Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The Secret of Qin Shihuang Fishing for Ding in Surabaya

The Secret of Qin Shihuang Fishing for Ding in Surabaya

One of the Han Dynasty stone reliefs collected by the Han Dynasty Stone Reliefs Museum in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province is the story of Qin Shihuang's fishing tripod in Surabaya. This case depicts a bridge. On both sides of the bridge, people pull a tripod with a rope, and a faucet in the tripod sticks out to bite the rope. On the bridge, Qin Shihuang is waiting to meet Zhou Ding. [ 1]

Qin Shihuang salvaged Zhou Ding in Surabaya, Pengcheng (now Xuzhou, Jiangsu), which has been circulated in China for more than 2,000 years. Although it was written into ancient books, the truth of this story was questioned in the Han Dynasty. However, people who tell the truth are more justified. Sima Qian said this in Historical Records of the First Qin Emperor: "The first emperor returned, crossed Pengcheng, fasted and prayed for blessings, and wanted to leave Surabaya, Zhou Ding. If thousands of people ask for themselves without water, there will be blessings "; And Li Daoyuan's account in Notes on Water Classics: "(Qin Shihuang) made thousands of people have no water to ask, so-called' definite character' is also. It is also a cloud system, but before it came out, the dragon bit off its system. "

When the author carefully reads the ancient books such as Zhou Benji, Qin Shihuang Benji, and Closed Sutra in Historical Records, and refers to the collection of Han stone reliefs published all over the country, he not only finds inconsistencies and many doubts in the records of ancient books, but also firmly believes that Qin Shihuang never salvaged Zhou Ding in Surabaya, Pengcheng. The so-called "fish in troubled waters" is a myth woven by some people out of the need of "divine right of monarch"; The great significance of this myth lies in "destroying Qin and prospering Han" and rewriting our history!

Is this sensational? Don't!

First, the matter of "fishing for a tripod in Surabaya" is actually unfounded.

1, Jiuding biography was generally orderly, and historical data clearly recorded that Jiuding entered Qin from Zhou:

"Hanshu Jiaosi Ji" records: "Yu received the gold of nine shepherds and cast Jiuding, such as Kyushu." According to legend, in the early summer, the world was divided into nine countries, and the famous mountains, rivers and strange things in each state were cast on the ding of each state and displayed in the royal ancestral temple, which became the symbol of kingship and country. It is also the earliest map in the world.

"The Warring States Policy" Zhou Ce said: "Last week, Yin was conquered and Jiuding was won, and 90,000 people held it every tripod." Due to the extreme shortage of products at that time, and the crude tools and backward technology for mining minerals, the output of copper was very limited at that time, and it seemed impossible to cast such a big Jiuding. Archaeological findings show that even a bronze mirror in the tombs of the pre-Qin period was not owned by ordinary tomb owners, which shows that copper is rare and precious.

Jiuding was regarded as a national treasure in the pre-Qin period because it was a symbol of kingship and Jiangshan society. However, there were also incidents in which the warlord Wang Zhengduo won the championship. In addition to the "Warring States Policy", it is said that Zhou conquered Yin and gained a dominant position. "Three Years of Zuo Zhuan Gong Xuan" also recorded Chu Zhuangwang's Northern Expedition and Chen Bing's Luoshui, showing off their force to the Zhou Dynasty. King Ding of Zhou sent a king to comfort Chu. Take the opportunity to ask Wang about the size and weight of Jiuding in Zhou Dynasty. Wang replied: You can't just ask Jiuding's weight! Because "winning the championship" means plotting kingship, the vassals or common people who aim at seizing kingship pay great attention to Zhou Ding.

There is such a record in Historical Records Zhou Benji: "(Zhou Wuwang) ordered Nangong Kuo and Shi Yi to exhibit Jiuding Baoyu." Later, he became king. "A king in abundant, make Zhao Gong camp LuoYi equal featuring. Duke Zhou resumed divination, died and built it, and lived in Jiuding. " When Zhou Ding was king, Chu Zhuangwang won the championship. In the twenty-third year of King William, Jiuding was shocked. In the fifth year of Shen Liang (3 16 BC), Pakistan and Shu were attacked by both sides, and the two armies rushed into Qin. King Hui of Qin wanted to conquer Shu. "Zhang Yi said:' It is better to cut Korea.' The king said, "Please listen to him." Yi said,' Pro-Wei, good at Chu, sent troops to Sanjiang, attacked Yiyang, a new city, and approached the surrounding suburbs. Jiuding said that according to the map, the emperor ruled the world, and the world did not dare to listen. The same is true of Wang Ye, ""(Zijianzhou) shows that Jiuding is in the state capital, and Qin wants to take it.

"Forty-two years, Qin Huayang about. (Minister of Zhou Dynasty) said to Zhou Jun, "Ask Zhou." It is said that King Liang said,' King Zhou was ill and died, so he died. Please enter the king with Jiuding when committing a crime, and the king will commit a crime with Jiuding. "Liang Wang said,' good'. The main idea of Ma and the dialogue is that in order to let Wei send troops to build a city for Zhou, Ma lied to him that he would die and be buried with him, so he had to dedicate Jiuding to let him send troops to Zhou to protect himself, which made him fall into a trap. This conversation clearly shows that Jiuding is still in Zhoudu. Without Jiuding, King Liang would never be cheated by a horse offender. It was forty-two years in Zhou Nanwang (273 BC). [2]

During this period, the Zhou Dynasty, whose national strength declined, was in jeopardy. Fifty-nine years, captured, "the Western Zhou Jun rushed to Qin, offered a humble apology, and gave his city thirty-six mouths and thirty thousand. Qin was offered by him and returned to his king of Zhou. Zhou Jun and Wang Yun died, and Zhou Min died in the east. Qin takes Jiuding jewelry. " (Zhou Benji) At this time, it was 256 BC. Qin Benji is the same as Zhou Benji. "Historical Records Guanchan" also said: "Qin destroyed Zhou, and Zhou Jiuding entered Qin."

Therefore, there is no doubt that Zhou has indeed entered the state of Qin.

2. In the historical materials of Qin and Han Dynasties, there is nothing to say about Zhou's failure to Surabaya:

As mentioned above: Ding, you can't just ask. Of course, Jiuding, which is closely related to the national movement, cannot be lost for no reason. It is a great event for the imperial court to enter Qin Dingdu. If it didn't fall into Surabaya in Pengcheng, when and why it sank in Surabaya. Why are there no records in Historical Records Zhou Benji and Qin Benji? And Jiuding's route from Zhoudu to Qin Dou doesn't pass through Surabaya, Pengcheng. How can he get lost? If Jiuding falls into Surabaya, historians will never ignore such an earth-shattering event, and they dare not ignore it without ancient records.

As for Sima Qian's statement in Historical Records, "Qin destroyed Zhou, and Zhou Jiuding entered Qin. In other words, Taiwei Society died in the Song Dynasty, and Ding was not under Pengcheng in Surabaya. " Obviously, the first sentence must be in Qin; The use of the word "or yue" in the last sentence should be understood as "someone's legend". There seems to be some reason behind Sima Qian's writing history, which leads to the discount of the belief that "Ding did not swim in the water"; Or write the folk rumors heard during the inspection in Pengcheng into the historical records.

3. The story of fishing in Surabaya described by Li Daoyuan in Notes to the Water Classic is based on misinformation:

Li Daoyuan described in the Notes on Water Classics: "In the forty-second year of King Zhou Xian, Jiuding lost sight. Qin Shihuang, and Ding is now in Surabaya. The first emperor wept with joy, and thousands of people asked for it without water, so it was called "Ding Fu". It is also a cloud system, but before it came out, the dragon bit off its system. " Obviously, Li Daoyuan didn't just tell the story, but focused on the expression that Qin Shihuang got the title of "Fude" because of keywords such as "dragon biting its line". In addition, it can be seen from the Han painting "The Fishing Ding in Surabaya" that at the latest in the Han Dynasty, when Qin Shihuang fished the Ding, there was a rumor that "the dragon bit its line", indicating that Li Daoyuan did not make it up at will.

In Li Daoyuan's statement, there are three points worth noting: First, it is said in the article that in the twenty-fourth year of Zhou Xianwang (that is, 345 BC), "Jiuding lost sight"; However, according to Records of the Historian Zhou Benji, in the fifty-ninth year of Zhou Nanwang (that is, in 256 BC), Zhou Jiuding arrived in Qin Dou. From the time point of view, the former obviously contradicts the latter. Historical Records is China's first biographical general history. Notes on Water Mirror is a masterpiece of literary geography, which contains ancient myths and folklore spread all over the country. The comparison between the two should be based on historical records, so it is difficult to establish the theory that Jiuding failed to see the source. Secondly, the words behind this passage in Water Mirror Notes are similar to those in Historical Records. The word "or yue" seems to express Sima Qian's helplessness, so I have to say; Li Daoyuan followed Sima Qian's statement; Neither is certain; Of course, this is not enough to be the basis for determining that Qin Shihuang's fish in troubled waters is a real event. Thirdly, the descriptions of "fishing in Surabaya" in the two books are all taken from folklore; This will be explained in detail later.

4. A lot of evidence proves that "Surabaya fishing tripod" is false:

As can be seen from the above, the accounts of Qin Shihuang's fishing in Surabaya in Historical Records and Notes on Water Classics are not only contradictory in time, but also the only written account is obviously vague and difficult to justify.

More importantly, according to historical records, if Qin Shihuang really fished for the tripod in Surabaya and "the dragon bit off his lineage" and "succeeded", it means that Jiuding of the Zhou Dynasty still sank in Surabaya. Since Jiuding is a symbol of kingship and country, why didn't Qin Ershi and the emperors of Han Dynasty, especially Liu Bang, go to Surabaya to salvage Jiuding? Even in the first year of Emperor Wen, those who suggested salvaging Jiuding were beheaded for deceiving the emperor. Why? Perhaps here, "fish in troubled waters" is a very sensitive word, and people only have silence. However, Wang Chong, a philosopher in the Eastern Han Dynasty, questioned the statement that "the dragon broke its line". He believes that "dragon" is just a mythical beast imagined by the ancients and does not really exist. How can you "break its line"? [3] Wang Chong hit the nail on the head. The fact that the royal family did not salvage and avoided talking about it not only reflected Jiuding's sinking in Surabaya, but also told people from the side that the people who made and first spread this rumor among the people had close ties with the royal family in the Han Dynasty.

Qin Shihuang's fishing tripod in Surabaya is a folklore, so when and why did this folklore come into being?

Second, the time, place and theme of the legend that cannot be ignored.

Some folklore, after listening for a long time, often only pay attention to the "strangeness" of the legend, but ignore when and where this folklore and its theme came into being, and no longer seriously explore it; Perhaps in the face of the sacred kingship, no one in the Han Dynasty dared to delve into it. Now, we can shake off the layers of fog shrouded in this legend and gradually see its true colors.

1. When did this folklore come into being?

From the above research and exploration, we can see that Qin Shihuang did not go to Surabaya, Pengcheng to salvage Zhou Ding, and there is no record about it in other history books. In the thirty-seventh year of Qin Shihuang (2 10 BC), he died in a sand dune, and Qin Ershi Hu Hai immediately proclaimed himself emperor. In the first year of the second year (209 BC), there were successively: Chen Sheng and Guangwu revolted in osawa Township (Jinan, Liucun Village, Yongqiao District, Suzhou, Anhui); Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu set out for Wu (now Suzhou, Jiangsu); Liu Bang formally started his army in Pei County (now Pei County); Later, Wei, Qi, Yan, Zhao and other countries successively revolted. However, there is no record about this matter in the historical materials of this period. In the fifth year of Hanwang (202 BC), Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty. It was not until Emperor Hou Yuanyuan (BC 163) that Zhou Ding abandoned Surabaya and wanted to leave Zhou Ding that it was mentioned in Historical Records. That's just a lie made up by an alchemist.

It is particularly important to point out here that the legend of Qin Shihuang fishing in Surabaya is aimed at Qin Shihuang, so the legendary time should not occur in the Han Dynasty, but in the late Qin Dynasty.

2. Why did Qin Shihuang get the tripod in Surabaya, Pengcheng?

Surabaya originates from the mountains in the southeast of the former Lu State, flows westward through Xianqiu (north of Yanzhou, Shandong Province), turns south, flows through Hu Ling (southeast of Yutai County, Shandong Province), flows eastward through Peixian County, and flows through the northern suburb of Pengcheng. ...

From Xianyang and Qin Dou to Pengcheng, there are both Weishui, Luoshui and Suishui, but it is said that Qin Shihuang went fishing in Surabaya to Pengcheng. So, why?

The author speculates that the person who originally fabricated this lie may not be familiar with the geography, customs and even social customs of Weishui, Luoshui and Suishui basins, but before choosing Surabaya, Pengcheng, which is two or three thousand miles away from Xianyang, he knew all kinds of situations in Surabaya, Pengcheng. This man seems to live in Surabaya, Pengcheng.

3. What is the gist of the legend of Qin Shihuang's fishing tripod in Surabaya?

Making a bizarre story that has never happened into a story that the whole world believes is true must have its main purpose. Of course, if we look closely at this legend, it is not difficult to find that the core of this legend lies not in telling the story of Qin Shihuang's fishing for the tripod, but in emphasizing "dragon" and "breaking its line" This view can be found in the picture of the No.2 Wei and Jin sarcophagus unearthed in Jiang 'an County in the Collection of Portraits of the sarcophagus of Han Dynasty in Sichuan (pictured). On the left, only one tripod, one tripod and Yi Long bite tripod are depicted. The dragon biting the tripod is the main part of the picture, and the tripod fishing is only an auxiliary scene.

Shuowen contains: "The dragon, the scale worm's length, can be quiet and bright, can be fine and huge, can be short and long, the vernal equinox reaches the sky, and the autumn equinox is deep." "Guangya" said: "Dragon, Jun also." "Yili" contains: "Jun, Supreme." Dragons, which can go to heaven and enter the earth, have infinite power; Call the wind and call the rain, omnipotent. The place where Liu Bang lived used to be the territory of Chu State, and the dragon was universally respected by Chu people.

Qin Shihuang was violent and furious. The dragon cut off his lineage and made Qin Shihuang win the title of "Fu", which was a punishment from heaven, and also indicated that the Qin Dynasty would be doomed, and the kingship and the country would also be lost. The dragon will take its place, crusade against tyrants, destroy decay and turn to Kun. The fabrication and spread of this legend also reflected the thought of Li people worshiping dragons and believing in ghosts and gods at that time.

As long as the above analysis is linked, we will be surprised to find such words as "late Qin Dynasty, Surabaya and Dragon". It can be said that the purpose of compiling this "legend" at the earliest was to announce to the world that "Surabaya Dragon at the end of Qin Dynasty" would save Lebanese people in from the mire and create a new world!

So, who is this "Surabaya Dragon at the end of Qin Dynasty"?

Third, the reincarnation of the dragon, the death of Qin Xinghan

In the historical materials of Qin and Han Dynasties, although there is no clear record, it shows that someone first weaved the myth that Qin Shihuang won the title of "Fu De" because of "the dragon biting off his lineage". According to historical records and Liu Bang's reincarnation as a dragon, it is inferred that this "dragon" is Liu Bang, the head of the Sishui Pavilion in Pei County (now Pei County East) at the end of Qin Dynasty!

1, Liu Bang is the reincarnation of the dragon:

First, Sima Qian wrote in Historical Records: "Gaozu was born in Peifengyi, Li Zhongyang, and his surname was Liu Ji. Father said Taigong and mother said Liu Wei. First, Liu Wei tasted the evil of Ozawa, and dreamed that when he met God, it was the time when the thunder and lightning were hazy. When the squire saw it, he saw the dragon on it. I have a body and I have a great-grandfather. "

Second, look at the fifth stone Han painting in the left stone room of Wushi Temple in Jiaxiang, Shandong Province. The picture is divided into three grids: the story of Liu Bang's distant ancestor Liu Lei feeding the dragon; Brother Zhong is a description of Zhao Dun's salvation; In the middle of Xiage, a woman with a headdress and a bun leaned on the ground with her right hand, wrapped in a dragon; There are salamanders crawling on both sides of the woman, dragonflies flying and catfish swimming. There is a man with feathers falling from the sky at the top left. It depicts the story of Liu Bang's "dragon reincarnation". [4]

The text of Historical Records of the Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty can be regarded as an interpretation of the fifth stone Han painting in the left stone room of Wushi Temple. The Portrait of Shage can also be regarded as the image expression of this passage in Historical Records of Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty. In different cultural forms, it embodies Liu Bang's reincarnation as a dragon. Liu Bang's prominent position was easily believed by people at that time. With this magical coat, Liu Bang's influence naturally increased.

In addition, the characters in this portrait imply that Liu Bang, like Jiang He, has become the savior of the suffering people and is the "real dragon emperor". Shangge embodies Liu Bang's distinguished family background as a descendant of Emperor Yao.

Because the author once wrote an article about this portrait of the Han Dynasty "Interpreting the Han Painting of Han Cheng Yao Yun in Wushi Temple", which was published in the seventh issue of Journal of xuzhou institute of technology in 2007, I won't go into details about Liu Bang's reincarnation as a dragon here.

2. Before the official uprising, ambitious Liu Bang had fabricated many myths:

As an adult, when Liu Bang served as a corvee in Xianyang, Qin Dou, he had seen the grand occasion of Qin Shihuang, and he sighed: "Wow! A gentleman should be like this! " Although it is just a sentence, it shows his heroism and ambition that he is unwilling to be mediocre and expects to make great achievements. Later, someone said "expensive" in front of him, which strengthened his self-confidence to be an excellent person in the future.

In the thirty-sixth year of Qin Shihuang (2 1 1 BC), when Liu Bang was the director of Sishui Pavilion in Pei County, he was ordered to escort criminals to Lishan to repair the tomb. According to the Qin law, "if there is no time, the law will be cut" and "if there is death". ("Historical Records Chen She Family") In the face of the grim situation of life and death, Liu Bang did not panic at that time, but "gave up drinking and sent it at night." This phenomenon does not conform to common sense.

Liu bang's move is abnormal, but it is not. It is he who used this tactic to buy people's hearts with premeditated strategy. Trees have roots and water has power. Pei County, where Liu Bang was located, was the land of Chu at the end of the Warring States Period. He and the people in this area were deeply influenced by the wind of worshipping dragons and offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods in Chu State. In this critical moment, the Chu people's superstition of dragons and ghosts and gods was skillfully used and this magical "magic weapon" was sacrificed, and the myth of "cutting snakes" was fabricated, that is, the son of Liu Bang killed Bai (referring to Qin Shihuang) and soon spread among "more than ten people wish to come from"; As a result, "followers are more and more in awe", which really achieved his expected purpose.

Although this weaving of the myth of snake-cutting gave Liu Bang the strength to compete with Qin, it was only the first step. In order to save the fire, he had to lead his entourage from Fengxize to Mangdang Mountain to hide their waiting time. As for Qin Shihuang, he said, "There are heavenly spirits in the southeast." Therefore, due to the record that "traveling to the east is tired", (Historical Records of the Great Biography) in fact, Qin Shihuang traveled to the east not to hate the "son of heaven", but to worship famous mountains and rivers and "show strength and levy the sea". ("Historical Records of Qin Shihuang") The "Southeast" side conforms to the direction of Liu Bang's hometown; The so-called "Emperor Qi" echoed Lv Hou's later statement that there was "a mass of gas" above Liu Bang. (Historical Records: Biography of Emperor Gaozu) It should be that Liu Bang concealed his "imperial spirit" in the name of Qin Shihuang, which means that he has the spirit of an emperor. According to documents, many emperors and enlighteners in ancient times created "magical events" for themselves in the early stage, and few anecdotes happened after the throne was confirmed or started. This is the case with Liu Bang, Xiang Liang and Chen Sheng. According to the records in Biography of Qin Shihuang and Gao Ancestral, and the author's analysis, it can be found that Liu Bang fabricated his own "son of heaven" before Qin Shihuang traveled eastward, and then on the way of Qin Wangdong's tour, there was a rumor that Qin Wang fished for Ding and the dragon bit Ding. This is no coincidence; The "Qi of Tian Zi" on the "Southeast" side and the "Dragon Biting off the Lineage" incident at the time of fishing tripod were not isolated incidents. It is the result of Liu Bang's identity as "the reincarnation of the dragon" and "the son of Chi Di killed the white emperor", so only Liu Bang is the fabricator of the rumor "Qin Shihuang fishing in troubled waters". Only Liu Bang meets the identity of Ding Ding's "dragon". Among them, Bai was killed, which proves that this rumor is aimed at Qin Shihuang and is a challenge to the king of Qin in the dark; However, it does not rule out that Liu Bang circulated this legend before the official uprising in Pei County, that is, during the Qin Ershi period.

3. Liu Bang made up the story that "the dragon bit its line" so that Qin Shihuang got the Ding "Fu De" in Surabaya, aiming at destroying Qin and prospering Han;

In the thirty-sixth year of Qin Shihuang, with the help of his followers, Liu Bang fabricated a series of magical identities, which led to the emergence of "Pei Gong's disciples eager to join in" and an informal uprising. However, Liu Bang's influence and military strength are far from that of Qiang Qin. He was determined to overthrow the Qin dynasty, but how to strategize and seize the imperial power to dominate the country was Liu Bang's biggest trouble at this time.

Although there is no historical record as the basis, the author is by no means speculating at will. At this time, Liu Bang had to conspire with the counselor, so a more reasonable, religious and infectious implied legend about Liu Bang replacing Qin Shihuang as the real dragon emperor came out, that is, Qin Shihuang salvaged Zhou Ding in Surabaya, Pengcheng, and was cut off by the dragon, and salvaging "Fude" was like a so-called "real" story with wings.

The main points of Liu Bang and his advisers' fabrication and dissemination of this story are as follows: First, the tripod is an important weapon of the country, and Qin Shihuang could not continue to claim the title of emperor without Jiuding. Surabaya fished for the tripod, and the tripod sank again, indicating that Qin Shihuang's levy was blackmailed and the people were in dire straits, which was a sign of Qin's death in the future; Second, the dragon bit off the rope that tied the tripod and made it sink, indicating that the dragon had the ability to make Qin lose the tripod (kingship). The dragon became the embodiment of the dragon who rebelled against the Qin Dynasty. Dragons can not only make Qin lose its kingship, but also seize it from Qin. If it is reckless for Chu Zhuangwang to win the championship, then Liu Bang's action is incredible.

The Sishui Pavilion in Peixian County is less than a hundred miles away from Pengcheng. Liu Bang is the direct beneficiary of this legend, namely Surabaya Dragon. In fact, the idea of divination prevailed at that time, and the purpose of this story is to express that the Qin Dynasty is about to perish, and Liu Bang, a dragon with the status of imperial envoy, is about to rise to replace Qin. It was the divination made by Liu Bang's counselor that proved that Liu Bang, the dragon, was going to seize the land of Qin State. It is his constant use of "dragon" as an article; Sure enough, Liu Bang's anti-Qin military force became stronger and stronger, attacking the city and plundering the land, and was invincible, and finally overthrew the Qin Dynasty in 206 BC. In 202 BC, Liu Bang proclaimed himself emperor, thus opening a glorious page of the most powerful feudal dynasty in China history!

In short, the above is probably the mystery of "Surabaya Fishing Ding"!

Four, the Han painting "Surabaya Fishing Ding" Jane said.

Han stone reliefs with the theme of Qin Shihuang's fishing tripod in Sishui are mainly unearthed in northern Jiangsu and Shandong. In addition, it has also been found in parts of Henan and Sichuan. According to Mr. Wu Lihua's incomplete statistics, there are about 37 such Chinese paintings. [5] Although there are some changes and differences in the combination of objects and images in different regions, the main composition elements such as tripod, bridge, fishing tripod and dragon biting rope are mostly similar.

In addition, there are many differences in this kind of Han paintings found at present, and there is no official or folk fixed chalk book. It is about artists from all over the world carving their own works according to their personal understanding and skills.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) conclusion

Looking through ancient books, it is not difficult to find that the rulers and troublemakers in the pre-Qin period put on a magical coat to show their noble status of "divine right of monarchy" For example, Historical Records of the Five Emperors said that the Yellow Emperor was "born as a god, weak but able to speak, young but not biased ..."; According to Yin Benji, Qi, Yin's ancestor, was conceived by his mother who ate the eggs of swallows falling from the sky. Zhou Benji said that Hou Ji, the ancestor of Zhou, was born in the footsteps of a giant by his mother. Qin Benji also records that the ancestor of Qin was born after eating the eggs of swallows. "Chen She Family" recorded the uprising in the name of Chen Sheng's fake sons Fu Su and Xiang Yan, and so on. During the pre-Qin, Qin and Han dynasties, people especially worshipped ghosts and gods, believed in divination, and rulers and people with ulterior motives were fabricating awesome "lies" to control the people mentally in order to achieve their goals.

Although the whole country was unified in the early Han Dynasty, the myth fabricated by Liu Bang still had the function of consolidating the state power. Since Emperor Wendi and Emperor Wudi, the country has been rich and strong, and the country is rock solid. Jiuding's position in the hearts of rulers has been greatly reduced, and their whereabouts have not been mentioned by any emperor, as if they had been forgotten by people.

However, Jiuding, as a symbol of a nation's culture and times, is still of great significance. It witnessed the glory and decline of history. As the courtier Wang of the Zhou Dynasty said, whether you can have Jiuding and kingship is "in Germany but not in Ding". It is enough to have a harmonious society that is prosperous and peaceful. With or without a tripod. Why?


[1] Liu Hui, Qin Shihuang's Fishing Ding in Surabaya [n], People's Daily, February 6, 2007; On this basis, this paper makes an in-depth discussion.

[2] Chronology of Chinese history [M]. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 200 1 year.

[3] Wang Chonglun Heng [M]- Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1974.

[4] Interpretation of the Han portrait of "Han Cheng Yao Yun" in Liuhui Wushi Temple [J]; Jiangsu: Journal of xuzhou institute of technology, 2007, (7).

[5] Wu Lihua; Comments on Ding Tu, a Han painting in Sishui: Cultural Studies of the Han Dynasty (Series 3) [g]; Beijing: Culture and Art Publishing House, 2004.