Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What dynasties did the historical development of fan fortune-telling go through?

What dynasties did the historical development of fan fortune-telling go through?

1, origin

The history of fortune-telling began with Guiguzi in the Warring States Period [4]; Another legend is that it originated from Li in the Tang Dynasty, but was later renamed Guiguzi. People who want to tell fortune often turn to some people who have studied numerology or are respected to seek guidance and solve problems for themselves. In ancient China, such figures were also called "fortune tellers".

According to the Voice of China News Night [5], fortune-telling began in the pre-Qin period. When the ancient Egyptians used papyrus to take notes and the Babylonians used clay tablets to make books, the ancients in China cut bamboo into sticks, thinned them, polished them and baked them with fire, and wrote the most vivid historical facts on bamboo slips, which were handed down to future generations.

2. Development

Interpretation of the Book of Rites [3]: The Book of Changes says:' A gentleman should be cautious at the beginning. If it is one in a million, it will be a thousand miles away. The ancients believed that small changes would have a great impact on the future. According to Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals, there was a border town in Chu called Beiliang. At that time, girls in the border town of Wu were picking mulberry leaves on the border. While playing games, Miss Wu accidentally stepped on Miss Beiliang. The low beam people took the injured girl to blame the Wu people. The people of Wu were rude, and the people of Beiliang were very angry, so they killed Wu and left. Wu people went to Beiliang for revenge and killed the whole family of Beiliang people.