Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Da ji's introduction

Da ji's introduction

Da ji was the favorite of Shang Zhouwang, the last monarch of Shang Dynasty in China. Legend has it that the surname is Su, but there are different opinions about the source of Su: First, his father is a vassal; Another way of saying this is that da ji comes from a tribe called Su.

According to the Records of Historical Records, da ji was the daughter of the Su's vassal. She is a beautiful woman who can sing and dance. When she conquered the Sioux tribe, she was brought into the palace by drunkenness and lust. She is honored as a noble lady and extremely dissolute. Zhou Wang created the wine pool and meat forest to make her happy, and she invented the punishment of branding to please her. He was killed by Zhou Wuwang.

1, da ji, daughter of Hou Suhu in Jizhou. Shang Zhouwang Angel's beloved princess is beautiful and can sing and dance. Historical records? According to Yin Benji, Yin's "good wine and lust" won women's hearts. Love da ji, da ji's words from ". He "takes wine as a pool, county meat as a forest, men and women naked, and drinks all night." In future generations, people often associate the fault of the king's demise with women. So da ji, Xia's sister and Shang's friend, became the cursed object.

Conquered Sujia (now Wuzhi East, Henan). And Sue's da ji the Beauty. Zhou Wang was fascinated by da ji's beauty and obeyed her. Da ji likes singing and dancing, and lets musician Juan create decadent music, perform dirty dancing and sing day and night in the palace. Da ji danced with the sound of decadence, enchanting and charming. Therefore, Zhou Wang abandoned the principle of state affairs and started a night banquet. Zhou Wang also set up a "wine pool" in yu zhou (now Qixian County, Henan Province) to hang meat on trees and become a "meat forest". As many as 3,000 people feasted, and men and women chased it naked, which was unsightly. Jiuhou (whose fief is now in Linzhang, Hebei Province) had a beautiful daughter who was called into the palace. She was killed because she didn't like da ji's lewdness, and nine Marquis were also "punished" and chopped into meat paste and sent to the ministers.

Da ji likes the idea of "branded punishment". He oiled the copper pillar and burned it with charcoal, making the prisoner walk on it, fall into the hot charcoal, burn his feet and scream from time to time. Da ji heard the screams of the prisoners, just like hearing music that stimulated the senses. In order to win da ji's smile, Zhou Wang abused severe punishment.

Zhou Wang's ignorance aroused the people's resistance. Zhou Wuwang took the opportunity to launch a crusade against warlords, and destroyed the business in one fell swoop in the battle of Makino. Zhou Wang fled to Lutai and set himself on fire, while da ji hanged himself.

In the list of gods, da ji was written as a fox sent by Nu Wa Niangniang to confuse and ruin Wang Jiangshan's business relationship, equivalent to a female spy. Unfortunately, in the end, she was cut off with a beautiful head.

Da ji, a woman, is widely known with the spread of the list of gods. According to the list of gods, she is gorgeous as a peach blossom, seductive and beautiful. She is a thousand-year-old fox. As an adult, she bewitched Zhou Wang to indulge in womanhood, lose his power and humiliate his country, and do nothing, which led to the demise of the Shang Dynasty. When the Zhou people destroyed the Shang Dynasty and killed da ji, even the executioner was fascinated by his beauty, so he couldn't bear to do it and was willing to die for him.

After all, the God List is a fairy tale. There are also many barnyard grass unofficial history. It is said that da ji is a femme fatale and the chief culprit of lewdness throughout the ages, such as:

In order to please da ji, Zhou Wang sent someone to collect rare treasures and rare birds and animals in the world and put them in Lutai and Luyuan. He often stays up all night, ignoring state affairs.

One winter, da ji saw someone walking barefoot on the ice, thinking that its physiological structure was special and different from ordinary people. He asked Zhou Wang to cut off his feet and study the reasons why these feet are not afraid of cold.

On one occasion, da ji saw a pregnant woman with a paunch. Out of curiosity, he asked Zhou Wang to cut open her belly to see what was going on inside, so he killed her mother and son in vain.

Da ji urged Zhou Wang to kill the loyal minister Bi Gan, and also brutally committed suicide by caesarean section to confirm the legendary saying that "the heart of a saint has seven orifices". Various legends have become household names.

2. It is said that da ji is a fox.

Characters in The Romance of the Gods.

Da ji was also described as a gorgeous woman in the novel Romance of the Gods, but she was kind in nature and was killed and possessed by a Kyubi no Youko fox on her way to the palace. Unexpectedly, there were a series of heinous deeds in her later period. She urged Zhou Wang to kill Zhong Liang and innocent people. She once ordered Zhou Wenwang's son Boyi to be chopped into meat paste and made into steamed bread for Zhou Wenwang to eat after his experiment failed. Love to hear people scream in pain, so Zhou Wang abused torture, creating terrible torture such as branding, hammering and snake biting. Minister Bigan protested in front of Zhou Wang: "If you replace your husband's laws with women's words, it will be disastrous." She immediately urged Zhou Wang to cut off his heart and die. Later, Wu Bing came to beg, Zhou Wang burned himself to death in Lutai, and da ji was executed for bringing disaster to the country. Huang's wife Jia was raped and died of shame and anger. This shows her cruel personality. The ending was also killed by Zhou Jun after the demise of Shang Dynasty.

Da ji: The First Bitch in Ancient and Modern Times.

China's past dynasties "femme fatale", I'm afraid the most vicious is the Shang dynasty's favorite princess da ji. Moreover, when two people are mixed together, it can be regarded as "the husband sings with the woman", which is surprisingly in tune. If according to historical records? According to Yin Benji, Zhou Wang is extremely cruel, but according to the interpretation in the folk Romance of the Gods, he is simply abnormal and has a serious tendency of "sadomasochism". According to "Romance of Gods", da ji was possessed by a thousand-year-old fox spirit and was ordered by Nu Wa, which brought trouble to Shang Dynasty. That's why Zhou Wang became so strange and did those cruel things.

Of course, this is superstitious and unreliable. This beautiful woman is naturally not a fox. According to "Today", "When attacking the Soviet Union, the wife of the Soviet Union was da ji." In other words, da ji is the "trophy" of Zhou Wang's victory. It is said that the totem of a tribe is the nine-tailed fox, so there will be a supplementary meeting like the Romance of the Gods. Although da ji is not a fox, he still fascinates Zhou Wang, but "da ji keeps his word".

According to official records, he not only won the favor of da ji, but also made "the sound of new lewdness, the dance of northern customs, and the joy of decadence". He also raised money from the people and built a tall and magnificent deer platform filled with rare treasures. At the same time, "the accumulated disadvantages are high, the wine is a pool, the meat is a forest, and people are naked and idle", and drinking all night is enjoyable. It's really ridiculous.

Worst of all, he was soft-hearted, and listened to da ji the most, even to the point where "da ji was precious and da ji was avenged". From then on, the world could not be peaceful, the people complained bitterly and the princes rebelled. At this time, da ji gave Zhou Wang a "vicious" trick and invented a criminal law to punish prisoners, which was called "branding method". It is to put a thick copper column horizontally, light a charcoal fire below it, and then order "the guilty people to walk on it." After a few steps, they all fell into the blazing coals and burned alive. Every time I see the prisoner struggling in the coals, da ji will "laugh". How to laugh, laugh or sneer is unknown. Zhou Wang's uncle Bigan couldn't stand this cold and abnormal practice, so he remonstrated with him and said, "If the laws of the former king are not fixed and women are used, it will be miserable." This sentence touched a raw nerve for Zhou Wang, who was very angry. He thinks this is a "myth" that misleads people and embarrasses him. At this time da ji embellished it. When the cherry blossoms, she spits out a bloody sentence: "I heard that a saint has seven minds ..." Hearing this, Zhou Wang said Effie was so curious, so open it and have a look. So, "look at it." String 9

Historical records also record that he also smashed and preserved two ministers, Jiuhou and Hubei Hou, that is, one chopped meat sauce and the other made dried meat; Another Xibochang (that is, Ji Chang and Zhou Wenwang) wanted to be branded, but he was very clever and immediately gave it mainly to Zhou Wang, "a beautiful woman with wonderful things and a good horse" and his own Luoxi territory. Zhou Wang just let go and let him go. Later, the minister with a little brain pretended to be crazy, sold and sold, defected to the enemy and went into exile. From then on, people naturally run counter to each other, and the governors are alienated. Soon, Zhou Wuwang, the son of Xibochang, rebelled and defeated him. He didn't want to surrender or be humiliated, so he put on the most beautiful clothes, took the best treasure and burned himself with a torch. And his beauty, da ji, is even worse. Her head was cut off and hung on a small white flag for the world to see, saying that all women in the world should learn from it.

Is da ji really that bad? No matter the official history or unofficial history, da ji is a femme fatale, which can be described as the chief culprit of lewdness throughout the ages. This argument has been widely known and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but the question is, is it really like this in history?

Let's start with Zhou Wang, who has been symbolized as a tyrant throughout the ages. But this image is still far from his real situation. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Zi Gong had long been a little unhappy. He resented Zhou Wang's injustice and said, "It's better to be bad than bad! It is a gentleman who lives in filth, and there will be bad news in future generations. "

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhou Wang's crime was limited to "remonstrating death". By the Warring States period, Bigan's death became vivid. Qu Yuan said that he was drowned, while the public servant in Lv Buwei said that he died of his heart. By the time Sima Qian wrote Historical Records in the Han Dynasty, there had been a more vivid explanation, saying that Zhou Wang gave up his heart to satisfy da ji's curiosity and wanted to see a "saint". In the Jin Dynasty, because Huangfu Mi was a doctor by profession, it was inevitable that he would commit some "occupational diseases" when he wrote some articles on literature and history, so it was inferred that Zhou Wang, egged on by da ji, dissected pregnant women and looked at the shape of the fetus. Zhou Wang is not good, but it's not that bad. Isn't it a big mistake for later scholars to process and interpret according to their personal likes and dislikes?

As for the most famous legends of "meat forest in wine pool" and "fried pork" in Zhou Wang, they were not recorded in the literature of the Zhou Dynasty, nor in the Spring and Autumn Period, but at the end of the Warring States Period, Han Feizi suddenly and vividly described: "In the past, people were afraid of Ji Zi because they thought that elephants would not be added to the soil, but would be a cup of rhinoceros horn jade; Elephant chopsticks and jade cups must not be thick soup, but they must be strong, with elephant leopard tires; Camels, elephants and leopards will eat under the hut, and they will not wear short clothes and brown clothes, so the brocade clothes are nine times heavy and the room is wide and high. After living for five years, I became a meat garden, set off firecrackers, climbed a bad mountain, came to the wine pool, and died like this. "

It is said that Han Feizi stutters, but the article is eloquent and imaginative. However, at that time, "a hundred schools of thought contend" was eloquent. In order to publicize his personal opinions and demonstrate his own views, he can't help but focus on inspiring words. The word "strong" is unreasonable. Many arguments are also "taken for granted." Sima Qian, who is "beautiful without concealing evil", sometimes touches the pen. For example, on the basis of Han Feizi's "wine pool meat forest", the reasonable imagination of "streaking between men and women" is added. Of course, before him, someone had made a big fuss about the area of the wine pool, saying that "more than 3,000 people can go back to the ship to drink cattle." This kind of imagination can only be described as madness.

Perhaps, in their view, it is just as well that Zhou Wang is described as lewd and absurd. Another purpose of history is to warn future generations, so their imagination and polishing often seem calm and generous. For example, Liu Xiang, a great historian after Sima Qian, upgraded the area of Lutai in Zhou Wang to "one big three miles, one high thousands of feet", but Huangfu Mi in the Jin Dynasty felt that it was not enough. He gritted his teeth and increased the building area of Lutai by ten times, reaching the point of "being a freshman in thousands of feet".

At the same time, da ji's uber and diabolical image has been gradually upgraded. From the phrase "Listen to women" in Shangshu against Zhou Wang to "Mandarin"? Yu Jin: "da ji was a favored son of heaven, so he died of Yin Bijiao. "Then go" Lu Chunqiu? The first knowledge: "the king is in chaos and addicted to wine." Da ji is in power, without reward or punishment. " Are reasonable inferences that are not too outrageous. Later, the older you get, the stronger your imagination and the more vivid the historical materials you write. It was not until the later Romance of the Gods that it became more fascinating because it lacked the attention of historians and many materials provided by scholars in previous dynasties. The sin of a wicked woman through the ages will eventually belong to her.

Then, we can't help asking ourselves: Although da ji's almost abnormal behavior was invented by later generations, why do we always talk about it and seem to be happy to pour this dirty water on a woman? ?

Excerpts from ancient books in da ji

Kyubi no Youko wild fox

The tail fox symbolizes many interests of future generations, and it is also the legacy of marrying Tu Shanshi's daughter. Later generations regarded the "cannibal" nine-tailed fox as a demon. In the Six Dynasties, Lori noted Qian Wen Zi and Zhou Fa Yin Tang, and called da ji the nine-tailed fox. Shen Fengbang, a novel in the Ming Dynasty, gave full play to his theory, so he became the title of temptress. Shan Hai Jing Nan Shan Jing: "[Mountain of Qingqiu] has beasts, like foxes, like Kyubi no Youko, and sounds like babies. It can eat people, but the people who eat it are not strange. " Guo Pu's Note: "That is, the nine-tailed fox." Zhao Ye of the Han Dynasty wrote The Spring and Autumn Period of Wu Yue. "Biography of the King of Yue": "If Yu doesn't marry for 30 years, he will lose control at dusk. This is a proverb: "If I get married, I will have to respond." There is a white fox with nine tails, which is made by Yu. Yu said:' The man in white is my clothes and the card of the king. Tu Shan's song says: Year-old white fox, Kyubi no Youko Longlong. My family Jiayi, guests are king. There is a home and a house, and I make it prosperous. On the occasion of heaven and man, you are there, you do it. Yi Ming! Yu was called because he married Tu Shan. Song Zhaoling's Backstreet Record Volume 8: "Qiantang official prostitute, with good charm, is called Kyubi no Youko Wild Fox. "

Princess da ji-Shang and Zhou Dynasties

There is Sue's daughter. Shang Zhouwang Angel's favorite concubine is very beautiful.

Shang Zhouwang conquered Sujia (now east of Wuzhi County, Henan Province). And Sue's da ji the Beauty. Zhou Wang was fascinated by da ji's beauty and obeyed her. Da ji likes singing and dancing, and lets musician Juan create decadent music, perform dirty dancing and sing day and night in the palace. Da ji danced with the sound of decadence, enchanting and charming. Therefore, Zhou Wang abandoned the principle of state affairs and started a night banquet. Zhou Wang also set up a "wine pool" in yu zhou (now Qixian County, Henan Province). County meat is the "meat forest" on the tree, with as many as 3000 people at each banquet, men and women naked and full of gaffes. Jiuhou (whose fief is now in Linzhang, Hebei Province) had a beautiful daughter who was called into the palace. She was killed because she didn't like da ji's lewdness, and nine Marquis were also "punished" and chopped into meat paste and sent to the ministers.

Da ji likes to watch The Punishment of Branding. He smeared oil on a copper pillar, lit it with charcoal, let the prisoners walk on it, and then fell into the hot charcoal. His feet were burned and he screamed from time to time. Da ji heard the screams of the prisoners, just like hearing music that stimulated the senses. In order to win da ji's smile, Zhou Wang abused severe punishment.

Zhou Wang's ignorance aroused the people's resistance. Zhou Wuwang took the opportunity to launch a warlord crusade and destroyed this business in one fell swoop in the battle of Konoha (now south of Qixian, a major wine province in the south). Zhou Wang fled to Lutai and set himself on fire, while da ji hanged himself.

Qin Louyue-da ji (full of snow)

When love is broken, I don't want to recall my sadness, my heart is like a snake and a scorpion, and my heart is like bread crumbs.

The nightmare was tied with empathy, and blood and tears kept pouring in my heart. Outside the wine pool, the wind was dying.

Da ji in history

The demise of every dynasty was almost related to a woman, and the ancient Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties were no exception. Xia Jie's dragon saliva, Shang Zhouwang's da ji, Zhou Youwang's praise.

Legend has it that a bonfire was thrown at random to praise Bo, which led to the demise of the Western Zhou Dynasty and left endless reverie about the beauty of the country. Up to now, Mount Li in Shaanxi is not far from Huaqing Pool, and there is also a beacon tower.

In fact, most of these women have been wronged in history, including Shang Zhouwang's concubine da ji. It is unfair to blame a woman for the demise of a regime.

Da ji, a woman, is widely known with the spread of the list of gods. According to the list of gods, she is gorgeous as peaches and plums, seductive and moving. She is a thousand-year-old fox, turned into an adult, and turned Zhou Wang into a dissolute country. After the destruction of Shang Dynasty, Zhou people tried to kill this demon Ji, but because she was carried away by her beauty, she couldn't bear to do it. Finally, under the threat of Zhou Wuwang Yi, they finally showed their true colors, and Jiang Ziya caught them and beheaded them.

The list of gods is a fairy tale, and there are many unofficial history. It is said that da ji is a femme fatale and the chief culprit of eternal lewdness. There are about four specific facts:

First, in order to please da ji, Zhou Wang sent people to collect the world's rare animals and put them in Lutai and Luyuan, often drinking and having fun all night.

Second, in the severe winter, da ji saw someone walking barefoot on the ice, thinking that his physiological structure was special, so he cut off his feet and studied the reasons why he was not afraid of cold and freezing.

Third, da ji witnessed a pregnant woman's paunch, and out of curiosity, she did not hesitate to cut open the pregnant woman's belly. Let's see what happened inside. This is a waste of life for both mother and son.

Fourth, da ji urged Zhou Wang to kill the loyal minister and cut his heart by laparotomy, so as to prove that the legendary "sage's heart has seven orifices", but the results showed nothing.

In addition, according to official records, it was the Su tribe (now Wenxian, Hainan) that was conquered and the beautiful da ji was captured as his concubine. Zhou Wang doted on her very much, made a wine pool for her, celebrated with her every day, and even set off firecrackers to make people naked. da ji laughed. Go to King Wu and behead da ji and hang him on a small white flag.

The above records and legends have long been well-known and deeply rooted in people's hearts. Until the end of 19 and the beginning of the 20th century, archaeologists excavated many Shang Dynasty relics in Xiaotun Village, Anyang County, Henan Province. Among them, jade and bronzes, especially a large number of words and "Oracle Bone Inscriptions" engraved on tortoise shell bones, made us know more about the historical situation before the Zhou Dynasty than Confucius and Sima Qian could have access to at that time.

First of all, "Zhou Wang" is not a formal title of emperor, but an evil obituary imposed on his head by later generations, which means "damaging the good". No matter how puzzling people are, they won't be so miserable to put on plasters! His correct name should be Angel, the 32nd emperor of Shang Dynasty, also known as "Di Xin".

Secondly, it is a fact that Di Xin was keen on dissolute entertainment and drinking in his later years, and there is an exact record of cruelty. However, it is inconceivable to cut off the feet of people who walk barefoot on the ice and cut open the belly of pregnant women, especially the charge of "only listening to women", which is simply unrealistic, because businessmen are quite superstitious, and any major move requires God to decide good or bad luck, which is found in unearthed Oracle Bone Inscriptions.

Besides, Di Xin is strong-willed, self-centered and doesn't like being pushed around. Da ji can only be regarded as his companion in his later years, not to mention obeying orders and interfering with the political strategy of Shang Dynasty. If da ji was in power when he was in favor, why didn't the Su family take power? Da ji's notoriety is the result of Zhou people's propaganda.

Di Xin succeeded to the throne at the age of 20. At that time, it was 300 years since the establishment of Shang Dynasty, and its national strength was strong. Di Xin is rich in armour, rich in blood and boundless in strength, capable of being a beast of prey, extremely brave, eloquent and melodious, and even more headstrong. Therefore, relying on strong national strength and excess energy, he developed to the southeast on a large scale and conquered the rich human tribes (today's Huaihe River Basin), thus expanding the land and spreading the national prestige further and wider.

In the 40th year of his reign, namely 1047 BC, he attacked the Su Yu tribe again. By this time, he was over sixty years old. Da ji is one of the spoils conquered by the Su tribe. At that time, Di Xin was old, while da ji was young, fair-skinned, with a delicate brow, full of almost explosive fiery charm. The rugged and open temperament of nomadic people quickly rekindled the flame of his life in Di Xin's heart.

At that time, the Shang dynasty had entered the farming and pastoral society from a nomadic society, and it was very superstitious about ghosts and gods and witchcraft. In order to reward the gods, they often danced, drank and sang, and even drank for a long night, almost drunk to death, as did the court and the people.

When da ji entered the life field of Di Xin, it was the time when the national strength of Shang Dynasty was at its peak. At that time, a new capital with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate (now Zhanxian County, Henan Province) was under construction, and talents and craftsmen from all directions also gathered in Chao Ge, forming an unprecedented excitement and prosperity. After leaving the palace, the second floor was built, with dogs and horses full of treasures, wine as the pool, meat hanging as the forest, bamboo strings playing all over the sky, and exotic animals and handsome birds planted in the garden. Since then, Shang Zhouwang Di Xin, who has been a soldier all his life, has finally been guided by a young woman, da ji.

Just like doting on da ji, the Zhou tribe in the Weishui Valley of Shaanxi has gradually developed and grown. The Zhou tribe was originally descended from Hou Ji in Xia Dynasty. As early as the ancient times, there was an attempt to learn from oriental merchants. There is such a passage in truffles in the Book of Songs;

"The grandson of Hou Ji is actually Wang Wei, the grandson of Qi, and he is actually a town businessman."

In fact, it is not that simple to deal with the powerful Shang Dynasty. All the way to Jichang, the benevolent government was implemented, and the national strength was growing. The nearby tribes were very convinced and began to follow the Yellow River, extending their tentacles to Shangdu to sing.

Ji Chang, also known as Zhou Wenwang in later generations, his eldest son, Bo Yikao, felt the beauty of da ji when he went to Hajj, and launched a passionate pursuit action, which angered Di Xin, chopped him into paste, fed him to Ji Chang, and imprisoned Ji Chang in Anli for two years. Because he rescued the courtiers of Zhou tribe and accepted bribes, he was released and planted a deep hatred.

In the days to come, it seems that our courtiers are interested in managing the vast areas in the southeast, ignoring the Zhou family who ruled the north and south. Ji Chang first annexed tribes such as Ruan on the Jing-Wei Plain. They crossed the Yellow River and conquered Li, Kan and other tribes, and Yu, Rui and other tribes south of the Yellow River also returned to the air, and the power of employing people gradually threatened the commercial center.

The capital of Zhou people moved from Qiqi to Fengyi in Weinan (now Hubei County, Shaanxi Province), and at the same time launched a propaganda offensive against da ji, with the focus on defaming and vilifying it. Say that da ji is an arrogant and extravagant Uber, a vicious femme fatale; Said Di Xin overjoyed, indifferent to people's lives, cruel and confused tyrant, boils down to "only women's words" puppet.

After Ji Chang's death, his second son, Ji Fa, succeeded him to the throne. His fourth son, Ji Dan (Duke of Zhou), is virtuous and talented. He is very good at mastering politics and strategy, striving for Malaysia, alienating Shang Dynasty, winning over people's hearts and boosting morale, calling in his second brother, Ji Fa Zhou Wuwang, disparaging Di Xin Shang Zhouwang, and publishing the top ten crimes of Di Xin, so he joined forces with all the governors in the world in order to be upright.

Wei, his older brother, led an army composed of southeast Ling people, who were resisting the allied forces in Konoha (now Ji 'an County, Henan Province) 40 miles away. Zhou people were afraid at first when they saw the neat lineup and excellent equipment of the Shang army. Unexpectedly, the army composed of these barbarians suddenly mutinied overnight, and the enemy troops went into battle lightly, and arrived in Chao Ge City. Di Xin set himself on fire when he saw the tide ebbing.

According to Sima Qian, Zhou Wang died of self-immolation and da ji was killed by Zhou Wuwang. In addition, Shi Shuo Xin Yu quoted Kong Rong as saying that after Zhou Shi entered, da ji worked for the Duke of Zhou and later became the maid of the Duke of Zhou. This can be confirmed from some aspects that after Zhou Shi entered Chao Ge, da ji's words have never been derogated.

Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Wuwang vowed to destroy business, based on political development and personal hatred, and vilifying da ji was only a political means. The demise of the Shang Dynasty was due to the vigorous management of the southeast, and the center of gravity had shifted to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which made the Central Plains empty and Zhou talents took the opportunity to leap over the gap. From the point of common sense, it is hard to agree that the downfall of Shang Dynasty was caused by only one woman.

At best, after Su Daji entered the palace, there was a dispute with other concubines because of rivalry. These fallen concubines all have clan background, thus deepening the conflict between Zhou Wang and small vassal states. If you insist that Su Da is a disaster of national subjugation, then you may overestimate her!