Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Do you know how many of the eight founding generals came out of Hong 'an, the First General County?

Do you know how many of the eight founding generals came out of Hong 'an, the First General County?

From 1955 to 1964, New China awarded or promoted 16 14 founding generals, all of whom made great contributions during the war years, including Hongan in Hubei, Jinzhai in Anhui, Xingguo in Jiangxi, Pingjiang in Hunan, Ji 'an in Jiangxi, Yongxin in Jiangxi, Xinxian in Henan, and Ji 'an in Jiangxi.

Among the top ten general counties, Hubei Hongan is called the first general county, with 6 1 founding generals. The six founding generals of New China came from Hongan County, and two of the 17 founding generals of 1988 came from Hongan County. This article will talk to you about these founding generals.

Chen Xilian, 19 15 was born in Pengjia Village, Doushan, Gao Qiao, Hong 'an, Hubei. 1929 joined the red army in the Hubei, Henan and Anhui Soviet area. After joining the army, he participated in all previous anti-encirclement campaigns in Hubei, Henan and Anhui Soviet areas and in Sichuan and Shaanxi. With his achievements, his status has been rising. He has served as deputy commander of the Red Fourth Front Army 10 Division and political commissar of1/Kloc-0 Division.

1937 After the full-scale outbreak of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Chen Xilian was appointed as the head of the 769th Regiment of the 385th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army 129 Division, and led his troops to take part in night raids on Yangming Fort, Shentouling, Xiangtangpu and the anti-Nine-way siege in southeastern Shanxi. Later, he served as deputy brigade commander and brigade commander of the 385th Brigade of Taihang Military Region, and the commander of the 3rd Division.

During the War of Liberation, Chen Xilian was still fighting under Liu Deng. He successively served as the commander of the third column of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army and the commander of the third corps of the second field army, and led his troops to Shangdang, Handan, Dabie Mountain and Huaihai.

After the founding of New China, Chen Xilian successively served as commander of artillery, commander of shenyang military area command, commander of Beijing Military Region and vice premier of the State Council. 1955, Chen Xilian was awarded the rank of general at the age of 40, and was one of the youngest generals awarded at that time. 1999 died in Beijing at the age of 84.

Han Xianchu 19 13 was born in a poor family in Hong 'an, Hubei. /kloc-joined the jute uprising in 0/927 and joined China in 0/930. During the Red Army period, he served as the commander of the Red 25 Barracks, the head of the 75th Division of the Red 15 Corps, and the commander of the Red 78th Division.

1937 After the full-scale outbreak of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Han Xianchu was appointed as the deputy head of the 688th Regiment of the 344th Brigade of 15 Division (the head of Chen Jinxiu) and led his troops to participate in the Pingxingguan Campaign. In the following years, Han Xianchu successively served as deputy brigade commander and acting brigade commander of the 344th brigade of the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region, brigade commander of the new 3rd brigade and commander of the 3rd military division.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Han Xianchu was sent to work in Northeast China. He has served as the commander of the 4th column, 3rd column, 3rd column, 40th army and deputy commander of the 1st12nd Corps of the Northeast Democratic Allied Forces. His troops in the northeast were also called "cyclone troops" by the enemy, and he himself was also called "cyclone commander".

After the founding of New China, in April 1950, without the cooperation of navy and air force, Han Xianchu led 30,000 Kanto children of 40th Army and 43rd Army to liberate Hainan Island by sailing. After the Korean War broke out, Han Xianchu became one of the first senior generals to join the Korean War. He served as deputy commander of the Volunteer Army and commander of 19 Corps in Korea.

After returning home, Han Xianchu successively served as Chief of Staff of Central South Military Region, Commander of Fuzhou Military Region, Director of Fujian Military Commission, Director of Fujian Revolutionary Committee, Commander of Lanzhou Military Region and Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC). Han Xianchu was awarded the rank of general in 1955, and Han Xianchu died in 1986 at the age of 73.

1908 was born in a poor peasant family in Zhujialong Village, Taohua District, Hong 'an, Hubei Province. 1927 participated in the Jute Uprising. During the Red Army period, he participated in all previous counter-campaigns against encirclement and suppression in Hubei, Henan and Anhui Soviet areas and against encirclement and suppression in Sichuan and Shaanxi, and served as political commissar of the Red 88th Division and the Red 4 Army.

1937 after the outbreak of the all-round anti-Japanese war, Wang Jianan went to Shandong to participate in anti-Japanese activities, and served as deputy commander and brigade commander of Shandong column, deputy commander and chief of staff of Shandong military region and commander of Luzhong military region. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Jianan moved to East China and served as commander and political commissar of the Eighth Longitudinal Corps of Hua Ye, deputy commander of the Shandong Corps of Hua Ye and commander of the Seventh Corps of Sanye.

After the founding of New China, Wang Jianan entered the DPRK on 1952 to participate in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and served as the commander and political commissar of the Ninth Corps of Volunteers. After returning to China, he successively served as deputy commander of Shenyang, Jinan and Fuzhou. Wang Jianan was awarded the rank of general in 1956 and died in Beijing in 1980 at the age of 72.

Xie Fuzhi, 1909, is from Xiejiadang Village, Fenggang, Chengguan Town, Hong 'an, Hubei. On 1930, he joined the First Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army and joined China the following year. During the Red Army period, he served as the organization minister of the General Political Department of the Fourth Red Army and the director of the Political Department of the Ninth Red Army.

After the outbreak of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Xie Fuzhi was appointed as the director of the political training department of the 772nd regiment of the 386th Brigade. Later, he served as political commissar of the 772nd regiment, political commissar of the 385th brigade and deputy commander of the Taihang Military Region.

During the War of Liberation, Xie Fuzhi partnered with Chen Geng, and their Xie Chen Corps became a mobile unit. Although it is under the command of Liu Deng, it is under the direct command of the central government. 1949 Xie Fuzhi was appointed as the political commissar of the Third Corps of the Second Field Army and became a partner with Chen Xilian.

After the founding of New China, Xie Fuzhi first worked in Yunnan, serving as the first secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, commander of Yunnan Military Region and Kunming Military Region, and was awarded the rank of general in 1955. 1959 replaced Luo Ruiqing as Minister of Public Security. 1972 Xie Fuzhi died of stomach cancer at the age of 63.

Guo, 1905, was born in a poor peasant family in Guo Shoujiu Village, Shili Township, Hong 'an, Hubei Province. He graduated from Huangpu Phase VI and is the primary school brother of General Chen Geng. Guo took part in the Guangzhou Uprising led by Zhang and others. After the failure of the uprising, retreat to Hailufeng area. During the Red Army period, Guo successively served as the commander of the 6th and 4th independent divisions, the chief of staff of the 9th Red Army Corps, and the director of the Operations Bureau of the 4th Red Army Command.

After the outbreak of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Guo served as the director of the Operations Bureau of the Central Military Commission and later worked in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. He has served as deputy chief of staff of the Jinchaji Military Region, commander of the 2nd Military Division of the Jinchaji Military Region and commander of the Jicha Military Region.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Guo still served in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, and was transferred to 1947 as the deputy chief of staff of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, and participated in the strategic action of commanding a thousand miles to leap into the Dabie Mountains. 1February, 949, Guo was transferred to the position of deputy commander and chief of staff of the Fourth Corps, and assisted the commander Chen Geng in commanding many battles such as the Battle of Crossing the River, the Battle of Hunan and Jiangxi, and the Battle of Gannan in the later period of the Liberation War.

After the founding of New China, Guo successively served as deputy minister of training department, minister of military publishing department and minister of colleges and universities, and was awarded the rank of general on 1955. He died in Guangzhou on 1970 at the age of 65.

Zhou Chunquan, 1905 was born in a poor peasant family in Leijiatian Village near Baliwan, Hong 'an, Hubei Province. 1927 took part in the Jute Uprising. During the Red Army period, he served as the director of the Political Security Bureau of the Hubei, Henan and Anhui Soviet Area Government, the political commissar of the 10 Division, and the political commissar of the Red Fourth Army. During his tenure as the Secretary for Security, he was ordered by Zhang to arrest Cheng Xunxuan, Xu's wife, which led to Cheng Xunxuan's death. This incident made Xu Shuai have no intersection with him, and they never spoke again.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Zhou Chunquan served as the vice president and principal of the first branch of Kangda University, mainly engaged in military education. During the War of Liberation, Zhou Chunquan worked in Northeast China, and served as the commander of the East Line Logistics Command of the Northeast Democratic Allied Forces, the Deputy Minister and the Second Minister of the Logistics Department of the Northeast Field Army.

After the founding of New China, Zhou Chunquan served as the political commissar of the Logistics Department of the Volunteers in North Korea, and after returning to China, he served as the first deputy minister and deputy political commissar of the Logistics Department and the first deputy minister of the Armed Forces Supervision Department. Zhou Chunquan was awarded the rank of general on 1955 and died on 1985 at the age of 80.

Qin Jiwei, 19 14, is from Luo Zhuang, Qin, Qiliping Town, Hong 'an, Hubei. 1927 Participated in the Jute Uprising, served as the supplementary division commander of the General Staff of the Red Fourth Front Army, and participated in all previous counter-campaigns in the Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Sichuan and Shaanxi Soviet areas. During the Anti-Japanese War, Qin Jiwei served as commander of the guerrilla detachment of the Eighth Route Army129th Division, chief of staff of the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan Military Region, deputy brigade commander of129th Division1New Brigade, commander of the first military division of the Taihang Military Region and secretary of the CPC prefectural committee.

During the War of Liberation, Qin Jiwei served as commander of Taihang Military Region, commander of the ninth column of Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region, and commander of 15 Army 1949.

After the founding of New China, Qin Jiwei led 15 troops into the DPRK to participate in the war. In the famous Battle of Shangganling, the 15 army withstood the strong artillery fire of the US military and made great contributions to the victory of the Battle of Shangganling. Therefore, in World War I, the 15 Army suddenly became an ace force and was named "Chitose Army".

Later, Qin Jiwei served as deputy commander of Kunming Military Region, political commissar and commander of Beijing Military Region, and served as State Councilor and Minister of National Defense from 65438 to 0988. Qin Jiwei was awarded the rank of lieutenant general in 1955, and was awarded the rank of general after the military rank system was restored in 1988. /kloc-0 died in Beijing in 1997 at the age of 83.

Wang Chenghan, a native of Hongan, Hubei Province, was born in 19 17. 1930 years old to join the red army. During the Red Army period, I participated in many battles in the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Area in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area. After the outbreak of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Wang Chenghan successively served as the deputy battalion commander of the artillery battalion of the Eighth Route Army 1 29th Division, the battalion commander of the 3rd Regiment in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and the head of the new Taihang Military Region 1 Brigade1Regiment.

During the War of Liberation, Wang Chenghan successively served as the head of Pi Brigade 1 regiment, the 37th Brigade of Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army 13 column, the 37th Brigade of North China Field Army 13 column and the 6 1 division chief.

After the founding of New China, Wang Chenghan successively served as the division chief of the 6 1 Volunteer Army, the commander of the 60 th Army, the deputy commander of the Tibet Military Region, the deputy commander and commander of the Chengdu Military Region, and the political commissar and party secretary of the Academy of Military Sciences. Wang Chenghan was awarded the rank of major general in 1955, and was awarded the rank of general after the military rank system was restored in 1988. Wang Chenghan died in Beijing in 2009 at the age of 92.


Among the top ten general counties, Hong 'an has the largest number of founding generals. The above-mentioned eight generals made important contributions in the revolutionary history of China. In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned eight generals, there are also General Liu Huaqing (Hongan, originally from Dawu, Hubei) and two official generals, Dong and Li Xiannian. Therefore, Hong 'an County has a very important position in the modern history of China.