Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What will happen if there are too many fortune tellers _ What will happen if there are too many fortune tellers?

What will happen if there are too many fortune tellers _ What will happen if there are too many fortune tellers?

What will you do if you calculate too much?

Reply 27# The testee must make a profit. In order to know your destiny, when did you have a fortune? In order to make himself prosperous with the weather, he wants to know when he broke the money. In this way, he can be conservative and will not invest indiscriminately. He directly recovered the unnecessary losses. He also wants to know what kind of disaster he is in, so as to take preventive measures in advance, so as to avoid misfortune and make his life safer and richer. Moreover, fortune tellers who help people predict and plan are very heavy, but fortune tellers who help people are different. Let's see how many fortune-telling professionals in society are blessed. Not only does society not recognize you, respect you and look down on you, but the mainstream of society will also attack you in extraordinary times. Even if you get married, no one wants to be with you. Even if you get paid, your few dollars will still be left by others. You tell more and more people that you have to invest at the right time to get rich. More and more people have more and more wealth, which leads to higher and higher prices. The burden of life and survival is getting heavier and heavier. Fortune-tellers transfer all their blessings to others in the way of yin-yang transformation, resulting in a deficit in their blessings and energy consumption. The more you help others leak, the more accurate you will be. The more miserable your own fate will be. As we all know, the blind man has the best view of his life and the best business, but he is blind. This is already the most tragic fate in itself. The most pitiful person. So God allowed him to do so. No matter how the blind man loses his good fortune, he is also blind. He has no relatives or heirs. As we all know, there was once a fortune teller, a feng shui master named Buwu. When was he the most famous and accurate local life teacher? He also leaked the most. But what is the result of his own fate? I am hungry, and there is no food in the snow. I'm half dead. I was saved by a kind man. Then I don't know the ending. I don't even know if there are descendants. Why does God treat a person like this who can help others reveal their destiny information and benefit others? Because the cosmic energy is produced by the synthesis and transformation of yin and yang, the change of yin and yang is the foundation of the development of things and the driving force of human progress. It is the ultimate standard to measure the fate of all things. According to the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram, Yin and Yang are in half, and the cycle is repeated. If Yang's blessing is much longer than half, do you think this Yin can be longer? Can you still maintain this half of the state? If Yin's blessing is a little longer than half, what do you think of it? Can you still maintain this half of the state? Therefore, fortune tellers help others to reveal their own destiny information, which leads to the blessings of others. However, fortune tellers can no longer grow their own blessings, and may only consume their original blessings more and more.