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How to persuade others to change their fascination with Buddhism

Science is not enough. I hope the landlord really understands science and can read the following article carefully. This article is a speech by a great scientist in a school in Guangxi.

You know, you can stop your girlfriend's importunities, you can stop your girlfriend's obsession with Buddhism, and you can really practice the relief and happiness taught by the Buddha.

Buddhism and science

We are curious about the unknown, which is the difference between human beings and other creatures. Then, what we have now, through all the knowledge, whether scientific, natural or even mysterious, is essentially an understanding and explanation of some unknowns. To put it bluntly, it is essentially that we have built a model of the world we love, but it is not entirely like this, including some kind of explanation and understanding in our hearts. Science has become the basis of our basic understanding. "Your speech is unscientific." You know, science means truth. Science is actually like this. . . . . . . We build some kind of model, under which we explain the world. What if we get a reasonable result? We think this explanation is reasonable. We say it is scientific and even think it is true.

So science is enough? Actually, it is not enough. If science is complete enough, there will be no religion in the world. What is not enough? What makes us young people curious and yearning for religion and have a heart of exploration? Then let's look at it from a, sorry, scientific point of view. Why should I go back to science? Because I studied science in primary school and studied it all my life. To tell the truth, my scientific language often has a religious background. I know we like to use a common knowledge base to look at the problem now, which is very good and belongs to the original problem. What problems make us feel that science is incomplete? In fact, when we use various models to explain our surroundings, there are several conditions that need to be met.

Then the first condition is self-consistency, that is, a theoretical system and a model must not be self-contradictory. If something is self-contradictory and has internal contradictions, then this theory will be abandoned. The history of science and the history of mankind are full of such examples.

Such as geocentric theory. Everything revolves around the earth, and this thing looks beautiful. But with the increase of ideas, I discovered the planet itself, and then I found it difficult to explain, so people' oh' added a new round. Every time a new phenomenon is discovered, a new phenomenon is added. Then with more and more phenomena, this round is more and more. To a certain extent, you will know that this thing must have internal contradictions, otherwise it will not be so complicated, so complicated and so unreasonable. After the appearance of Heliocentrism, some problems were clearly explained, and the geocentric theory was about to be abandoned. Why, geocentric theory is inherently contradictory and inconsistent. This is the first one. If your pattern is inconsistent, we can't accept it.

Second, the model must be self-sufficient. Especially the understanding of the universe, the model of the life universe. We don't mean that a local model, such as an integral model, can't be self-sufficient because we don't provide boundary conditions and initial conditions. But the life model of the universe has no boundary conditions, it has no initial conditions, and it must be a self-sufficient model.

What does the self-sufficient model mean? It can explain itself. So the current model of the universe-Hawking. I don't know if you know this, Hawking. Hawking's expression of the origin of time and Hawking's universe model have a very important condition, and this universe model must be self-sufficient. I don't need external provocation, nor do I need initial conditions to promote it. Your own existence is your own existence, which is called self-sufficiency. If a model is not self-sufficient, it cannot be used to describe the universe. As far as Einstein is concerned, the model of the universe has never been self-sufficient. Then the Hawking model began, and the universe model began to be self-sufficient. And we know the universe, the understanding of life, and I must ask it to be self-sufficient. There can be nothing else outside the universe. If there is anything else, it is not called the universe, which is logically problematic. Therefore, we must be self-sufficient.

Are these two parameters enough? Not enough. Then there will be doubts that an ideal model needs a complete understanding of the universe and life. What is integrity? Completeness means that no matter I ask a question, this question must have an answer in this model, and you have to give me a conclusion. If you can't give me a conclusion, you can't meet my requirements. Then the problem of completeness lies in past scientific knowledge. As long as we move forward, with our knowledge, scientific knowledge is more and more extensive, and the model is more and more in-depth, completeness will certainly be achieved. In other words, there must be an implicit hypothesis or a lot of information in science. As long as science develops, completeness can always be achieved.

But unfortunately, we are lucky. About 30 years ago, there was a progress in mathematics called Godel's theorem. I don't know if you have heard of it. There seems to be a book in China, probably called The Eternal Golden Belt, which introduces Godel's theorem. The proof of Godel theorem is very complicated and profound, but the conclusion of Godel theorem is very clear. He said: any axiomatic system is incomplete. What is an axiomatic system? In other words, I have established some assumptions. What I don't know, I do justice. For example, this axiomatic assumption is correct. I don't need to prove that I know in advance, so I can build a system on this basis. There are various propositions, statements and expressions in logical systems. Establishing the concept of human, we say that human can eat, which expresses a certain state of human. Therefore, in the system, you can judge whether all these statements are true or false, right or wrong. We hope so. Godel theorem proves that any such proposition (system) contains propositions that cannot prove the truth.

What he means is not that I have a proposition here, but that it is true, right or wrong. There must be an indeterminate expression. What do you mean you can't have a discriminant expression? It is this expression that I have no idea whether it is right or wrong, and I can't distinguish it. In the end, the only way is for me to take this proposition as an axiom and assume it is right or wrong. As a hypothesis, the problem is solved. After this problem was solved, a new axiomatic system came into being. According to this set of theorems, you can find another new proposition in this system, and you still can't judge whether it is true or not. What should we do now? This is a dead end. This means that no matter how you make the system, your system will never be complete. This tells us in a mathematical sense that our expectation of integrity is completely impossible to meet and impossible to realize.

If our expectations of life and the universe are not met at this point, life and the universe will be a permanent puzzle for us, and we must find some way to solve this problem. So, this, religious demand has always existed. Therefore, when I talked about this place just now, it was completely from an abstract theoretical point of view. Oh, this is a place that must exist.

On the other hand, it can also be said from a practical point of view. Since 1980s, China has experienced the so-called Qigong tide. We have seen all kinds of phenomena, all kinds of special functions, Arabian nights, cosmology, flying saucers and so on, and all kinds of strange things. Since we stopped suppressing speech, we have seen all kinds of strange opinions. Confucius, our ancestor, has a saying, which is not a proverb, but a comment of later generations. It is called "Zi Yue Yu". Confucius said nothing. Let's name a topic. This is called "Machamp's God Obstacle". Strange, violent, messy, that's what people are. . . , myth.

This is no longer the case in our time. How many gods of Machamp and Machamp were introduced? How much is true? Facts have proved that 50%, 99% and even 99.9% of the special functions performed in Qigong are liars. I'm sorry, as a religious student, I didn't mean to say this. But I must respect the facts. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want this, but the fact is that 99% or even 99.9% are liars. However, there is still 1%, or 0. 1%, or even one in ten thousand, not a liar. Now someone asks me, how can you prove that you are not a liar? To tell you frankly, I can't prove to you that it is not a liar. This is the difference between religion and science.

Science is like this. I made a conclusion, for example, after I did some research. Oh! Through experiments, this rule is obtained. This thing needs others to do the same experiment and get the same rule. Every time you do an experiment, you will get this rule. I can show it to you, or I'm fake, right? It is generally believed that there is such a law. If we violate this rule, we say "this is false". But some things in science are illegal. Can we say it's fake? Like evolution. Someone gave me a test. Can you say that evolution is false? Oh! You say that we have too many fossils to prove evolution, and I can also say that too many fossils prove that evolution is incomplete, because we know that there are too many places called missing links in evolution. Since evolution is a process, if one, two or n rings are missing in the middle, how do you know that it evolves like this? So very, very unscientific, right? But everyone accepts that evolution is scientific.

For another example, everyone dreams, and we accept the fact that we dream. Can you show your dreams to others? Who will? So science is not as regular as we thought. . .

Then, if you try to show some mysterious phenomena to others, you will encounter a 99% failure probability. But there are some ways in the world. If you do, you can follow this way, and you can experience the mysterious phenomenon yourself. This is what everyone does and everyone can do. As long as you are willing to do it, you are willing to spend this time and energy to do it. The question is whether it is worth doing. Is it worth it? We think it may or may not be worth it, depending on people's judgment of values. But as a person, a crowd, this value is not worth it, it is always worth it, always for the unknown, try to understand if you don't understand. Personally, I approached religion from this direction and finally became a member of a religion.

This place talks about religion. Oh, do you really know about religion? I really dare not say this. I spent a lot of time on Buddhism. Generally speaking, a mage, like a professor, is a professional Buddhist. The average mage also thinks that this person still knows a little about Buddhism. But myself, in fact, Taoism also spent a lot of time. Christianity really spent a little time studying. Finally, Islam also spent a little time as an understanding. I even studied a little witchcraft and witchcraft in South America. This sounds terrible! So as such a teacher, I dare not say that I really know them, but at least I have touched the fur and I know the general things inside. . . . . . . . . . . As common sense, I can provide it. What is my personal feeling? These religions have solved these problems for us, especially mysterious problems, Taoism in China and witchcraft in South America. Witchcraft in South America is a very clever religion, which we don't understand and is not as ugly as we thought.

But as a science student, how did I finally enter Buddhism and become a Buddhist disciple? What's the difference between Buddhism? Compared with these religions, such as Taoism and witchcraft, it can solve some problems in the world view and life, it can solve some problems in your strength, and you can gain some power beyond ordinary people. But after all, it has not completely solved the problem of the universe, or the problem of life, or the problem of the origin of life.

Only Buddhism, everyone can have personal experience. As a person, after so many religious studies, my personal experience is that only Buddhism has finally solved this problem satisfactorily. Of course, not everyone who studies Buddhism can solve this problem, or has already solved it. But Buddhism does provide us with such a solution to this problem. Just like every one of us goes to school, from primary school to university, and finally we can study for a master's degree and a doctor's degree, and do science all our lives. You may not become a scientist in the end. But such a path does provide you with a possible and feasible way to become a scientist.

What Buddhism is most concerned about is not the mysterious ability that everyone may imagine, but the first thing that Buddhism is concerned about is trouble, that is, all human beings have experienced and can't escape the pain and trouble. Buddhism first makes people face up to distress and troubles; Second, let people face up to where their distress and troubles come from and how they come about; Third, let people pay attention to how we solve it. Buddhism points out a very clear path, that is, doing one thing can make troubles disappear from your life. This is not offered by all other religions. Second, when Buddhism is fully developed, you can find the real ultimate goal of life in Buddhism. This is not found in some other religions. Or you can find it, you can think you are satisfied, but at least I can't.

For example, Christianity tells us that you are all created by God, but you have original sin. I'm sorry, God didn't do it for you, you did it yourself. As for how God makes us commit our own sins, I don't know, because it sounds contradictory, because on the one hand, God is kind and loves the world, on the one hand, all people have original sin, on the other hand, they are born to fall, because of original sin, and finally God will save us. I wonder what they are doing. But anyway, if you are saved, you will become a servant of God. You can serve God forever in heaven, but you will never become God. To tell the truth, I am not satisfied with this explanation. Maybe there are Christians in this place, or I think I am distorting this statement. There may be this element, because I didn't speak in their format. But in any case, as far as I am concerned, I can't imagine an all-powerful and all-knowing God who deliberately creates some people and gives them the opportunity to commit crimes and fall, and then they are 1%. . . . At least not most of them can't be saved, and they must go to hell to suffer. I can't accept this depraved model, and I am doomed to go to hell and then ascend to heaven. Because they refused to believe in the Lord and refused to be saved. So who will decide whether they want it or not, even by Almighty God? So I can't accept this thing.

But Buddhism is not like this. Buddhism tells you: "Hey, the Buddha is so big and the Buddha is so good." The Buddha is not like this. The Buddha is not like this at all. Buddha is only our teacher, but what is our teacher? He taught us how to get rid of suffering, trouble and break off relations completely. Then he taught us that anyone, any sentient being, as the fundamental purpose of survival, is to help all other sentient beings. This sentence sounds amazing.

I remember our party has always taught us to say this, from the Declaration to Marx and our party: "The proletariat can only liberate itself after saving all mankind." This * * * person "we all serve the people" is very similar. Buddhism has developed its concept wider and better. He said that "the ultimate liberation of all sentient beings lies in the liberation of all sentient beings". It sounds abstract, mysterious, empty and elusive.

Then Buddhism made it very clear that not everyone can do this now, and not everyone dares to do this now. If you dare not do it, you think it is too high, and you may put it aside. What to do, know yourself, know your troubles, know how to solve them, how to get rid of them, and how to get rid of them.

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