Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Take the non-mainstream route and share the legendary raiders in Long Mu.

Take the non-mainstream route and share the legendary raiders in Long Mu.

Last month, the environment of the ladder can only be described as bad. Without the ladder of the slave war, Buddha, Menende, t7 wild hunt. If you want to go to legend, you can only guarantee a winning rate of more than 60% in these occupations to make yourself less tired. Long Mu has an advantage in playing these sets. I once robbed oil with a knife this month. At the beginning of the month, there was a lot of resistance around level 8, and I used defense to reach level 5. Then I basically use this Long Mu as level 5. It took about 3 days from level 5 to legend. This card is the card of the panda incense burning group. He uploaded it on1October 3rd, 165438, quite senior.

Long Mu player.

Besides the dragons that must be brought, Long Mu can adjust itself. I was surprised at first that there were a group of drivers and colorful dogs here. In practice, I also found that Long Mu needed a silent card. Although the group drive card is silent, it is acceptable to lose rhythm. I think the color dog card is a bit useless, especially against fast break. Who cares?

Color dog can be changed to pop.

Say a few cards

Punishment: mending the knife or solving the strange, a flexible card solution. I brought an inflammation warlock in the adjustment card set. With the inflammation warlock, I can clean up a bunch of single-blood creatures.

Dark believer: buff, the blood is less than that of Black Wings technician, but it can add 3 blood to other followers, without the cooperation of dragons and the language of death, which can better maintain the scene.

Crowd Dispelling: If you play Long Mu more, you will find that Long Mu, who is not silent, is very afraid of dead creatures such as the Queen. With group drive, all the followers on the opposite side can be silent, and a card can be counted as a strong card. You may lose rhythm in the early stage (generally not needed in the early stage), but you won't lose too much rhythm in the later stage, which can easily solve the headache problems of the necromancer followers such as the Queen and Fording.

Holy Star: It's best to bring two more cards for fast break, which can effectively clear the field. By the way, you can also give blood back to your followers and yourself, and you can also brush a wave of cards with North County and the remaining followers.

Bomb: One more fast break is enough, which is the most effective solution for the priest. 6 cost can solve the Buddha wave, 7 cost can solve the jet wave.

Bai: 1 is enough. I think two are fine. It is still effective to pull the followers of the other team below 2 attacks. For example, Germany's old deer, Buddha's shield-breaking robot, hunter's scientist, a lot of scenes and rhythms.

Colorful dog: "mocking followers" is an artifact of late card replacement. If you can't get rid of the crazy inspection, you can also cooperate with the dragon follower. After playing, my career and Dede are good followers.

Ice throat: it's ridicule (it can protect face) and death penalty. Having a dragon in your hand causes 3 damage to all followers, which is considered as clearing the field and is also a traction for the low-dragon brand.

Ezra: Long Mu's high-quality dragon disciples can effectively cooperate with them in the later period, but the big-ass dragon disciples are difficult to solve. After several rounds, the advantage will be enormous, which is often the guarantee of victory.

What I adjusted was that the next Willem Enze and Colorful Dog added a spray and inflammation warlock, and the inflammation warlock was aimed at the knight. After all, there are still many knights, and the painted dog still feels a little chicken. Adding a spray can better ensure the later scene and pressure.

Against all professions:

Let's start with low-cost followers. North County, Twilight Dragon, Dragon Sleeping Tutor, Inflammator, Black-winged Mage and Dark believer can all stay, and other occupations will be different. Those fighting knights, Alcatraz and other shops can keep the sacred stars.

Long Mu's weakness is to prevent war. He is a thief and a king. Other basic advantages include fast and medium-speed hunters, roaring Germany, Buddha riding and so on.

Statistics on various occupations are records of pandas burning incense. Except for stealing, the winning percentage of the other seven occupations is around 60%, so it is not difficult to score.

Combat soldiers: defensive warfare is inferior, and slave warfare is superior. Long Mu is more afraid of defensive warfare, and it is easy to break a soldier's armor (it seems that few professions who join Tuhart's defensive warfare can easily break his armor). In terms of leaving a card, all the attendants below 3 fees are left, and the others are generally not left. The idea of playing defensive warfare is not to fight him, but to let followers keep putting pressure on him (to prevent one-handed chaos) and let him solve the problem, and you basically win. Therefore, you can't just play soldiers in North County. You should check enough cards to keep the pressure on the soldiers. Fighting slave wars is better than fighting defensive wars, and the thinking is similar to fighting defensive wars, but there is no need to prevent chaos. Bombs and ice throats are more useful in slave wars.

Dementor: It's not as good as magic to fight against Hood. Because the magic power is successful, we should try to stay at the beginning, and other followers below 3 yuan should also stay. Because Long Mu's followers have a lot of blood, the virtue of roaring is hard to solve. Black wing corrosion can also be repaired by hitting 3- energy harvester and leopard knight, which can effectively return to the field and destroy knowledge tree, sprayer, ancient war and so on. Later spraying and Isela can lay the foundation for victory. Cancer will be more difficult to fight, spread quickly, have a high outbreak, and it will be less difficult to hold hands. It's better to play when there are creatures in the early stage of magic power. If the magic can't be solved, it's dead. There is also a solid wall that is regarded as a symbol of saving lives. After the late 5 fees, try to leave 2 fees for breastfeeding (it is important that the followers of residual blood don't care about their own lives).

Knight: It's basically Buddha riding. In addition to riding a Buddha, you can leave a low-cost attendant, and when you have a Buddha, you can leave a shield and you must leave a punishment. You can also leave the holy star to help clear the scene. If you play Knight 1, there will definitely be dragons to cooperate with you to give priority to Twilight dragons. Pay attention to his mystery. You should consider whether you will lose money after the mystery is triggered. If you don't lose money, you can clear the opposite scene before 6 fees, so it's easy to deal with the Buddha facing you. Let the holy flare spray as much as possible. If there is a lot of pressure at the scene, take it to solve it.

Hunter: Hunters who play fast and medium speed are both advantages. The key to hunting hunters is to guess the mystery and try not to let hunters leave wild animals. Now hunters bring bears, poisonous snakes, explosions and freezing. Generally, these four mysteries should be considered before touching or not triggering. At the end of t7, you should start to leave 2 fees for your own care. Mocking the dragon is the main thing, protecting the face is the main thing, and attacking is the auxiliary thing. Long Mu's followers are big enough to kill hunters in the next 2-3 rounds. It's better to hit t7 than to hit the speed hunt. Long Mu has high-quality taunts and servants. Because of the direct injury and low charge of middle speed hunting, you don't have to spend 2 yuan to recuperate yourself. Heroic skills can also be brought back to the residual blood followers, and the hunter followers can play scenes. You can easily lose the lion and spray without causing too much threat to yourself.

Thief: In the inferior position, Long Mu didn't kill him, so he was afraid to clear the field. He is afraid of thieves, knives and oils and dances wildly. Sometimes, it won't do any harm to beat a thief to a pulp. Therefore, while preventing disorderly dancing (raising creatures with more than 4 blood), we should put pressure on thieves. Later spraying can pose a greater threat to the thief, but now the thief will have a trump card, so the pressure on her spraying is not great, but without a trump card, the thief's boredom is also a loss.

Warlock: By default, it is an evil spirit, so the card-keeping side will leave a holy star and punishment, and all low-cost followers. Let's play the 55th Alcatraz. Pastor can hold the scene has an advantage, or can effectively clear Alcatraz, so his scene has a certain advantage, and it will be great if it is delayed until later. Long Mu's skill of playing the king is OK, but the skill of playing cards by thugs generally doesn't control blood, just kicking his face without thinking, and he can't afford to play the hand.

Mage: Mechanical method and fire magic coexist, and a little ice method (the national ice method disappeared in a few days) is better than the two professions. The mechanical method gives priority to solving machinery, giving priority to solving fields, and 4 costs to prevent yelling. The mechanical method will be weak if it is delayed. If the blood volume is low, try to prevent the corresponding spell damage (the default ice arrow and fireball) in the corresponding turn. Don't give him a chance to smoke fireballs and ice arrows. It is easy to exert the magic of attacking fire. Because Bai Fumei, the late fire demon is equivalent to giving away. What bothers the Firefighter is his mystery. The three conventional mysteries, mirror image, counteraction and reincarnation, now seem to be mirror image and counteraction. Try to use low-cost spell followers to solve the mystery, and solve the low-cost followers first if there is a mystery.

Pastor: My pastor is weak = =, basically Long Mu, and civil war grace is a key card. Buff followers, especially the followers of buff2 attacks, can solve the advantages of many followers and earning scenes. In the early days of the civil war in Longmu, if they could check it, they would try their best to check the cards, and they would play scenes. Reflective bomb

Shaman: It's hard to say if you play less. Dominant game. White is very useful to shamans.

Thanks to the panda for burning incense and sending the card set. Last month, it took two days for the panda to burn incense, and it became a legend on the 3 rd of this month, which proved that this card holder is still very powerful and suitable for Tian Chongtian's little friends. Panda burning incense is currently broadcast live on Panda tv, playing black technology to death, helping water friends make legends, playing level 5 and so on. Especially the panda head is really fun.