Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Westworld presents a future civilization? No! It's Genesis!

Westworld presents a future civilization? No! It's Genesis!

Is westworld really an American drama that describes how humans and robots get along and how robots will develop in the future?


Westworld (hereinafter referred to as "the West") describes the birth history of human beings. This is a genesis, telling you how humans came from. It also describes how the world works.

I don't want to explain the details, so let's watch the play first and then the article.

The Bible says that God created man in his own image. God also created heaven and earth, nature and everything in the world.

Just like in the west, human beings created these receptionists, horses and even the whole ecological environment in their own image.

When we are ignorant, God teaches us how to adapt our body and wisdom to life on earth.

Just like the pictures in the last few episodes of "West", the staff are teaching clumsy robots to dance.

Both eastern and western civilizations have such mythical figures to teach human beings how to survive.

In the west, there are Prometheus who steals kindling, and in the east, there are people who teach how to drill wood for fire.

The earth is like a laboratory. God knows himself by observing human development.

Just like the people in the lab, observe and repair the abnormal receptionists.

There are also gods who come to this world to experience and play, and also know their true self from this world.

Just like those tourists, they participate in the story line of the characters and release their "nature". Some people are cruel and greedy, while others are kind and kind.

In the west, receptionists live their lives according to pre-designed story lines and personalities, and even what they say is predictable.

Our destiny (story line) has also been written in advance, and the password is in our birthday. All fortune-telling systems take birthdays as coordinates, and look for the trajectory of personal life through astronomical phenomena. The East is Wei Zi's number, birthday, and the West is eight characters.

At the same time, a little freedom in the program can change our destiny.

What can change our "luck" is our consciousness, just like the hostess Dillery dolores. Realizing that she could resist, she walked out of the script and began her journey to find the maze.

We can also get out of our comfort zone, get rid of the original script and live a different life. As long as you have an idea, act immediately.

You can also change your destiny through good thoughts and deeds, just as it is said in the Four Seasons from Fan.

The receptionist experienced life and death again and again, and participated in the story again and again, just like our reincarnation again and again.

We may be in the same story for many generations, repeating it over and over again. Maybe you have learned enough from this lesson and started another story.

Like Mei Mei, the procuress in the west, her last story is a happy mother. Because she was badly hurt (her daughter was brutally killed for no reason), she couldn't continue this reincarnation and had to start another story line.

Arnold Amold and Ford Ford, the founders of Westworld, are planning to end all this in their own way and liberate these receptionists (robots).

There are also some forces, such as the board of directors, who want to reduce the reception staff's impression and let them have better control and stay here forever.

Don't explain your feelings.

The seventh episode Bernard Bernie can't see the secret door and his own design. He is doomed to fail to discover the fact that he is a robot.

Just as we choose to turn a blind eye once we may come into contact with the truth.

The Buddha told us that the world is fake and we can jump out of this cycle. How many people believe it?

When you meditate after reading the Bible and start to wake up, drowsiness is an obstacle, and you are programmed.

And what we experienced accelerated our awakening.

If a major natural or man-made disaster occurs, human beings will begin to reflect.

For another example, people who often pursue spiritual truth are all people who are experiencing or have experienced pain.

Mei Meifu was awakened by the loss of her daughter; Dillery Dolores wakes up because of the loss of her father and the threat to herself; As for the robbers, they were awakened.

We can wake up, we can wake up people who are sleeping, as long as they are willing to wake up.

Once we wake up, we will find that we are no different from God. We are just gods trapped in this body.

So, are you going to stop reading this article?

It's over.