneeze. Atsuko Then he took out a ridiculously big red handkerchief and blew his nose. & lt note16 > Bbbrrrrrrppp。

That's enough. Someone couldn't help laughing. This caused dissatisfaction among others. Soon, everyone bent down, tears flowed from their eyes, and their shoulders fluctuated like lava from a volcano with waves of laughter. & lt note17 > Of course, they don't just laugh because of sneezing, or even because of twelve jokes. No, they are laughing at themselves & lt note18 > Henry Grande led them into his last and most interesting prank, setting their need for laughter against their greed for money.

When the laughter finally subsided, Colin cleared his throat again. Forgive my little drama,'< note19 > He said, his eyes shining. I have been practicing that sneeze for more than a week. He folded up the huge handkerchief and stuffed it into his pocket. "Of course it was Henry's idea," he added unnecessarily. All 12 guests realized that they were beautifully designed. & lt note 20>

Ahem! "Can I read you the rest of the will now?" Colin asked.

"My friends," the last paragraph began, "forgive me, but I can't help playing the last little joke on you. I'm glad to know that your love of laughter finally overcame your love of money.

Colin paused to make people understand the meaning of these words. & lt note 21> Then, he read the last part of the will of the late Henry Grande.

My friends, thank you for letting me have the last laugh. As for money: because I love you all, my property will be shared equally with you. Enjoy your share and think of me whenever you hear laughter.

The company fell silent. That day, the air was filled with a feeling of sadness for the first time.

1. Yes, this is indeed a happy thing. Jolly: Cheerful and cheerful.

Do you remember that time when he dressed as a gypsy and told fortune from door to door?

I don't know how Henry can not laugh. Deadpan: deadpan, not smiling.

4. Road repairman: road repairman, road maintenance worker.

Yes, old Henry likes playing tricks on people. Pull sb. Kick one's leg: Make fun of someone.

6. plump: plump and beautiful.

7. lawyer: < English > junior lawyer, junior lawyer.

8. Sweep sb. Make a deep impression on sb. Make sb deeply. Fall in love.

9. Start reading the will in an orderly way. Singsong: The rhythm is monotonous.

10. "I, Henry Grande, am sane ... (make) a will ... and hereby pass it on to ..." [Law] Wills: wills, last words; Legacy: Leave ... To.

1 1. Company: a group of people, a group of people.

12. They blushed and narrowed their eyes, which showed that they thought the joke was very interesting. Screw up: tight.

13. A few years later, MGM made an animation based on this story. MGM: MGM (USA) MGM Film Production Company.

14. giggle: giggle.

15. The teacher looked around in confusion, trying to figure out what those gasping sounds were. Confuse: To confuse and confuse; Sniffing: Inhale loudly and sniffle.

16. Then he took out an unusually large red handkerchief and blew his nose.

17. Suddenly, everyone bent over with laughter, tears streaming down their faces, and their shoulders shook with laughter, like lava from a volcano. Bend down, eg because of pain or laughter. )

18. Dawn: understood and thought.

19. Please forgive my little trick. Theater: dramatic effect.

20. 12 The guests knew that they had been cheated (by Henry's clever trap). Setup: < mouth > design (framed, wronged, etc. )

2 1. Colin paused to let everyone fully understand the meaning of these words.