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The benefits of white lies

The benefits of white lies

A lie told in good faith is a lie told for the sake of others and can give people spirituality. The following are the benefits of white lies I have brought to you. Welcome to reading. I hope they can help you!

Benefits of white lies 1 In life, in order to achieve a certain goal, sometimes we can't tell the truth, and it is often better to tell a lie. For example, in family life, both husband and wife inevitably have no privacy. If two people expose themselves to each other without reservation, conflicts may occur at any time. Therefore, it is possible for any couple to keep some small secrets and tell a moderate lie when necessary, of course, all white lies (except non-white ones). If anyone in a family has an incurable disease, under normal circumstances, this family member will not easily tell the patient about this bad situation. Because everyone knows that this will increase the burden on patients. Therefore, in the face of patients, it is generally an understatement to say something comforting, telling patients not to worry and have a good rest. This is also a white lie, without any malice. In the process of children's growth, in order to make them better, we will inevitably have some white lies. A good educator must do this sometimes if he wants his students to become talents.

White lies can inspire people to make progress. There was once a mountain village teacher who was very capable of educating students, and most of the students he educated were admitted to universities. This teacher is famous in the local area. Why does this teacher have such great ability? It turns out that he has no ability. He just lied to the students. He lied that he could tell fortune and fortune. So, the students looked at his fortune one by one. He began to talk nonsense: he said that this student will be an official in the future, that student will be rich in the future, and so on. It's so extravagant that all the students itch. Anyway, none of the student life he calculated is bad. At the same time, he guides students to study hard and tells them not to live up to their beautiful life. Students don't know what they will be like in the future, but with such a little encouragement from the teacher, confidence comes one by one. This is exactly what the teacher wanted, so the teacher became famous and even the village became a local story.

Once upon a time, a father and son went mountain climbing. The mountain is very high, and they finally reached the top with great effort. Standing on the top of the high mountain, looking at the distant mountains, all the other mountains look short in the sky. The feeling arises spontaneously. At this time, both father and son were very excited and felt that they were not simple, like immortals, and they were all in the clouds. At this moment, the son suddenly asked his father a question: "Dad, what's over there?" Dad said, "It's still a mountain." The son asked again, "What about the other side of that mountain? Is there a sea? " My son's eyes are full of hope, just like the seeds that have just sprouted in spring. Looking at his son's pure eyes, the father had to say to his son, "Yes." The son never gave up and asked, "Is it Haida?" Dad said, "big, big, big." The son asked again, "Is there a boat in the sea?" Dad replied: "there is a boat, and the boat is also very big, which can seat many people!" " The son's face showed surprise, and then he asked, "Dad, what else is there?" "Facing his son's endless questions, Dad didn't know how to answer them. Yes, what else is there? Who knows? However, in the face of his son's curious eyes, the father couldn't bear to hurt his son, so he had to say, "There is everything over there, what you think, what you can't think of." The child looked at the depths of the clouds, and his eyes showed a kind of curiosity and firmness. He said to his father, "Dad, I must go to the other side of the mountain when I grow up. "Later, when my son grew up, he really grew up and became the chairman of a city on the other side of the mountain. My son often tells others that I am what I am today because of the time when my father took me to climb the mountain when I was a child.

White lies can also inspire people's fighting spirit, courage and strength to overcome everything. There is a story about a girl who is seriously ill. On a tree outside her room window, almost all the leaves of the tree have fallen off, leaving only one leaf hanging on it, which looks so lonely and shaky. The little girl looked desperately at the last leaf outside the window. She said that when the last leaf fell, her life came to an end. The little girl's neighbor is a painter. Knowing what the little girl said, he drew a tree similar to the little girl's window on a stormy night and hung it in her window. The next day, the little girl woke up and found that the last leaf was still hanging on the tree. She is very happy and thinks she will not die. Gradually, the little girl's illness really recovered.

Although this is a story, there are many such things in life. In ancient China, people hoped that plums could quench their thirst. See Shi Shuo Xin Yu Fake Ao, saying that one summer, Cao Cao led a crusade against Zhang Xiu. The weather is unusually hot, the sun is like fire, and there is not a cloud in the sky. The troops walked on the winding mountain road, with dense trees and hot rocks on both sides, which made people breathless. By noon, the soldiers' clothes were soaked, the marching speed slowed down, and several weak soldiers fainted on the side of the road. Cao Cao was worried that the marching speed was getting slower and slower, and that the fighter plane would be delayed. However, at present, tens of thousands of people can't even drink water. How can we speed up? He immediately called the guide and asked him quietly, "Is there a water source near here?" The guide shook his head and said, "The spring is on the other side of the valley. It's a long detour. " Cao Cao thought for a moment and said, "No, it's too late." He looked at the forest in front of him, thought for a moment, and said to the guide, "Don't say anything, I'll think of something." He knew that even if he ordered the troops to speed up at the moment, it would not help. A brainwave, the solution came. He grabbed the horse by the stomach and quickly rushed to the front of the team. Pointing at the front with a whip, he said, "Soldiers, I know there is a large area of Merlin in front, where the plums are big and delicious. Let's hurry around this hill and get to Meilin! " Hearing this, the soldiers seemed to eat it in their mouths, and their spirits were greatly boosted, and their pace could not help but accelerate a lot.

This is another white lie, and there are countless examples of this. From these examples, we can easily see the functions and effects of some white lies. Therefore, no matter who, in the face of specific things, do not need to be too stubborn. Don't think that lies are malicious and deceptive. If necessary, we really can't live without lies, because white lies are good for us.

No white lies: white lies are beautiful. When we tell some little lies for the happiness and hope of others, lies become understanding, respect and tolerance, which has magical power.

Let's give an example. One student was not very good at long-distance running, but in an exam, the teacher told him that the speed of long-distance running was faster than other students, and that he had the opportunity to participate in the competition on behalf of the school and told him to work hard. The student was very excited after listening to the teacher's words, because he always thought that he had no talent for long-distance running and could actually participate in the competition on behalf of the school. From that day on, he really liked long-distance running and kept running every day. After a while, he was really chosen because he couldn't represent the school at all.

Once a teacher told a lie that he could predict the future for his students: you may become a mathematician in the future, he may become a writer, and which one has artistic talent ... In the guidance, edification, encouragement and shaping of the teacher, the children become diligent, sensible and studious. A few years later, a large number of students entered the university with excellent results, and the village became famous. People think that the old teacher can pinch and calculate and can perceive the future. In fact, the teacher's good intention is to plant a beautiful lie in the child's heart, just like planting a seed in the soil, which will eventually grow sturdily and blossom.

When I read the American short story The Last Leaf, my eyes are always moist. When the sick old man looked at the dead leaves and was desolate and desperate, the loving painter decorated the withered tree of life with a carefully sketched green leaf, thus maintaining a dying light of life. Isn't this the acme of lies?

Lies out of good wishes are the nourishment of life and the source of faith. It makes people ignite the fire of hope from the heart and firmly believe that there is love, trust and emotion in the world, thus finding more reasons to laugh at life. White lies endow humanity with spirituality, reflect the delicacy of emotions and the maturity of thoughts, and urge people to be strong and persistent, to fight for it involuntarily, and finally to overcome their fragility and survive.

A lie from parents makes a child's face bloom like a flower; The teacher's lies make the wandering students no longer confused and grow better; The doctor's lies make the fearful patient move from destruction to rebirth. ...

Dear friends, wake up. In fact, white lies don't hinder honesty at all. Don't think that white lies will hinder honesty, because as long as you think of others, white lies are precious. It will neither cause a crisis of trust, nor defile civilization, nor distort human nature.

White lies have magical power, encouraging you to make progress again and again, and never giving up for your dreams. Because the future road is completely illuminated by happy mood, life becomes better.

If confession is a mistake, I choose lies.

If telling the truth, being frank and being reckless is a kind of harm, I choose lies.

If it's for yourself or others to stop suffering and sadness, what's the harm of a little more lies?

Today, my father wanted to take his family and little sister to visit his grandparents. But my sister has to study this afternoon and can't go to see her grandparents. Seeing her disappointed and sad expression, I comforted her and said, "Nothing, let's go next time!" " ! What do you want to do when you get there? My sister will help you! "Her expression is no longer gloomy. She looked up and asked, "Really?" I nodded. She was suddenly enlightened and her smile returned to her face. She said to me happily, "there is a small clearing in front of grandma's house." I planted an apple seed there half a month ago, and I have been thinking about it ever since! "You go and help me see if it has grown taller now. Can you water me again? ..... "She also kindly told me the story of her and the little apple seed ... Looking at her bright eyes and her pleading eyes, I readily agreed.

When I arrived at my grandmother's house, I was still thinking about my sister's apple seeds. I quickly fished out a ladle of water from the water tank and ran to the field quickly. ...

Before I reached the clearing, the water ladle in my hand fell to the ground with a clash, and the scenery in front of me surprised me. There is not a trace of green in this clearing, and it is deserted. The ground is full of dead branches and leaves, the soil is dry and hard, and it is a lifeless scene. How can such a place breed apple trees? Even so, I walked into this land and searched for a long time, only finding some rotten leaves. I didn't see a bud at all. I can't help but think of my sister, the smile that she just told me vividly, and the sadness and depression when she knew the bad news, which shocked my heart. Dear sister, I really don't want to hurt you, but I'm afraid I will let you down this time. ...

My sister greeted me as soon as I got home. She patted me on the shoulder and eagerly asked, "Sister, sister, has my seed sprouted?" How high is it now? Did you give it water? ..... "I was silent, and she asked me again, but I still didn't answer. She opened her watery eyes and squatted down to look at my face. I looked at her little face in Zhang Yuanyuan and felt very sorry. This little apple seed is her dream! I still remember how carefully she planted seeds, how carefully she watered and fertilized, and how hard she worked to realize that little dream. When she got home, she still thought about the little seed day and night. Thought of this, I faltered and said:

"Plants ... seeds ... good ... germination!"

"Are you, how high? My sister jumped up at once. "

"Well ... it's ... as long as your finger."

"Oh, my God! Good-looking? "

"beautiful! Green, and ... as lovely as you! "

She jumped three feet high with joy and walked around me happily, her mouth kept rising and her eyes narrowed into an arc. She is so naive, so lively and lovely. I looked at her lively figure and smiled. I know I should go to grandma's house to do something next week. ...

Sister, I hope you have an apple tree in your heart. ...

Benefits of white lies 4 Are all lies in the world evil? No, no, sometimes lies will become beautiful, and white lies will inspire people to progress. I used to study hard because of my mother's white lies. I remember it was before the fourth grade family meeting.

That day, my mother came to pick me up as soon as I finished school. I recognized my mother walking in a sea of people at a glance. I threw myself into my mother's arms and proudly said to her, Mom, today my math teacher praised me and said that I have made progress. At the parent-teacher meeting, the teacher will definitely mention me and say that I have made progress. My mother looked at me confidently and said, "Oh, good, good, then I must listen to the teacher carefully." After that, my mother walked into the school and motioned for me to go home.

Along the way, I have been thinking about what the teacher will say about me. Did she really praise me? Didn't the teacher mention me? I came home with a nervous mood and eagerly waited for my mother to come home.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. I am sitting in a chair doing my homework, but I have already flown to attend the parent-teacher conference.

The door is open! Mom finally came back. At this point, it is already 6 pm. Before my mother got dressed, I couldn't wait to ask her, "Mom, how are you?" Did the teacher praise me? My mother looked at my expectant eyes and said happily with a smile, of course it was a compliment. The teacher said that you have made progress in your study, but you don't like to talk much in class. It will be better if you speak actively in class. Hearing this, I am sweeter than eating honey. I'm so happy!

Since then, I have spoken enthusiastically in math class. After a semester, my math scores have improved a lot. In class, the teacher often praises me. Therefore, let me be more interested in learning mathematics. One semester later, when I was in the fifth grade, one day my mother suddenly asked me: Why do you dare to speak in math class and never raise your hand in Chinese class? I said to my mother: Because the teacher praised me at the fourth grade parent-teacher meeting and gave me confidence, I can speak positively. My mother was puzzled and asked: When? The teacher praised your parents. Did I lie to you? Isn't it? Lie to me? My mother lied to me that the teacher praised me! That means the teacher didn't praise me at all!

My mother looked at it and comforted me and said, "Well, Kiki, in fact, the PTA teacher didn't praise you either, saying that you made progress, but you didn't speak actively and didn't listen to the class." Mom just didn't want you to lose interest in math, because the teacher didn't praise you, so she lied to you. I'm sorry! My mother didn't mean to lie to you at this time. I really want to cry. After listening to my mother's words, my tears could no longer be controlled. I suddenly burst into tears. I threw myself into my mother's arms and began to cry.

After the white lie, I didn't lose confidence in math, but studied harder, because I hoped the teacher would praise me at the parent-teacher meeting. My mother's lies are beautiful and kind. Instead of making me feel resentful after being cheated, they encouraged me to go further. I will work harder in the future and never let down my mother's white lies. I will cheer up and cheer for myself!

Benefits of white lies Article 5 Everyone must have lied at times, but all lies are not necessarily malicious, and some lies are white.

This story happened many years ago. Xiaomei, a neighbor, is a little peas who just went to kindergarten. Her mother is a housewife and her father is a fireman.

That spring, a ship caught fire at sea, and it was full of gas tanks. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger. Xiaomei's father went to perform the task as soon as he received it, and called his wife before leaving. It's a pity that Xiaomei's mother's mobile phone is turned off without power. When we met at the stairs, he hurriedly said to me, "Are you my neighbor?" I'm going on a mission. Please tell Xiaomei's mother. Please don't tell Xiaomei if I can't come back! "Say that finish, then hurried away by car. I don't know what's so urgent, and then I'm obsessed with: can't I come back? Where can I go and never come back? Is it that far? I really can't come back. Do you want to tell Xiaomei?

The next night, when my father was watching the news broadcast, it was reported that a fireman saved the fire, but he couldn't get out alive. This hero is Xiaomei's father, and I suddenly understand that this time he didn't come, which means death. This stupid uncle knows that his life is in danger. How can he go? I really can't come back now. What should I tell Xiaomei? I was so flustered that I thought: How can this comfort Xiaomei? Can Xiaomei accept that Dad will say goodbye to her from now on? Her father left so young, how can they live? Where is Xiaomei? After careful consideration, I decided to take good care of Xiaomei from today. I racked my brains to come up with a few words to comfort Xiaomei. I immediately got up and ran upstairs to Xiaomei's house. Seeing her mother crying silently, her eyes were swollen, and I couldn't help feeling a little distressed. I found Xiaomei and said to her, "Xiaomei, your father has gone away." He asked me to give you this bottle and let you fold a paper star and throw it in. When you fill the bottle with stars, he will come back! " Moreover, he said that you can't cry or make trouble when you encounter any difficulties and grievances. You should listen to your mother, okay? "Xiaomei nodded cleverly." Sister, I know! "When I left her house, Xiaomei's mother went downstairs with me:" Did he really say that? " "no" "ah!" "Auntie, there must always be some warm lies in life!" Xiaomei's mother touched my shoulder and her eyes were full of gratitude.

Time flies, a few years passed, Xiaomei grew up and went to primary school. She also knew that her father was buried in the sea of fire and sobbed: "My father is ... a hero! I am not a wild child! " This made the classmates who bullied her suddenly stunned and talked about it one after another: "She turned out to be a firefighter! Her father is so great! " Sincerely apologize to her one by one. Xiaomei cried and couldn't stop crying. I began to regret in my heart: I shouldn't have told this lie At this moment, Xiaomei came running, wiped her tears and said, "Thank you, Sister! I believe my father must still be there. The brightest star in the sky must be my father. He has been watching me! " "hmm!" I replied with relief, hugging her little figure tightly.

In our life, there are often some lies. Not all lies are indifferent, but white lies warm my heart and give people the strength of life.

The benefits of white lies Article 6 is not such a sentence; White lies are beautiful. When we tell some little lies for the happiness and happiness of others, lies become understanding. Respect and tolerance have magical power.

Let's give an example. There is a student. He was not very good at long-distance running, but once he was in an exam. The teacher told him that the long-distance running was faster than other students. But he also said that he had the opportunity to represent the school in the competition. Tell him to work hard. The classmate was very excited after listening to the teacher's words. Because he always thought he had no talent for long-distance running, he was able to participate in the competition on behalf of the school. From that day on, he really liked long-distance running and kept running every day. After a while, he couldn't represent the school in the competition at all. I can't believe I was really chosen.

There was once a teacher. He lied that he could predict the future of students. You may become a mathematician, and he may become a writer. The artistic talent was influenced by the teacher's guidance. In the process of encouragement and shaping, children become diligent and hard-working. Be sensible and studious. A few years later. A large number of students entered the university gate with excellent results, and the village became famous. People think that old teachers can pinch and calculate. Can perceive the future, in fact, the teacher's good intention is to plant a beautiful lie in the child's mind. It's like sowing a seed in the soil. Will eventually flourish, blossom and bear fruit.

Reading the American short story The Last Leaf always makes my eyes moist. When the sick old man looked at the withered leaves and was sad and desperate, the loving painter decorated the withered tree of life with carefully sketched green leaves, thus maintaining a dying light of life. Isn't this the beauty of lies?

Lies with good intentions are the nourishment of life. It is also the driving force of faith. It makes people ignite the fire of hope from their hearts and make sure that there is love, trust and emotion in the world. So find more reasons to laugh at life. A white lie. Give humanity spirituality. It embodies the delicacy of emotion and the maturity of thought. It makes people strong and persistent. Make an involuntary effort. Go ahead. In the end, we will overcome our fragility and survive. A lie from our parents will make a wet behind the ears child's face, if it is a flower, it will also shine. The teacher's lies. Let the students who imitate not be confused and grow better. The doctor's lies turned the frightened patient from destruction to rebirth. Dear friends, wake up. In fact, white lies don't hinder honesty at all. Don't think that white lies will hinder the integrity of the article, because you are thinking of others, so white lies are precious, which will neither cause a crisis of trust nor pollute civilization. It won't distort life. White lies have the power of arrogance and encourage you to make progress again and again. Never give up for the dream in your heart, because the road ahead is completely illuminated by a happy mood. Life is better because of this.

Openness and openness would be a mistake. I choose lies.

It is a kind of harm to tell the truth and confess by hook or by crook. I choose lies.

If it's for yourself or others to stop suffering and sadness, what's the harm of a little more white lies?

Some people say, "Mom's love for you is as selfless as a lotus leaf covered with red lotus." Others said, "Is your love for your mother reflected in your deep concern for her, which makes her feel comforted?" I said, "What connects me with my mother are white lies."

The ancients said, "It hurts people more with words than with spears and halberds." Although lies are not good for you and me, white lies are just the opposite. ...

I remember when I was five years old, my feet were scalded by boiling water. At that time, I was in tears, and my mother came to comfort me and looked at the burnt skin. I saw my mother, and my mood was much more stable, but I still muttered, "Can it be okay?" "Yes, yes, definitely!" Mom, talk quickly.

Of course I know now. How can the scalded skin be cured in a short time? But I am young and ignorant, and I am undoubtedly relieved to hear such words. Mom, she wanted me not to suffer a second trauma, so she used this white lie.

Later, with the growth of age, I gradually became sensible. Once, my mother handed me a cup of beautifully packaged yogurt that looked delicious. As soon as I got it, I immediately divided by three times five, inserted a straw and took a sip.

Wow! It tastes great! Just as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the delicious food on the tip of my tongue, I suddenly caught my mother's eye from the corner of my eye. It suddenly dawned on me that my mother also likes this kind of yogurt. Then, I thought of a coup. I took another sip of yogurt, pretending to be surprised, and said, "This yogurt seems to be a little spoiled and can't be eaten." Mom quickly said, "No, let me have a look." She took the yogurt and took a sip with her mouth. "It's not broken yet!" I pushed the yogurt to me again, but I was "stubborn" "I don't think it tastes good anyway, so I won't eat it!" Then I put it on the table. My mother was afraid of the waste of yogurt, so she poured it out, picked it up and sent it to her mouth ... When she saw my sly eyes, she suddenly understood everything. In fact, that cup of yogurt is not bad, just want my mother to taste it.

White lies are invisible, but they are like showers, nourishing the hearts of our mother and son, just like the sunshine shining on us forever. ...

Now in the second day of junior high school, there are white lies in the ordinary things that are picked up and delivered every day. That time after school, I didn't leave school because I did something for my teacher. As soon as I left school, I touched my mother's anxious eyes, which obviously contained blame and concern. So, I flew all the way and asked, "Mom, how long have you been waiting here?" To my surprise, my mother smiled and said, "I just came." My guilty heart suddenly relaxed and I went home happily. Afterwards, I learned from my grandmother that my mother had been waiting outside the school gate for a long time, but she was afraid that I would be unhappy and didn't want me to blame the teacher, so she used a white lie to make the original uneasy heart clear. ...

A white lie is like a bridge, which establishes sincere love between my mother and me. That kind of love, rain or shine.

Love is like a white lie.

Benefits of white lies Article 8 Today is the so-called "April Fool's Day". I don't know whose idea it was to let people cheat and tease others in good faith on this day. I have been instilled by my parents and teachers since I was a child: be an honest person! Enthusiastically planted the seeds of honesty in our innocent hearts. When I grew up, I found that the teachings that had been coaxed were so pale and powerless in the unpredictable and inseparable sea of people. Looking around the world, everyone is busy for survival: studying, working, falling in love and getting married. Along the way, lies are like a seamless wind, which makes people dizzy and even can't tell right from wrong. In fact, an absolutely true state of life is not what we want. A premeditated malicious lie is also shameless to people; White lies are not all bad for others, and sometimes the effect of lies is far better than the truth.

The teacher will tell a student with low IQ and poor foundation: You are really smart in the eyes of the teacher, you study hard and you are active in the class. The teacher believes that you will do better than others! The student may feel that he is not useless in the eyes of the teacher. Such a lie may change his attitude towards life and even his life.

A true friend will enlighten you when you are unemployed: when you are unemployed, you will relieve the pressure. How can a radish like me stay in a pit all my life and rot slowly? I still envy you for having a chance to start over! Lost you may pick up your broken heart again and embark on a new journey with confidence.

At the festive birthday party full of guests and friends, raise a glass to wish the elderly a long and healthy life and happiness as the East China Sea. Old people will be as happy as flowers. In fact, who knows that it is self-deception, people need such honey lies.

The doctor said in front of a pessimistic and desperate terminally ill patient: Your condition is not serious. If you are optimistic and actively cooperate, the probability of recovery is still great. Desperate people may rekindle the fire of life after listening to it, if we tell the truth: the time to go is not far away. Who can accept it?

In fact, everyone is telling lies intentionally or unintentionally every day. Liars don't want people they care about to face the cruel reality, because people's hearts are fragile and they need to use illusory language to make themselves strong. There are still many people who need to comfort themselves with lies and cover themselves up. Isn't Ah Q written by Lu Xun actually a self-portrait of many people in China? Some people say that this is the inferiority of the nation, but I don't agree. If you face the bloody truth all day, people will be irresistible and have a nervous breakdown. How many people can achieve "Taishan collapses in front without chaos"?

A white lie is actually an expression of true feelings, hiding kindness, love and beautiful expectations and blessings. It is like a lubricant, which makes the reality of many corners round. It can make the fragile people strong, let the lost people see hope, and let the desperate people see that the light of life is still shining.

You don't have to refuse a white lie, because it exists, just like the gray sky painted blue, which makes people look forward to and yearn for the universe; It's like adding salty salt particles to a rich meal and chewing life with relish!

Life really needs white lies!
