Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - "Mom, I have grown up" composition is 500 words urgent ~ ~ ~ I will give 50 points for writing, and 20 points for doing it well! ! !

"Mom, I have grown up" composition is 500 words urgent ~ ~ ~ I will give 50 points for writing, and 20 points for doing it well! ! !

I have grown up.

I am in the sixth grade. I am a big boy. Recalling that I didn't dare to sleep at night before, I can do any housework now, and I really feel that I have grown up.

Doing housework used to make me feel grown up.

It was Friday again, and I went home happily. After finishing my homework, I found that there were too many dirty clothes at home, and my father was preparing to wash them. I said to my father, "I want to wash clothes." You usually wash it, and today I want to wash it. " Dad said, "Can you do it? I'll teach you to wash it with a washing machine. " I said, "I don't want to wash it in the washing machine. Can I wash it by hand? " "all right." Dad agreed.

I went to the bathroom and got a basin of water. Then, I picked up my clothes and soaked them in the washbasin. I pressed it with both hands and pressed it for a while. I'll turn the clothes over and iron them again. After a while, I saw my clothes were all wet. Then, I went to get a pack of washing powder and put two spoonfuls of washing powder in the washbasin. Then, sit on the bench and rub. It looks simple, but it's really hard to do it. After washing for a long time, I didn't even wash a dress, but I got all wet. How disappointing! At this time, I have a backache and want to quit. At this time, when I remembered the saying "failure is the mother of success", I got up the courage and washed the unwashed clothes again, this time more attentively than before. I wash all dirty places. It took me half an hour to wash all the dirty clothes. Looking at his clean clothes, there is an indescribable joy in my heart.

At this time, I remembered that my parents used to do housework. Every time they finish housework, they are very tired. I made up my mind to share more housework for my parents in the future and reduce their living burden. This is growth!

I grew up, learned to be strong and self-reliant, and stopped crying for a fall. I want to laugh at life, at failure and suffering. Face the difficulties bravely. After success, I will taste the experience and wisdom brought by failure.

I really feel that I have grown up.

I have grown up.

Time flies across the sky like a meteor. Suddenly, I changed from a little boy who was learning a language to a big boy who was about to enter middle school. Before I tasted it, my childhood left me. ...

I was really happy when I was a child: playing hide-and-seek with my friends in the yard for one, two and three; Running around the yard with them, I fell black and blue and couldn't get up on the ground; Fight a mud battle in the mud beach; Climbing trees in the street; Wandering by the pond ... the simple words that once made people laugh and cry are no longer spit out, the once irritating disasters are no longer broken, the once fun-filled games can no longer be played, and the once precious freedom is no longer possessed.

Yes, I have grown up, and I don't even know myself. Once pure eyes are gone, soft hands are gone, and sweet voice is gone.

I have grown up. It is no longer naive primary school students who pick up and drop off all day, but middle school students who have worries and care about themselves.

I remember one time, when I came home from school, I saw my house in a mess, and suddenly a brand-new idea came to my mind-why not help my mother clean the house! Ok, let's do it, so I picked up the cleaning tools and began to clean the house. After cleaning for about two hours, I was so tired that my back ached. I think my mother is too hard, too hard.

At that moment, when I grew up, I could proudly say to myself, "I grew up!" " "

I have grown up.

In July, the sun is like fire, and the scorching sun scorches the earth. Now, many people have approved delicious popsicles at home, including "Want Want", salt water, "Little Pudding" and "Big Pudding". Grandma's house is no exception.

It was already afternoon when I arrived at my grandmother's house, and the weather was extremely hot. I didn't do anything, and countless small drops of water appeared inexplicably on the tip of my nose. Grandma was distressed to see me, so she quickly took out a salty popsicle.

I ate with relish and accidentally saw grandma still doing needlework. Sweat rolled down her kind face, and more than half of her clothes were wet. I was stupefied for a while, but I woke up immediately, crept up to my grandmother and put the popsicle into her mouth like lightning. Grandma squinted and smiled.

I saw colorful bags lying on the ground at the door, so I picked up the broom without any melancholy and put all the bags at the door into the trash can.

Grandma stopped what she was doing, held me in her arms happily and said to me, "My little granddaughter has grown up!" " "

I smiled sweetly, happier than eating popsicles.

I have grown up.

I feel bad when I grow up, just like a ripe persimmon; Growing up has so many troubles, just like countless stars in the sky, I don't want to grow up!

Once upon a time, I always lived in the love of my parents and teachers, always carefree and happy. How nice! I still remember when I was a child, I liked dolls best, swinging best and celebrating birthdays best. But gradually, I found that growth is an inevitable process, not something you can decide. Now, I am sentimental, thinking that the passage of every day means the shortening of the lifeline, and my parents often disagree with me. I will never pour out my joys and sorrows to them as I did when I was a child. Am I going to say goodbye to my carefree childhood?

With the growth of age, parents have also changed. I remember seven years ago, I accidentally broke the vase. At that time, I was afraid of being beaten by my mother. I quickly brought a broom and cleaned up the sundries. I walked a lot faster because of my panic. Unexpectedly, my hand was cut by debris and blood kept flowing out. My mother saw it and was very distressed. She quickly brought me a band-aid, and the debris on the ground was also attached. As long as I make a little mistake, my mother will accuse me, regardless of my feelings. When I was a child, I especially liked to lie on my parents' knees and tell my mother my "little secret". Now I will never do it again. Because I think my parents don't understand me, and it is even difficult to communicate with them. Maybe this is the so-called "generation gap".

When I grow up, I will never be happy for half a day because of the teacher's praise, nor will I be praised and told my father that my mother has gradually felt the fear of growing up, but I have to face the reality and want to return to that carefree life! (Zhangjiagang Pan Yun Primary School (3) Class You Lanhai)

I have grown up.

I finally grew up, and I don't have to worry about my mother from morning till night;

I finally grew up, and I no longer need my father to keep telling me to pay attention to safety when going out to play;

I finally grew up, and I don't need my grandfather to yell at me for my homework.

I finally grew up, and I don't need grandma to help me wash my schoolbag anymore;

I finally grew up and didn't need my grandmother to wake me up in the morning.

I finally grew up, and I don't need grandpa to remind me to practice the piano every day.

When I finally grow up, my mother can wash my shoes and socks less, because I can do what I can.

When I finally grow up, the teacher will not occasionally call the roll to remind me not to desert, because I know I have to be more strict with myself;

I finally grew up, my father should be able to smoke less and become healthier, because I began to "control" his little adults;

I finally grew up and can be a qualified little teacher to teach my little brother;

I finally grew up. At night, I am no longer afraid of the dark, and I can sleep peacefully in my room without my mother's company.

I finally grew up, thief, I am no longer afraid, because I know that the braver I am, the more timid they are;

I finally grew up. I became a class representative, study committee member and vice monitor in the first and second grade ... After that, with the encouragement of teachers and classmates, I lived up to their expectations and ran for the Youth League Committee.

I finally grew up. While harvesting love, we should know how to give love, know how to take on more responsibilities, and thrive happily while getting and giving.

I have grown up ... (Hu)

I have grown up.

On the second day of last winter vacation, because my parents were very busy, I had to fly to Hainan Island to see my grandparents alone. I changed from the excitement at the beginning to the silence at the end, because I was only an eight or nine-year-old child!

My mother saw that I had a lot on my mind and said, "It doesn't matter if the panda opens." You have grown up. " With my mother's encouragement, I became confident. But on the way to the airport the next day, my heart was pounding. Actually, I'm still a little scared. Suddenly I remembered my mother's words again. I took a deep breath and said to myself, "You can finish this trip safely."

I felt indescribable excitement on the plane. I looked out of the window. There are clouds in the sky and the sea below. How beautiful! But instead of running around on the plane, I sat quietly in my seat and played my favorite game machine. Suddenly a cry came into my ears. It turns out that a child cries when he has nothing to play with. I ran over and said, "Let's play video games together." "Great!" Little brother said happily that he would never cry again. The stewardess aunt saw what I did and said, "This is really a sensible big boy!" " "I thought to myself, it feels good to have so many grown-up adults!

Unconsciously, time flowed away like running water, and we reached our destination. When I got off the plane, grandpa saw me and said, "Kevin, you are really grown up. You can come to see us by plane alone."

I have grown up.

When I was a child, I always longed to grow up quickly, and now I finally grow up. Looking back on the process of growing up, I always feel that I am too naive and ridiculous.

When I was a child, whenever I saw the stars in the sky, I often asked my parents, "Can I pick the stars when I grow up?" My parents always smile and say to me, "You will know when you grow up." Every time I see my big brothers and sisters pass by, they are so beautiful and chic. I hope I can be like them. So I learned to walk and comb their hair, but no one said I had grown up; Whenever I visit my parents, I always like to find their clothes and shoes to wear, but no one still says that I have grown up. Seriously, watching others grow up makes me jealous and sad. I often ask myself why I just don't grow up.

I remember one day, I ran to ask my mother, "Why did I learn to walk like you, comb your hair and wear your clothes and shoes, but no one said I had grown up?" Mom smiled and said, "Silly daughter, do you want to?"

It's useless to want to go to college. As long as you learn to go your own way, do your own thing, and don't depend on others for everything, then you will naturally grow. "Listen to my mother, I seem to understand something. From then on, I learned to go my own way and do my own thing. I was only eight years old then.

After more than half a year, I came home from school one night and my mother didn't come back from work. After finishing my homework, I felt that the house was dirty and messy, so I learned to clean the house like my mother used to. I cleaned the sofa, table and stool, electrical appliances and floor. After a while, I was sweating like a pig, but the room was much fresher.

As night fell, my mother finally came back. When her mother came in, she was surprised: "Who cleaned this house? So clean and tidy. " I proudly said, "of course your daughter cleaned it up!" " "Mom asked incredulously," Did you really clean it? " I looked at my mother imploringly. My mother saw from my expression that I had really packed up, and immediately said happily, "My daughter has finally grown up! ...... "Hearing my mother's cooing, I couldn't help jumping on the sofa and cheering." I have grown up! I have grown up! ! I have grown up! ! ! "

From the day I grew up, I can not only help my parents with housework, but also know how to study harder and live up to the expectations of my parents and teachers. More importantly, I often win praises from others.

Son, I have good news for you: it feels good to grow up. Grow up quickly!

I have grown up.

Ask me how old I am. Hey, I can't tell you. Anyway, I am grown up and sensible.

I can help my mother with the housework. I can't beat this thing, so I did it. I picked up the tablecloth and started. Listen, did I clean it up? I sweep the floor first, my mother always praises me, so I have to snicker. Tell me, am I sensible?

I can help my mother play with the children. My little sister is a pain in the ass, but I have to throw caution to the wind in order to let my mother have time to work. The world war with my sister is about to begin. My sister ran in front and I chased after her. Sometimes I deliberately tease her "light light blue! Run, my sister is catching up! " Then I found another place to hide, but she couldn't see me and began to cry. Fool, my sister is here. It giggled again when it saw me.

I can help the children. I saw a child fall in the street. If I promised not to help her before, now my conscience urges me to move involuntarily and help the fallen child up at once. I fulfilled the duties that a young pioneer should perform. Hush, don't say anything, respecting the old and loving the young is the virtue of our Chinese nation!

I know how to care about my classmates. When a classmate is in trouble, we should help him in time: when he is sick, we should take care of him and give him warmth; Disappointed, comfort him and give him encouragement; If we succeed, we should warn him, guard against arrogance and rashness ... our classmate is our growth partner, so we should not forget him.

I know how to respect teachers. How noble the profession of teachers is and how great the name of teachers is! I love teachers so I should respect them. She gave us knowledge and selfless love ... how can she not touch us with everything she has done for us in obscurity? So I learned to respect teachers, and I will repay teachers' good intentions with my own practical actions.

I see, inherit the wind. My mother gave me life and the whole world, and she wanted me to be happy. My father gave me the opportunity to go to school and gave me the hope of survival. He wants me to be a useful person to society ... My daughter knows my parents' good intentions, and I won't let you down!


I have grown up a lot, learned a lot, and learned a lot ... Hehe, I won't give you any suspense. I am eleven years old this year! I think: with the growth of age, I will be more mature and more sensible. Come on, cheer for me!