Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - There are noble people in the fortune-telling system.

There are noble people in the fortune-telling system.

Do you still believe in life after 45?

Of course, I believe that life is something you can't believe, because life exists objectively.

What is life? Life is a state that you cannot change.

Some people are beggars' daughters, while others are rich men's sons. Some people are smart, others are stupid. Some people are brave and handsome, while others are ugly. ...

These are your lives, and the luck they bring you will be different.

One day you will understand that there are not many things you can control, not only wealth, status, talent, but also the character you inherited from your parents, which are difficult for you to break through.

No matter what your fate, you must try to live.

See this question: "Do you still believe in fate after 45 years old?"

But what people around you have experienced really seems to be related to fate.

As the saying goes, "If you have no children in your life, don't be forced."

I have an old man in his eighties with three daughters and a son.

However, his own son died at the age of four.

I want to have another son, but a few years later, I never gave birth to a child again.

In order to have a son to support the elderly, he adopted a seven-year-old boy from other places.

That was decades ago. At that time, the family life of boys was particularly difficult. There are four boys in their own family, and they can't afford it. In order to feed their children and have a good home, the boy's parents reluctantly gave their children to others.

The boy was brought up by his adoptive parents and married with the help of his three sisters.

Unexpectedly, he just married his daughter-in-law for less than a year, leaving no son, but left in a car accident, and his daughter-in-law later returned to her family.

I also have a big brother who is almost 60 years old. The eldest brother said that he had not married a daughter-in-law, and was said by a gentleman:

Eldest brother was not convinced at first, and thought to himself, why can't I marry two daughters-in-law to accompany me to my old age?

As a result, his first daughter-in-law left her husband and daughter before the full moon because of moon sickness.

Two years later, he married a second wife. The second daughter-in-law has lived with him for more than ten years. I don't know why, she went to the temple and became a monk, saying that she would never come back.

Just entering middle age, he has no partner. At this time, he has no intention to find a wife again and live alone with his children.

Speaking of which, I thought of an article I once said, Challenge Destiny.

The protagonist in the book is Hawking, a famous scientist, astronomer and physicist.

With only two fingers in our body, we are still creating one glory after another with tenacious will!

Here, say something from the heart.

As a friend said, fate sometimes takes a break and takes a nap. Let's work hard before they control it!

This year, I am 40 years old. I believe the Buddha told us that every cause has its result, and we need to treat everything with compassion. We firmly believe that giving will be rewarded. Therefore, I have been working hard, insisting on creation, honoring my elders, caring for my lover, caring for my children, being kind to my employees, being close to my friends, being brave in taking responsibility and being responsible to the society. We are still young, so we need to stick to our beliefs and create greater value in life. We believe that good people are rewarded, and happiness will always accompany us.

Before the age of 30, believing in fate is incompetent and superstitious, which will paralyze and bind yourself. When I was young, I was in my prime. I believe that my destiny is in my own hands. As long as I dare to fight, my fate will change.

After forty-five, you still don't believe in fate, but your understanding is too poor. When you enter the age of knowing your destiny, after years and storms, you will gradually find that some things can't be changed no matter how hard you try, just like everything is arranged.

The older you get, the more you believe in fate! Along the way, let's see why friends, classmates and colleagues have the results of struggle and entrepreneurship. Some people seem to be blessed by God, and there are always people who lend a helping hand in trouble. Some people try their best to draw water with a sieve! Some people have a bright future, but they are ruined by disease!

Can only say life! When I was young, I didn't believe my life. I never tell fortune. My destiny is in my hands. As long as I work hard, my future will not be bad. No! The college entrance examination has passed the admission line, and it is notorious for volunteering in Sun Shan! The score of the police academy is much higher than the admission line, but I was not admitted because of my height difference. I can only go to work in the factory honestly.

The same is true of marriage. The poor boy who was obviously disdainful when he was in love, later worth tens of millions, can only sigh that his life is too thin to bear so much wealth!

With children, we can only let them work hard. If you believe in fate when you are young, it will encourage laziness. No matter what the future is like, you still have to create it, even if you break your head, at least you won't regret it! Old age is also a treasure of memories!

Some things that happen in life will make people believe that everyone has their own life for a while.

An old saying goes, "Everything is life, and man can do anything."

One thing that happened more than ten years ago, a man in the village killed pigs and sold meat. One noon, his mother cooked lunch, and the food was placed on the table, ready to eat. He answered his friend's phone and was about to go out.

His mother and wife suggested that he eat something before going. The food has been served, so it won't take long to order.

He insisted on not going out at once. As a result, there was a car accident when I left the village and no one was there.

At that time, people in the village lamented that it was all fate! He was destined to do this. If he listens to his mother and wife, he will be all right after that.

Another thing is that a girl is looking for someone. Relatives introduced a boy. After the blind date, the two sides felt that they could get engaged. Shortly after his engagement, he changed his mind halfway. It turned out that a boy and a girl in the village promised not to pay a bride price and any dowry, but to marry into his family. When the marriage broke down, the matchmaker sighed and made a way out. She has lived for decades, and this is the first time she has encountered such a thing. Hey! It's destiny takes a hand. There is no fate.

In life, words related to a person's "destiny" are mostly supported by this person's "destiny". This makes "life" common and practical.

"Princes and princes will meet, which one would you rather have?" It doesn't want to get up. "My life is decided by me, not by heaven" is the cry of brave people in life. "If you are poor, you will be immune, and if you are rich, you will help the world" is the words of a wise man who does not think about life.

So, don't worry too much about your "life". Live seriously, live smart and live well, and your life will not be bad.

A person can persist in doing things, but it is not advisable to be greedy and stupid. Be kind to others and yourself, and life will be smooth sailing [pray].

In a blink of an eye, we are not confused. Looking back, we can clearly remember that we had sadness, joy, success and failure. After 45 years old, we gradually lost the vitality and spirit of our youth, but we also gained a mature and steady life.

45! I have a son who has become a father, so I have a responsibility and concern on my shoulders.

At the age of 45, my parents are getting old, so I have become everything to my parents. I am still very young in the eyes of my parents, so I have a few little secrets in my heart.

At the age of 45, we have the last generation to support and the next generation to support. We are a transitional zone connecting the preceding with the following, which is really not easy.

45! We struggle on the road of life, occasionally reminiscing about the past, waving goodbye, and more looking forward to the future.

45! Peace and frankness may be a daily news broadcast or a weekly song. No matter what it is, we all live a wonderful life under the blue sky and white clouds of live high.

For my 45-year-old self, my life is not a hero from middle age to old age. At 45, we can't afford to lose. Believe in yourself, man proposes, God disposes, and do your best. As long as we work hard, it will be wonderful.

Over 45, do you believe in fate?

The ancestors said: "forty is not a feeling, and fifty knows the destiny." Believe it or not, in fact, fate is inviolable. People's efforts can lead to a better fate, but they can't change the root.

Man's life is predestined; Sometimes there is a need in life and there is no need in life. This is the law. Only by respecting the law and nature can we know our own destiny and conform to nature.

Juvenile rat, 1972, 49 years old. When I was young, I didn't believe in fate either. I thought people's fate must be in their own hands. Anything is possible as long as they are willing to work hard. Looking back now, I feel that every step of life seems to be arranged by God. What I remember most clearly is the experience of taking the civil service exam when I was young, which is like fate. 1997 and 200 1 year, I applied for the national civil service twice, and both entered the interview, but both failed the exam. I was depressed, so I found a fortune teller in the park to do some divination. The fortune teller said, "I can eat public meals in my life." Do not give up. I will be admitted at the age of 30. " I didn't believe it at that time. Results In the national examination in 2002, I got the first place in written test and the first place in interview. Coincidentally, I only prepared the composition of 1, and the composition of that exam was the same as that of that exam. The similarity of materials is 80%, and only one book is sold in the vocational test, with the original title of 20 points. After entering the system, 12 years was promoted to department-level cadres. I thought it would be good to be a department-level cadre in a small county. Unexpectedly, in 20 18, the State Council approved the zoning adjustment, and my zoning was included in the sub-provincial capital city, so I was promoted at the middle level. Therefore, the rules of life are determined by providence, and people's success is the result of hard work and the arrangement of providence.

Happiness is a struggle. Believe that fate is about struggle, and you can't succeed casually!

When I was 45 years old, after I was seriously ill in hospital on New Year's Eve, I was lying in a hospital bed, just like my mobile phone rang for seven years, and suddenly there was no sound for half a year. I have experienced countless ups and downs of myself and others, even when I am a TV director, I can't think of it. After I kept playing them in my mind like watching movies and TV series, I got the most precious opportunity to understand the truth in my life and started the best opportunity to gradually move my destiny in the right direction.

The greatest cognitive awakening to change one's destiny: if one wants to master one's destiny and reality more and more, one must adhere to the dialectical logic of seeking truth from facts and acting according to the law; If you want your destiny and reality to be controlled more and more, and if you want others to collect your IQ tax more and more easily, you must adhere to subjective judgment and follow the formal logic of being a man and doing things with a small temper. Just like this serious illness that almost killed me, it was caused by more and more formal logic in the past seven years. The root of life troubles continues, causing more and more isolation from everyone and causing more and more insomnia. Instead, let yourself choose to avoid more and more, and face it more and more with formal logic. The surface is becoming more and more calm. In fact, due to poor prevention, the surrounding environment is already hot and smoky, while I live by drinking. From that day on, I kept reflecting and reviewing. In the past seven years, formal logic has reduced my IQ and cognitive level. In seven years, I was almost taxed by IQ many times and almost went bankrupt several times. Finally, I faced up to all the first bane that caused me: I was faced with the huge trap of formal logic, which made my IQ and cognitive level decline, and I simply wanted to die. Dialectical logic is used to face the trap of formal logic to improve their IQ and cognitive level. People who are more unlucky are opponents of more formal logic, and people who are more and more troubled are dialectical logic.

Cultural awakening to change one's destiny: the feudal dross in the birth culture and survival culture, which are incompatible with modern civilization, do have a great downward effect on people's IQ and cognitive level, and are the best opportunity to tax others' IQ, while those more essential things have an upward effect on people's IQ and cognitive level, which is the greatest guarantee to avoid being taxed by people's IQ. For example, in the past seven years, I have become more and more greedy for pleasure and want to escape from reality. In the end, there are more and more feudal dross in the culture of birth and survival, and I have also contracted many bad habits. A small loss is to make my health worse every day. The biggest loss is to accelerate the decline of my IQ and cognitive level, and let me fall into the trap of being almost taxed by IQ again and again. Finally, I want to face up to the second curse that caused me everything: the pursuit of enjoyment. Let yourself indulge in the worst feudal things in bloodline culture and survival culture, let your IQ and cognitive level drop the most, and let those who actively and secretly advocate this culture celebrate each other behind their backs. If you consciously stay away from these cultural dross, at least your IQ and cognitive level will remain at the same level. If you play the part of cultural essence, you can also improve your IQ and cognitive level.

Fate, it's amazing. When you are lucky, you will get money. When you are unlucky, you will get stuck drinking water. If you have experienced it yourself, you will know that everything is fate, not decided by people. Just live well and work hard. God has his own arrangements and believes in fate. This is not superstition, but fate has its own destiny, and there is no need to force it. ...