Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Don't worry if you lose something, the Taoist Zhouyi ancient tactic teaches you to get it back!

Don't worry if you lose something, the Taoist Zhouyi ancient tactic teaches you to get it back!

In the old society, when people lost something and couldn't find it, they often looked for Mr. Zhu Gua to see if their things could be found back! When can I find it? Mr. Zhu gua will say: this thing was lost in a certain direction, or someone took it away, or maybe somewhere ... Miraculously, these statements are still very reliable, and the lost property after finding it often verifies the accuracy of these statements.

According to ancient records, Taoist masters such as Jiang Ziya, Guiguzi and Zhuge Liang often give people divination and help them divination, which always seems so mysterious! If you find a lost character or beast, big or small, it is really a relief to be moved by others.

Therefore, people are convinced that these fortune tellers are accurate. If they knew that Mr. Zhu Gua could only infer from several formulas handed down by the master, I wonder if they would be so convinced; And if we master these formulas, we can "have answers" ourselves.