Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What do you mean by cover?

What do you mean by cover?


1. Commonly known as wine curtain. Ancient hotels are used as signboards to attract customers because they are easy to attract attention.

2.? An exposed sign or mark.

3.? A disguise or expedient for deception.

Pinyin:? Pipe

Make sentences:

The apparent prosperity is just a cover.

Engage in illegal activities under the guise of doing business.

His business is a front for drug dealing.

They deceived us under the guise of peace.

He must have drunk too much just now, and his face was covered with a cover.

She hides her ruthlessness under the disguise of professionalism.

This jewelry company is just a front for illegal diamond trading.

With Nabin as the cover, I can use this pen freely.

Since then, she has wandered around England and Scotland, sometimes under the guise of fortune telling.

It soon became clear that the so-called Fugazi incident was actually just a cover.