Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Are the novels of fortune tellers in Central Plains good? Are the novels of fortune tellers in the Central Plains interesting, Zhihu?

Are the novels of fortune tellers in Central Plains good? Are the novels of fortune tellers in the Central Plains interesting, Zhihu?

Feng Shui Fortune Telling and Feng Shui Novels

Genius physiognomy, wonderful hand Shi Tian (catching ghosts and expelling ghosts), top-notch urban geomantic master, rogue warlock (top-notch urban geomantic master 2), top-notch physiognomy master, minor warlock wandering in Jianghu, Yi Yi, top-notch Shi Tian (about ghosts), master geomantic master, and master physiognomy of imperial doctor. There are at least 700 chapters here!