Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The fortune teller says the child is in trouble _ What should the fortune teller do if the child is in trouble?

The fortune teller says the child is in trouble _ What should the fortune teller do if the child is in trouble?

Can people escape the catastrophe?

A disaster in life can be avoided. There is a saying in fortune-telling, 99% of things are doomed by heaven, but people still have a chance of 1%. As long as we can seize this opportunity, we can make our future fortune better and avoid 99% scheduled disasters. Therefore, when we tell fortune, we don't want to know what our future will be like, but we want to predict disasters through fortune telling, and then avoid and prevent them in time, so as to change our future destiny and let ourselves live a better life.

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keep fit

A person's misfortune is often related to his own bad behavior, especially in health, longevity and luck. If we often stay up late, drink too much, or have some other bad habits when we are young, then with the growth of age, some diseases will inevitably appear, which will lead to the decline of personal health and even affect our final life. Therefore, if you want to resolve the fate of life, you must keep healthy.

An optimistic attitude

Facing disaster is not terrible. The terrible thing is that before the disaster comes, we have lost the courage to fight it, and even started to give up on ourselves, so when the disaster comes, we can only be at its mercy and finally get a very bad life. Therefore, we should keep an optimistic attitude and deal with everything calmly and positively.