Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Huian Mazu Fortune Telling _ Who is Huian Mazu Fortune Teller?

Huian Mazu Fortune Telling _ Who is Huian Mazu Fortune Teller?

What is the origin of aunt Fengwei and Mazu in Meizhou?

Yilie Temple is located in the northeast corner of Guifeng Peninsula, also known as "Auntie Palace". Built in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, it is a small temple spontaneously created by the people. In the first year of the Apocalypse of Emperor Xi of Ming Dynasty (A.D. 162 1 year), the expansion was presided over by the gentry of the same clan of Bangyuan Association, and the golden statue of my aunt was molded. Because my aunt is "simple and honest, with a strong nature", it was officially named "Yilie Temple". In the 18th year of Shunzhi in Qing Dynasty (A.D. 166 1), in order to suppress Zheng Chenggong, a famous anti-Qing force, the Qing court ordered all the coastal areas to move inward, burning all the car camps, houses and ancestral temples, and the Yilie Temple was also set on fire. The statue of my aunt moved to Xianyou Oucuo with people. In the 19th year of Jiaqing in Qing Dynasty (A.D. 18 14), Fengwei fishery flourished. The people are deeply grateful for the protection of their aunt, and they are building again and rebuilding the Yilie Temple. Six years later, the project was completed. Encouraged by the gentry who stayed in the family, all the good men and women gathered together to see their aunts off in Europe. 1957, Huian County Cultural Bureau confirmed Yilie Temple as a cultural relic protection unit. During the Cultural Revolution, Yilie Temple was destroyed again. After 1980, Fengwei villagers donated money to raise funds with relatives of overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to completely restore the Yilie Temple, and then built a stage to decorate the land, which was even more magnificent. Yilie Temple, with towering ridges and carved beams and painted buildings, is a palace-style building with a hard peak, with a width of 14m and a depth of 12m, and an area of 170m. The main hall is dedicated to my aunt and empress, the left hall to Marshal Erlu, and the right hall to "xianggong". Aunt Empress, Feng Guanxia strolled in embroidered robe and flower coat, holding dusty jade in her hand, with good eyes and dignified manner. There are a pair of diabase phoenix pillars in front of the temple, which are hard and delicate. Around the Phoenix in Guangxi, you can fly upright, dive or lift happily, with different shapes, and skillfully catch the king of heaven. There are four pairs of pilasters on both sides. Now they are made of stone and wood, and the walls are painted with poetic stories. There are plaques and couplets everywhere. These famous artists of all ages are Mo Bao's original works, which are precious. For example, "One Virtue Defends the People" was presented by the county university stone next year; "Kunde Fu Min" was inscribed by Zhang Ruitu, a university student in Wuyingdian during the reign of Ming Shenzong. "A woman's heart helps the world" was inscribed by Guo Bichang, a royal historian in the capital, during the reign of the Ming emperor. Auntie Liu, formerly known as Auntie Liu, was born on November 17th in the 12th year of Hongzhi in Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1499) and died on September 12th in the 13th year of Ming Dynasty (A.D. 15 18) in the spring and autumn of 20th. She is the granddaughter of the sixth generation of Gao Feng's grandfather and the fifth generation of Yu Yue. According to the genealogy, when my aunt was born, the fragrance was overflowing and the room was full of brightness. She was smart and ambitious since she was a child. She is known as "Wen Shu Qing Shun, Yi Hui Zhong He". He can talk a few months after he was born and walk like an adult before he is one year old. He was very reasonable and polite when he was young, but he became more open-minded, generous and sincere when he grew up. He was hardworking, frugal, loyal, self-controlled and helpful all his life. Whenever the weather changes suddenly or a storm comes, she is always fidgeting. She often stands at the seaside or Weishanpu all night to observe carefully, and once there is danger, she lights up the signal to guide the fishing boat to return to Australia safely. This kind of kindness made the fishermen grateful and full of praise. When my aunt was eighteen, she was betrothed to Liu Cunjia as a daughter-in-law after Guo CuO. On September 22, the following year, my aunt and her third brother came back from grandma's house and passed by a sugarcane garden in Guocuo village. Third brother cried for sugar cane when he saw its gluttony. My aunt had no choice but to take two coppers, tie them to another sugarcane leaf with a red rope, and then bend a sugarcane to quench my brother's thirst. At this time, the sugarcane owner was in the right place, swearing without asking why, and even slapped his aunt. My aunt was ashamed and hated, and hanged herself that night to clear her innocence. During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the border port in southern Yunnan was in an emergency. Mao bowen, the minister of the Ministry of war and a royal consultant, was ordered to conquer. Mazu and his aunt wandered around here, giving advice in their dreams, giving legal assistance, and the army was invincible. In September of the following year, Banshi returned to the DPRK, and Emperor Sejong was very happy and rewarded the soldiers of the three armed forces. At this time, Mao Bowen began to play: "The victory of this war depends on the help of two goddesses." The holy family was deeply moved, and Qin conferred Lin Moniang as the "heavenly daughter" and Liu Yiniang as the "empress". Because people's belief and worship of their aunt's empress is increasing day by day, phoenix-flavored fishermen spread the fairy tale of their aunt wherever they go. Along the coast of Fujian, such as Xianyou Fengting Huzhai, Putian Xiuyu Qianyun, and even Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, "Grandma Palace" has been established one after another, and Taipei City, Taiwan Province Province has also organized "Grandma Club", honoring Grandma as "the goddess of the sea country" and "the second goddess of the Straits", which shows the wide spread of "Grandma" culture. In the first year of Song Taizu's Stegosaurus (960), Mazu was born in Meizhou Island, Putian City, Fujian Province. Mazu is a descendant of Fujian noble forest. Grandfather Fu Lin lives in Fujian. Father Lin (only Yin), in the early Song Dynasty, was appointed as the capital of supervision. Mazu, known as Mo Niang and Niang Ma, was intelligent and enlightened since childhood. When he came of age, he knew astronomy and medicine. According to legend, he can "sit on the ground and cross the sea" and "forgive others". He is enthusiastic about public welfare, kind-hearted, helpful, and has done many good deeds, and is deeply loved and revered by people. In the 4th year of Yongxi in the Northern Song Dynasty (987 noon), at the beginning of September in the lunar calendar, Mazu, who was only 28 years old, ascended to heaven. Since then, Mazu has appeared many times to help the victims. When people encounter difficulties, they just ask for "curse", Mazu will hear voices, and people can turn misfortune into happiness. According to historical records, in the fifth year of Xuanhe in the Northern Song Dynasty (1 123), Lu was on his way to North Korea (North Korea), and his ship was caught in a big wind and waves. Only when Lu "prayed for Mazu's blessing" suddenly appeared a red light and saw a woman sitting on the mast, which calmed down and finally escaped safely. After Lu returned to Korea, he played and presented him with a "Shunzhi" plaque. Since then, many people in history have been blessed by Mazu and left many stories. Emperors praised Mazu for more than 30 times, with titles ranging from "Madam" and "Princess" to "Tian Fei" and "Tianhou", and people respectfully called Mazu "Tianmu". At the same time, the emperor also released the imperial edict of "Spring and Autumn Festival" to the world. In the fourth year of Song Yongxi (987), after Mazu ascended to heaven, people remembered and commemorated her, so they built a temple on Meizhou Island to offer sacrifices. This temple is the earliest Mazu Tempel. According to the literature, there were only a few rafters in the temple at that time, but "the game of praying for blessings was almost empty." Later, after the continuous expansion and renovation of Sanbao and others, in the heyday (1023- 1032), Mazu Tempel in Meizhou was constantly "expanded by people blessed by Mazu" and "the porch was more majestic". At this time, the ancestral hall has begun to take shape. In the Yuan Dynasty, Mazu Tempel was further expanded. In the poem "Princess Palace on the Holy Pier", Hong described the scene of "white walls shining with splendor and velvet flying over Shan Ye", which reflected the architectural situation. In the Ming Dynasty, Mazu Tempel was further expanded. In the seventh year of Hongwu (1274), Zhou Zuo, commander of Quanzhou Street, presided over the reconstruction of sleeping hall, fragrant pavilion, drum tower and mountain gate. In the early years of Yongle (1403), when Zheng He went to the Western Ocean, he was ordered to send officials to repair the temple because of Mazu's patronage. In the sixth year of Xuande (143 1), before Zheng He went to the Western Ocean for the last time, he personally prepared wood and stones with local officials to repair the ancestral temple again. In the 22nd year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1683), Yao Qi, the governor of Fujian, rebuilt the Bell and Drum Tower and the mountain gate, and changed the eldest brother to a formal soldier. Later, Yao Qisheng was named Prince Taibao and Minister of War by the emperor, so people also called the main hall the Prince's Hall. In the 23rd year of Kangxi (1684), Shi Lang, Hou of Jinghai, built a dressing room, Chaotian Pavilion, a Buddhist temple and a monk's room. According to the Sai-jo Temple, Guanyin Temple, Middle Temple and Land Temple were built. By the end of Qing Qianlong, the Mazu Temple in Meizhou had reached a considerable scale, becoming a magnificent building complex with 99 rooms, known as the "Dragon Palace at Sea". 1966, Mazu Temple in Meizhou was destroyed one after another, leaving only Notre Dame Temple (Youde Temple) and Zhong Jun Temple. Cultural relics in Mazu Tempel have also been damaged and lost. Only Mazu survived under the escort of Ms. Lin Congzhi and others. 1978, the spring breeze turned to rain in China, and everything recovered. Lin Congzhi and others led villagers to rebuild Meizhou Mazu Tempel. People volunteered to work and just laid the foundation on the ruins of the ancestral temple site. Believers from all over the world participated in the restoration of Mazu Tempel in Meizhou. Soon, the board of directors of Meizhou Mazu Tempel was established, with Lin as the chairman and Lin Congzhi as the executive chairman. The large-scale reconstruction of Mazu Tempel is progressing smoothly. After years of hard work, Mazu Tempel in Meizhou has finally completed the West Axis Project of 36 buildings. The west axis project is located in the northeast, facing southwest, and distributed along the axis, including memorial archway, promenade, mountain gate, incense burner, imperial gate, square, bell and drum tower, main hall, sleeping hall, Kaaba, climbing building, etc. And a series of buildings, such as Buddhist Temple, Kannonji, Wudi Temple, Zhong Jun Temple, Aixiangge, Longfeng Pavilion, Xiangke Villa and homesick Villa, have formed a scale. In order to meet the worshipping needs of Mazu believers, at the request of Mazu believers at home and abroad, the south axis of Meizhou Mazu Tempel designed by Tsinghua University was started on 1997. The south axis project has now completed the bedroom hall, enclosing the Tianhou Palace, the bedroom hall, the dedication hall, the bell and drum tower, the mountain gate, the archway, the Tianhou Square, the Tianhou Stage and other buildings, which are majestic and unique in the world. Mazu is deeply loved by people for helping the poor and helping the world. After ascending to heaven, many beautiful legends have been handed down, and after continuous deductive development, Mazu belief reflecting human pursuit of "truth, goodness and beauty" has finally formed. With the passage of time, Mazu belief has spread all over the world. At present, where there are people from China, there is Mazu Tempel. According to statistics, there are nearly 200 million Mazu believers in the world, and there are nearly 5,000 in Mazu Tempel, which are distributed in more than 20 countries and regions such as the United States, Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar. In Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Mazu belief is very common, and two-thirds of people in Taiwan Province Province believe in Mazu. Mazu Tempel in Meizhou is the ancestor of all Mazu Tempel in the world, and all Mazu Tempel in the world is separated from Meizhou. Mazu Tempel in Meizhou is magnificent, large-scale, and Mazu is effective, protecting all directions. People keep going from Wan Li to Mazu Holy Land to burn incense and worship. Thousands of Mazu believers gather in Meizhou from all over the world every year. According to statistics, in recent years, there have been more than l000 million believers in Mazu Tempel, Meizhou, and more than one million overseas believers alone. On March 23rd of the lunar calendar, Mazu's birthday, and the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, Mazu believers from all directions rushed to Meizhou, the holy land, to seek roots and worship their ancestors, and to cut the fire and pray.

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