Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How many paintings does Hong have?

How many paintings does Hong have?

Nine paintings by Hiroko.

Interpretation of Hiroko:

1, flood.

This river is steep and narrow, and the current is swift.

3. Where the river forks.

4. Last name.

5, big. As opposed to "small".

6. TCM terminology. Indicates that the pulse condition is floating and powerful.

Related words of Hiroko:

Flood detention, James Pang, flood control, flood making, flood control, flood control, flood control, flood control, flood control, flood discharge tunnel, flood drinking, flood surge, flood expansion, flood fiber, beautiful flood, flood gate opening, flood killing, flood flow, flood map, flood relief, flood control, flood drought, flood dryness, flood sacrifice, flood river, flood.

Examples related to Hiroko:

1. On the flood control levee along the Wushui River, the midsummer night also attracted countless people.

He has always been generous, so he doesn't mind the cynicism of others and always laughs it off.

3. The flood control levee designed by our institute is absolutely unbreakable and indestructible.

The waves of the Yangtze River are rolling, the water surface is soaring, and the flood-fighting army is still fighting.

5. How can I thank you for forgiving me so much?

6, the construction of flood control embankment, the establishment of Chengjiang school, help reclamation sand village reclamation.

7. In view of these problems, some flood control countermeasures are put forward, such as heightening and strengthening flood control dikes and strengthening river regulation works.