Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - There should be no fortune-telling idea in the world _ there should be no fortune-telling idea in the world?

There should be no fortune-telling idea in the world _ there should be no fortune-telling idea in the world?

Who in the world doesn't need fortune telling?

In today's world, facing the confusing future, many people want to predict and guide their future through fortune telling out of fear of the unknown. People often ask, who can plan their own life development reasonably under the guidance of fortune telling? Who else's numerology predictions are of no use to them? From the perspective of professional numerology, I think accurate birth analysis and prediction can really save people's energy and avoid detours, so as to achieve the goal of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. But from my years of calculation experience, I found that there are four kinds of people who don't need fortune telling, and forecasters don't want to calculate. There is another kind of people whose numerology prediction is basically useless.

The first kind of people don't trust fortune tellers at all, and think that fortune telling is only a remnant of feudal times, which is a superstitious behavior. And I believe that fortune tellers make a living by observing faces and colors and setting the words of the parties. Because of this kind of people, they blindly oppose fortune telling, and of course they can't see the positive significance of fortune telling. You will see what you believe. Seeing the world through colored glasses, how can you expect him to see the true colors of the world?

The second kind of person, after fortune-telling, is still an old friend or an iron-toothed person, although the content of his destiny is highly consistent with his own life experience. For such people who don't think about adjustment, fortune telling is like watching other people's movies, as if it has nothing to do with themselves. For such people, fortune telling can be said to be a waste of money and time, which is useless at all.

The third kind of people are those who can't bear the reality of fate. Some people, after experiencing the precise process of fate, have been clinging to what is missing in life. They can't get out of the quagmire of ideas and don't know how to adjust themselves according to the trend. They will only blame the tricks of fate and doubt many important values of life. Or people who use this as an excuse after fortune telling to attribute everything in life to fate without thinking hard. Fortune-telling does more harm than good to such people, and it is best not to do so.

The fourth kind of people belong to people with strong self-belief, and firmly believe that the result of life is caused by their own actions, and there is no other reason. This kind of people take "belief determines behavior, behavior leads to results, and results strengthen belief" as their motto. All failures and setbacks are blamed on yourself, carefully review the reasons, continue to struggle after adjustment and keep moving forward. People with such strong beliefs, who can persist to the end, really don't need fortune telling.

The last kind of person can be said to be born with a golden spoon in his mouth. When things happened, they had their parents behind them, and their lives were smooth and they wanted everything. It doesn't matter if your studies are not smooth and your grades are not as good as others. Dad will send you abroad to drink foreign ink and get a foreign degree. When he returned to China and wanted to start a business, his father immediately took out tens of millions as subsidies. After working for two years, the business failed. My father patted you on the shoulder and said that I bought a rare experience. For this kind of person, there is no need to tell fortune, because of such family conditions, life can be said to be without wind and waves, and parents can make him really get what he wants and everything goes smoothly through various methods.