Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What are the benefits of shark fin squid lean meat porridge?

What are the benefits of shark fin squid lean meat porridge?

Squid is rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron, which is very beneficial to bone development and hematopoiesis. Especially suitable for growing children.


The main ingredients are rice, half a cup of squid and half a piece of lean meat, 1, and the auxiliary materials are ginger, 2 slices of onion, half a parsley and half a root.


1. Preparation materials: soak the dried squid and cut it into small pieces, adjust the lean slices with salt and oil, and cut the ginger, onion and coriander!

2. Put sliced squid and ginger into rice porridge and cook for 20 minutes. Add lean meat and cook. Season with parsley and onions.