Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Decoding Luohan Statue of Guiyuan Temple in Wuhan

Decoding Luohan Statue of Guiyuan Temple in Wuhan

Be kind and forbearing, accumulate wealth without resentment: be kind and tolerant, generous and kind, and don't hate others.

Calm and clean; Calm and healthy

Listen to the deer in the autumn garden under the forest, sweep the leaves by the river and set the sun. Listen to more Buddhist classics and see through the free life.

The autograph of Guiyuan Temple is the way to deal with people and accumulate blessings and wisdom.

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Fate has its own laws. As long as we master the law, our fate will change.

Let fate be in your own hands, face life positively and have a happy and complete life.

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Namo amit Ba